219 research outputs found

    Interegancy cooperation organizations of children’s support undergoing family’s vilence

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    The purpose of the article is to give the theoretical analysis of interagency cooperation of subjects of assistance's system to victims of child abuse, including the process of their interactions, problems, which block information exchange between them and cooperation.В данной статье дается теоретический анализ элементов системы межведомственного взаимодействия, которые представлены в качестве субъектов системы помощи детям, испытывающим жестокое обращение в семьях, а так же проблем, препятствующих процессу обмена информацией и сотрудничества, или возникающих в нем

    Psychic Distance and Country Image in Exporter–Importer Relationships

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    Conflicting evidence on the issue of psychic distance (PD) in international business relationships suggests the existence of misunderstood boundary conditions to its effect. This article argues that country image (CI) is a contingent factor to the effect of PD. Expectancy–value theory provides the theoretical foundations for this argument. Based on structural equation modeling, analyses for a sample of 358 exporter–importer relationships in the global wine industry provide empirical support. Product-related CI mitigates the negative impact of PD on the relational exchange orientation (REO) between firms. Specifically, a high level of PD dampens REO when product-related CI is poor, whereas a strong product-related CI helps firms facing such PD conditions to build REO irrespective. People-related CI has an indirect effect on REO through product-related CI. Our study contributes to explaining the paradox of distance and offers a fresh perspective on how to handle the issue of PD when relevant

    Minimization of Adverse Effects Associated with Dental Alloys

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    Metal alloys are one of the most popular materials used in current dental practice. In the oral cavity, metal structures are exposed to various mechanical and chemical factors. Consequently, metal ions are released into the oral fluid, which may negatively affect the surrounding tissues and even internal organs. Adverse effects associated with metallic oral appliances may have various local and systemic manifestations, such as mouth burning, potentially malignant oral lesions, and local or systemic hypersensitivity. However, clear diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines for adverse effects associated with dental alloys have not been developed yet. The present comprehensive literature review aims (1) to summarize the current information related to possible side effects of metallic oral appliances; (2) to analyze the risk factors aggravating the negative effects of dental alloys; and (3) to develop recommendations for diagnosis, management, and prevention of pathological conditions associated with metallic oral appliances

    The program complex for cross-compiling of models of virtual laboratories in physics to Android platform

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    The goal of the work is developing software of virtual laboratories in physics which are used in Online Contest in Physics. Online Contest provides a unique opportunity for assessment of the practical application of student knowledge. It is achieved by means of models of virtual laboratories in Physics, simulating a real physical experiment. The project so far has not been cross-platform and has not worked on some popular platforms (Android, iOS). We develop the program complex for the cross-platform compilation of source code of virtual laboratories to Java source codes and Dalvik codes for the Android platform

    Palaeoproterozoic to Eoarchaean crustal growth in southern Siberia: a Nd-isotope synthesis

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    Nd-isotope analyses from 114 rock samples are reported from the southern part of the Siberian craton to establish a first-order crustal formation scheme for the region. The Nd-isotopedata show considerable variability within and among different cratonic units. In many cases this variability reflects differing degrees of mixing between juvenile and older (up to Eoarchaean) crustal components. The fragments of Palaeoproterozoic juvenile crust within the studied segment of the Siberian craton margin have Nd-model ages of 2.0-2.3 Ga. Voluminous Palaeoproterozoicgranites ( 1.85 Ga) were intruded into cratonic fragments and suture zones. These granites mark the stabilization of the southern Siberian craton. The complexity in the Nd data indicatea long history of crustal development, extending from the Eoarchaean to the Palaeoproterozoiceras, which is interpreted to reflect the amalgamation of distinct Archaean crustal fragments, with differing histories, during Palaeoproterozoic accretion at 1.9-2.0 Ga and subsequent cratonic stabilization at 1.85 Ga. Such a model temporally coincides with important orogenic events on nearly every continent and suggests that the Siberian craton participated in the formation of a Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent at around 1.9 Ga

