230 research outputs found
CO2 Emissions vs. CO2 Responsibility: An Input-Output Approach for the Turkish Economy
Recently, global warming (greenhouse effect) and its effects have become one of the hottest topics in the world agenda. There have been several international attempts to reduce the negative effects of global warming. Kyoto Protocol can be cited as the most important agreement which tries to limit the countries’ emissions within a time horizon. For this reason it becomes important to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the amount of CO2 -the most important greenhouse gas- emissions, for the Turkish economy. An extended input-output model is estimated by using 1996 data in order to identify the sources of CO2 emissions and to discuss the share of sectors in total emission. Besides ‘CO2 responsibility’, which takes into account the CO2 content of imports, is estimated for the Turkish economy. The sectoral CO2 emissions and CO2 responsibilities are compared and these two notions are linked to foreign trade volume. One of the main conclusions is that the manufacturing industry has the first place in both of the rankings for CO2 emissions and CO2 responsibilities; while agriculture and husbandry has the last place.CO2 responsibility, Turkey, input-output analysis
Environmental Impact of Customs Union Agreement with EU on Turkey’s Trade in Manufacturing Industry
In this study, we analyze Turkey’s manufacturing industry trade by estimating sectoral import and export demand equations for 1980-2000. The study aims to understand whether the trade in the manufacturing industry complies with pollution haven hypothesis, and whether the free trade environment provided by the customs union (CU) agreement altered the trade pattern of the clean and dirty industries. Results of our econometric models have shown that while CU positively affects the import demand, it does not have any significant impact on the export demand of Turkish manufacturing industry. In terms of the environmental impact, distinction between clean and dirty industries turns out to be significant for both import and export demand. In general, our findings suggest that both clean and dirty industries’ import demand increase during the study period. In terms of export demand, clean industries’ export demand declines whereas dirty industries’ export demand increases compared to the total demand.Environmental impact analysis, EU, Turkey, manufacturing industry
Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir karya seni yang berjudul “wanita gemuk sebagai inpirasi penciptaan lukisan” adalah untuk mendeskripsikan konsep penciptaan, bahan, teknik, proses visualisasi serta bentuk lukisan yang telah dihasilkan.
Metode yang digunakan dalam menciptakan lukisan adalah 1). Eksplorasi yaitu pengamatan langsung terhadap sosok wanita gemuk. 2). Improvisasi yaitu membuat sketsa dan melakukan perubahan bentuk (deformasi) terhadap wanita gemuk. 3). Visualisasi yaitu proses perwujudan dari sketsa menjadi lukisan.
Hasil pembahasan dan penciptaan lukisan yang telah dibuat adalah sebagai berikut: 1). Konsep penciptaan adalah wanita gemuk sebagai sumber inspirasi penciptaan lukisan. Sumber inspirasi tersebut berasal dari pengalaman pribadi penulis bersama wanita-wanita bertubuh gemuk, pengalaman seperti; kebiasaan penulis waktu kecil tiduran di perut ibunya yang gemuk, serta kejadian-kejadian lucu seperti; melihat teman yang bertubuh gemuk saat terjatuh dan tidak bisa bangun karna badannya terlalu berat dan lain-lain. Penulis beranggapan bahwa pengalaman bersama wanita-wanita bertubuh gemuk tersebut merupakan sebuah pengalaman menyenangkan. Pemahaman ini akhirnya mendorong penulis untuk merepresentasikan wanita gemuk tersebut dalam lukisan. 2). Bahan yang digunakan dalam melukis adalah cat akrilik dan ballpoint dengan teknik plakat, aquarel, brush stroke dan drawing. 3) proses visualisasi adalah membuat sketsa di kertas, memindahkan sketsa ke kanvas, mewarnai sketsa pada kanvas menggunkana teknik plakat, aquarel dan brush stroke, melakukan arsiran dengan ballpoint dan finishing. Karya yang dihasilkan pada tugas akhir ini seluruhnya berjumlah 10 judul lukisan dengan media kanvas yang berukuran 100x140 cm. Rincian judul lukisan berdasar tahun pembuatan karya antara lain : tahun 2010 dengan judul Ibu dan Anak, Bermain Musik, Melamun dan Nyenyak kemudian tahun 2011 dengan judul Terikat, Berdoa dan Kebersamaan selanjutnya tahun 2012 dengan judul Mendengarkan Musik dan Kembali ke Rumah tahun 2013 dengan judul Melayang
