78 research outputs found

    The impact of sleep on memory consolidation

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    Development of graphical user interface for argument-based intelligent tutoring system

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    Graphical user interface, GUI, today, constitutes an important part of a computer system. They can be found almost everywhere, whether in a cell phone, tablet, computer, machine, car, watch or control panel in a power plant, to name a few. The massive role of the internet has increased the popularity of web GUI's. Via the internet we can use a variety of online portals and applications, for e.g. even to control smart houses. Due to their simplicity they can be used by anyone, in most cases, without having special knowledge. The task of this thesis was to create the graphical interface for an existing, reasoning-based intelligent tutoring system. It was important that the GUI was consistent with the mode of use of the intelligent tutoring system, ITS, which, until now, operated only as a console application. ITS uses a large amount of data in its operation, therefore, upon implementation of these in the graphical user interface, it is most important that they are properly structured, as only then can they come to the fore. The first challenge was therefore the data display system. Here, we had to bear in mind that the intelligence system running in the background also supported the work of different data for a variety of didactic domains. Another important challenge was related to communication between the intelligent tutoring system and the web server, on which the GUI is located. In addressing these challenges we used several different methods. To assist in planning, we used various principles found both in the literature and on the web. We created a simple and clear graphical interface, based on a one-sided page view. This enabled a dynamic display and optimised the display loading time. With an appropriate selection of colours, we contrived an attractive appearance for the interface and the correct setting up of elements, that all together brought a good user-experience. We connected the graphical interface using a socket, enabling real-time communication. The developed web application, among other things, allows the teacher to determine the advanced concepts in the selected didactic domain, upon which the student will be specially focused when explaining learning examples. The GUI, then gives a continual display of the progress of the student in these selected concepts. The operation of the graphical user interface was demonstrated in didactic domain, where students learn how to understand and establish company credit ratings

    Development of graphical user interface for argument-based intelligent tutoring system

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    Graphical user interface, GUI, today, constitutes an important part of a computer system. They can be found almost everywhere, whether in a cell phone, tablet, computer, machine, car, watch or control panel in a power plant, to name a few. The massive role of the internet has increased the popularity of web GUI's. Via the internet we can use a variety of online portals and applications, for e.g. even to control smart houses. Due to their simplicity they can be used by anyone, in most cases, without having special knowledge. The task of this thesis was to create the graphical interface for an existing, reasoning-based intelligent tutoring system. It was important that the GUI was consistent with the mode of use of the intelligent tutoring system, ITS, which, until now, operated only as a console application. ITS uses a large amount of data in its operation, therefore, upon implementation of these in the graphical user interface, it is most important that they are properly structured, as only then can they come to the fore. The first challenge was therefore the data display system. Here, we had to bear in mind that the intelligence system running in the background also supported the work of different data for a variety of didactic domains. Another important challenge was related to communication between the intelligent tutoring system and the web server, on which the GUI is located. In addressing these challenges we used several different methods. To assist in planning, we used various principles found both in the literature and on the web. We created a simple and clear graphical interface, based on a one-sided page view. This enabled a dynamic display and optimised the display loading time. With an appropriate selection of colours, we contrived an attractive appearance for the interface and the correct setting up of elements, that all together brought a good user-experience. We connected the graphical interface using a socket, enabling real-time communication. The developed web application, among other things, allows the teacher to determine the advanced concepts in the selected didactic domain, upon which the student will be specially focused when explaining learning examples. The GUI, then gives a continual display of the progress of the student in these selected concepts. The operation of the graphical user interface was demonstrated in didactic domain, where students learn how to understand and establish company credit ratings

    Bitcoin trading system

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    In this thesis an information solution was developed that enables the implementation of different trading strategies and backtesting over cryptocurrency Bitcoin trading data. Supported exchanges are Bitstamp, BTC-e and MtGox. In the field of technical analysis there already exist various solutions for Bitcoin that help traders to trade and advise them on basis of technical indicators and patterns. However, each has its own drawbacks, which we are aiming to fix. A web application was developed in Node.js technology, which in addition to the backtesting for each supported exchange also displays a chart that shows the value of cryptocurrency over time with Japanese candlesticks and market depth chart along with orderbook. The user has the option to implement its own strategy. Trading data, which are necessary for web application to function properly are obtained using APIs of supported exchanges with the help of Java programs and are stored in MongoDB database

