67 research outputs found

    The expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits reflects levels of dietary stress in guppies

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    Environmental and ecological conditions can shape the evolution of life history traits in many animals. Among such factors, food or nutrition availability can play an important evolutionary role in moderating an animal\u27s life history traits, particularly sexually selected traits. Here, we test whether diet quantity and/or composition in the form of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (here termed \u27n3LC\u27) influence the expression of pre- and postcopulatory traits in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a livebearing poeciliid fish. We assigned males haphazardly to one of two experimental diets supplemented with n3LC, and each of these diet treatments was further divided into two diet \u27quantity\u27 treatments. Our experimental design therefore explored the main and interacting effects of two factors (n3LC content and diet quantity) on the expression of precopulatory (sexual behaviour and sexual ornamentation, including the size, number and spectral properties of colour spots) and postcopulatory (the velocity, viability, number and length of sperm) sexually selected traits. Our study revealed that diet quantity had significant effects on most of the pre- and postcopulatory traits, while n3LC manipulation had a significant effect on sperm traits and in particular on sperm viability. Our analyses also revealed interacting effects of diet quantity and n3LC levels on courtship displays, and the area of orange and iridescent colour spots in the males\u27 colour patterns. We also confirmed that our dietary manipulations of n3LC resulted in the differential uptake of n3LC in body and testes tissues in the different n3LC groups. This study reveals the effects of diet quantity and n3LC on behavioural, ornamental and ejaculate traits in P. reticulata and underscores the likely role that diet plays in maintaining the high variability in these condition-dependent sexual traits

    Δ-6 desaturase substrate competition : dietary linoleic acid (18∶2n-6) has only trivial effects on α-linolenic acid (18∶3n-3) bioconversion in the teleost rainbow trout

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    It is generally accepted that, in vertebrates, omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) compete for ?-6 desaturase enzyme in order to be bioconverted into long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA). However, recent studies into teleost fatty acid metabolism suggest that these metabolic processes may not conform entirely to what has been previously observed in mammals and other animal models. Recent work on rainbow trout has led us to question specifically if linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) and ?-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) (?-6 desaturase substrates) are in direct competition for access to ?-6 desaturase. Two experimental diets were formulated with fixed levels of ALA, while LA levels were varied (high and low) to examine if increased availability of LA would result in decreased bioconversion of ALA to its LC-PUFA products through substrate competition. No significant difference in ALA metabolism towards n-3 LC-PUFA was exhibited between diets while significant differences were observed in LA metabolism towards n-6 LC-PUFA. These results are evidence for minor if any competition between substrates for ?-6 desaturase, suggesting that, paradoxically, the activity of ?-6 desaturase on n-3 and n-6 substrates is independent. These results call for a paradigm shift in the way we approach teleost fatty acid metabolism. The findings are also important with regard to diet formulation in the aquaculture industry as they indicate that there should be no concern for possible substrate competition between 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6, when aiming at increased n-3 LC-PUFA bioconversion in vivo

    Fish oil replacement in current aquaculture feed : is cholesterol a hidden treasure for fish nutrition?

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    Teleost fish, as with all vertebrates, are capable of synthesizing cholesterol and as such have no dietary requirement for it. Thus, limited research has addressed the potential effects of dietary cholesterol in fish, even if fish meal and fish oil are increasingly replaced by vegetable alternatives in modern aquafeeds, resulting in progressively reduced dietary cholesterol content. The objective of this study was to determine if dietary cholesterol fortification in a vegetable oil-based diet can manifest any effects on growth and feed utilization performance in the salmonid fish, the rainbow trout. In addition, given a series of studies in mammals have shown that dietary cholesterol can directly affect the fatty acid metabolism, the apparent in vivo fatty acid metabolism of fish fed the experimental diets was assessed. Triplicate groups of juvenile fish were fed one of two identical vegetable oil-based diets, with additional cholesterol fortification (high cholesterol, H-Chol) or without (low cholesterol, L-Chol), for 12 weeks. No effects were observed on growth and feed efficiency, however, in fish fed H-Col no biosynthesis of cholesterol, and a remarkably decreased apparent in vivo fatty acid b-oxidation were recorded, whilst in LChol fed fish, cholesterol was abundantly biosynthesised and an increased apparent in vivo fatty acid b-oxidation was observed. Only minor effects were observed on the activity of stearyl-CoA desaturase, but a significant increase was observed for both the transcription rate in liver and the apparent in vivo activity of the fatty acid D-6 desaturase and elongase, with increasing dietary cholesterol. This study showed that the possible effects of reduced dietary cholesterol in current aquafeeds can be significant and warrant future investigations

