218 research outputs found

    The effects of stimulants on eating patterns in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Objectives. This study aims to evaluate the effects of methylphenidate (MPH) on eating patterns and body mass index (BMI) in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The secondary aim of this study is the comparison between weight and eating behavior of children with ADHD undergoing an MPH treatment, and of children without ADHD. Methods. One hundred fourty three children and adolescents who diagnosed with ADHD were enrolled, and the effects of MPH on the eating patterns and BMI were evaluated. All participants completed a number of tests to analyze eating patterns and clinical psychopathological profiles. Results. Children and adolescents with ADHD had significantly higher scores on the EDE-Q- eating concern, EDE-Q- shape concern, and all CPRS-RSF subscales than individuals without ADHD (p \u3c .05). MPH treatment was associated with a notional reduction in height-sds and weight-sds. The results of the correlation analysis which assessed the possible contribution of the different treatment-related factors revealed no significant correlations between MPH mean dose [mg/(kg/d)], the duration of use (months), and the core characteristics of eating disorders except the restraint subscale of EDE Q. Conclusions. Our findings add to the growing research suggesting that MPH may be associated with disordered eating behaviors. Although the literature is limited, our findings conclude that MPH may not be associated with the reduction of growth velocity and disordered eating behaviors

    The effects of stimulants on eating patterns in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Objectives. This study aims to evaluate the effects of methylphenidate (MPH) on eating patterns and body mass index (BMI) in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The secondary aim of this study is the comparison between weight and eating behavior of children with ADHD undergoing an MPH treatment, and of children without ADHD. Methods. One hundred fourty three children and adolescents who diagnosed with ADHD were enrolled, and the effects of MPH on the eating patterns and BMI were evaluated. All participants completed a number of tests to analyze eating patterns and clinical psychopathological profiles. Results. Children and adolescents with ADHD had significantly higher scores on the EDE-Q- eating concern, EDE-Q- shape concern, and all CPRS-RSF subscales than individuals without ADHD (p \u3c .05). MPH treatment was associated with a notional reduction in height-sds and weight-sds. The results of the correlation analysis which assessed the possible contribution of the different treatment-related factors revealed no significant correlations between MPH mean dose [mg/(kg/d)], the duration of use (months), and the core characteristics of eating disorders except the restraint subscale of EDE Q. Conclusions. Our findings add to the growing research suggesting that MPH may be associated with disordered eating behaviors. Although the literature is limited, our findings conclude that MPH may not be associated with the reduction of growth velocity and disordered eating behaviors

    Evde izlemi yapılan kronik kardiyopulmoner hastaların evde bakım sürecinde tıbbi gereksinim düzeylerinin saptanması