    Bitcoin trading system

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    In this thesis an information solution was developed that enables the implementation of different trading strategies and backtesting over cryptocurrency Bitcoin trading data. Supported exchanges are Bitstamp, BTC-e and MtGox. In the field of technical analysis there already exist various solutions for Bitcoin that help traders to trade and advise them on basis of technical indicators and patterns. However, each has its own drawbacks, which we are aiming to fix. A web application was developed in Node.js technology, which in addition to the backtesting for each supported exchange also displays a chart that shows the value of cryptocurrency over time with Japanese candlesticks and market depth chart along with orderbook. The user has the option to implement its own strategy. Trading data, which are necessary for web application to function properly are obtained using APIs of supported exchanges with the help of Java programs and are stored in MongoDB database

    Feminist critique of commercial surrogacy

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    V zaključnem delu komericalno nadomestno materinstvo obravnavam zlasti s feminističnega vidika. Brez razumevanja konstrukta materinstva težko govorimo o nadomestnem materinstvu, zato se prvi del naloge ukvarja z vprašanjem materinstva v sodobni družbi in z vlogo biologije pri družbeni konstrukciji mitologije. Že iz poimenovanja “komercialno nadomestno materinstvo” je razvidno, da gre pri tej praksi za plačilo posameznici za storitev nosečnosti in predaje otroka, kar pomeni, da praksa za mnoge posameznice, predvsem tiste na t. i. globalnem jugu, predstavlja način pridobivanja zaslužka. Skozi koncepte zgodovinsko izborjenih delavskih pravic in novonastalih oblik dela v neoliberalnem kapitalizmu pretresam komercialno nadomestno materinstvo in se sprašujem, če ga lahko mislimo kot delo, enako vsakemu drugemu. Po obravnavi nadomestnega materinstva kot “ne-dela”, ga na diadi “kurb” in “madon” mislim še kot “neseksualno”. Vse glavne definicije, s katerimi operiram na teoretski ravni, operacionaliziram znotraj sodobnega, neoliberalnega sveta, ki kot tak tudi oblikuje te definicije. Na to, kako razumemo delo, spol, posameznike in svet, v veliki meri vplivajo odnosi moči med bolj in manj privilegiranimi skupinami ljudi na svetu. Komercialno nadomestno materinstvo se je razvilo znotraj specifičnih zgodovinskih okoliščin in globalne ekonomske situacije, ki jih za pogovor o instituciji nadomestnega materinstva ne smemo spregledati.This master’s thesis deals with commercial surrogacy from a feminist perspective. In order to be able to grasp surrogacy, we must first comprehend the construct of motherhood. Therefore, the first section section of the text deals with motherhood in the context of contemporary society and with the role of biology in the social construction of mythology. As the term “commercial surrogacy” implies, this practice consists of being paid for pregnancy and child-bearnig, which means that many women in the world, especially in “the global south” depend on it as a form of earning money. Thinking about the historically gained workers’ rights but also using concepts of new trends in labour, invented under neoliberal capitalism, I pose the question whether commercial surrogacy can be interpreted as work like any other. After discussing commercial surrogacy as “non-work” I also consider commercial surrogacy as “non-sexual” by utilizing the “whore” / “Madonna” dichotomy. Throughout the text, I am aware of the extent to which our understanding of labour, sex and gender, as well as individuals and the world, are greatly influenced by power relations between the privileged and marginalised groups of people. It cannot be overlooked that commercial surrogacy developed within specific historical circumstances and in the context of the global economic situation

