28 research outputs found

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease - unit description, diagnosis and treatment

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    Many GPs are increasingly dealing with patients complaining of ailments likely to suggest gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). These symptoms include heartburn, abdominal pain, and a feeling of esophageal reflux (regurgitation). GERD is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases that gastroenterologists meet in their practice (1, 2). In North America the problem is affected from 18.1% to even 27.8% of the population. The situation is similar in Europe, where the proportion of people with reflux symptoms is in the range of 8.8% - 25.9%. Among European countries, the prevalence of GERD symptoms is higher in the north of the continent than in the south. The growing problem of overweight and obesity that makes GERD more and more recognized in the population of children and adolescents (3) is a worrying fact. Interestingly, reflux-related complaints are much less frequent in eastern Asia, affecting only 2.5% -7.8% of the population (4)

    Risk factors for cardiac arrhythmias in children with congenital heart disease after surgical intervention in the early postoperative period

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    ObjectiveEarly postoperative arrhythmias are a recognized complication of pediatric cardiac surgery.MethodsDiagnosis and treatment of early postoperative arrhythmias were prospectively analyzed in 402 consecutive patients aged 1 day to 18 years (mean 29.5 months) who underwent operation between January and December 2005 at our institute. All children were admitted to the intensive care unit, and continuous electrocardiogram monitoring was performed. Risk factors, such as age, weight, Aristotle Basic Score, cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic crossclamp time, and use of deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest, were compared. Statistical analysis using the Student t test, Mann–Whitney U test, or Fisher exact test was performed. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression was used to assess the risk factors of postoperative arrhythmias.ResultsArrhythmias occurred in 57 of 402 patients (14.2%). The most common types of arrhythmia were junctional ectopic tachycardia (21), supraventricular tachycardia (15), and arteriovenous block (6). Risk factors for arrhythmias, such as lower age (P = .0041⁎), lower body weight (P = .000001⁎), higher Aristotle Basic Score (P = .000001⁎), longer cardiopulmonary bypass time (P = .000001⁎), aortic crossclamp time (P = .000001⁎), and use of deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest (P = .0188⁎), were identified in a univariate analysis. In the multivariate stepwise logistic regression, only higher Aristotle Basic Score was statistically significant (P = .000003⁎) compared with weight (P = .62) and age (P = .40); in the cardiopulmonary bypass group, only longer aortic crossclamp time was statistically significant (P = .007⁎).ConclusionLower age, lower body weight, higher Aristotle Basic Score, longer cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic crossclamp time, and use of deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest are the risk factors for postoperative arrhythmias. Junctional ectopic tachycardia and supraventricular tachycardia were the most common postoperative arrhythmias

    Analysis of morphology of adrenal pheochromocytoma as regards their potential malignancy

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    Wstęp: Guzy chromochłonne nadnerczy rozpoznawane są najczęściej w trakcie diagnostyki chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym oraz u chorych z rakiem rdzeniastym tarczycy i podejrzeniem zespołów MEN II. Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza morfologii guzów chromochłonnych nadnerczy w oparciu o Pheochromo-cytoma of the Adrenal Gland Scaled Score (PASS) celem określenia ich potencjalnej złośliwości. Materiał i metoda: Analizie poddano 40 guzów. Średni wiek chorych w chwili zabiegu wynosił 45,2 &plusmn;13,4 lat. Guza chromochłonnego rozpoznano przed operacją u 87,5% chorych. U 12,5% chorych kwalifikacja do adrenalektomii została podjęta na podstawie wielkości guza (wymiary od 70 do 102 mm). U 20,0% chorych rozpoznano zespoły MEN II.Wyniki: W rutynowych badaniach histopatologicznych u 39 przedstawionych pacjentów rozpoznano łagodnego guza chromochłonnego. W 1 przypadku rozpoznano jego postać złośliwą na podstawie przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych (ryc. 1.). Sumując punkty PASS &#8805;4 wystąpił w 9 z 40 guzów co stanowiło 22,5%. Spośród 35 chorych, u których od zabiegu upłynęło ponad 12 miesięcy, 2 chorych zmarło: 1 chory ze złośliwym guzem chromochłonnym zmarł 5 miesięcy po operacji i 1 chora z zespołem MEN IIA zmarła z powodu rozsiewu nowotworowego raka rdzeniastego tarczycy. U pozostałych 7 chorych u których PASS &#8805; 4 punkty w okresie od 13-90 miesięcy obserwacji nie stwierdzono wznowy lub przerzutu nowotworu. U 1 spośród chorych z PASS < 4 usunięto chirurgicznie wznowę miejscową 82 miesiące po pierwszej operacji.Wnioski: Analiza guzów chromochłonnych w skali PASS ma charakter jedynie orientacyjny i nie pozwala na jednoznaczne histologiczne rozpoznanie łagodnych i złośliwych guzów chromochłonnych. Jedynym pewnym kryterium złośliwości guza chromochłonnego pozostają przerzuty.Background: Adrenal pheochromocytoma are diagnosed the most often in patients with arterial hypertension or with thyroid medullar cancer and suspicion of MEN II syndromes. The aim of the study is to analyse the morphology of pheochromocytomas on the basis of Pheochromocytoma of the Adrenal Gland Scaled Score (PASS) in order to estimate their potential malignancy. Material and methods: Forty tumours were subjected to analysis. Mean patients age was 45.2 &#177;13.4 years. The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma was establish before surgery in 87.5%. 12.5% of patients were referred to surgery on the basis of tumour diameter (range 70 to 102 mm). In 20.0% of patients MEN II syndromes were diagnosed. Results: In pathological examination benign pheochromo-cytoma was diagnosed in 39 presented patients. In 1 cases malignant form of pheochromocytoma was diagnosed on the basis of lymph nodes metastases. Number of points in PASS was &#8805; 4 in 9 of 40 tumours (22.5%). Among 35 patients operated on more than 12 months ago 2 patients died: 1 patient with malignant pheochromocytoma (PASS = 8 points) and 1 patient with MEN IIA syndrome (due to disseminated thyroid medullar cancer). In remaining 7 observed patients with PASS &#8805; 4 points neither recurrence nor metastases were diagnosed within the period of observation (13-90 months). In 1 out of patients with PAS

