108 research outputs found

    Guidelines for a common port noise impact assessment: the ANCHOR LIFE project

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    The paper reports the main contents of the guidelines developed in the framework of the project ANCHOR, acronym of Advanced Noise Control strategies in HarbOuR, which is a European Project funded as part of the announcement Life 2017. The guidelines represent an updated version of those elaborated in the NoMEPorts project named 'Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management'; the aim is to define a common approach in port noise monitoring and assessment, considering the outcomes of previous EU funded projects and the algorithms defined by the European Directive 2015/996, in order to produce Port Noise Impact Assessments to be included in ports Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The procedures described in the guidelines will guide professionals in organizing and managing geographical data, in characterizing noise sources and defining, for each of them, the correct noise emission power level, in evaluating noise propagation and people exposure to noise and, finally, in selecting the most efficient mitigation action by means of a cost benefit analysis. Moreover, the paper reports the results of a comparison between noise mapping outcomes obtained using the new noise mapping algorithms defined by the 2015/996 Directive and the old 2002/49/EC Annex II ones; especially at long distances from the source the differences between the two methodologies are not negligible

    Accelerator Magnet Development Based on COMB Technology with STAR Wires

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    This paper reports progress in the development of COMB magnet technology with STAR wires. A two-layer dipole magnet with 60 mm clear bore has been recently fabricated and tested in liquid nitrogen. The purpose of the test was to determine what kind of critical current degradation occurs in the process of winding the STAR wire into the COMB structure.Comment: CEC/ICMC2

    Challenges and Lessons Learned from fabrication, testing and analysis of eight MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC

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    By the end of October 2022, the US HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) had completed fabrication of ten MQXFA magnets and tested eight of them. The MQXFA magnets are the low beta quadrupole magnets to be used in the Q1 and Q3 Inner Triplet elements of the High Luminosity LHC. This AUP effort is shared by BNL, Fermilab, and LBNL, with strand verification tests at NHMFL. An important step of the AUP QA plan is the testing of MQXFA magnets in a vertical cryostat at BNL. The acceptance criteria that could be tested at BNL were all met by the first four production magnets (MQXFA03-MQXFA06). Subsequently, two magnets (MQXFA07 and MQXFA08) did not meet some criteria and were disassembled. Lessons learned during the disassembly of MQXFA07 caused a revision to the assembly specifications that were used for MQXFA10 and subsequent magnets. In this paper, we present a summary of: 1) the fabrication and test data of all the MQXFA magnets; 2) the analysis of MQXFA07/A08 test results with characterization of the limiting mechanism; 3) the outcome of the investigation, including the lessons learned during MQXFA07 disassembly; and 4) the finite element analysis correlating observations with test performance

    Muon (g-2) Technical Design Report

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    The Muon (g-2) Experiment, E989 at Fermilab, will measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment a factor-of-four more precisely than was done in E821 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory AGS. The E821 result appears to be greater than the Standard-Model prediction by more than three standard deviations. When combined with expected improvement in the Standard-Model hadronic contributions, E989 should be able to determine definitively whether or not the E821 result is evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. After a review of the physics motivation and the basic technique, which will use the muon storage ring built at BNL and now relocated to Fermilab, the design of the new experiment is presented. This document was created in partial fulfillment of the requirements necessary to obtain DOE CD-2/3 approval