Metropol kentlerdeki sosyal ve mekansal ayrışma üzerine bir değerlendirme : İstanbul Kemerpark evleri örneği
06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Türkiye'de metropol kent kavramıyla birlikte gelişen ve kentlerdeki sosyal ve mekânsal ayrışmanın karşılığı olarak kullanılan kapalı yerleşmeler (gated community), dünyada 1980, Türkiye'de 1990'larda ortaya çıkan yeni bir yerleşim seçeneğidir. Kentin çeper bölgelerinde yer alan ve üst gelir grubunun yaşam tarzına hitap eden bu yerleşmeler, tüm fonksiyonları bünyesinde barındıran güvenli yaşam alanları olarak tanımlanır.Bu çalışmada, 1990'lardan itibaren İstanbul'un farklı bölgelerinde görülen ve sosyo-mekânsal ayrışmaya sebep olan dinamiklerin coğrafi bir yaklaşımla Esenler-Kemerpark Evleri örneğinde incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, kapalı yerleşmeyi temsil eden Kemerpark Evleri ile siteyi çevreleyen eski konut yerleşmelerinden oluşan Kemer mahallesinde anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Doğruluk, geçerlilik ve anlamlılık kriterlerine göre seçilen 211 adet anket SPSS analiz yöntemi ile değerlendirmeye alınmıştır.Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, yeni biçimlenen bu sosyo-mekânsal ayrışma alanda mekânsal, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik özellikler bakımından büyük farklılıklar görülmekte ve merkez-çevre arasında ciddi bir sosyal ve mekânsal ayrışma yaşanmaktadır. Ayrıca sitenin kurulduğu alanın yer seçiminde ve yaşayanların tercih sebepleri arasında ilk sırada yer alan ulaşımın, bu sahada mekânsal ayrışmaya neden olan en önemli coğrafi faktör olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Ek olarak, sosyal statü ve prestij açısından daha elit bir mekanda yaşama isteği, güvenlik vb. faktörler de bu ayrışmayı şiddetlendirmiştir.The gated communities developed together with the concept of metropolitan city in Turkey and used as the equivalent of social and spatial segregation in cities are a new settlement alternative that emerged around the world in the 1980s and in Turkey in the 1990s. These communities which are located on the fringe of a city and addressing the lifestyle of the upper-income group are defined as safe living areas involving all functions within them.In this study, it is aimed to investigate the dynamics that lead to social and spatial segregation in different regions of İstanbul since 1990s, on the case of Esenler-Kemerpark Houses within a geographical approach. Within the scope of the study, a survey was conducted in the site of Kemerpark Houses representing gated communities and in the district of Kemer consisting of oldhouses surrounding the site. 211 survey forms selected by its accuracy, validity and significancy were evaluated by SPSS analysis method.According to the results obtained, these recently shaping socio-spatial segregation areas ? which show substantial differences in terms of spatial, social, economic characteristics- reveal that there is social and spatial segregation between center-periphery areas. In addition, as the access to transportation facilities is a significant reason of choice both for constructors and inhabitants, it is concluded that the transportation, as a geographical factor, plays a main role in spatial segregation. Additionally, factors like security and desire to live in an elite neighborhood which provides prestige and high social status are also effective
Electrical Properties of Al/p-Si Structures with Colchicine Organic Thin Film
In this study, we have fabricated an Al/Colchicine/p-Si structure and have investigated its current–
voltage (I–V) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) characteristics at room temperature. The barrier height and
ideality factor values of 0.68 eV and 3.22, respectively, have been obtained from the I-V plot. The value of
the barrier height was compared with the barrier height value of 0.50 eV of a conventional Al/p-Si diode.
