12 research outputs found

    Economic Impact of Distribution Grid Operation Scenarios for the Integration of Electric Vehicles

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    The paper lists the drivers and the barriers for a widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), describes the different stakeholders involved in the electro-mobility ecosystem and summarises the main issues for the integration of EVs in distribution grids. Then, it presents some outcomes of the PlanGridEV Project, including the proposed new grid planning criteria, the envisaged future scenarios for EV integration, the expected services to be provided by EVs to distribution system operators and the ICT requirements linked to those services.Electric Vehicles (EVs) will become an important part of the transport system in Europe and can thus create a number of benefits in term of oil dependence reduction, air quality improvement and trade balance enhancement. However, they can also become a burden for distribution system operator (DSOs) if they charge in an uncontrolled way. In addition, the increasing deployment of renewable energy sources (RES) and other distributed energy resources (DER) are making the distribution grid planning more complicated than in the past, when consumers were considered to be passive elements and grid was dimensioned to meet peak demand. PlanGridEV project proposes new planning procedures, which take into account the possibility to manage consumers’ electricity demand, including the charging process of EVs, both to better integrate DER and to more efficiently plan the investments in the distribution grid. The planning rules will be validated by carrying out four test beds, which will serve as an input for assessing the economic performance of four scenarios, representing four theoretical alternatives for distribution grid planning. Different services that EVs can provide to DSOs and other actors in the e-mobility ecosystem will be analysed in each scenario. Then, a grid planning tool will be developed to help DSOs consider EVs and demand and other demand response (DR) capabilities when planning distribution grid extension.European Commission's FP

    Recovering and harmonizing research cruises information

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    The IEO has maintained since late 60s, a local database with basic information on oceanographic campaigns, formerly known as ROSCOF reports, which were established in the framework of IODE initiatives, as a low-level inventory for future access to data. Technological advances in recent decades and different coordination activities between NODCs have favored the implementation of these reports in standardized digital formats (Cruise Summary Reports, CSR) that allow their integration in international repositories as SeaDataNet or POGO. However, this inventory and cataloging activity has suffered ups and downs over 40 years of activity, changes in storage criteria and periods of less activity. In the search for a unique criterion that can last over time and that unifies this information as much as possible with the data generated in these campaigns, an exhaustive review of the existing information has been carried out

    Recovering and harmonizing research cruises information

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    The IEO has maintained since late 60s, a local database with basic information on oceanographic campaigns, formerly known as ROSCOF reports, which were established in the framework of IODE initiatives, as a low-level inventory for future access to data. Technological advances in recent decades and different coordination activities between NODCs have favored the implementation of these reports in standardized digital formats (Cruise Summary Reports, CSR) that allow their integration in international repositories as SeaDataNet or POGO. However, this inventory and cataloging activity has suffered ups and downs over 40 years of activity, changes in storage criteria and periods of less activity. In the search for a unique criterion that can last over time and that unifies this information as much as possible with the data generated in these campaigns, an exhaustive review of the existing information has been carried out. The result has been the retrieval of information from short-term campaigns carried out on smaller vessels with great coastal activity, as well as updating information regarding old campaigns performed on the first half of the 20th century onboard of decommissioned vessels. All this is completed with the systematic campaigns carried out by INTECMAR in the Galician rias, research vessels operated by the national Fisheries Administration, and information on research surveys carried out by foreign ships in national waters, forming a catalog of more than 4000 entries. This approach is also followed by the UTM-CSIC, on its own-managed vessels and campaigns carried out since 1991. The common approach allows a unified response to the governmental needs for the planning of future campaigns, and in successive improvements in data recovering, archiving and accessing at NODC/CEDO

    Scenario Analysis

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    The performance of TSO-DSO coordination schemes depends on the characteristics of the electricity systems in which regulation reserves can be provided by both transmission and distribution resources. In order to investigate the main aspects influencing TSO-DSO interactions, three detailed electricity scenarios (related to the expected 2030 evolution of Denmark, Italy and Spain) are defined. In particular, these scenarios are designed by assuming various distribution network conditions, determining different volumes of flexibility requested by the DSO in order to carry out local services. Then, the structure of a simulation platform, aimed at testing TSO-DSO coordination schemes, is proposed. It is based on three main blocks, integrating actual market clearing, bidding and dispatching algorithms, together with a simulator for the network and all the physical power resources. Finally, the simulation results are processed by means of a cost-benefit analysis which identified the market architectures providing the highest economic benefits to the system and the main factors that influence the profitability of one TSO-DSO coordination scheme among the others.H2020, n. 691405, SmartNe

    Thermosalinometer data from R/V Rioja (2002-2012)

