257 research outputs found

    Social reproduction in onward migration: Colombian mothers and fathers from Spain to London

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    This paper examines how social reproductive work—particularly childcare and material provision—is experienced by and distributed between fathers and mothers during onward migration. Onward migration is typically defined as the process whereby people leave their homeland, settle in a second country, and then migrate to a third country. Gendered in nature, social reproductive work refers to the activities involved in maintaining people daily and intergenerationally. Several studies explore how families' social reproductive arrangements are disrupted, reconfigured or maintained following migration. Less is known about the organisation of social reproductive labour in families who migrated multiple times. This paper draws from fieldwork with 32 Colombian mothers and 18 Colombian fathers who onward migrated from Spain to London after the 2008 crisis. Fathers typically onward migrated first to fulfil their breadwinning role, while mothers would stay in Spain to look after their children, following later. These arrangements were not necessarily maintained at the onward destination. To cope with downward mobility and precarity in London, some fathers became more involved in social reproductive work viewed as feminine (e.g., childcare), while mothers began outsourcing social reproductive tasks to better meet their families' needs and to seize the opportunities London offers. This paper suggests that onward migrant families renegotiate their social reproductive arrangements to address the socioeconomic challenges and opportunities its members encounter in the onward destination and proposes an understanding of social reproduction as relational and fluid across space and time

    The onward migration-family nexus: the lived experiences of London's onward Colombian migrants from Spain and their families

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    This research investigates the onward migration-family nexus by centring the lived experiences of Colombian families who onward migrated from Spain to London after the 2008 global financial crisis. Onward migration can be broadly defined as the process whereby migrants leave the country in which they settled for a period of time and migrate to another country when circumstances change. In this thesis, the onward migration-family nexus is understood as the complex ways in which families shape onward migration and the multifaceted transformations they undergo as a result. This thesis draws from fieldwork conducted from June 2020 to May 2021 which strived to capture the voices of onward Colombian parents, onward migrant youths of Colombian descent, as well as staff, volunteers, and leaders of organisations and groups run by and for Latin American migrants in London. This dissertation also draws from fieldwork conducted between February and May 2021 as part of a Public Engagement with Research Project exploring the impact of Brexit and COVID-19 on London’s Latin American community. Taking the format of an integrated thesis, this dissertation includes an overall introduction (Chapter 1), four substantive chapters in the form of standalone journal articles each addressing a unique research question, and an overarching conclusion (Chapter 6): - Chapter 2 examines how onward migration unfolds for families, showing that onward migration is shaped by relational factors and may be achieved through and after diverse forms of international im/mobility. - Chapter 3 explores how families organise their social reproductive work in the onward migration process, highlighting how gendered social reproductive arrangements are renegotiated to address the challenges and opportunities families encounter in the process. - Chapter 4 sheds light on the experiences and identities of onward migrant youths, demonstrating that onward migration provides young people with opportunities to claim identities they had limited access to in the previous country of residence and to form new ones drawing from multiple and new frames and scales of references. - Chapter 5 explores how onward migrant families experienced the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)—a programme developed by the British Government to allow EU nationals and their non-EU family members to retain residence following the UK withdrawal from the EU—showing that for onward migrants and their families, the EUSS represented a formalisation of the discrimination and bordering practices they were experiencing before the EUSS and a return to a position of legal vulnerability and uncertainty. Ultimately, this thesis advances the conceptualisation of onward migration and the understanding of the transformations that families and young people undergo following this process. Equally important, this thesis contributes to making visible the experiences of Latin Americans in the UK—a large community which lacks institutional recognition despite various campaigns advocating for it—while advancing policy debates on Brexit

    Developing the Biomolecular Screening Facility at the EPFL into the Chemical Biology Screening Platform for Switzerland

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    The Biomolecular Screening Facility (BSF) is a multidisciplinary laboratory created in 2006 at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) to perform medium and high throughput screening in life sciences-related projects. The BSF was conceived and developed to meet the needs of a wide range of researchers, without privileging a particular biological discipline or therapeutic area. The facility has the necessary infrastructure, multidisciplinary expertise and flexibility to perform large screening programs using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and chemical collections in the areas of chemical biology, systems biology and drug discovery. In the framework of the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) Chemical Biology, the BSF is hosting 'ACCESS', the Academic Chemical Screening Platform of Switzerland that provides the scientific community with chemical diversity, screening facilities and know-how in chemical genetics. In addition, the BSF started its own applied research axes that are driven by innovation in thematic areas related to preclinical drug discovery and discovery of bioactive probes

    Cote'Coi - coletivo teatral: da vida ao teatro

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: CulturaEste trabalho explica a gênese do projeto de extensão COTE’COI e como se desenvolveram algumas de suas ações entre os anos de 2015/2017. O projeto de extensão COTE’COI visa à produção artística e cultural na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu e região planejando ações de formação, criação e recepção de teatro. Por um lado, utilizamos um diário que foi mantido pelo grupo para registros e impressões vivenciadas durante o encontro. Por outro lado, buscamos estimular espaços de debate, aproximando-se em relação as cidades e países vizinhos. Portanto, tornando-se um importante espaço de diálogo entre agentes e produtores culturais para a cidade e região, trabalhando de maneira colaborativa e visando o fortalecimento das artes cênicas como um tod