    Določevanje nekaterih elementov v sledovih v atmosferskih delcih

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    Determination of trace element concentrations in atmospheric aerosols is important because of their toxic effects on human health. Additionally, they are now widely used in source apportionment studies. There is a number of methods for sample preparation of ambient particulate matter. One of the most widely used is microwave-assisted digestion of filter-based samples. Since the water-soluble fraction is bioavaliable, the aim of our study was to determine the concentration of selected trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sb, Tl, and Pb) in this fraction and compare it to the amounts obtained by two different microwave digestion procedures – one using a mixture of H2O2 and HNO3 and the other using a mixture of HF, HCl, and HNO3. The recoveries of the digestion procedures used were tested on certified reference material (NIST SRM 1648 Urban Particulate Matter). The procedures were applied to filters containing PM10 particles collected at an urban background location in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Among the elements analysed, V, Zn, As, and Cd displayed the highest concentration within the water-soluble fraction, with Cr, Ni, Tl and Pb displaying the lowest concentrations. The comparison between the two applied digestion procedures showed that Cr, Ni, Sb and Tl were strongly bound to the sample matrix.Določevanje elementov v sledovih v atmosferskih delcih je pomembno zaradi njihovega toksičnega vpliva na človekovo zdravje. V zadnjem času se koncentracije teh elementov tudi zelo pogosto uporabljajo v študijah povezanih s porazdelitvijo po virih. Za določevanje elementov v sledovih se uporabljajo različne priprave vzorcev. Najpogostejši je razklop filtrov s pomočjo mikrovalovne peči. Ker je vodotopen delež tudi biološko dostopen, je bil namen naše študije določitev te frakcije posameznih elementov (V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sb, Tl and Pb) in primerjava s koncentracijami po dveh različnih razklopih – prvi z mešanico H2O2 in HNO3 ter drugi z mešanico HF, HCl in HNO3. Izkoristke uporabljenih razklopov smo preverili s standardnim referenčnim materialom (NIST SRM 1648 Urban Particulate Matter). Preverjena postopka smo uporabili na filtrih, ki so vsebovali delce PM10, vzorčevane v Ljubljani, Slovenija. Med analiziranimi elementi so bili izrazito dobro topni v vodi V, Zn, As in Cd, najmanj pa Cr, Ni, Tl, in Pb. Primerjava med obema uporabljenima razklopoma je pokazala, da so Cr, Ni, Sb in Tl v delce izredno stabilno vezani

    Tool condition monitoring using machine tool spindle current and long short-term memory neural network model analysis

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    In cutting processes, tool condition affects the quality of the manufactured parts. As such, an essential component to prevent unplanned downtime and to assure machining quality is having information about the state of the cutting tool. The primary function of it is to alert the operator that the tool has reached or is reaching a level of wear beyond which behaviour is unreliable. In this paper, the tool condition is being monitored by analysing the electric current on the main spindle via an artificial intelligence model utilising an LSTM neural network. In the current study, the tool is monitored while working on a cylindrical raw piece made of AA6013 aluminium alloy with a custom polycrystalline diamond tool for the purposes of monitoring the wear of these tools. Spindle current characteristics were obtained using external measuring equipment to not influence the operation of the machine included in a larger production line. As a novel approach, an artificial intelligence model based on an LSTM neural network is utilised for the analysis of the spindle current obtained during a manufacturing cycle and assessing the tool wear range in real time. The neural network was designed and trained to notice significant characteristics of the captured current signal. The conducted research serves as a proof of concept for the use of an LSTM neural network-based model as a method of monitoring the condition of cutting tools