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    Bu çalışma, kronik hastalıklara sahip hastaların evde bakım gereksiniminin belirlenmesi için kullanılabilecek bir ölçeğin geliştirme çalışmasının pilot uygulaması olarak kabul edilmelidir. Tüm kronik hastalıklara yönelik soruları içinde barındıracak bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi zor olduğundan, öncelikli olarak kardiyopulmoner kronik hastalıklara sahip hastaların bakım gereksinim düzeyinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir ölçek geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilecek veri ve tecrübe, tüm kronik hastalıkları içinde barındıran daha kapsamlı bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi sürecinde yardımcı olacaktır. Başka ülkelerde benzer çalışmalar bulunsa da, amacımız Türkçe için geçerliliğini ve güvenilirliğini gösterebileceğimiz bir ölçeği dilimize kazandırmaktır. Klinik komorbiditeler, sosyal destek düzeyi, konut kalitesi, Katz günlük yaşam etkinlikleri indeksi gibi bakım kararında etkili olabilecek 35 maddelik bir form geliştirilmiş ve kardiyopulmoner kronik hastalığa sahip 213 hasta üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Tüm formdan hastaların elde ettiği puanlar “Bakım Skoru” olarak adlandırılmış ve altın standart olarak kabul ettiğimiz uzman görüşü ile kıyaslanmıştır. Ayrıca, bakım skorları, Katz indeksi ile de kıyaslanmıştır. Bakım skoru ve uzman görüşü arasında hesaplanan Pearson korelasyonu 0.803 olarak hesaplanırken, bakım skoru ile Katz puanları arasında hesaplanan Pearson korelasyonu 0.777 idi. İçsel tutarlılığı gösterebilmek için test re-test yöntemi kullandık ve iki uygulama arasında bakım skorlarının korelasyonu 0.982 olarak hesaplandı. Geçerliliği göstermek amacıyla hesapladığımız alpha Cronbach değeri 0.819 olarak bulundu. İstatistiksel hesaplara göre geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu gösterdiğimiz ölçeğimizin, diğer alanlarda yürütülmekte olan benzer çalışmaların tamamlanıp olası kronik durumları kapsayan komprime bir soru formu oluşturulmadan kullanımını önermemekteyiz. Our study is a part of a big study which tries to develop a scale to determine the need of long term home care of the patients who have chronic diseases and must be considered as a preliminary investigation of this greater study. Since it is very difficult to include all chronic diseases into one scale, we decided to make a preliminary investigation to develop a scale to determine the need of long term care of patients who have chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. The data and the experience gained from this study will help us to develope a scale for all chronic neurological, muskuloskeletal, endocrin and metabolic diseases. Although there are similar well performed studies in other countries, we wanted to develop an index which is valid and reliabale in Turkish. A 35 item scale which includes questions about clinical comorbidites, nutritional condition, social support, housing quality, and activities of daily living is developed and applied to 213 patients who have cardiopulmonary chronic diseases. Points given by a Family Practitioner which we named as “The Specialist Opinion” were accepted as the golden standart and were corraleted with the total points gained from our scale named as “The Care Index”. We also corraleted the points gained from Katz Index of activities of daily living with “The Care Index”. Pearson Correlations between The Care Index and The Specialist Opinion was 0.803 with a correlation coefficient of 0.747. Pearson Correlation between The Care Index and The Katz Index was 0.777 with a correlation coefficient of 0.698. We used the testretest method to show the internal consistency and correlation between these two measures, which was found to be 0.982. We calculated the alpha Cronbach value for reliability as 0.819. Although the scale is shown to be valid and reliable, we do not reccomend to use this scale, until studies measuring other chronic medical situations are developed and connected with our scale as a unified index of evaluation

    Performances analysis of commercial banks and participation banks in Turkey with electre method

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    Fon arz edenler ile fon talep edenlerin buluştuğu yer olarak görülen bankalar dünyanın birçok yerinde uzun süredir faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Bazıları yatırım yapmak için fona ihtiyaç duyarken bazıları ise tasarruflarını artırmak için yöntem ve araçlar aramaktadır. Fon arz ve talep edenleri bir araya getiren bankalar, fonların aktarımı için çeşitli yöntemler oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, birbirlerinin tamamlayıcısı niteliğindeki katılım bankaları ile ticari bankaların performanslarını karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak performans ölçümünde literatürde yer alan performans göstergeleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada performansların karşılaştırılmasında ELECTRE yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda katılım bankaları arasında yer alan Kuveyt Türk’ün Türkiye Finans ve Şekerbank’a karşı, Albaraka Türk’ün Şekerbank’a karşı, Türkiye Ekonomi Bankası’nın Türkiye Finans’a karşı ve ING Bank’ın Türkiye Finans’a karşı mutlak üstünlük sağladığı sonucu elde edilmiştir.Banks, which are considered as places where those who supply fund and those who demand fund meet, continue their activities in many parts of the world for a long time. While some need funds to invest, others investigate for methods and tools to increase their savings. Banks bringing together those who supply fund and those who demand fund have created various methods for transferring funds. The purpose of this study is to compare the performances of commercial banks and participation banks which are complementary to each other. Performance indicators in the literature were used for performance measurement in accordance with the purpose of the study. The ELECTRE method was used to compare the performances of the banks in the study. These results were obtained: (1) the performance of Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank is higher than the Türkiye Finans Participation Bank and Şekerbank; (2) the performance of Albaraka Turk Participation Bank is higher than the Şekerbank; (3) the performances of Turkish Economy Bank and ING Bank are higher than the Türkiye Finans Participation Bank

