38 research outputs found

    Ingénierie du couplage spin-orbite pour l’étude d’états liés de Majorana dans les systèmes bidimensionnels

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    Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire portent sur l’élaboration d’une plateforme d’information quantique basée sur les états liés de Majorana. Ces états sont des candidats prometteurs à la réalisation de qubits topologiques tolérants aux fautes. Généralement, l’approche employée, laquelle a permis d’observer certaines signatures expérimentales de ces états, repose sur l’utilisation de matériaux à fort couplage spin-orbite. De manière alternative, ce mémoire présente l’étude de ces états dans les systèmes tirant profit des matériaux de la microélectronique via l’ingénierie du couplage spin-orbite produit par des microaimants en réseau. D’abord, une étude de faisabilité de l’implémentation d’une plateforme versatile d’états liés de Majorana à base de gaz d’électrons bidimensionnel est effectuée. Une optimisation du réseau permet d’identifier des régimes de paramètres favorables à l’émergence de ces états dans le silicium. Bien que la protection topologique observée soit typiquement plus faible que pour matériaux à fort couplage spin-orbite intrinsèque, les limitations et bénéfices de cette approche sont identifiés. Finalement, la robustesse de la protection topologique a été démontrée en présence de désordre dans les réseaux d’aimants. Dans l’optique de valider l’approche théorique, qui repose sur la création d’un couplage spin-orbite artificiel par un réseau d’aimant, une expérience visant à caractériser ce couplage a été conçue. En effet, une expérience de focalisation magnétique a été réalisée pour déterminer la force du couplage spin-orbite produit par un seul microaimant dans une hétérostructure à gaz d’électrons bidimensionnel. Également, le développement d’une plateforme de simulations numériques de transport quantique dans ces dispositifs a permis d’investiguer l’origine microscopique des signatures expérimentales observées

    Biolistics transformation of callus and cell suspension cultures of Capsicum annuum L. ‘Serrano’ is useful for in vitro studies of the relative contents of secondary metabolites

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    Capsicum annuum is a crop species of economic importance able to produce capsaicinoids, capsinoids, and pigments with nutritional and medicinal value. Methods to propagate and transform this species have been reported, but most are phenotype dependent, rely on Agrobacterium for transformation, and their success has been limited. This relates to only one commercial transgenic variety currently on trial. In the present work, we report the conditions to produce callus and cell suspension cultures of C. annuum ‘Serrano’ using commercial seeds. The culture could be induced to produce capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in detectable quantities and was amenable to transformation using biolistics. The expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase 4 fused to a fluorescent protein was demonstrated using confocal microscopy. Evidence of the integrity of the fusion was obtained by immunoblot. The transformation induced a change in the ratio of capsaicin to dihydrocapsaicin measured using high resolution direct sample analysis-mass spectrometry (DSA-MS). The method is thus useful for the study of capsaicinoid production under controlled conditions for special purposes and metabolic studies

    Autonomous quantum error correction of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states

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    The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code encodes a logical qubit into a bosonic system with resilience against single-photon loss, the predominant error in most bosonic systems. Here we present experimental results demonstrating quantum error correction of GKP states based on reservoir engineering of a superconducting device. Error correction is made autonomous through an unconditional reset of an auxiliary transmon qubit. The lifetime of the logical qubit is shown to be increased from quantum error correction, therefore reaching the point at which more errors are corrected than generated.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 26 pages, 12 figure

    Proposal of Home Care Residency as actuation field.

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    A Aten??o Domiciliar (AD) configura-se numa ?rea de atua??o de diversos especialistas, como M?dicos de Fam?lia e Comunidade, Geriatras, Pediatras e Internistas. Por suas especificidades e dentro do seu campo de pr?ticas, demanda compet?ncias que n?o est?o contempladas isoladamente em nenhuma especialidade m?dica, sendo que o tempo e a estrutura necess?rios para a aquisi??o destas ultrapassa a capacidade de inser??o ao longo dos programas atuais. A expans?o desta modalidade de cuidados representa uma demanda crescente de forma??o, exigindo a inclus?o da AD como potencial campo de trabalho destes especialistas, concebendo a necessidade de um ano adicional para forma??o nas especificidades dessa ?rea de atua??o. Discutem-se as estrat?gias de forma??o, campos da pr?tica e estrutura program?tica necess?rios para a consolida??o desta proposta. Espera-se que este artigo possa subsidiar a natural constru??o desta especialidade no ?mbito da atua??o m?dica em sa?de.Home Care (HC) is an expertise area for several specialists, such as Family Physicians, Geriatricians, Pediatricians and Internal Medicine. Due to its specificities and within its practice field, it demands competences that are not contemplated apart in any medical specialty, and the time and structure required to acquire them surpasses the insertion capacity in the current programs. This care type expansion represents a growing demand for training, requiring HC inclusion as a potential field of work for these specialists, conceiving the need for an additional year for the formation of specific features as an activity area. We discuss training strategies, practice fields and programmatic structure required to consolidate this proposal. We expect that this article can subsidize the natural construction of this specialty within the scope of health medical practice

