60,379 research outputs found

    Towards a Determination of Definitive Parameters for the Long Period Cepheid S Vulpeculae

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    A new compilation of UBV data for stars near the Cepheid S Vul incorporates BV observations from APASS and NOMAD to augment UBV observations published previously. A reddening analysis yields mean colour excesses and distance moduli for two main groups of stars in the field: the sparse cluster Turner 1 and an anonymous background group of BA stars. The former appears to be 1.07+-0.12 kpc distant and reddened by E(B-V)=0.45+-0.05, with an age of 10^9 yrs. The previously overlooked latter group is 3.48+-0.19 kpc distant and reddened by E(B-V)=0.78+-0.02, with an age of 1.3x10^7 yrs. Parameters inferred for S Vul under the assumption that it belongs to the distant group, as also argued by 2MASS data, are all consistent with similar results for other cluster Cepheids and Cepheid-like supergiants.Comment: Accepted for publication (Odessa Astronomical Publications

    Convergence of Markov processes near saddle fixed points.

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    We consider sequences (XtN)t≥0 of Markov processes in two dimensions whose fluid limit is a stable solution of an ordinary differential equation of the form ẋt=b(xt), where for some λ, μ>0 and τ(x)=O(|x|2). Here the processes are indexed so that the variance of the fluctuations of XtN is inversely proportional to N. The simplest example arises from the OK Corral gunfight model which was formulated by Williams and McIlroy [Bull. London Math. Soc. 30 (1998) 166–170] and studied by Kingman [Bull. London Math. Soc. 31 (1999) 601–606]. These processes exhibit their most interesting behavior at times of order logN so it is necessary to establish a fluid limit that is valid for large times. We find that this limit is inherently random and obtain its distribution. Using this, it is possible to derive scaling limits for the points where these processes hit straight lines through the origin, and the minimum distance from the origin that they can attain. The power of N that gives the appropriate scaling is surprising. For example if T is the time that XtN first hits one of the lines y=x or y=−x, then Nμ/{(2(λ+μ))}|XTN| ⇒ |Z|μ/{(λ+μ)}, for some zero mean Gaussian random variable Z

    WR 38/38a and the ratio of total-to-selective extinction in Carina

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    A reanalysis of the (seemingly very distant) open cluster Shorlin 1, the group of stars associated with WR 38 and WR 38a, is made on the basis of existing UBV and JHKs observations for cluster members. The 2MASS observations, in particular, imply a mean cluster reddening of E(B-V)=1.45+-0.07 and a distance of 2.94+-0.12 kpc. The reddening agrees with the UBV results provided that the local reddening slope is described by E(U-B)/E(B-V)=0.64+-0.01, but the distance estimates in the 2MASS and UBV systems agree only if the ratio of total-to-selective extinction for the associated dust is R=Av/E(B-V)=4.0+-0.1. Both results are similar to what has been obtained for adjacent clusters in the Eta Carinae region by similar analyses, which suggests that `anomalous' dust extinction is widespread through the region, particularly for groups reddened by relatively nearby dust. Dust associated with the Eta Carinae complex itself appears to exhibit more `normal' qualities. The results have direct implications for the interpretation of distances to optical spiral arm indicators for the Galaxy at l=287-291 degrees, in particular the Carina arm here is probably little more than ~2 kpc distant, rather than 2.5-3 kpc distant as implied in previous studies. Newly-derived intrinsic parameters for the two cluster Wolf-Rayet stars WR 38 (WC4) and WR 38a (WN5) are in good agreement with what is found for other WR stars in Galactic open clusters, which was not the case previously.Comment: Accepted for Publication (Ap&SS

    Driver for solar cell I-V characteristic plots

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    A bipolar voltage ramp generator which applies a linear voltage through a resistor to a solar cell for plotting its current versus voltage (I-V) characteristic between short circuit and open circuit conditions is disclosed. The generator has automatic stops at the end points. The resistor serves the multiple purpose of providing a current sensing resistor, setting the full-scale current value, and providing a load line with a slope approximately equal to one, such that it will pass through the origin and the approximate center of the I-V curve with about equal distance from that center to each of the end points

    New concepts in brain networks

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