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    In the framework of the R/V J. Rioja (Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO-CSIC) routine field and monitoring operations on the Cantabrian Sea waters (southern Bay of Biscay), a continuous thermosalinometer (TSG, SeaBird 21) was installed in 2002 as an IEO contribution to the Ferrybox EU-funded project (2002-2005, EC-FP5-EESD nºEVK2-2002-00144). This research vessel has sampled the area in the framework of the IEO monitoring program RADIALES (monthly sampling, https://www.seriestemporales-ieo.net/). Data was routinely sent to the IEO datacenter and underway data are available from 15th October 2002 to 25th October 2012. During this period, the vessel performed more than 120 monthly sampling cruises with underway TSG data, recording more than 492 000 temperature and salinity lines. A recent revision, standardization and quality control/quality assessment of the dataset have been performed in the framework of SeaDataCloud project (H2020 INFRARAIA-1-2016-2017, n730960). This includes re-checking the clock, position, vessel speed, and recorded temperature and salinity values, as well as vocabularies that facilitate the accesibility of them. The whole dataset is provided with updated quality flags (QF) that improve their reusability. Monthly datafiles and the QF follow the seadatanet.org standards, as in formats as in vocabularies, in the pursuit of the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data principles for sharing. At the moment, these data are freely distributed using OGC standard services (WMS, WFS, etc.) through institutional Thredds (http://centolo.co.ieo.es:8080/thredds/catalog/rv/Rioja/catalog.html) and Geoserver (http://centolo.co.ieo.es:8080/geoserver/web/) which facilitates the user's queries, automation of routines (e. g. model validation), and the development and implementation of web services and applications

    Circuito de arranque, encendido y carga : Seminario Permanente Garantía Social (Memoria)

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    No publicadoEste trabajo, realizado por un equipo de docentes pertenecientes al Seminario Permanente (CPR-LEON) Ayudante de Reparación de Vehículos, recoge unidades didácticas destinadas a realizarse durante el tercer trimestre del curso. En la primera parte del tercer trimestre se toma como contenido global del módulo o unidad temática lo referente a los circuitos de encendido, arranque y carga de un automóvil; por corresponder a los contenidos relativos al area de Formación Técnica que se deben dar por esas fechas. En el tercer trimestre los alumnos-as han de prepararse para afrontar autónoma y responsablemente su futuro inmediato que se pretende sea la reinserción en el sistema educativo o un puesto de trabajo, autónomo o por cuenta ajena. Es por lo que se tendrá especial cuidado para que se desarrollen aquellas actitudes que les permitan relacionarse con el medio social y a la vez potencien su capacidad para trabajar en grupo. Estos deben de ser los objetivos fundamentales durante todo el tercer trimestre, por lo que trataremos de que realicen el mayor número de actividades de forma grupal. La relación temática básica que se ha establecido con las diferentes áreas de Formación Básica estarían relacionadas con la profundización en los procesos de comprensión de textos y elaboración de síntesis y esquemas en el área de Lenguaje; tantos por ciento y establecimiento de costos y presentación de facturas; así como trabajo en torno a la circunferencia en el área de Matemáticas. En el área Social y Natural conocimiento del mundo que nos rodea, así como la energía, tanto la utilizada para el avance de la civilización, como la necesaria para desarrollar nuestros propios procesos vitales. A estas alturas de curso el alumno-a debería haber adquirido hábitos para trabajar en grupo así como capacidad para elaborar, desarrollar y exponer defendiendo sus ideas. El presente trabajo está estructurado en forma de modelo o sugerencia a través de ejemplos de utilización y aprovechamiento tomando como eje la lectura comprensiva, los diferentes datos e ideas que a través de la propia lectura se pueden desarrollar.Castilla y LeónES

    THE SANTANDER ATLANTIC TIME-SERIES. A deep water observatory representative of the Eastern North Atlantic.

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    The SATS including the AGL buoy data and its oceanographic station have provided -for more than 12 years now- repeated high-frequency observations of interlinked meteorological, oceanographic and biogeochemical variables that enable to obtain a comprehensive description of ocean processes from the seafloor to the atmosphere at a site representative of the mid-latitudes of the Eastern North Atlantic. The Santander standard section has been running from early 90’s as a monthly hydrographical series in six fixed stations covering from coastal to oceanic waters. Near the outer station, 2800m depth, the Augusto Gonzalez de Linares (AGL) ocean-meteorological buoy was deployed in June 2007. For the monthly cruises, the research vessel equipped with a rosette and 911plus SBE CTD takes water samples to analyze various parameters including plankton biomass and dissolved nutrients, allowing check and calibration of buoy sensors. The AGL buoy is equipped with meteorological sensors set up at 3m above sea surface, directional wave sensor in the deck and oceanographic sensors placed at a depth of 3m. Data are transmitted hourly via IRIDIUM to the reception station located at the IEO Santander Cent