Feminist critique of commercial surrogacy


V zaključnem delu komericalno nadomestno materinstvo obravnavam zlasti s feminističnega vidika. Brez razumevanja konstrukta materinstva težko govorimo o nadomestnem materinstvu, zato se prvi del naloge ukvarja z vprašanjem materinstva v sodobni družbi in z vlogo biologije pri družbeni konstrukciji mitologije. Že iz poimenovanja “komercialno nadomestno materinstvo” je razvidno, da gre pri tej praksi za plačilo posameznici za storitev nosečnosti in predaje otroka, kar pomeni, da praksa za mnoge posameznice, predvsem tiste na t. i. globalnem jugu, predstavlja način pridobivanja zaslužka. Skozi koncepte zgodovinsko izborjenih delavskih pravic in novonastalih oblik dela v neoliberalnem kapitalizmu pretresam komercialno nadomestno materinstvo in se sprašujem, če ga lahko mislimo kot delo, enako vsakemu drugemu. Po obravnavi nadomestnega materinstva kot “ne-dela”, ga na diadi “kurb” in “madon” mislim še kot “neseksualno”. Vse glavne definicije, s katerimi operiram na teoretski ravni, operacionaliziram znotraj sodobnega, neoliberalnega sveta, ki kot tak tudi oblikuje te definicije. Na to, kako razumemo delo, spol, posameznike in svet, v veliki meri vplivajo odnosi moči med bolj in manj privilegiranimi skupinami ljudi na svetu. Komercialno nadomestno materinstvo se je razvilo znotraj specifičnih zgodovinskih okoliščin in globalne ekonomske situacije, ki jih za pogovor o instituciji nadomestnega materinstva ne smemo spregledati.This master’s thesis deals with commercial surrogacy from a feminist perspective. In order to be able to grasp surrogacy, we must first comprehend the construct of motherhood. Therefore, the first section section of the text deals with motherhood in the context of contemporary society and with the role of biology in the social construction of mythology. As the term “commercial surrogacy” implies, this practice consists of being paid for pregnancy and child-bearnig, which means that many women in the world, especially in “the global south” depend on it as a form of earning money. Thinking about the historically gained workers’ rights but also using concepts of new trends in labour, invented under neoliberal capitalism, I pose the question whether commercial surrogacy can be interpreted as work like any other. After discussing commercial surrogacy as “non-work” I also consider commercial surrogacy as “non-sexual” by utilizing the “whore” / “Madonna” dichotomy. Throughout the text, I am aware of the extent to which our understanding of labour, sex and gender, as well as individuals and the world, are greatly influenced by power relations between the privileged and marginalised groups of people. It cannot be overlooked that commercial surrogacy developed within specific historical circumstances and in the context of the global economic situation

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