    Impact of diets with different proportions of linseed and sunflower oils on the growth, liver histology, immunological and chemical blood parameters, and proximate composition of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the impact of applying different proportions of linseed (LO) and sunflower (SFO) oils in pikeperch diets on growth, histological changes in the liver, immunological and blood chemical parameters. The fish were fed isoenergetic and isoprotein feeds containing SFO (group 100SFO) or LO (group 100LO) in quantities of 67 g kg/feed, and a mixture of oils: 47 g SFO and 20 g LO kg/feed (group 70SFO/30LO) and 20 g SFO and 47 g LO kg/feed (group 30SFO/70LO). Dietary ratios of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the n-3 and n-6 series (n3/n6 index) were 0.36–2.15. Pikeperch were reared for 56 days in three replicates for each dietary treatment. Various dietary oils and ratios of n3/n6 did not impact fish growth, feed conversion ratio, viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic index, and size of the hepatocytes. Feeding the fish high quantities of LO and SO oils (groups 100LO and 100SFO) reduced the immunological response of the phagocytes and lymphocytes in the fish. Moreover, this resulted in significant differences among groups in the quantity of linolenic and linoleic acid in whole fish bodies, viscera, fillets, and livers. Various quantities of vegetable oils in the fish diets did not impact the quantity of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid in the fillets and livers. The immunological index and low quantities of linoleic acid in the fillets obtained in group 30SFO/70LO indicate that the n3/n6 dietary ratio of 1.35 was the most advantageous for feeding juvenile pikeperch feeds with vegetable oils

    Interactions between dietary docosahexaenoic acid and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on performance and fatty acid retention in post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    A study with varying dietary inclusion levels (1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g kg-1) of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n-3) was conducted with post-smolt (111 ± 2.6 g; mean ± S.) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) over a 9-week period. In addition to the series of DHA inclusion levels, the study included further diets that had DHA at 10 g kg-1 in combination with either eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) or arachidonic acid (ARA; 20:4n-6), both also included at 10 g kg-1. An additional treatment with both EPA and DHA included at 5 g kg-1 (total of 10 g kg-1 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, LC-PUFA) was also included. After a 9-week feeding period, fish were weighed, and carcass, blood and tissue samples collected. A minor improvement in growth was seen with increasing inclusion of DHA. However, the addition of EPA further improved growth response while addition of ARA had no effect on growth. As with most lipid studies, the fatty acid composition of the whole body lipids generally reflected that of the diets. However, there were notable exceptions to this, and these implicate some interactions among the different LC-PUFA in terms of the fatty acid bio- chemistry in this species. At very low inclusion levels, DHA retention was substantially higher (*250 %) than that at all other inclusion levels (31–58 %). The inclusion of EPA in the diet also had a positive effect on the retention efficiency of DHA. However, EPA retention was highly variable and at low DHA inclusion levels there was a net loss of EPA as this fatty acid was most likely elongated to produce DHA, consistent with increased DHA retention with addi- tional EPA in the diet. Retention of DPA (22:5n-3) was high at low levels of DHA, but diminished with increasing DHA inclusion, similar to that seen with DHA retention. The addition of EPA to the diet resulted in a substantial increase in the efficiency of DPA retention; the inclusion of ARA had the opposite effect. Retention of ARA was unaffected by DHA inclusion, but the addition of either EPA or ARA to the diet resulted in a substantial reduction in the efficiency of ARA retention. No effects of dietary treatment were noted on the retention of either linolenic (18:3n-3) or linoleic (18:2n-6) acids. When the total n-3 LC-PUFA content of the diet was the same but consisted of either DHA alone or as a combination of EPA plus DHA, the performance effects were similar