    Passive Mineral Carbonation of Mg-rich Mine Wastes by Atmospheric CO2

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    Mg-rich process tailings and waste rocks from mining operations can react spontaneously with atmospheric CO2 to form stable carbonate minerals by exothermic reactions. Over the last decade, we have conducted a number of laboratory and field experiments and surveys on both mine waste rocks and different types of mine tailings from Ni-Cu, chrysotile, and diamond mines. The experiments and surveys cover a wide range of time (103 to 108 s) and mass (1-108 g) scales. Mine waste rich in brucite or chrysotile enhances the mineral carbonation reactions. Water saturation, but more importantly, watering frequency, are highly important to optimize carbonation. Adjusting the chemical composition of the interstitial water to favour Mg dissolution and to prevent passivation of the reaction surfaces is crucial to ensure the progress of the carbonation reactions. Preservation of the permeability structure is also critical to facilitate water and CO2 migration in the rock wastes and tailings. In field experiments, CO2 supply controled by diffusion in the mining waste is slower than the reaction rate which limits the capture of atmospheric CO2. Industrial implementation of passive mineral carbonation of mine waste by atmospheric CO2 can be optimized using the above parameters

    Investigation of two Fermi-LAT gamma-ray blazars coincident with high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube

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    After the identification of the gamma-ray blazar TXS 0506+056 as the first compelling IceCube neutrino source candidate, we perform a systematic analysis of all high-energy neutrino events satisfying the IceCube realtime trigger criteria. We find one additional known gamma-ray source, the blazar GB6 J1040+0617, in spatial coincidence with a neutrino in this sample. The chance probability of this coincidence is 30% after trial correction. For the first time, we present a systematic study of the gamma-ray flux, spectral and optical variability, and multi-wavelength behavior of GB6 J1040+0617 and compare it to TXS 0506+056. We find that TXS 0506+056 shows strong flux variability in the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray band, being in an active state around the arrival of IceCube-170922A, but in a low state during the archival IceCube neutrino flare in 2014/15. In both cases the spectral shape is statistically compatible (≤2σ\leq 2\sigma) with the average spectrum showing no indication of a significant relative increase of a high-energy component. While the association of GB6 J1040+0617 with the neutrino is consistent with background expectations, the source appears to be a plausible neutrino source candidate based on its energetics and multi-wavelength features, namely a bright optical flare and modestly increased gamma-ray activity. Finding one or two neutrinos originating from gamma-ray blazars in the given sample of high-energy neutrinos is consistent with previously derived limits of neutrino emission from gamma-ray blazars, indicating the sources of the majority of cosmic high-energy neutrinos remain unknown.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 2 Table

    Ingénierie du couplage spin-orbite pour l’étude d’états liés de Majorana dans les systèmes bidimensionnels

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    Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire portent sur l’élaboration d’une plateforme d’information quantique basée sur les états liés de Majorana. Ces états sont des candidats prometteurs à la réalisation de qubits topologiques tolérants aux fautes. Généralement, l’approche employée, laquelle a permis d’observer certaines signatures expérimentales de ces états, repose sur l’utilisation de matériaux à fort couplage spin-orbite. De manière alternative, ce mémoire présente l’étude de ces états dans les systèmes tirant profit des matériaux de la microélectronique via l’ingénierie du couplage spin-orbite produit par des microaimants en réseau. D’abord, une étude de faisabilité de l’implémentation d’une plateforme versatile d’états liés de Majorana à base de gaz d’électrons bidimensionnel est effectuée. Une optimisation du réseau permet d’identifier des régimes de paramètres favorables à l’émergence de ces états dans le silicium. Bien que la protection topologique observée soit typiquement plus faible que pour matériaux à fort couplage spin-orbite intrinsèque, les limitations et bénéfices de cette approche sont identifiés. Finalement, la robustesse de la protection topologique a été démontrée en présence de désordre dans les réseaux d’aimants. Dans l’optique de valider l’approche théorique, qui repose sur la création d’un couplage spin-orbite artificiel par un réseau d’aimant, une expérience visant à caractériser ce couplage a été conçue. En effet, une expérience de focalisation magnétique a été réalisée pour déterminer la force du couplage spin-orbite produit par un seul microaimant dans une hétérostructure à gaz d’électrons bidimensionnel. Également, le développement d’une plateforme de simulations numériques de transport quantique dans ces dispositifs a permis d’investiguer l’origine microscopique des signatures expérimentales observées

    Response of Hypolimnetic Water and Bottom Sediment Microbial Communities to Freshwater Salinization—A Microcosm Experiment

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    The introduction of NaCl in freshwater caused by winter runoffs is a problem whose consequences are still little understood. We sought to analyze the effect of NaCl addition on microbial communities of the hypolimnion and bottom sediments of a Canadian lake. Using microcosms comprising a salinity gradient varying between 0.01 and 3.22 ppt (10–3220 mg/L−1) NaCl, we investigated the effect of salinity on prokaryotic absolute abundance and diversity, following a three- and six-week exposure, and detected the presence of a salinity threshold for microbial communities’ differentiation. We observed a significant decline of bacterial diversity after six weeks in hypolimnetic samples. In the sediments, no clear effect of NaCl was observed on abundance or diversity, despite the presence of variations throughout the salinity gradient. The implication of nutrient fluctuations as well as the co-occurrence of species and inter-domain interactions is likely and would strongly contribute to the development of salt-exposed prokaryotic communities. In hypolimnetic water and sediments, the archaeal and eukaryotic communities differed significantly from 0.93 ppt (930 mg/L−1), while only conclusive at 1.9 ppt (1900 mg/L−1) NaCl in bacteria, meaning that the regulations in place are possibly suitable for the protection of the microbial communities in the hypolimnion and sediment lake layers

    Just TYPEical: Visualizing Common Function Type Signatures in R

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    An interactive visualization of run-time type data for the R programming language