    Structure and Functions of Human Serum Albumin in Normal Conditions and in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

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    The aim: to highlight the main points of albumin synthesis, posttranslational modifications and functions in normal conditions and in patients with liver cirrhosis.Key points. Albumin is the most abundant protein in blood plasma. Along with oncotic properties, albumin performs transport, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and endothelioprotective functions. Serum albumin in patient with liver cirrhosis undergoes modifications, leading to functional impairment. Human serum albumin is a compaund of human mercaptalbumin with cysteine residues having a reducing ability, and oxidized human non-mercaptalbumin. The proportion of irreversibly oxidized non-mercaptalbumin-2 with impaired functional activity increases in liver cirrhosis.Conclusion. The conformational structure of the albumin molecule plays an important role in maintaining its non-oncotic functions. Non-oncotic functions depend on albumin conformation. Further investigation of albumin conformation and albumin functions in patients with hepatic insufficiency can serve as an additional criterion for assessing the severity of cirrhosis and predictor of complications may become an additional criterion to new clinical applications and treatment strategies of liver failure

    The Role of Correcting Structural and Functional Albumin Properties in Ascites Control in Decompensated Cirrhotic Patients

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    Аim: to study the structural and functional characteristics of albumin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, their relationship with ascites; to identify the relationship between improvement in albumin characteristics and regression of ascites.Materials and methods. Fifty patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis and ascites were divided into groups. The first group received standard treatment for cirrhosis, the second — standard treatment and replacement therapy with 20 % human albumin solution at a dose of 200 mL per week for 3 months.Results. The value of the native conformation of albumin and the functional parameters of albumin were significantly lower than in the group of healthy individuals (p < 0.001). With the severity of ascites, the native conformation index (DR), which characterizes the structural usefulness of the albumin molecule, decreased. Median DR for ascites stage I (IAC) was –1.69, II grade — –2.28, III grade — –2.42 (p < 0.05). Replacement therapy with albumin allowed to achieve regression of ascites in 48.4 % of patients, compared with 7.1 % in the standard treatment group. Along with clinical improvement, restoration of albumin structural and functional properties was observed in the albumin group. The mean serum albumin level at which ascites remained in remission for 3 months was 42.11 g/L (p < 0.001).Conclusions and discussion. The structural and functional characteristics of albumin were impaired in patients with decompensated cirrhosis and ascites. The severity of changes in the structural and functional properties of albumin depended on the severity of ascites. The regression of ascites was accompanied by the restoration of the functional and structural usefulness of albumin against the backdrop of albumin replacement therapy. The criterion for stopping transfusion therapy with albumin can be the achievement of a serum albumin level of 42.11 ± 7.04 g/L, DR — 1.05, BE — 73.51 %, RTQ — 75.10 %, DTE — 72.71 %

    Changes in the Structural and Functional Albumin Properties in Patients with Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis

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    Аim: to conduct a comparative analysis of serum albumin's structural and functional properties in decompensated cirrhotic patients by means of spin prob EPR spectroscopy.Materials and methods. The main study group included 70 patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis and ascites. The control group consisted of 12 healthy volunteers, comparable in gender and age, without liver diseases. To assess the structural and functional ability, serum albumin was analyzed by EPR spectroscopy.Results. Albumin levels within reference intervals were found in 37 patients (59.8 %). The native albumin index decrease in cirrhotic patients as the disease progressed with the lowest values in the Child – Pugh C group (p < 0.001). The binding efficiency of albumin decreased in accordance with the severity of cirrhosis with minimal albumin binding capacity in the Child – Pugh C (Me = 25.43 %; n = 30; p < 0.001). The transport activity of RTQ albumin decreased in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, the lowest transport ability was observed in the Child – Pugh C group (Me = 26.09 %). In patients with decompensated disease the detoxification potential was significantly reduced: Child – Pugh B — Me = 44.03 %; Child – Pugh C — Me =17.16 %. Despite the normal values of serum albumin in 72.5% of patients with cirrhosis B and in 26.7% in the cirrhosis C group, only 12.3% in the cirrhosis B group had normal albumin function and in cirrhosis C nо patients had normal albumin function.Conclusion. There were not only serum concentration depletion in cirrhotic patients, but also albumin physiological non-oncotic properties were violated. The severity of these changes increased with the progression of cirrhosis. Our data allow us to raise the question of the need to use the EPR test to determine indications for albumin replacement therapy in patients with cirrhosis and the presence of ascites, even at normal values of its serum concentration