This was attributed to the Colchicine organic film modifying the effective barrier height by affecting the
space charge region of the inorganic Si semiconductor substrate. By using C – 2-V characteristics the diffusion
potential value has been extracted as 1.32 V.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3514
Multivariate Padé Approximation for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Fractional Order
Two tecHniques were implemented, the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) and multivariate Padé approximation (MPA), for solving nonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order. The fractional derivatives are described in Caputo sense. First, the fractional differential equation has been solved and converted to power series by Adomian decomposition method (ADM), then power series solution of fractional differential equation was put into multivariate Padé series. Finally, numerical results were compared and presented in tables and figures
The Effects of Reading On Writing: A Study on Sixth Form Students of Sekolah Menengah Tinggi Kajang
A quasi-experimental study was conducted to test the hypotheses that teaching
reading and writing integratively in the ESL classroom enhances students' intellectual
processes and their syntactical maturity in writing more than the teaching of these two
skills separately. The subjects of this study comprise 43 Form 6 students of Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Tinggi Kajang, a high school in the suburb of Kuala-Lumpur,
Malaysia. Out of a total of six classes, two classes were randomly selected, one
Science class and the other an Arts class. Each group was left intact in their own
class. In both classes, English was taught as a subject. The subjects were given
writing tests before the start of the study. Then the two classes were clustered
randomly assigned into experimental and control group. The experimental group was
taught reading and writing integratively while the control group was taught reading
and writing separately. At the end of the study the two groups were post-tested. The findings showed that the integrative teaching of reading and writing enhances
students' syntactical maturity in writing (t =2.110, df = 36, P <0.05). The findings
also showed that integrative teaching of reading and writing enhances students'
intellectual processes in writing. The study suggested that reading and writing
should be taught integratively in ESL classrooms
Abstrak.Penelitian ini berjudul Diksi dan Gaya Wacana pada Novel Sang Pemimpi Karya Andrea Hirata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan diksi dan gaya wacana yang terkandung dalam novel Sang Pemimpi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Sang Pemimpi diterbitkan April tahun 2011 . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.Teknik pengumpulan data yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik pustaka dan analisis isi (analysis content).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diksi dan gaya wacana yang terdapat di dalam novel Sang Pemimpi yaitu makna konotasi, dan denotasi yang meliputi kata konkret, kata alam, dan kata serapan adaptasi. Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan pembaca atau para penikmat novel dapat memahami tentang diksi dan gaya wacana pada novel Sang Pemimpi.Kata Kunci: Diksi, Gaya Wacana, Novel Sang Pemimpi Karya Andrea HirataAbstract.This research is entitled Dictation and Discourse Style in the Novel of the Dreamer by Andrea Hirata. This study aims to describe diction and discourse style contained in the novel Sang Pemimpi. The source of this research data is the Sang Pemimpi novel published in April 2011. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques that can be used in this study are using library techniques and content analysis (analysis content). The results showed that the diction and discourse style contained in the Sang Pemimpi novel included connotation meanings, and denotations which included concrete words, natural words, and adaptation absorption words. The researcher conducts this research with the aim of the reader or the novel lovers to understand the diction and discourse style in the novel Sang Pemimpi.Keywords: Dictation, Discourse Style, Novel of the Dreamer by Andrea Hirata
Properties of Pt Schottky Type Contacts On High-Resistivity CdZnTe Detectors
In this paper we present studies of the I-V characteristics of CdZnTe
detectors with Pt contacts fabricated from high-resistivity single crystals
grown by the high-pressure Brigman process. We have analyzed the experimental
I-V curves using a model that approximates the CZT detector as a system
consisting of a reversed Schottky contact in series with the bulk resistance.
Least square fits to the experimental data yield 0.78-0.79 eV for the Pt-CZT
Schottky barrier height, and <20 V for the voltage required to deplete a 2 mm
thick CZT detector. We demonstrate that at high bias the thermionic current
over the Schottky barrier, the height of which is reduced due to an interfacial
layer between the contact and CZT material, controls the leakage current of the
detectors. In many cases the dark current is not determined by the resistivity
of the bulk material, but rather the properties of the contacts; namely by the
interfacial layer between the contact and CZT material.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure
Capacitance-conductance characteristics of Au/Ti/Al2O3/n-GaAs structures with very thin Al2O3 interfacial layer
High-k Al2O3 with metallic oxide thickness of about 3 nmon n-type GaAs substrate has been deposited by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. Thus, it has been formed the Au-Ti/Al2O3/n-GaAs MIS structures. It has been seen that the MIS structure exhibits excellent capacitance-voltage (C-V) and current-voltage (I-V) properties at 300 K. The saturation current of the forward bias and reverse bias I-V characteristics was the same value. An ideality factor value of 1.10 has been obtained from the forward bias I-V characteristics. The C-Vcharacteristics of the structure have shown almost no hysteresis from +3 Vto -10 Vwith frequency as a parameter. The reverse biasC-V curves have exhibited a behavior without frequency dispersion and almost hysteresis at each frequency from 10 kHz to 1000 kHz. © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd
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