    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new nase from the Tahtali reservoir drainage in the Aegean Sea basin (Teleostei, Leuciscidae)

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    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new species, from the Tahtali reservoir drainage is distinguished by having a slightly arched lower jaw with a well-developed keratinised edge, a deep and cylindric body, a complete lateral line with 47-52+1 total scales, 8-9 scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin, 4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic fin-origin, and 19-23 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Moreover, molecular analyses using full cyt b (1141 bp) and partial coI (652 bp) sequences of the mitochondrial genome from specimens of the new species, C. smyrnae and specimens belonging to other Chondrostoma species from central and western Anatolia demonstrated that the C. smyrnae is easily differentiated by their high pairwise genetic distances of cyt b and coI data set (>2.20 and 1.03%, respectively) and by their position in the phylogenetic trees obtained through Maximum Likelihood (ML) methodology

    What to expect from the hydrodynamic energy saving devices

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    Many retrofitting technologies have been proposed to improve the hydrodynamic performance of existing fleets with the aim of reducing the fuel consumption and consequently CO2 emission. The magnitudes of savings predicted by manufacturers are very promising however ship owners are often still doubtful whether they can achieve what is claimed in operations. This study evaluates the performance of four energy saving devices (ESDs) at ship scale with the aim of assisting ship owners with the decision of selecting suitable devices for their ships. Due to the uncertainties associated with extrapolation of viscous flows from model to full scale it is proposed that investigations must be carried out at full scale; hence a full-scale com putational model was adopted as the only feasible method at the design stage. Two vessels representing di fferent types of ship were selected: a gas carrier and a container ship. Various retrofitting technologies to reduce resistance or to improve the propulsive efficiency were considered. The latter group is subdivided into devices located before, at and aft of the propeller. The resistance induced by large openings on the hull, such as a bow thruster tunnel was quantified and several devices designed to streamline the flow in this region were evaluated. Pre-swirl fins technology was the ESD investigated from preswirl devices. The existing propeller of the gas carrier was replaced with a new type profile propeller which improved the propulsive efficiency. Twisted rudder was the technology investigated from post-swirl ESDs. The level of savings obtained from these technologies was generally less than the values published in the literature. It was concluded that this discrepancy arose for one of three reasons: either the metric used to evaluate the savings was inappropriate, or that the method used to quantify the measure was in accurate, or finally, because the designs examined in the case studies were not suitable optimised. However if some of these devices did not deliver the expected savings because the designs considered in this study were not sufficiently optimised, then the question arises as to whether these devices must be optimised for a specific operational conditions and how well these ESDs behave when the vessel is not operating in the design conditions

    A study on sex estimation by using machine learning algorithms with parameters obtained from computerized tomography images of the cranium

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    The aim of this study is to test whether sex prediction can be made by using machine learning algorithms (ML) with parameters taken from computerized tomography (CT) images of cranium and mandible skeleton which are known to be dimorphic. CT images of the cranium skeletons of 150 men and 150 women were included in the study. 25 parameters determined were tested with different ML algorithms. Accuracy (Acc), Specificity (Spe), Sensitivity (Sen), F1 score (F1), Matthews correlation coefficient (Mcc) values were included as performance criteria and Minitab 17 package program was used in descriptive statistical analyses. p <= 0.05 value was considered as statistically significant. In ML algorithms, the highest prediction was found with 0.90 Acc, 0.80 Mcc, 0.90 Spe, 0.90 Sen, 0.90 F1 values as a result of LR algorithms. As a result of confusion matrix, it was found that 27 of 30 males and 27 of 30 females were predicted correctly. Acc ratios of other MLs were found to be between 0.81 and 0.88. It has been concluded that the LR algorithm to be applied to the parameters obtained from CT images of the cranium skeleton will predict sex with high accuracy