62 research outputs found

    Trinitynlahden paleo-oseanografinen kehitys lounaisella LabradorinmerellÀ keski- ja myöhÀisholoseenin aikana

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate sea surface temperatures in Trinity Bay, eastern Newfoundland during the mid- and late Holosene c. 7200–1200 years ago. The core drilling location was selected because the area is an important deep water formation area. The cold water pulses might have influenced the deep water formation in the Labrador Sea and further to the circulation of the Gulf Stream. The diatom analysis has been done from marine sediment core with high resolution (35-100 years). The impact of the Atlantic and Arctic water masses during different times were analysed. Diatom analysis and transfer function method were used to reconstruct sea surface temperature in the area being the first quantitative reconstruction from the southwestern Labrador Sea. The sea surface temperature reconstruction shows the gradient between c. 9,7 °C (6,79 ka) and c. 4,4 °C (1,29 ka). The reconstruction can be divided into three periods: the warm Holocene Climate Optimum 7.18–5.1 ka, Holocene Transition period 5.1–3.5 ka and the Cool Late Holocene 3,5–1.18 ka. The results indicate both strong and more moderate changes. As a whole, the reconstruction shows the cooling trend that is associated with the diminishing insolation during the early Holocene. The observed cycles of c. 800 years are related to variations in the Arctic water outflow, and possibly to the AMOC. In Trinity Bay the beginning of the Holocene (c. 7,2–5,1 ka) corresponds with the beginning of the Labrador Sea deep water formation and the intensification of the termohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. The Gulf Stream transported warm sea water to Trinity Bay but the melting glaciers, producing cold fresher water, limited the thermohaline circulation. The strong changes in the sea surface temperatures during the Climate Optimum may also have been influenced by the changes in solar activity. The first c. 1000-years-long interval of the Holocene transition period (c. 5,1–3.5 ka) was cold. The c. 800 years cyclicity in Trinity Bay is possibly the same cyclicity seen in the areas influenced by the North Atlantic current (e.g. the British Isles) and this may indicate the influence of the Labrador Sea on the Gulf Stream. The temperature rise in Trinity Bay (c. 4–3,5 ka) is possibly the 4,2 ka-event, which was due to a short-term global warming at this time. The Cool Late Holocene in Trinity Bay started by cooling c. 3,5 ka ago. The record ends on warming c. 1,2 ka interrupting the cooling trend may indicate the beginning of the Medieval Climate Anomaly. The results from the NGRIP-ice core as well as the results from several previous studies support the results of this study from Trinity Bay for the mid- to late Holocene.TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ meriveden pintalĂ€mpötiloja keski- ja myöhĂ€isholoseenin aikana n. 7200–1200 vuotta sitten Newfoundlandin Trinitynlahdessa, lounaisella LabradorinmerellĂ€, joka on tĂ€rkeĂ€ syvĂ€nveden muodostumisalue. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen nĂ€ytesarjan kairauspaikka on valittu siksi, ettĂ€ alueen pintavesissĂ€ nĂ€kyvĂ€t kylmĂ€n veden pulssit ovat voineet vaikuttaa niin syvĂ€nveden muodostumiseen LabradorinmerellĂ€ kuin suoraan Golfvirtaan. SedimenttinĂ€ytteistĂ€ korkealla (35–100 vuoden) resoluutiolla tehdyn piilevĂ€analyysin avulla arvioitiin ensin kvalitatiivisesti atlanttisten ja arktisten vesimassojen vaikutusta eri aikoina. Sitten piilevien ja siirtofunktiomenetelmĂ€n avulla tehtiin meriveden pintalĂ€mpötilarekonstruktio, joka on ensimmĂ€inen kvantitatiivinen rekonstruktio lounaiselta LabradorinmereltĂ€. Meriveden pintalĂ€mpötilarekonstruktio osoittaa vaihtelua n. 9,7 °C:n (6,79 ka) ja n. 4,4 °C:n (1,29 ka) vĂ€lillĂ€. Rekonstruktio voidaan jakaa kolmeen ajanjaksoon: lĂ€mmin holoseenin ilmasto-optimi 7,18–5,1 ka, siirtymĂ€vaihe 5,1–3,5 ka ja viileĂ€ neoglasiaali 3,5–1,18 ka. Tulokset osoittavat sekĂ€ voimakkaita ettĂ€ maltillisempia lĂ€mpötilamuutoksia. Kokonaisuudessaan rekonstruktio osoittaa viilenemistrendiĂ€, joka liittyy insolaation pienenemiseen holoseenin aikana. Noin 800 vuoden syklit liittyvĂ€t vaihteluun arktisten vesien vaikutuksessa ja mahdollisesti AMOC:in vaihteluun. Holoseenin alku Trinitynlahdella (n. 7,2–5,1 ka) oli Labradorinmeren syvĂ€nveden muodostumisen alkua ja samalla termohaliinisen kierron voimistumista Pohjois-Atlantilla. Golfvirta toi Trinitynlahdelle lĂ€mmintĂ€ merivettĂ€ mutta sulavien jÀÀtiköiden tuottama makea kylmĂ€ vesi rajoitti termohaliinikiertoa. Meren pintalĂ€mpötila-arvojen voimakkaisiin muutoksiin ilmasto-optimin aikana ovat saattaneet vaikuttaa myös muutokset auringon aktiivisuudessa. Holoseenin siirtymĂ€vaiheen (n. 5,1–3,5 ka) ensimmĂ€iset n. 1000 vuotta olivat kylmĂ€t. Trinitynlahden aineistossa nĂ€kyvĂ€ n. 800 vuoden syklisyys on mahdollisesti samaa syklisyyttĂ€, jota nĂ€kyy myös Pohjois-Atlantin virran vaikutusalueella Britteinsaarilla ja tĂ€mĂ€ voi osoittaa Labradorinmeren vaikutusta Golfvirtaan. Noin 4–3,5 ka sitten lĂ€mpötilojen nousu Trinitynlahden aineistossa on mahdollisesti 4,2 ka -tapahtuma, joka johtui globaalista lĂ€mpenemisestĂ€. Neoglasiaalinen myöhĂ€isholoseeni alkoi Trinitynlahdella holoseenin siirtymĂ€vaiheen lĂ€mpimĂ€n jakson jĂ€lkeisellĂ€ viilenemisellĂ€ n. 3,5 ka sitten. Sen keskeyttĂ€nyt n. 1,2 ka alkanut lĂ€mpeneminen voi indikoida Keskiajan lĂ€mpöanomalian alkua. Grönlannin jÀÀnĂ€ytesarjan ja muiden vastaavien tutkimusten perusteella tĂ€mĂ€ Trinitynlahden sedimenteistĂ€ tehty tutkimus tukee useiden aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia

