15 research outputs found
Intressivertailu kaivoslain lupaprosessin osana
Tutkimusryhmä selvitti vesilain kaltaisen intressivertailun soveltuvuutta ja sisältöä kaivoslupaprosessin osana. Toimeksiannon mukainen tutkimus koski kaivoslain soveltamisalaa rajapintoineen. Kaivoslain uudistus on toimeksiannon mukaan erillinen hanke, joka ei liity tutkimuskysymyksiin.
Tutkimuskysymyksinä työryhmä selvitti intressivertailun oikeudellisen sisällön, osatekijät, vertailutavat, vesilain kokemuksia, verrokkimaiden ratkaisuja ja muita tutkimuskysymyksiä, tavoitteena välttää päällekkäisyyksiä muun sääntelyn kanssa. Valtion turvallisuus ylittää muut intressit.
Tutkimusryhmä pitää haasteellisena lakien keskinäisten soveltamis- ja hallinnonalarajojen päällekkäisyyksien vuoksi intressivertailun säätämistä kaivoslakiin. Kaivoslain intressivertailussa voisi ottaa huomioon kaivostoiminnan ympäristötekijöitä vain siltä osin kuin niistä ei säädetä muussa laissa. Lainsäätäjän arvioitavaksi jäävät intressivertailun säätämisestä kaivoslaissa seuraavat hyödyt ja haitat suhteessa julkisuudessa esitettyihin odotuksiin.
Työryhmä selvitti lisäksi, millainen kestävän kehityksen taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja ympäristöllisen pilarin, perustuslain ja kaivoslain kestävyyskriteerit täyttävä intressivertailu olisi, jos se nyt tai tulevaisuudessa otettaisiin käyttöön kaivoslain tai useampien lakien soveltamisaloilla.
Julkaisu on läpikäynyt ulkopuolisen tieteellisen arvioinnin.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä
Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression
Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1–4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor–stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients
Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression
Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1–4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor–stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients
Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression
Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1-4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor-stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients
Formal Theory of Differential-Algebraic Systems
We propose a new approach to differential-algebraic systems based on the formal theory of partial differential systems. This results in a new definition of the index of the system, which is similar to but more general than the one proposed recently by Rabier and Rheinboldt. This index, however, is not related to the numerical difficulty of solving the system, but to the amount of symbolic computation required to transform the system into a formally integrable system. We argue that this latter concept is essential in the numerical treatment of the problem and suggest that any numerical method for general differential-algebraic systems should be based on solving only formally integrable systems. This requires in general that one must be able to deal explicitly with overdetermined systems
Using Geomembrane Liners to Reduce Seepage through the Base of Tailings Ponds—A Review and a Framework for Design Guidelines
Geomembranes are used worldwide as basin liners in tailings ponds to decrease the permeability of the foundation and prevent further transportation of harmful contaminants and contaminated water. However, leakage into the environment and damage to the geomembrane have been reported. This paper reviews available literature and recommendations on geomembrane structures for use as a basal liner in tailings ponds, and presents a framework to achieve early involvement and an integrated approach to geomembrane structure design. Cohesive planning guidelines or legislative directions for such structures are currently lacking in many countries, which often means that the structure guidelines for groundwater protection or landfill are applied when designing tailings storage facilities (TSF). Basin structure is generally unique to each mine but, based on the literature, in the majority of cases the structure has a single-composite liner. The type of liner system used depends mainly on the material to be used on top of the structure, local hydraulic pressure gradient, and climate conditions. More practical information and scientific knowledge on the use of base liners in various cases are needed. A sustainable approach could be risk-based design, where the life cycle of the basin is taken into consideration. To this end, this paper proposes geomembrane-lined tailings pond to be assessed as a stakeholder. Emphasis on this, early enough, can ensure critical factors for tailings ponds to be considered from the outset in the design of mines and reduces the environmental footprint of the mining industry. More holistic project management and early involvement and integration are recommended to improve construction quality during the entire life cycle of the pond. In the long term, use of dry stacking or other alternative methods should be encouraged, despite the higher costs for operators
UAV remote sensing surveillance of a mine tailings impoundment in sub-Arctic conditions
Mining typically involves extensive areas where environmental monitoring is spatially sporadic. New remote sensing techniques and platforms such as Structure from Motion (SfM) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may offer one solution for more comprehensive and spatially continuous measurements. We conducted UAV campaigns in three consecutive summers (2015–2017) at a sub-Arctic mining site where production was temporarily suspended. The aim was to monitor a 0.5 km² tailings impoundment and measure potential subsidence of tailings. SfM photogrammetry was used to produce yearly topographical models of the tailings surface, which allowed the amount of surface displacement between years to be tracked. Ground checkpoints surveyed in stable areas of the impoundment were utilized in assessing the vertical accuracy of the models. Observed surface displacements were linked to a combination of erosion, tailings settlement, and possible compaction of the peat layer underlying the tailings. The accuracy obtained indicated that UAV-assisted monitoring of tailings impoundments is sufficiently accurate for supporting impoundment management operations and for tracking surface displacements in the decimeter range
Challenges for first-mile logistics in primary production
Primary production, particularly in the agriculture industry, has been and will be affected by climate change. Extreme weather conditions and their effects on the agriculture supply chain and agricultural field soil are highly evident and attract considerable media attention. Although the agriculture supply chain is scrutinized carefully, there is not enough focus on first-mile logistics. The first mile also affects the downstream stages of the supply chain.
These project deliverables aim to enhance the understanding of the challenges of first-mile logistics in poor-bearing soils and vulnerable environments. It seeks to identify and elaborate on different challenges and proposes how agricultural machine and equipment providers might be able to provide solutions.
This research applies both qualitative and quantitative methods. The scientific and gray literature and other sources are scanned to compile the challenges. The fault-tree type of analysis is carried out to categorize and structure the challenges. Next, the information value of the identified challenges is assessed by an evidence-scoring and ranking system. Industrial partners and other field experts are interviewed to ensure the validity of the findings. The quality function deployment (QFD) framework is proposed to link the identified challenges with industrial partners’ product features. Lastly, some arguments are provided in order to define the prerequisites of simulation and testing of soil–machine interaction on sensitive soils. Based on the interviews with company representatives, the report also re-examines the first-mile concept, redefines the sequential supply chain, and proposes a hybrid supply chain topology with circular transportation (between pre-harvest and post-harvest phases).
Altogether, 93 challenges are identified and categorized into six different clusters, with subgroups. Through additional expert interviews, it is also found that the majority of the identified challenges are globally acknowledged, except soil compaction. Out of the 93 challenges, merely 24 are acknowledged as important by the interviewed industrial partners, which indicates different priorities of agri-machine business actors.
Based on the QFD analysis, it is suggested that subsequent work packages of the LEVITOI project should enhance laboratory simulation and field-testing efforts to enable making products that cause as little soil compaction as possible in varying weather conditions