    Napadowy częstoskurcz nadkomorowy u dzieci z zespołem Ebsteina

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    Wstęp: Zespół Ebsteina jest stosunkowo rzadką wadą wrodzoną serca (< 1%). Celem pracy była analiza częstoskurczów u dzieci z zespołem Ebsteina. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 30 dzieci (20 dziewczynek, 10 chłopców) w wieku od 1 doby życia do 12 lat (śr. 16 miesięcy) w chwili postawienia diagnozy. U 23 dzieci stwierdzono inne wady serca: ubytek w przegrodzie międzyprzedsionkowej typu drugiego (12 pacjentów), atrezja, hipoplazja, bądź zwężenia pnia i tętnic płucnych (7 osób), ubytki w przegrodzie międzykomorowej (2 chorych), skorygowane przełożenie wielkich pni tętniczych (1 pacjent), niedomykalność tętnicy płucnej (1 osoba). U 11 chorych stwierdzono zespół preekscytacji Wolffa-Parkinsona- White&#8217;a (WPW), u 10 - blok przedsionkowo-komorowy I°. Wyniki: Czas obserwacji wynosił od 5 dób do 18 lat (śr. 8 lat). U 2 osób wykonano plastykę balonową tętnicy płucnej lub tętnic płucnych. Jednemu pacjentowi założono stent do tętnic płucnych. U pozostałych chorych wykonano następujące typy operacji kardiochirugicznych: zespolenie systemowo płucne typu Blalock-Taussig, plastykę tętnic płucnych, zespolenie Glena, plastykę zastawki trójdzielnej z wszczepieniem homograftu aortalnego, dwukierunkowe zespolenie Glena, zamknięcie ubytków w przegrodzie międzykomorowej i międzyprzedsionkowej. Częstoskurcz nadkomorowy występował u 10 pacjentów: u 8 chorych częstoskurcz ortodromowy, u 2 osób częstoskurcze orto- i antydromowe. U wszystkich dzieci napadom częstoskurczu towarzyszyły zaburzenia hemodynamiczne z obniżeniem ciśnienia parcjalnego tlenu we krwi. W leczeniu profilaktycznym częstoskurczów stosowano propafenon, sotalol i amiodaron. Dwóch pacjentów poddano zabiegowi ablacji dodatkowych dróg przewodzenia z bardzo dobrym wynikiem końcowym. Wnioski: Z zespołem Ebsteina często współistnieje zespół WPW, a napady częstoskurczu leczy się trudno. Zespołowi WPW w zespole Ebsteina zazwyczaj towarzyszy blok przedsionkowo-komorowy I°. (Folia Cardiol. 2003; 10: 683-688

    Safety and feasibility of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery early after drug eluting stent implantation due to acute coronary syndrome

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    Background: The evidence of performing minimally invasive coronary artery surgery early after drug eluting stent (DES) implantation due to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is limited. Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the safety and feasibility of this approach. Methods: This registry includes 115  (78% male) patients from 2013‒2018, who underwent non-LAD percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to ACS with contemporary DES implantation (39% diagnosed with myocardial infarction at baseline), followed by endoscopic atraumatic coronary artery bypass (EACAB) surgery within 180 days, after temporary P2Y12 inhibitor discontinuation. Primary composite endpoint of MACCE (Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events), defined as death, myocardial infarction (MI), cerebrovascular incident and repeat revascularization was evaluated in long- term follow-up. The follow-up was collected via telephone survey and with National Registry for Cardiac Surgery Procedures. Results: Median (interquartile range [IQR]) time interval separating both procedures was 100.0 (62.0‒136.0) days. Median (IQR) follow-up duration was 1338.5 (753.0‒2093.0) days and was completed from all patients with regard to mortality. Eight patients (7%) died; 2 (1.7%) had a stroke; 6 (5.2%) suffered from MI and 12 (10.4%) required repeat revascularization. Overall, the incidence of MACCE was 20 (17.4%). Conclusions: EACAB is a safe and feasible method of LAD revascularization in patients who received DES for ACS within 180 days prior to surgery, despite early dual antiplatelet therapy discontinuation. The adverse event rate is low and acceptable