    O Teatro como Laboratório Social: reflexões e experimentos cênicos como estratégia Política para redução da violência

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e História da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Antropologia – Diversidade Cultural Latino-Americana. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Waldemir RosaO presente trabalho de conclusão de curso apresenta como foco principal de estudo o teatro como laboratório social refletindo e experimentando cenicamente a performatividade e as relações humanas no convívio com a alteridade, funcionando assim como estratégia política à redução da violência. Para isso, são estabelecidos objetivos específicos que facilitam a leitura necessária para alcançar tais anseios. Sendo fragmentado em três capítulos, utiliza-se o conceito de habitus de Pierre Bourdieu, para traçar a relação entre corpo e experiência social no processo de autoconhecimento e criação de si, analisando as dinâmicas de identidades e comportamentos dos agentes sociais nas relações de poder e saber. Do mesmo modo, utilizam-se também os conceitos de etnodramaturgo e drama social advindos do pensamento de Victor Turner com o intuito de elucidar a relação constante entre comunidade e communitas, isto é, entre vida social e a vida ritual. A hibridação entre o pensamento antropológico e o pensamento artístico indaga a compreensão crítica da performatividade humana dos distintos habitus corporais e das representações socialmente construídas do Eu e do Outro no cotidiano. Assim, quanto à metodologia, propõe-se uma comparação do conteúdo do objetivo 4.7 do documento Transformando nosso mundo: Agenda 2030 das nações unidas como contraste antagônico e contraditório à situação social vigente. Em continuidade, o modo qualitativo de análise articulado com o método etnográfico na coleta de dados nativos e externos à interpretação e transcrição das narrativas de participantes do ritual teatral destacando as percepções sobre si e sobre o mundo na convivência com as diferenças nas maneiras de pensar, sentir e agir tanto na vida como no teatro. Por fim, conclui-se a veracidade da hipótese formulada, pois o teatro como ritual antiestrutural possibilita o reconhecimento de si e do outro, cultivando a tolerância, respeito e cooperação mútua sempre em trabalho para exercer o aperfeiçoamento humano na sociedade.El presente trabajo de conclusión de curso presenta como foco principal de estudio el teatro como laboratorio social reflejando y experimentando escenamente la performatividad y las relaciones humanas en la convivencia con la alteridad, funcionando así como estrategia política a la reducción de la violencia. Para ello, se establecen objetivos específicos que facilitan la lectura necesaria para alcanzar tales anhelos. Siendo fragmentado en tres capítulos, se utiliza el concepto de habitus de Pierre Bourdieu, para trazar la relación entre cuerpo y experiencia social en el proceso de autoconocimiento y creación de sí, analizando las dinámicas de identidades y comportamientos de los agentes sociales en las relaciones de poder y saber. De la misma manera, se utilizan también los conceptos de etnodramaturgo y drama social provenientes del pensamiento de Victor Turner con el propósito de elucidar la relación constante entre comunidad y comunitas, es decir, entre vida social y la vida ritual. La hibridación entre el pensamiento antropológico y el pensamiento artístico indaga la comprensión crítica de la performatividad humana de los distintos hábitos corporales y de las representaciones socialmente construidas del Yo y del Otro en el cotidiano. Así, en cuanto a la metodología, se propone una comparación del contenido del objetivo 4.7 del documento Transformando nuestro mundo: Agenda 2030 de las naciones unidas como contraste antagónico y contradictorio a la situación social vigente. En continuidad, el modo cualitativo de análisis articulado con el método etnográfico en la recolección de datos nativos y externos a la interpretación y transcripción de las narrativas de participantes del ritual teatral destacando las percepciones sobre sí y sobre el mundo en la convivencia con las diferencias en las maneras de pensar, sentir y actuar tanto en la vida como en el teatro. Por último, se concluye la veracidad de la hipótesis formulada, pues el teatro como ritual antiestructural posibilita el reconocimiento de sí y del otro, cultivando la tolerancia, respeto y cooperación mutua siempre en trabajo para ejercer el perfeccionamiento humano en la sociedad

    A regionalização dos serviços de gestão de resíduos sólidos : a solução pelo modelo dos consórcios públicos