    HR Performance Management in the Field of Technical Services

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    V nalogi smo najprej predstavili problem in opisali nekaj ključnih elementov upravljanja, kot so vodenje, pozitivna psihologija, zaupanje, komunikacija in motivacija ter dobro počutje na delovnem mestu. Vodenje je ključni atribut uspešnih organizacij, ki morajo kot komplementarni aktivnosti vodenja v svojo bit optimalno integrirati tako menedžment kot voditeljstvo. Principi pozitivne psihologije pomagajo ljudem osmišljati njihove aktivnosti. Komunikacija je kritična in celovita aktivnost uma in telesa. Brez zaupanja in sprejemanja tveganja ni dosežkov. Motivacija izhaja iz nas samih, zunanja pa mora temeljiti na iskrenosti in konsistentnosti. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali glavne elemente procesa upravljanja delovne uspešnosti, kot so poslovni načrti in cilji, delovna uspešnost in njeno ocenjevanje. Poudarek pri upravljanju delovne uspešnosti smo dali na procesnost, na kontinuiranost. Predstavili smo pomen poslovnih vedenj, opisali namen in principe postavljanja ciljev. Opisali smo, kako pomembne so jasnost, točnost in transparentnost pri merjenju dosežkov. Eno izmed poglavij smo namenili dajanju povratne informacije, ki je v procesu upravljanja delovne uspešnosti pravzaprav ključni element, saj spodbuja napredek, spremembe in razvoj ljudi. Posameznik lahko uspešno dela le, če ima za predvideno delo vse potrebne kompetence, zato smo jim namenili poglavje, sploh ker je del raziskave namenjen ugotavljanju, kako pomembne so vodstvene kompetence v procesu upravljanja delovne uspešnosti. Opisali smo tudi, kako v sodobnem času na svojem pomenu pridobiva coaching, pa o pomenu kreativnosti in inovativnosti v organizacijah kot pogojev za kontinuiran razvoj organizacij. Posebno poglavje pa smo namenili tudi odnosu med posameznikom in organizacijo v smislu njune globoke povezanosti in pripadnosti. Naloga temelji na primeru konkretne organizacije, za katero smo opisali proces upravljanja delovne uspešnosti in njegove elemente, kot na primer namen, potek, postavljanje ciljev in njihova struktura, kalibracije in ocenjevanje ter osebni pogovori. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili raziskovalna vprašanja, ki smo si jih zastavili pred začetkom raziskovanja, predstavili smo izvedbo raziskave, vprašalnik, ki smo ga v raziskavi uporabili, in testiranja naših hipotez. Posebno poglavje smo namenili še samostojno statistični obdelavi dejanskih podatkov o delovni uspešnosti našega vzorca. Sledile so ugotovitve iz vprašalnika, v diskusiji smo jih povezali s teoretičnimi izhodišči in v nadaljevanju postavili nadgrajen model, ki bo zagotavljal učinkovitejše upravljanje procesa delovne uspešnosti v prihodnosti. Temelji na pogostejši uporabi več vodstvenih kompetenc in na kontinuirani vsebinski in izvedbeni osredotočenosti na uresničevanje strateških ciljev in na ustvarjanju notranjega okolja, ki bo to omogočalo.In this thesis we first present the problem and describe some of the key elements of management, such as leadership, positive psychology, trust, communication, motivation and well-being in the workplace. Leadership is the key attribute of successful organizations. These must optimally integrate both management and leading into their core as a complementary managerial activities. The principles of positive psychology help people to find meaning for their activities. Communication is a critical and comprehensive activity of the mind and body. Without confidence and risk-taking there are no achievements. Motivation stems from ourselvesexterior motivation should be based on sincerity and consistency. Further, we describe the main elements of the process work performance management, such as business plans and objectives, work performance and its evaluation in more detail. In performance management we put the emphasis on continuity in the process. We present the importance of business behaviors and described the purpose and principles of goal setting. We also describe the importance of clarity, accuracy and transparency in measuring performance. One of the chapters is devoted to providing effective feedback, which is actually a crucial element in the process of performance management, because it is encouraging progress, changes and people development. Individuals can only work successfully when they possess all the necessary work skills and competencies. A part of our research aims to identify the importance of managerial competencies in performance management process. We also describe how coaching is gaining importance in modern times and also the importance of creativity and innovation in organizations as a condition for the continuous development of organizations. A special chapter is devoted to the relationship between an individual and an organization in terms of their profound connectedness and belonging. Our thesis is based on the case of a specific organization whose process and its elements are described, such as the purpose of the process, its structure, goal setting and goal structure, calibration and evaluation and interviews. We also present our research questions set before the research started, we present how we carried out the research and we also describe the questionnaire we used in the research and the tests of our hypotheses. A special chapter is devoted to independent statistical research of the actual data on performance of our sample. Next, we present the findings from the questionnaire. Finally, in the discussion we link them with theoretical assumptions and subsequently set up an upgraded model, which will ensure effective management of the performance management process in the future. It is based on a more frequent use of managerial competencies and continuous focus on its contents and execution for achieving strategic goals and to create an internal environment that supports it