    A Review of the Health Benefits of Food Enriched with Kynurenic Acid

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    Kynurenic acid (KYNA), a metabolite of tryptophan, is an endogenous substance produced intracellularly by various human cells. In addition, KYNA can be synthesized by the gut microbiome and delivered in food. However, its content in food is very low and the total alimentary supply with food accounts for only 1&ndash;3% of daily KYNA excretion. The only known exception is chestnut honey, which has a higher KYNA content than other foods by at least two orders of magnitude. KYNA is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; it is not metabolized and is excreted mainly in urine. It possesses well-defined molecular targets, which allows the study and elucidation of KYNA&rsquo;s role in various pathological conditions. Following a period of fascination with KYNA&rsquo;s importance for the central nervous system, research into its role in the peripheral system has been expanding rapidly in recent years, bringing some exciting discoveries. KYNA does not penetrate from the peripheral circulation into the brain; hence, the following review summarizes knowledge on the peripheral consequences of KYNA administration, presents data on KYNA content in food products, in the context of its daily supply in diets, and systematizes the available pharmacokinetic data. Finally, it provides an analysis of the rationale behind enriching foods with KYNA for health-promoting effects

    Spectacular Effect of Massive Facial Angiofibromas Removal With a Carbon Dioxide Laser as a Manifestation of a Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: TSC angiofibromas removal with CO2 laser

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    Introduction: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare, genetic disease that leads to neurological, cardiological, nephrological, ophthalmic, pulmonary, and skin disorders.Case Presentation: Here, we describe a case of a 64-year-old man with the presence of giant angiofibromas located on his chin and nasolabial folds which caused inconvenience and unaesthetic appearance. All angiofibromas were removed with the use of a CO2 laser. The patient was extremely satisfied with the obtained result. No side effects were observed after a 6-month follow-up.Conclusion: Despite the fact that giant facial angiofibromas may be troublesome not only for patients but also for medical doctors, adequate CO2 laser usage with local anesthesia and control of massive bleeding is a promising treatment option for patients with TSC. &nbsp;DOI: 10.34172/jlms.2021.2

    Kynurenic Acid in the Digestive System—New Facts, New Challenges

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    This review provides information on the most recent findings concerning presence, origin, and role of kynurenic acid (KYNA), a tryptophan metabolite, in the digestive system. KYNA is an antagonist of both the ionotropic glutamate receptors and the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, as well as an agonist of G-protein coupled GPR35 receptor. Since the GPR35 receptor is mainly present in the gastrointestinal tract, researchers have concentrated on the digestive system in recent years. They have found that KYNA content increases gradually and significantly along the gastrointestinal tract. Interestingly, the concentration of KYNA in the lumen is much higher than in the wall of intestine. It has been documented that KYNA may have a positive influence on the number of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular ulcers, colon obstruction, or colitis. Future studies might determine whether it is advisable to supplement KYNA to a human organism

    The effect of cognitive reserve on the level of executive functions in old age

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    Old age is characterized by an age-related cognitive decline. The role of executive functions in this process has recently been indicated. The population of elderly people, however, is not homogenous in terms of intellectual functioning. This diversity may be explained by evoking the notion of cognitive reserve which posits that elderly people have different levels of resources enabling them to compensate for the negative changes. The level of the cognitive reserve is related to the level of the executive functions. This study analyzes the relationship between the levels of three components of the executive functions: flexibility, working memory and planning, and educational, cultural or physical activities carried out throughout life. The results show that educational and cultural activities are important to working memory, while planning is additionally helped by physical activity. Further, some components of the executive functions are more influenced by activity before retirement, while others are more affected by activity after retirement

    Znaczenie zasobów poznawczych dla poziomu funkcji zarządzających w wieku senioralnym

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    Old age is characterized by an age-related cognitive decline. The role of executive functions in this process has recently been indicated. The population of elderly people, however, is not homogenous in terms of intellectual functioning. This diversity may be explained by evoking the notion of cognitive reserve which posits that elderly people have different levels of resources enabling them to compensate for the negative changes. The level of the cognitive reserve is related to the level of the executive functions. This study analyzes the relationship between the levels of three components of the executive functions: flexibility, working memory and planning, and educational, cultural or physical activities carried out throughout life. The results show that educational and cultural activities are important to working memory, while planning is additionally helped by physical activity. Further, some components of the executive functions are more infl uenced by activity before retirement, while others are more affected by activity after retirement