179 research outputs found


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    Given aset of permutation {p1,p2, … . pk} on aset S, we say that the set of permutation is transitive on S if for every ordered pair of elements a,b € S, there exists at least on Pi for which (a) Pi=b. A permutation set for which there is exactly one Pi which maps a to b is called Sharply transitive.For example, if on the set consisting of the three elements {1,2,3} we represent the permutation which maps 1 3 ,2 2 and 3 1by (321). Then the following set of permutation is transitive.(123),(132),(213) and (321) and the last three permutation form sharply transitive set. This construction give a set of mutually orthogonal latin squares. A set S of mutually orthogonal latin squares(MOLS) is maximal if no latin square is orthogonal to each member of S


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    we determine the number of Latin rectangles with 11 columns and each possible number of rows, In clouding the Latin squares of order11. Also answer some questions of Alter by showing that the number of reduced Latin squares of order n is divisible by Fi where f is a particular integer close to

    Motion control of a population of Artemias

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    In this work, the collective behavior of Artemia Salina is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Several experiments have been designed to investigate the Artemia motion under different environment conditions. From the results of such experiments, a strategy to control the direction of motion of an Artemia population, by exploiting their sensitivity to light, has been derived and then implemented


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    Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the micro-strain around dental implant using two different CAD/CAM crown fabricated materials through strain gauge analysis. Materials and Methods: Five dental implants were fixed in a 5 previously drilled solid rigid polyurethane test blocks in the edentulous area with neighboring abutments mesial and distal printed out using special 3D Dental printer, Cyanoacrylate adhesive was then used to fix the printed-out part on to the polyurethane test blocks, creating the bounded saddle replicas. Ten CAD/CAM screw retained crowns were fabricated; five Enamic crowns from vita enamic blocks, and five zirconia crowns from presintered katana zirconium blocks. Each crown was cemented to abutment and screwed over the implant fixture. Two strain gauges were installed on their corresponding prepared sites to measure the micro-strains in the medium surrounding the implant. For each tested implant, loads were applied by a universal testing machine, micro-strains were recorded with the strain gauges and stress distribution around the implant was statistically evaluated. Results: Micro-strain recording revealed a statistically significant difference in mean micro-strain recording applied in central fossa between Zirconia and Enamic, for both the buccal and lingual measurements, Enamic was significantly lower than Zirconia. Conclusion: The modulus of elasticity of restorative materials has a meaningful effect on forces applied to dental implant and transmitted to the supporting bone

    Prospects of Biogas and Evaluation of Unseen Livestock Based Resource Potential As Distributed Generation in India

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    The power sector of developing countries is the backbone of the economy, and robust implementation of energy policies can play a significant role in its expansion. India is blessed to have ample natural resources; the only necessity is to identify these unseen resources comprehensively. India is an agricultural country with plenty of livestock generated biomass, which is renewable and easily accessible in rural India. The paper estimated the potential of electrical energy through biogas production from livestock generated dung in all states of India. Estimation of biogas from the gross livestock dung generation from all states and largely populated livestock species of the country is annually 2633 million tons which correspondingly projects the annual biogas potential of 265,542 million m3. This magnificent potential unbolts the proposals and implementation of biogas plants as a distributed generation to strengthen India’s power sector

    Modeling and sensitivity analysis of grid-connected hybrid green microgrid system

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    The demonstrated research work analyses the technoeconomic modelling and sensitivity analysis of the available resources for the rural community in India. The various resources used in this study are solar, wind, hydro, battery and utility grid-connected system. The usefulness of the on-grid system in the rural sector is that excess amount of electricity produced through renewable energy sources (RES) could be sold back to the utility grid. A total of 12 possible configurations of various resources with and without a grid-connected system was analyzed for minimum Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and Total Net Present Cost (TNPC). Further, sensitivity analysis is accomplished for different sensitive variables to understand the nature of the system for wider application in rural communities. The solar-wind-hydro-based utility grid-connected network is observed to be the best optimal configuration with a minimum value of LCOE of 0.056 $/kWh. The simulation results reveal that the effective utilization of RES has been a cost-efficient and reliable system to the power supply in remote communities

    Characterization of zinc lead-borate glasses doped with Fe3+ ions: optical, dielectric, and ac-conductivity investigations

