6,731 research outputs found

    Six Districts Begin the Principal Pipeline Initiative

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    This first report of an ongoing evaluation of The Wallace Foundation's Principal Pipeline Initiative describes the six participating school districts' plans and activities during the first year of their grants. The evaluation, conducted by Policy Studies Associates and the RAND Corporation, isintended to inform policy makers and practitioners about the process of carrying out new policies and practices for school leadership and about the results of investments in the Principal Pipeline Initiative. This report is based on collection and analysis of qualitative data, including the districts' proposals, work plans, and progress reports and semi-structured interviews in spring 2012 with 91 administrators employed by districts and their partner institutions. Leaders in all districts report wanting to enlarge their pools of strong applicants for principal positions and to identify and cultivate leadership talent as early as possible in educators' careers.Districts are actively working on allrequired pipeline components: (1) with stakeholder participation, they have developed standards and identified competencies for principals, which they plan to use to guide principal training, hiring, evaluation, and support; (2) they are initiating or strengthening partnerships with university training programs; (3) for hiring, they have standard performance tasks and are developing systems to capture data on candidates' experience; (4) they have diagnostic evaluation tools and are working to build the capacity of principals' supervisors and mentors to support principals' skill development. In addition, all are also bolstering district-run training programs for graduates of university training programs who aspire to become principals

    Fabrication of free-standing ordered fluorescent polymer nanofibres by electrospinning

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    The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for financial support.We demonstrate a static fabrication approach to make free-standing ordered arrays of fluorescent nanofibres through control of the transverse electrospinning field. The alignment and the density of the nanofibre arrays are optimised by careful design of both the source and collector electrode geometries which can control the transverse electric field over the full path of the jet. In doing so, we fabricate suspended fluorescent nanofibres with an aspect ratio of 10(4), and with a substantially increased density and order parameter (by a factor of similar to 10 compared to random deposition). Electrostatic modelling suggests that the field distribution of the component is the main contribution to the ordering between the plates. This method offers increased efficiency for the creation of ordered fibres collected over a small area and the characterisation of their photoluminescent properties.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Horizontal studies of cell mediated immune reactions to autologous tumour antigens in patients with operable mammary carcinoma.

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    The leucocyte migration and guinea-pig macrophage migration procedures were used to assess cell mediated, tumour directed immune reactions in patients with mammary carcinoma undergoing simple mastectomy with or without post-operative irradiation. Forty-seven per cent of patients reacted to autologous tumour antigens and 40% to allogeneic antigens when tested 7 days after operation; 23% reacted to autologous antigens at 2 months, 19% at 6 months and 34% at 1 year after surgery. Reactions to benign tissue fractions were rare. Better discrimination between test and control subjects was obtained when 3000 g sediments rather than nuclei-depleted homogenates (extracts) were used. Irradiation 3-7 weeks post-operatively did not depress the in vitro response at 2 months and yielded a higher rate of positive reactions at 6 months. Correlations of serial LMT responses with certain clinical findings are discussed

    Evaluation of the School Administration Manager Project

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    Examines the results to date of a Wallace-supported project to help principals delegate some administrative and managerial tasks to school administration managers and spend more time interacting with teachers, students and others on instructional matters

    Platinum(II) phosphonate complexes derived from endo-8-camphanylphosphonic acid

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    The reactions of cis-[PtCl₂L₂] [L = PPh₃, PMe₂Ph or L₂ = Ph₂P(CH₂)₂PPh₂ (dppe)] with endo-8-camphanylphosphonic acid (CamPO₃H₂) and Ag₂O in refluxing dichloromethane gave platinum(II) phosphonate complexes [Pt(O₃PCam)L₂]. The X-ray crystal structure of [Pt(O₃PCam)(PPh₃)₂]•₂CHCl₃ shows that the bulky camphanyl group, rather than being directed away from the platinum, is instead directed into a pocket formed by the Pt and the two PPh₃ ligands. This allows the O₃P–CH₂ group to have a preferred staggered conformation. The complexes were studied in detail by NMR spectroscopy, which demonstrates non-fluxional behaviour for the sterically bulky PPh₃ and dppe derivatives, which contain inequivalent phosphine ligands in their ³¹P NMR spectra. These findings are backed up by theoretical calculations on the PPh₃ and PPhMe₂ derivatives, which show, respectively, high and low energy barriers to rotation of the camphanyl group in the PPh₃ and PPhMe₂ complexes. The X-ray crystal structure of CamPO₃H₂ is also reported, and consists of hydrogen-bonded hexameric aggregates, which assemble to form a columnar structure containing hydrophilic phosphonic acid channels surrounded by a sheath of bulky, hydrophobic camphanyl groups

    Coupled Elastodynamics of Piston Compression Ring Subject to Sweep Excitation

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    The piston compression ring's primary function is to seal the combustion chamber, thus mitigating gas leakage to the crankcase and avoiding loss of pressure loading. As a result, the ring is meant to conform closely to the cylinder surface which promotes increased friction. The compression ring is subjected to combustion pressure loading, ring tension, varying inertial force and friction. It is a slender ring of low mass, thus undergoes complex elastodynamic behaviour, when subjected to a multitude of forces. These motions occur in the ring's radial in-plane and axial out-of-plane dynamics, which comprise flutter, ring axial jump, compression-extension, ring twist and rotational drag. An implication of these motions can be loss of sealing, gas blow-by, loss of power and lubricant degradation/oil loss, to name but a few. Consequently, understanding and accurately predicting ring dynamic behaviour under transient conditions is an important step in any subsequent modelling for evaluation of cylinder system efficiency. There have been a plethora of investigations for ring dynamics, often decoupling the ring behaviour in its in-plane and out-of-plane motions. This approach disregards any transfer of dynamic energy from one degree of freedom to another which is only applicable to rectangular ring cross-sections. Alternatively, there are computationally intensive approaches such as finite element analysis which are not conducive for inclusion in any subsequent system level engine modelling where ring response alters in an instantaneous manner. This would require embedded finite element analysis within a transient analysis. This paper presents a finite difference numerical analysis for coupled in-plane and out-of-plane motions of compression rings with practical cross-sectional geometries, which are mostly not rectangular. The formulated method can be integrated into a system level transient cyclic analysis of ring-bore contact. The presented approach takes into account the energy transfer between different degrees of freedom. The predictions are validated against precise non-contact measurements of ring elastodynamic behaviour under amplitude-frequency sweeps. This approach has not hitherto been reported in literature and constitutes the main contribution of the paper

    Optical properties of a light-emitting polymer directly patterned by soft lithography

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    Copyright © 2002 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters 81 (2002) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?APPLAB/81/1955/1We present the optical properties of a directly patterned light-emitting polymer. The patterned poly(2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-paraphenylenevinylene film is fabricated using hot embossing lithography. The effect of the embossed microstructure on the light emitted from the polymer is examined by measuring the angle-dependent photoluminescence and its photonic band structure. The imposed grating modifies the emitted light by Bragg scattering into free space light that would otherwise be trapped as waveguide modes. This simple patterning technique may find application in improving the performance of light-emitting polymer devices