    Investigation of highly unsaturated fatty acid metabolism in the Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer

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    Lates calcarifer, commonly known as the Asian sea bass or barramundi, is an interesting species that has great aquaculture potential in Asia including Malaysia and also Australia. We have investigated essential fatty acid metabolism in this species, focusing on the endogenous highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) synthesis pathway using both biochemical and molecular biological approaches. Fatty acyl desaturase (Fad) and elongase (Elovl) cDNAs were cloned and functional characterization identified them as ∆6 Fad and Elovl5 elongase enzymes, respectively. The ∆6 Fad was equally active towards 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6, and Elovl5 exhibited elongation activity for C18-20 and C20-22 elongation and a trace of C22-24 activity. The tissue profile of gene expression for ∆6 fad and elovl5 genes, showed brain to have the highest expression of both genes compared to all other tissues. The results of tissue fatty acid analysis showed that the brain contained more docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) than flesh, liver and intestine. The HUFA synthesis activity in isolated hepatocytes and enterocytes using [1-14C]18:3n-3 as substrate was very low with the only desaturated product detected being 18:4n-3. These findings indicate that L. calcarifer display an essential fatty acid pattern similar to other marine fish in that they appear unable to synthesize HUFA from C18 substrates. High expression of ∆6 fad and elovl5 genes in brain may indicate a role for these enzymes in maintaining high DHA levels in neural tissues through conversion of 20:5n-3

    Performance, feed utilization, and hepatic metabolic response of weaned juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.): effects of dietary lipid level and source

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    The development of formulated diets and feeds is essential to increase production of farmed tuna species. There is limited knowledge of this topic, mainly on Pacific Bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in Japan, whereas no major attempts have been made with Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; ABT). In the present study, two trials were performed using inert formulated diets as on-growing feeds for weaned ABT juvenile in order to establish adequate dietary levels of both lipid and omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA). In a first trial, ABT (initial weight = 2.9±0.9g) were fed for 10 days with either a commercial (Magokoro®, MGK) or two experimental feeds with two different lipid levels (15 or 20%) using krill oil (KO) as the single lipid source in order to estimate the suitable lipid content. Fish fed MGK displayed the highest growth, followed by 15KO, with no differences in fish survival. Thus, a lipid content of 15% was considered better than 20% for ABT juveniles. In the second trial, fish (initial weight = 3.3 ± 0.6g) were fed either MGK, 15KO or a feed containing 15% lipid with a combination (1:1, v/v) KO and rapeseed oil (RO) (15KORO). Fish fed 15KO and 15KORO showed the highest growth in terms of weight and fork length (including weight gain and SGR). Increasing dietary lipid level or adding RO to the feeds did not increase liver lipid content. The liver fatty acid profile largely reflected dietary intake confirming very limited LC-PUFA biosynthetic activity for this teleost species. In this respect, liver of fish fed 15KO and 20KO displayed the highest contents of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The hepatic expression of genes of lipid and fatty acid metabolism, transcription factors, and antioxidant enzymes was investigated with many of the genes showing regulation by both dietary lipid and LC-PUFA contents. The present study showed promising results that suggested ABT juveniles can be on grown on inert dry feeds that supported good fish growth and the accumulation of the health-promoting fatty acid DHA. Further studies are required in order to fully elucidate lipid and fatty acid requirements of this iconic species regarding dietary sources and production costs.En prensa1,52

    Development of a fish cell culture model to investigate the impact of fish oil replacement on lipid peroxidation