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    The optical, dielectric response, and ac-conductivity properties for six glasses of zinc lead-borate doped with different contents of Fe3+ (Fe2O3 = 0 to 10 wt%) have been investigated. UV–Vis spectra in 190–1100 nm wavelength have been carried out. Band gaps for optical energy (EOptical), Urbach’s energy (EU), index of refraction (n), steepness parameter (S), energy dispersion parameter of refractive index (Ed), single-oscillator energy (Eo), the dispersion refractive index (no), minimum reflectance wavelength (λo), and oscillator strength (So) were evaluated. Results reveal that the indirect energy gap varies from 2.57 to 1.01 eV, while the direct energy gap takes values from 2.80 to 1.45 eV. The EU values change from 0.232 to 0.966 eV for glasses with Fe2O3 = 0 and 10 wt%, respectively. Also, S and λo decrease with the enhancement of Fe2O3 content. The dielectric response and ac-conductivity of the prepared glasses were investigated by broadband dielectric spectroscopy, BDS, in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz and at temperatures ranging between 300 and 430 K. Two trends of activation plot have been observed in the conductivity of the samples with low content of Fe2O3. Although these samples show a perfect insulation features, they obey an anomalous behavior at higher temperatures. Therefore, the investigated glasses can be applied in several optical and optoelectronic devices. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    A Lightweight Facial Emotion Recognition System Using Partial Transfer Learning for Visually Impaired People

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    The inability to perceive visual and other non-verbal cues for individuals with visual impairment can pose a significant challenge for their correct conversational interactions and can be an impediment for various daily life activities. Recent advancements in computational resources, particularly the computer vision capabilities can be utilized to design effective applications for visually impaired people (VIP).Among various assistive technologies, automated facial impression recognition with real-time accurate interpretation can be proven useful to tackle the above problem. Using such approach, facial emotions (e.g., sad, happy) can be robustly recognized and conveyed to the associated individuals. In this paper, a partial transfer learning approach is adopted utilizing a custom trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for facial emotion recognition. A novel model that transfers features from one dataset to another is proposed. This model enables the transfer of features learned from a small number of instances to solve new challenging instances. Using the proposed approach based on a newly trained CNN, a portable lightweight facial expression recognition system with wireless connectivity and high detection accuracy was constructed and targeted specifically for VIP. The proposed recognition model provides a notable improvement over the current state-of-the-art, by providing the highest recognition accuracy of 82.1% on the enhanced Facial Expression Recognition 2013 (FER2013) dataset. Moreover, with only 1.49M parameters, the model is operable on edge devices with limited memory and processing power. Overall, three labeled emotions happy, sad, surprise were recognized by the model with high accuracy whereas a relatively lower accuracy rate for anger, disgust, fear was noticed with higher misclassification labels for sad

    Physicians Perspective Towards Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia in Patients With Diabetes: A Forgotten Area

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    Aim This study aims to assess knowledge, and practices of primary care physician in Saudi Arabia about IAH. Method: A cross-sectional study conducted using a newly designed self-administered questionnaire among 292 primary care physicians at three tertiary hospitals and primary care clinics in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia between December 2018 and June 2019. Results Of the participants, 59.9% of them had acceptable knowledge of IAH while only 40.1% had poor knowledge. Around half (46.2%) of physicians rated their familiarity with IAH as average or above average, and these had higher mean knowledge scores than participants who reported below average familiarity (mean 5.32 versus 4.39) (P = 0.000). Higher mean knowledge scores were found among physicians who have managed IAH patients than those who have not managed IAH patients (5.58 versus 5.01) (P = 0.019). The differences between physicians’ mean knowledge scores and their ages, levels of training, and years in practice were statistically significant. Conclusion: A considerable gap was established in the knowledge, awareness, and practice of IAH among physicians in Saudi Arabia. An effort is needed to implement extensive educational activities about impaired hypoglycemia awareness to be directed to primary care physicians and further research in this area is warranted

    Analysis of electromagnetic environment in 1200 kV single circuit UHVAC transmission line by using FACE software and semi-empirical formulae

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    In order to ensure efficient, bulk-power transmission over a long distance, need of increasing transmission-level voltage is being thought for the past many years. As a result, Ultra High Voltage AC (UHVAC) Transmission has appeared as a feasible solution. Many countries like Italy, Japan, USA, USSR, Brazil, China, India are developing technology for UHVAC transmission systems. Operating at 1000 kV (and above voltage level) demands careful design of transmission structure, switchgear, and equipment design. This paper presents a review of several studies carried out to analyze the electro-magnetic environment in UHVAC lines. The electromagnetic environment (Field, Audible Noise, Corona Loss, Radio Interference) of 1200 kV, Wardha-Aurangabad single-circuit transmission line, India is also evaluated using FACE (Field and Corona Effect) software. The results of the study of static AC field and magnetic field of the line are found to be within prescribed limits suggested by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ain-shams-engineering-journalhj2022Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin