
Development of high-performance Nb{sub 3}Sn quadrupoles is one of the major goals of the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). As part of this program, long racetrack magnets are being made in order to check that the change in coil length that takes place during reaction is correctly accounted for in the quadrupole design and to check for length effects in implementing the 'shell' method of coil support. To check the racetrack magnet manufacturing plan, a short racetrack magnet is being made. This magnet will be the first to use restack-rod process Nb{sub 3}Sn, making it a 'long sample' test vehicle for this new material. The paper reports the reaction and characterization of the Nb{sub 3}Sn, and construction features and test results from the short racetrack magnet. The paper also reports on the status of the construction of the first long racetrack magnet

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