273 research outputs found

    I Began To Realize That I Had Some Friends: Hardship, Resistance, Cooperation, and Unity in Hartford\u27s African American Community, 1833-1841

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    This thesis explores Hartford\u27s black community between 1833 and 1841, looking at the exclusion they faced and the ways in which they resisted against it, focusing on four key moments to tell this story. It seeks to use this setting as a platform to make a case for the importance, and uniqueness, of the contributions of antebellum Northern black communities to the rise of antislavery

    War on Whom?: Medical, Racial and Fiscal Critiques on the Criminality of Marijuana

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    A case study on students’ approach to Euclidean proof in the rationality perspective

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    A Rational Mathematical Template (RMT) is the couple consisting of a mathematical entity (definition, proof, etc.) and a rational (according to Habermas) process aimed at producing an instance of that entity. In this report we develop research on RMTs by a teaching experiment on the RMT of proof in two 10th grade classes. The design of the teaching experiment and the analysis of one student’s productions were occasions to focus on the relationships between the rational process and its product and on the role of awareness as condition for the mediating role of RMTs in the classroom

    Teaching, learning and assessing in grade 10: an experimental pathway to the culture of theorems

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    International audienceThis report deals with the design of a teaching and learning pathway that encompasses an assessment method coherent with the educational long term goal chosen by the teacher. More specifically, it is aimed at contributing to promote high school learners’ culture of theorems – i.e. mastery of conjecturing and proving supported by meta-mathematical knowledge. The assessment method, which combines formative assessment all during the teaching sequence and final assessment based on student’s self-reflective report on her learning trajectory, has been implemented in 10th grade classes. A written essay, in form of letter written by the students to a fictitious schoolmate at the end of the pathway, is analysed in order to evaluate the potential of the implemented course

    Prophecies of Loss : Debating Slave Flight During Virginia\u27s Secession Crisis

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    This article examines debates over fugitives from slavery during Virginia’s secession movement. By considering these debates in the context of Virginia’s history of freedom seekers, the constitutional politics of fugitive slave rendition, and white fears of politically informed slave resistance, this article clarifies how proslavery Virginians understood the threat posed by interstate slave flight in 1861. In the wake of Abraham Lincoln\u27s election, proslavery Virginians on both sides of the secession conflict agreed that runaways posed a grave danger to the future of slavery in the state. Early in the convention, southeastern planters and northwestern unionists forged an alliance based on their fear of losing federal protection against slave flight. After slaveholders interpreted President Lincoln as hostile to enforcing the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, however, secessionists used the issue to frame the Northern public as aggressive and foreign

    État, rĂ©formistes et philanthropes : un Ă©tat des lieux de l’offre d’enseignement industriel dans l’Égypte coloniale (1882-1919)

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    Cet article propose une premiĂšre cartographie d’un enseignement industriel scolaire qui se dĂ©veloppe en Égypte au tournant du XXe siĂšcle. Nous analysons les initiatives promues par le ministĂšre de l’Instruction publique, puis celles, plus nombreuses, lancĂ©es par des acteurs privĂ©s. La fondation d’écoles industrielles est observĂ©e dans un cadre gĂ©ographique large, avant de rĂ©trĂ©cir la focale Ă  l’échelle de la ville, pour scruter les dynamiques Ă  l’Ɠuvre au niveau local. Le cas d’Alexandrie, oĂč plusieurs Ă©coles professionnelles voient le jour au dĂ©but du siĂšcle, retient notre attention. Nous tenterons de montrer que la fondation d’établissements d’enseignement industriel s’inscrit Ă  la croisĂ©e de diffĂ©rents projets qui vont de la rĂ©forme sociale Ă  la « renaissance » de l’industrie Ă©gyptienne.This paper presents a first mapping of the school-based industrial education which developed in Egypt at the turn of the 20th century. We first analyse the initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Public Instruction. We look then at the more numerous ones launched by private individuals. The founding of industrial schools is observed in a wide geographical context, before the focus narrows to the scale of the city, in order to scrutinise the dynamics at work at the local level. The case of Alexandria, where several trade schools were founded at the beginning of the century, holds our attention. We will attempt to show that the founding of industrial schools was the result of different projects, ranging from social reform to the “revival” of the Egyptian industry

    Les expositions de l’Ecole polytechnique

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    Depuis 1994 et la cĂ©lĂ©bration du bicentenaire, la BibliothĂšque a Ă©tĂ© de plus en plus impliquĂ©e dans l’organisation des expositions de l’Ecole. Affiche : Exposition Balzac Tout dĂ©buta aprĂšs que la direction gĂ©nĂ©rale eut demandĂ© au conservateur de bien vouloir prendre en charge la gestion des vitrines du couloir d’accĂšs au restaurant, plus connu sous le nom de « couloir mĂ©tro ». Il ne s’agissait donc au dĂ©part que d’un soutien logistique, la partie intellectuelle relevant de commissaires d’exp..

    From immigrants to emigrants: Salesian education and the failed integration of Italians in Egypt, 1937-1960

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    With Italy’s entry into the Second World War, Anglo-Egyptian authorities repatriated Italian diplomats from Egypt, arrested around 5,000 Italians, and sequestered both personal and business accounts. Italian institutions were indefinitely closed, including the Italian state schools. Hope for a future in Egypt among the roughly 60,000 Italian residents faded. The Salesian missionary schools, whose goal since the late nineteenth century had been to inculcate nationalist-religious sentiment in Italy’s emigrants, remained the only active Italian educational institution by claiming Vatican protection. As such, the missionary schools assumed a central role in the lives of many young Italians. After the war, these same young Italians began to depart Egypt en masse, in part driven by the possibilities opened up by their vocational training. Building on diplomatic, institutional and private archives, this article demonstrates how the Salesian missionary schools attempted and failed to integrate Italian immigrants into the Egyptian labour force through vocational training. This failure combined with socio-economic and geopolitical changes to propel Italian departures from Egypt, making emigrants out of immigrants

    Physical activity mediates the association between personality and biomarkers of inflammation

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    Objectives: The current study investigated whether personality traits and facets were associated with interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen, and whether physical activity mediated the relationship between personality and biomarkers of inflammation. Methods: Personality was assessed in the Midlife Development in the United States study using the Multi-Dimensional Personality Questionnaire and Midlife Development Inventory personality scale. Data were included from 960 participants (mean age = 57.86 years, standard deviation = 11.46). Personality was assessed from 2004 to 2009. Serum levels of interleukin-6, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein were assessed in 2005–2009 as part of the Midlife Development in the United States biomarkers subproject. Results: Lower neuroticism was associated with elevated interleukin-6, and achievement was associated with lower fibrinogen. Higher physical activity was associated with lower interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. Mediation models suggested that physical activity mediated the associations between achievement and both interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. Discussion: Physical activity is an important factor in the Health Behavior Model of personality and explains some of the associations between personality and inflammation. These findings contribute to the fields of aging and health by linking individual difference factors to markers of inflammation, and showing that these processes may function partially through specific behaviors, in this case physical activity