    Structure-antifouling activity relationship and molecular targets of bio-inspired(Thio)xanthones

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    The development of alternative ecological and effective antifouling technologies is still challenging. Synthesis of nature-inspired compounds has been exploited, given the potential to assure commercial supplies of potential ecofriendly antifouling agents. In this direction, the antifouling activity of a series of nineteen synthetic small molecules, with chemical similarities with natural products, were exploited in this work. Six (4, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 17) of the tested xanthones showed in vivo activity toward the settlement of Mytilus galloprovincialis larvae (EC50: 3.53–28.60 µM) and low toxicity to this macrofouling species (LC50 > 500 µM and LC50/EC50: 17.42–141.64), and two of them (7 and 10) showed no general marine ecotoxicity (<10% of Artemia salina mortality) after 48 h of exposure. Regarding the mechanism of action in mussel larvae, the best performance compounds 4 and 5 might be acting by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity (in vitro and in silico studies), while 7 and 10 showed specific targets (proteomic studies) directly related with the mussel adhesive structure (byssal threads), given by the alterations in the expression of Mytilus collagen proteins (PreCols) and proximal thread proteins (TMPs). A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model was built with predictive capacity to enable speeding the design of new potential active compounds.This research was supported by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020 and under the project PTDC/AAG-TEC/0739/2014 (reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016793) supported through national funds provided by FCT and ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) programme and RIDTI - Reforçar a Investigação, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Inovação (project 9471) and the project NASCEM PTDC/BTA-BTA/31422/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031422) also financed by FCT, COMPETE2020 and PORTUGAL2020

    New treatment options for a patient with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Introduction. The number of  patients with chronic heart failure  (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  (COPD) is increasing every year. In both CHF and COPD, secondary mitochondrial dysfunction is observed. In this regard, the attention of researchers is attracted by drugs that have their therapeutic effects at the level of mitochondria, one of which is meldonium. Meldonium has proven itself in the treatment of various diseases, however, the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of meldonium has not yet been carried out in comorbid patients with CHF and COPD.Aim. To study the  effects of  meldonium as part of  basic therapy on the  clinical condition, the  main functional parameters of the heart and lungs, and the quality of life in patients with CHF and COPD.Materials and methods. The randomized open study included 60 patients with CHF II A stage, II–III FC (clinical recommendations of the RSC, OSSN 2020) and COPD I–III degree of airflow limitation (GOLD 2021 classification) in remission (age 45–70 years). The patients were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group – the main group (n = 30) with CHF and COPD took meldonium at a dosage of 1000 mg/day in addition to the basic therapy, the 2nd group – the control group (n = 30) was only on basic therapy for CHF and COPD. The observation period is 12 weeks.Results. In patients with CHF and COPD, in the dynamics of therapy with the inclusion of meldonium, as a result, the severity of clinical symptoms decreased, improvement was revealed in the main structural and functional parameters of the heart, external respiration function, and quality of life.Conclusions: a significant beneficial effect of combination therapy with the inclusion of meldonium on the clinical and functional parameters of the heart and lungs, indicators of quality of life in patients with CHF and COPD has been established, which makes it possible to recommend the use of meldonium as part of combination therapy in comorbid patients