1,047 research outputs found

    Comment on “Does the Hydrated Electron Occupy a Cavity?” [Science 329, 65, (2010)]

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    Exact quantum mechanical calculations examining a recently implemented pseudopotential show that the results reported by Larsen et al. are based on a model that contains inaccuracies. We illustrate that, in contrast to the model used, the true electron-water interaction is repulsive in the region relevant to the reported extended electron distribution, consistent with the cavity model. The reported simulated properties of the hydrated electron are shown to be very sensitive to this problem

    Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in a self-gravitating rotating cosmic plasma

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    The generation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and their instabilities are studied in galactic gaseous rotating plasmas with the effects of the magnetic field, the self gravity, the diffusion-convection of cosmic rays as well as the gas and cosmic-ray pressures. The coupling of the Jeans, Alfv{\'e}n and magnetosonic waves, and the conditions of damping or instability are studied in three different cases, namely when the propagation direction is perpendicular, parallel and oblique to the static magnetic field, and are shown to be significantly modified by the effects of the Coriolis force due to the rotation of cosmic fluids and the cosmic-ray diffusion. The coupled modes can be damped or anti-damped depending on the wave number is above or below the Jeans critical wave number that is reduced by the effects of the Coriolis force and the cosmic-ray pressure. It is found that the deviation of the axis of rotation from the direction of the static magnetic field gives rise to the coupling between the Alfv{\'e}n wave and the classical Jeans mode which otherwise results into the modified slow and fast Alfv{\'e}n waves as well as the modified classical Jeans modes. Furthermore, due to the effects of the cosmic rays diffusion, there appears a new wave mode (may be called the fast Jeans mode) in the intermediate frequency regimes of the slow and fast Alfv{\'e}n waves, which seems to be dispersionless in the long-wavelength propagation and has a lower growth rate of instability in the high density regimes of galaxies. The dispersion properties and the instabilities of different kinds of MHD waves reported here can play pivotal roles in the formation of various galactic structures at different length scales.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    The measurement of workpieces with long but smalldiametric cavitys (drills) is always a difficult problem. The apparatus shown in this paper has been developped for measurement of the straightness of cavitys with 5-10 mm diameter and 600-1000 mm length. The optical principle of this measuring allows to achieve the uncertainty less then ± 5 11 qm

    Diversity impact on organizational performance : moderating and mediating role of diversity beliefs and leadership expertise

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    The current research examines the impact of four independent diversity variables, gender, age, educational background, and ethnicity, on the moderating role of diversity beliefs and the mediating role of leadership expertise to measure organisational performance in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire using a 6-point Likert scale approach was adopted to collect the responses from 176 employees. Quantitative analysis was done using SPSS, and SMART-PLS3 were used for was used to comprehend the objectives of the research. The findings indicate that age diversity, diversity beliefs, and leadership expertise have a statistically significant impact on organisational performance. Moreover, moderating variable diversity belief did not affect organisational performance, but leadership expertise plays a significant mediating role in organisational performance. Our study provides critical theoretical contributions to research diversity and organisational performance in Pakistan and examines the impact of workforce diversity on organisational performance with leadership expertise as mediator and diversity beliefs as a moderator

    The Impact of Socio-Emotional Intelligence Training on Teacher's Performance

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    Researchers and practitioners suggest acquisition of socio-emotional intelligence skills and competencies for the teacher in the age of stresses, individualism, and materialisms; to improve teacher’s effectiveness and performance and to raise a socially and emotionally intelligent child. The study contains an investigation of the impact of socio-emotional intelligence training on teacher performance and productivity. Results indicate that socio-emotional intelligence has a positive correlation with teacher performance. Results show positive impacts of Socio-emotional intelligence training on teachers’ performance and productivity. Data were analyzed for gender and qualification variable using SPSS, Cronbach Alpha was calculated, and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Researchers and practitioners suggest acquisition of socio-emotional intelligence skills and competencies for the teacher in the age of stresses, individualism, and materialisms; to improve teacher’s effectiveness and performance and to raise a socially and emotionally intelligent child. The study contains an investigation of the impact of socio-emotional intelligence training on teacher performance and productivity. Results indicate that socio-emotional intelligence has a positive correlation with teacher performance. Results show positive impacts of Socio-emotional intelligence training on teachers’ performance and productivity. Data were analyzed for gender and qualification variable using SPSS, Cronbach Alpha was calculated, and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis

    Meat quality of Kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus): preliminary evaluation

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    Among the peneids, Marsupenaeus japonicus, a cold-temperate species, carnivorous, is the mostly cultured prawn in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea basin, thanks to the good adaptability to the temperature and salinity variations, to the good resistance to the manipulations (better resistance out of water), to its appreciate nourishing qualities and to the good growth rate (Lumare, 1998).Whereas the literature on cultured fish fillet is rich (Gjedrem, 1997; Lanari et al., 1999; Parisi et al., 2003), few are the information about the shrimp meat quality traits.Therefore, the present work aimed at typifying the variations of the meat quality characteristics in shrimps from semi-intensive (supplemented with an artificial diet) or extensive rearing systems


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    ROLE OF CATTLE PIGS COUNSELORS  MAINTENANCE OF LOCAL DISTRICT IN THE VILLAGE GUMBO TIOMNERI LANNY JAYA REGENCY. The study aims to  determine characteristics and breeders perception toward extension activities in the District Gumbo village Tiomneri Lanny Jaya Regency Research has implemented since December, 1th until January 31th 2018 using survey method.   Twenty two of pig breeders in the village pig farmers Gumbo Tiomneri District of Lanny Jaya Regency  was selected by census as sample of respondents. Data analysis using scale of likert Study results indicated  that  breeders perception of the role of agriculture extension agent  as a motivator and facilitator in the District Gumbo village Tiomneri Lanny Jaya Regency was already optimal, or in other words the role of extension officers in performing their duties was already good. The  process of adoption of technology  by pig farmers in the village of the District Gumbo Tiomneri Lanny Jaya Regency was varied from respondents..The role agriculture counselor as a motivator  has succeed to change the habits of farmers tradition that used to keep cattle in the house where they live (home honai) but by  now farmers have made pig pen outside their house.Keywords: Role of Extension agent,  pigs, Gumbo.