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    O presente trabalho busca apresentar o tema da regionalização dos serviços de resíduos sólidos no país a partir da análise da legislação do setor e de suas diretrizes nacionais. Nesse sentido, a Lei 12.305/10 (que versa sobre a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos - PNRS) trouxe uma série de orientações sobre o modo como devem ser prestados os serviços vinculados ao tema dos resíduos sólidos no país, tendo como foco principal a adoção dos conceitos de destinação e disposição final ambientalmente adequadas. Tais conceitos fazem com que seja necessária a incorporação de uma série de rotas tecnológicas, que interfiram na quantidade e na qualidade de resíduos que devem ser direcionados aos aterros sanitários. Acrescido a isso, a Lei 14.026/20, ao alterar a Lei 11.445/07 (que versa sobre saneamento básico), corroborou a orientação presente na PNRS, incluindo duas diretrizes que, pretende-se, podem propiciar o equilíbrio econômico-financeiro dos serviços de resíduos sólidos: a instituição obrigatória de instrumento de cobrança pelos serviços e a regionalização do setor. Focalizando no tópico da regionalização, o trabalho apresenta as possibilidade de modelo de regionalização, concluindo com a exposição dos benefícios relativos da adoção do modelo de regionalização pelos consórcios públicos.The present work seeks to present the theme of the regionalization of solid waste services in the country from the analysis of the legislation of the sector and its national guidelines. In this sense, Law 12.305/10 (which deals with the National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS) brought a series of guidelines on how services related to the issue of solid waste should be provided in the country, with the main focus on the adoption of the concepts of environmentally appropriate destination and environmentally appropriate final disposal. Such concepts make it necessary to incorporate a series of technological routes that interfere with the quantity and quality of waste that must be directed to landfills. Furthermore, Law 14.026/20, by amending Law 11.445/07 (which deals with basic sanitation), corroborated the guidance present in the PNRS, including two guidelines that, it is intended, can provide the economic and financial balance of services of solid waste: the obligatory institution of a billing instrument for services and the regionalization of the sector. Focusing on the topic of regionalization, the paper presents the possibilities of a regionalization model, concluding with an exposition of the relative benefits of adopting the regionalization model by public consortium

    A new class of cleavable fluorescent nucleotides: synthesis and optimization as reversible terminators for DNA sequencing by synthesis

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    Fluorescent 2′-deoxynucleotides containing a protecting group at the 3′-O-position are reversible terminators enabling array-based DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS) approaches. Herein, we describe the synthesis of a new family of 3′-OH unprotected cleavable fluorescent 2′-deoxynucleotides and their evaluation as reversible terminators for high-throughput DNA SBS strategies. In this first version, all four modified nucleotides bearing a cleavable disulfide Alexa Fluor® 594 dye were assayed for their ability to act as a reversible stop for the incorporation of the next labeled base. Their use in SBS leaded to a signal-no signal output after successive addition of each labeled nucleotide during the sequencing process (binary read-out). Solid-phase immobilized synthetic DNA target sequences were used to optimize the method that has been applied to DNA polymerized colonies or clusters obtained by in situ solid-phase amplification of fragments of genomic DNA template

    BTA, a novel reagent for DNA attachment on glass and efficient generation of solid-phase amplified DNA colonies

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    The tricarboxylate reagent benzene-1,3,5-triacetic acid (BTA) was used to attach 5′-aminated DNA primers and templates on an aminosilanized glass surface for subsequent generation of DNA colonies by in situ solid-phase amplification. We have characterized the derivatized surfaces for the chemical attachment of oligonucleotides and evaluate the properties relevant for the amplification process: surface density, thermal stability towards thermocycling, functionalization reproducibility and storage stability. The derivatization process, first developed for glass slides, was then adapted to microfabricated glass channels containing integrated fluidic connections. This implementation resulted in an important reduction of reaction times, consumption of reagents and process automation. Innovative analytical methods for the characterization of attached DNA were developed for assessing the surface immobilized DNA content after amplification. The results obtained showed that the BTA chemistry is compatible and suitable for forming highly dense arrays of DNA colonies with optimal surface coverage of about 10 million colonies/cm(2) from the amplification of initial single-template DNA molecules immobilized. We also demonstrate that the dsDNA colonies generated can be quantitatively processed in situ by restriction enzymes digestion. DNA colonies generated using the BTA reagent can be used for further sequence analysis in an unprecedented parallel fashion for low-cost genomic studies

    BTA, a novel reagent for DNA attachment on glass and efficient generation of solid-phase amplified DNA colonies

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    The tricarboxylate reagent benzene-1,3,5-triacetic acid (BTA) was used to attach 5′-aminated DNA primers and templates on an aminosilanized glass surface for subsequent generation of DNA colonies by in situ solid-phase amplification. We have characterized the derivatized surfaces for the chemical attachment of oligonucleotides and evaluate the properties relevant for the amplification process: surface density, thermal stability towards thermocycling, functionalization reproducibility and storage stability. The derivatization process, first developed for glass slides, was then adapted to microfabricated glass channels containing integrated fluidic connections. This implementation resulted in an important reduction of reaction times, consumption of reagents and process automation. Innovative analytical methods for the characterization of attached DNA were developed for assessing the surface immobilized DNA content after amplification. The results obtained showed that the BTA chemistry is compatible and suitable for forming highly dense arrays of DNA colonies with optimal surface coverage of about 10 million colonies/cm2 from the amplification of initial single-template DNA molecules immobilized. We also demonstrate that the dsDNA colonies generated can be quantitatively processed in situ by restriction enzymes digestion. DNA colonies generated using the BTA reagent can be used for further sequence analysis in an unprecedented parallel fashion for low-cost genomic studie