    Synthesis of N-acyl-N-(piperidin-4-ylmethyl)amine immunoproteasome inhibitors

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    Ubikvitin-proteasomski sistem je v evkariontskih celicah odgovoren za razgradnjo znotrajceličnih proteinov in vzdrževanje njihove homeostaze. Poleg konstitutivnega proteasoma, ki je odgovoren za regulacijo celičnih procesov s selektivno razgradnjo proteinov, poznamo tudi imunoproteasom, ki se nahaja v celicah imunskega izvora in nastane pri vnetju, stresnih in imunskih odzivih. Imunoproteasom ima pomembno vlogo pri razgradnji proteinov, ki so nastali zaradi oksidativnega stresa in vnetnega odziva, ter tako predstavlja pomembno terapevtsko tarčo za zdravljenje vnetnih, rakavih, avtoimunih in nevrodegenerativnih bolezni. Na trgu je že nekaj zaviralcev proteasoma, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje, nekateri pa so v postopku kliničnega preizkušanja. Večina izmed njih je neselektivnih in zavirajo več katalitičnih podenot obeh proteasomov, kar je vzrok za številne neželene učinke. Razvoj zaviralcev imunoproteasoma gre v smer sinteze selektivnih nepeptidnih zaviralcev β5i katalitične podenote imunoproteasoma, saj bi se s tem zmanjšala pojavnost neželenih učinkov, povečala metabolna stabilnost zaviralcev, povečala njihova biološko uporabnost in izboljšale fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti. V magistrski nalogi smo načrtovali in sintetizirali N-(4-morfolinobenzil)-1-(piperidin-4-il)metanaminske zaviralce, ki so imeli v strukturi elektrofilno »bojno glavo«, namenjeno zaviranju imunoproteasoma preko tvorbe kovalentne vezi s katalitičnim treoninom v β5i podenoti imunoproteasoma. Po reduktivnem aminiranju ustrezno izbranega amina in aldehida smo dobili vmesni produkt, na katerega smo s postopkom N-aciliranja na nastalo sekundarno aminsko skupino pripenjali različne fragmente, ki so se razlikovali po velikosti in terminalni funkcionalni skupini. Na koncu smo spojinam pod kislimi pogoji odstranili še terc-butilkarbamatno zaščitno skupino. Istovetnost končnih spojin smo potrdili z metodami 1H NMR, HRMS, IR in z 13C NMR. Tako smo uspešno sintetizirali šest končnih spojin, ki smo jih na koncu biokemijsko ovrednotili z merjenjem rezidualne aktivnosti β5i aktivnosti imunoproteasoma v prisotnosti zaviralcev. Nobena od sintetiziranih spojin ni zavirala imunoproteasoma, vendar rezultati pomembno prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju strukturnih lastnosti zaviralcev tega kemijskega razreda in vplivu strukture na njihovo zaviranje katalitične podenote β5i imunoproteasoma.Ubiquitin-proteasome system in eukaryotic cells is the main system responsible for the degradation of intracellular proteins and maintaining their homeostasis. In addition to the constitutive proteasome, which is responsible for regulation of cell processes with selective degradation of proteins, immunoproteasome has also been characterized. It is mainly located in cells of immune origin however, its expression can be induced when inflammation, stressful or autoimmune situations occur. Immunoproteasome has important role in degradation of proteins, which have been modified because of oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, and therefore represents an important therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory, cancerous, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative diseases. There are three proteasome inhibitors present on the market and few additional inhibitors are undergoing clinical trial procedures. Most of them do not distinguish between catalytically active subunits of both proteasomes and this lack of selectivity is the main reason for many side effects of currently available proteasome targeting drugs. Development of immunoproteasome-selective inhibitors is oriented to preparation of non-peptide inhibitors of β5i subunit of immunoproteasome, as this would reduce the incidence of side effects, increase metabolic stability of compounds, increase their bioavailability and improve physicochemical properties. In the master´s thesis, we designed and synthesized N-(4-morpholinobenzyl)-1-(piperidin-4-yl)methanamine-based inhibitors, which possessed an electrophilic »warhead« in their structure, aimed to form a covalent bond with the catalytic threonine β5i subunit and thus to contribute to inhibition of immunoproteasome significantly. After reductive amination of the appropriately-substituted amine and aldehyde we obtained the main secondary amine intermediate, which was further N-acylated by attaching various fragments that differed in size and terminal functional group. Finally, tert-butylcarbamate protecting group was removed under acidic conditions. The final compounds were characterized by means of 1H NMR, HRMS, IR and 13C NMR methods. To assess inhibitory activities, we biochemically evaluated six successfully synthesized compounds by measuring the residual β5i activity of the enzyme in the presence of inhibitors. None of the synthesized compound inhibited the immunoproteasome however, the results will contribute to the understanding of structure-activity relationship of this compound class immunoproteasome inhibitors