    Facilitating practices for sustainable car sharing policies : An integrated approach utilizing user data, urban form variables and mobility patterns

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    Highlights ‱ Analysis integrates travel-related urban zones, car sharing user data and interviews ‱ Sustainable car sharing requires assessing mobility patterns and urban form ‱ Car sharing has various roles within travel-related urban zones ‱ Promoting collaboration between cities and service providers is crucial ‱ Our approach provides a tool for cooperation among various car sharing actors to identify potentials for sustainable car sharingThe paper contributes to two research gaps: (1) The need for knowledge on key urban form characteristics promoting the scale-up of car sharing services in a sustainable way, (2) The need for practical approaches in the dialogue between key private and public actors introducing or expanding car sharing in local contexts. These requirements are addressed through a Finnish case study in two locations. By combining car sharing use data, monitoring data on urban form and mobility patterns, and stakeholder interviews, we present a novel approach to promote sustainable car sharing. The approach widens present knowledge on the sustainability potential, role and business potential of shared mobility in future urban transport systems. It also provides a tool for cooperation among urban and transport planners and car sharing providers. Our analysis shows that well-designed car sharing services can provide a sustainable and agile opportunity for the mobility demand of urban residents. However, achieving sustainability demands requires systematic and integrated user profile, daily mobility, and urban form analysis enforced equally by the city or municipality and private service providers

    Traumatic brain injury patients' family members' evaluations of the social support provided by healthcare professionals in acute care hospitals