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    Fish oils are rich in omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA), predominantly 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3, whereas vegetable oils contain abundant C18-PUFA, predominantly 18:3n-3 or 18:2n-6. We hypothesized that replacement of fish oils with vegetable oils would increase the oxidative stability of fish lipids. Here we have used the FHM cell line to test this hypothesis. The FHM cells were readily able to synthesize 20:5n-3 and 24:6n-3 from 18:3n-3 but 22:6n-3 synthesis was negligible. Also, they were readily able to synthesize 20:3n-6 from 18:2n-6 but 20:4n-6 synthesis was negligible. Mitochondrial β-oxidation was greatest for 18:3n-3 and 20:5n-3 and the rates for 16:0, 18:2n-6, 22:6n-3 and 18:1n-9 were significantly lower. Fatty acid incorporation was predominantly into phospholipids (79-97%) with very little incorporation into neutral lipids. Increasing the fatty acid concentration in the growth medium substantially increased the concentrations of 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6 in the cell phospholipids but this was not the case for 20:5n-3 or 22:6n-3. When they were subjected to oxidative stress, the FHM cells supplemented with either 20:5n-3 or 22:6n-3 (as compared with 18:3n-3 or saturated fatty acids) exhibited significantly higher levels of thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) indicating higher levels of lipid peroxidation. The results are discussed in relation to the effects of fatty acid unsaturation on the oxidative stability of cellular lipids and the implications for sustainable aquaculture

    n-3 LC-PUFA deposition efficiency and appetite regulating hormones are modulated by the dietary lipid source during rainbow trout grow-out and finishing periods

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    Largely attributable to concerns surrounding sustainability, the utilisation of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich (n-3 LC-PUFA) fish oils in aquafeeds for farmed fish species is an increasingly concerning issue. Therefore, strategies to maximise the deposition efficiency of these key health beneficial fatty acids are being investigated. The present study examined the effects of four vegetable-based dietary lipid sources (linseed, olive, palm and sunflower oil) on the deposition efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA and the circulating blood plasma concentrations of the appetite-regulating hormones, leptin and ghrelin, during the grow-out and finishing phases in rainbow trout culture. Minimal detrimental effects were noted in fish performance; however, major modifications were apparent in tissue fatty acid compositions, which generally reflected that of the diet. These modifications diminished somewhat following the fish oil finishing phase, but longer-lasting effects remained evident. The fatty acid composition of the alternative oils was demonstrated to have a modulatory effect on the deposition efficiency of n-3 LC-PUFA and on the key endocrine hormones involved in appetite regulation, growth and feed intake during both the grow-out and finishing phases. In particular, n-6 PUFA (sunflower oil diet) appeared to ‘spare’ the catabolism of n-3 LC-PUFA and, as such, resulted in the highest retention of these fatty acids, ultimately highlighting new nutritional approaches to maximise the maintenance of the qualitative benefits of fish oils when they are used in feeds for aquaculture species

    Dietary n-6/n-3 LC-PUFA ratio, temperature and time interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in Atlantic salmon

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of altered dietary n-3/n-6 LC-PUFA ratio, adaptation to diet over time, different water temperatures, and their interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, with the only exception of the ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) to arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), and fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of 55. g initial body weight. Fish were reared in a fully controlled recirculating aquaculture system, fed to apparent satiety twice daily and kept at 10. °C and for an initial period of 100. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation. Then, half of the fish of each experimental tank were moved to a separate system, where the water temperature was gradually increased up to 20. °C. Fish were maintained in the two systems for an additional period of 50. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation from both groups of fish at the two water temperatures. This study concluded that dietary treatments and time had only minor effects, whereas environmental temperature resulted in modified digestibility values, with increased nutrient digestibility with increasing temperature. Varying EPA/ARA ratio in the diet had only minor direct effects on digestibility, with no direct effect on overall nutrients digestibility, and fundamentally only statistically significant effects in the fatty acid digestibility of EPA and ARA themselves. Because of current increasing pressure for more efficient fish oil replacement strategies, increasing interest in dietary ARA in aquafeed and increasing relevance and occurrence of sub-optimal rearing temperature in commercial aquaculture, this study can be considered to be important as it provided a series of fundamental information, which are envisaged to be useful towards addressing these constraints and possible nutritional remedial strategies