35 research outputs found

    Low-temperature specific heat in hydrogenated and Mn-doped La(Fe, Si)(13)

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    It is now well established that the paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition in the magnetocaloric La(FeSi)13 is a cooperative effect involving spin, charge, and lattice degrees of freedom. However, the influence of this correlated behavior on the ferromagnetic state is as yet little studied. Here we measure the specific heat at low temperatures in a systematic set of LaFexMnySiz samples, with and without hydrogen, to extract the Sommerfeld coefficient, the Debye temperature, and the spin-wave stiffness. Substantial and systematic changes in magnitude of the Sommerfeld coefficient are observed with Mn substitution and introduction of hydrogen, showing that over and above the changes to the density of states at the Fermi energy there are significant enhanced d-band electronic interactions at play. The Sommerfeld coefficient is found to be 90–210mJmol−1K−2, unusually high compared to that expected from band-structure calculations. The Debye temperature determined from the specific heat measurement is insensitive to Mn and Si doping but increases when hydrogen is introduced into the system. The Sommerfeld coefficient is reduced in magnetic field for all compositions that have a measurable spin-wave contribution. These results move our understanding of the cooperative effects forward in this important and interesting class of materials significantly and provide a basis for future theoretical development

    Electron Accumulation and Emergent Magnetism in LaMnO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures

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    Emergent phenomena at polar-nonpolar oxide interfaces have been studied intensely in pursuit of next-generation oxide electronics and spintronics. Here we report the disentanglement of critical thicknesses for electron reconstruction and the emergence of ferromagnetism in polar-mismatched LaMnO3/SrTiO3 (001) heterostructures. Using a combination of element-specific X-ray absorption spectroscopy and dichroism, and first-principles calculations, interfacial electron accumulation and ferromagnetism have been observed within the polar, antiferromagnetic insulator LaMnO3. Our results show that the critical thickness for the onset of electron accumulation is as thin as 2 unit cells (UC), significantly thinner than the observed critical thickness for ferromagnetism of 5 UC. The absence of ferromagnetism below 5 UC is likely induced by electron over-accumulation. In turn, by controlling the doping of the LaMnO3, we are able to neutralize the excessive electrons from the polar mismatch in ultrathin LaMnO3 films and thus enable ferromagnetism in films as thin as 3 UC, extending the limits of our ability to synthesize and tailor emergent phenomena at interfaces and demonstrating manipulation of the electronic and magnetic structures of materials at the shortest length scales.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Spontaneous magnetization above T-C in polycrystalline La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and La0.7Ba0.3MnO3

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    In the present work, spontaneous magnetization is observed in the inverse magnetic susceptibility of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and La0.7Ba0.3MnO3 compounds above T-C up to a temperature T*. From information gathered from neutron diffraction, dilatometry, and high-field magnetization data, we suggest that T* is related to the transition temperature of the low-temperature (high magnetic field) magnetic phase. In the temperature region between T* and T-C, the application of a magnetic field drives the system from the high-temperature to low-temperature magnetic phases, the latter possessing a higher magnetization

    Overview of the Characteristic Features of the Magnetic Phase Transition with Regards to the Magnetocaloric Effect: the Hidden Relationship Between Hysteresis and Latent Heat

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    This article was published in the journal, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E [Springer / © The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International]. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40553-014-0015-8The magnetocaloric effect has seen a resurgence in interest over the last 20 years as a means towards an alternative energy efficient cooling method. This has resulted in a concerted effort to develop the so-called “giant” magnetocaloric materials with large entropy changes that often come at the expense of hysteretic behavior. But do the gains offset the disadvantages? In this paper, we review the relationship between the latent heat of several giant magnetocaloric systems and the associated magnetic field hysteresis. We quantify this relationship by the parameter ΔΌ 0 H/ΔS L, which describes the linear relationship between field hysteresis, ΔΌ 0 H, and entropy change due to latent heat, ΔS L. The general trends observed in these systems suggest that itinerant magnets appear to consistently show large ΔS L accompanied by small ΔΌ 0 H (ΔΌ 0 H/ΔS L = 0.02 ± 0.01 T/(J K−1 kg−1)), compared to local moment systems, which show significantly larger ΔΌ 0 H as ΔS L increases (ΔΌ 0 H/ΔS L = 0.14 ± 0.06 T/(J K−1 kg−1))

    From Architectured Materials to Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing

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    The classical material-by-design approach has been extensively perfected by materials scientists, while engineers have been optimising structures geometrically for centuries. The purpose of architectured materials is to build bridges across themicroscale ofmaterials and themacroscale of engineering structures, to put some geometry in the microstructure. This is a paradigm shift. Materials cannot be considered monolithic anymore. Any set of materials functions, even antagonistic ones, can be envisaged in the future. In this paper, we intend to demonstrate the pertinence of computation for developing architectured materials, and the not-so-incidental outcome which led us to developing large-scale additive manufacturing for architectural applications

    Twisters: an analogy of bilayers for twisting

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    Benders, such as bilayers, are well-known shape-changing structures which bend upon activation by a stimulus, such as temperature. The objective of this contribution is to propose new shape-changing rod-like structures, referred to as twisters, which twist upon activation. A simple biomimetic design principle based on symmetry considerations is proposed and used to derive a mechanical model. The kinematics of the response of the twister to the simulus is inspired from FEM simulations, and slightly simplified to allow for an analytical resolution of the governing equations. Proposed twisters are shown to first stretch as the stimulus increases until a bifurcation is reached, then, they undergo a mixed stretching-twisting regime. An accurate approximation of the bifurcation point is derived and serves as a guideline for the design of twisters in accordance with chosen specifications. Results are illustrated using twisters with three different behaviours. The methodology can be straightfowardly extended to more complex kinematics and other constitutive laws