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    Aims and objectives The study aimed to examine traumatic brain injury (TBI) patient family members' (FMs) experiences of the support they received from healthcare professionals in acute care hospitals. Background The length of hospitalisation following TBI is constantly decreasing, and patients may return home with several problems. FMs care for the patients at home although they may not be prepared for the patient's medical needs or financial burden of the illness. The burden which some FMs experience can impair patient care and rehabilitation outcomes. Therefore, FMs require support during acute phases of TBI treatment. Design A structured questionnaire was sent to 216 TBI patients FMs. The response rate was 47% (n = 102). Methods A structured questionnaire-based on a systematic literature review and a previous questionnaire on TBI patient FMs' perceptions of support-was developed and used in the data collection. The questionnaire included 46 statements and 11 background questions. Data were collected via an electronic questionnaire. The STROBE checklist was followed in reporting the study. Results A factor analysis identified five factors that describe the guidance of TBI patient FMs: guidance of TBI patients' symptoms and survival; benefits of guidance; needs-based guidance; guidance for use of services; and guidance methods. Most of the FMs (51%-88%) felt that they had not received enough guidance from healthcare professionals in acute care hospitals across all five aspects of support. Conclusions The content of guidance should be developed, and healthcare staff should be trained to consider a FM's starting point when providing guidance. A calm environment, proper timing, sufficient information in different forms and professional healthcare staff were found to be key factors to comprehensive guidance. Involving FMs in the discharge process and rehabilitation of their loved ones both supports the abilities of caregivers and promotes the outcome of the patient's rehabilitation. Relevance to clinical practice This study provides varied information on the need for social support of TBI patients FMs in the early stages of treatment from the FMs' perspective. This research adopted the FM's perspective to identify various areas of social support that need to be developed so that the FMs of TBI patients receive enough support during the early stages of TBI treatment.Peer reviewe

    Strateginen resilienssi ja ylikansalliset arvoketjut: kohti uutta talousoikeutta

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    Strategic resilience and global value chains: Reshaping the global legaleconomic orderDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, states and private actors alike resorted to the unilateral use of states of exception in a desperate attempt to stabilise biosecurity. In this process, they destabilised the private law foundations of a world dependent on global production networks. Such massive, uncoordinated and unplanned responses may become increasingly prevalent in a world facing the threat of new pandemics, war, anthropogenic climate change, mass migration, financial meltdowns and other global-systemic crises. In this paper, we chart the emerging strategic resilience paradigm that grew from the manifold exception-based responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. We outline the strategic resilience paradigm and how it diverges from earlier neoliberal approaches to global production. We evaluate the practical effects of the strategic resilience paradigm from the perspectives of three key actors: what private actors, states and supranational actors, especially the European Union but also international organisations, can do to secure the supply of critical materials from global production networks in times of global systemic crises. Finally, we look at the consequences of different approaches,  differentiating between selfish, but from a local public policy perspective justifiable, interests of individual nation states and trading blocks, and a more globally fair and participative, but in practice probably utopian, transnational or international approach to ensuring the just supply of critical materials

    Evaluating the achievements and impacts of EC framework programme transport projects

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present what kind of elements and evaluation methods should be included into a framework for evaluating the achievements and impacts of transport projects supported in EC Framework Programmes (FP). Further, the paper discusses the possibilities of such an evaluation framework in producing recommendations regarding future transport research and policy objectives as well as mutual learning for the basis of strategic long term planning. Methods: The paper describes the two-dimensional evaluation methodology developed in the course of the FP7 METRONOME project. The dimensions are: (1) achievement of project objectives and targets in different levels and (2) research project impacts according to four impact groups. The methodology uses four complementary approaches in evaluation, namely evaluation matrices, coordinator questionnaires, lead user interviews and workshops. Results: Based on the methodology testing, with a sample of FP5 and FP6 projects, the main results relating to the rationale, implementation and achievements of FP projects is presented. In general, achievement of objectives in both FPs was good. Strongest impacts were identified within the impact group of management and co-ordination. Also scientific and end-user impacts of the projects were adequate, but wider societal impacts quite modest. Conclusions: The paper concludes with a discussion both on the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed methodology and by presenting some relevant future research needs. Document type: Articl

    Evaluating the achievements and impacts of EC framework programme transport projects

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present what kind of elements and evaluation methods should be included into a framework for evaluating the achievements and impacts of transport projects supported in EC Framework Programmes (FP). Further, the paper discusses the possibilities of such an evaluation framework in producing recommendations regarding future transport research and policy objectives as well as mutual learning for the basis of strategic long term planning. Methods The paper describes the two-dimensional evaluation methodology developed in the course of the FP7 METRONOME project. The dimensions are: (1) achievement of project objectives and targets in different levels and (2) research project impacts according to four impact groups. The methodology uses four complementary approaches in evaluation, namely evaluation matrices, coordinator questionnaires, lead user interviews and workshops. Results Based on the methodology testing, with a sample of FP5 and FP6 projects, the main results relating to the rationale, implementation and achievements of FP projects is presented. In general, achievement of objectives in both FPs was good. Strongest impacts were identified within the impact group of management and co-ordination. Also scientific and end-user impacts of the projects were adequate, but wider societal impacts quite modest. The paper concludes with a discussion both on the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed methodology and by presenting some relevant future research needs
