17 research outputs found

    Kuntien kiinteistöriskit Sote-uudistuksessa

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    Hallitus linjasi 5.4.2016, että sote-uudistuksessa kuntien omistuksessa olevat sote-kiinteistöt eivät siirry maakunnille. Maakunnat vuokraavat tarpeelliset kiinteistöt yksittäisiltä kunnilta. Olosuhteista riippuen osa kiinteistöistä jää kuitenkin vuokraamatta ja näin ollen kunnan vastuulle. Näihin rakennuksiin kunnan on löydettävä uudenlaista toimintaa tai ne on poistettava käytöstä. Käytöstä poistuvat kiinteistöt ovat kunnasta ja kiinteistöstä riippuen joko suuri tai pieni riski. Kuntien omistamia, sote-käytössä olevia kiinteistöjä on n. 6,8 miljoonaa m2. Kiinteistöjen arvioitu luetteloarvo on n. 4,2 mrd. €. Suurimmassa riskissä ovat laitokset ja vanhat avopalvelurakennukset vähenevän väkiluvun kunnissa. Arviolta 35 % riskissä olevista laitoskiinteistöistä ja 5–15 % avopalveluiden käytössä olevista kiinteistöistä jää käyttämättä. Taustalla on palveluverkon ja –rakenteen kehittäminen, jota tehdään sote-uudistusta varten, mutta osittain myös siitä riippumatta. Suurimmassa riskissä olevien, sote-käytöstä poistuvien kiinteistöjen pinta-ala on arviolta 490–530 tm2 ja luetteloarvo 300–315 M€. Vuosittainen ylläpitokustannus käyttämättä jäävistä korkeimman riskin kiinteistöissä olisi n. 3 M€, mikäli kaikki kiinteistöt tyhjenisivät saman vuonna. Mikäli nämä kiinteistöt purettaisiin, olisi purkukustannus 75–81 M€. Mikäli käytöstä poistuvalla kiinteistöllä on taseessa jäljellä arvoa, heikentää alaskirjaaminen tasetta ja voi johtaa joissakin tapauksissa alijäämän merkittävään lisääntymiseen. Kiinteistöriski jakautuu epätasaisesti kuntien välillä. Suurimmalle osalle kunnista vaikutukset ovat pieniä, eikä sote-uudistus merkittävästi muuta kehitystä, joka johtaa muutoksiin palveluverkossa. Yksittäiset kunnat voivat kuitenkin olla riskissä. Mikäli kuntaan on vastikään rakennettu uusi kiinteistö, jota maakunta ei vuokraakaan, aiheutuu kunnalle taloudellisia ongelmia, jos uutta käyttöä ei löydy. Selvitys on osa valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan vuoden 2016 tutkimusteemaa Sote-uudistuksen ja maakuntien muodostamisen tukemista koskevat selvitykset. Tutkimuksen toteutti Nordic Healthcare Group

    Songs and Writings : Oral and Literary Cultures in Early-Modern Finland

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    Laulut ja kirjoitukset: suullinen ja kirjallinen kulttuuri uuden ajan alun Suomessa (Songs and writings: oral and literary culture in early-modern Finland) has been written at the crossroads of historical and folkloristic studies. Our purpose is to study the interface of literary and oral cultures in early modern Finland, focusing on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The book renews the understanding of exchange between the learned culture of clergymen and the culture of commoners, or “folk”. What happened when the Reformation changed the position of the vernacular language to literary and ecclesiastical, and when folk beliefs seem to have become an object for more intensive surveillance and correction? How did clergymen understand and use the versatile labels of popular belief, paganism, superstition and Catholic fermentation? Why did they choose particular song languages, poetic modes and melodies for their Lutheran hymns and literary poems, and why did they avoid oral poetics in certain contexts while accentuating it in others? How were the hagiographical traditions representing the international medieval literary or “great” tradition adapted to “small” folk traditions, and how did they persist and change after the Reformation? What happened to the cult of the Virgin Mary in local oral traditions? This book studies the relations and mutual influences of oral and literary cultures in Finland during the long period stretching from late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. The Reformation, the process of turning vernacular languages into literary ones, the rise of new early-modern territorial principalities, and the reorganisation of the whole Baltic Sea area in the sixteenth century and after all affected both people’s everyday lives and the spheres of the sacred. The learned elites became interested in folk beliefs and practices as they started to argue about and order their own religious practices in a new way. Lutheran congregational singing spread from the German area to the northern Baltic Sea regions. The first Finnish sixteenth-century reformers admired the new Germanic models and avoided the Finnic vernacular Kalevala-metre idiom, while their successors picked up many vernacular traits, most notably alliteration, in their ecclesiastical poetry and hymns. Over the following centuries, the new features introduced via new Lutheran hymns such as accentual metres, end-rhymes and strophic structures were infusing into oral folk poetry, although this took place also via secular oral and literary routes. On the other hand, seventeenth-century scholars cultivated a new academic interest in what they understood as “ancient Finnish poetry”. The main source materials studied in this book are from the Reformation period and immediately after, when Finnish clergymen wrote their first comments and depictions of folk beliefs and worked to create Lutheran hymns in Finnish, and also largely from the nineteenth century, when most Finnish folk poetry and older oral traditions were collected. These later folklore materials are used here to shed light on the transformations of folk beliefs and poetic forms during the centuries that followed the Reformation. The emphasis is on the areas which formed the old medieval diocese of Turku (Swedish Åbo) or what the Swedish rulers called the province of Österland (Lat. Osterlandia, later Finlandia) west from the border of Nöteborg (Finnish Pähkinäsaari) between Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Novgorod in 1323. In addition, some other sources, especially from the Finnic and Scandinavian areas, are used as comparative material.Peer reviewe

    Early Svecofennian rift-related magmatism: Geochemistry, U-Pb-Hf zircon isotope data and tectonic setting of the Au-hosting Uunimäki gabbro, SW Finland

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    We characterise the geochemistry, zircon Lu-Hf composition, age and the structure of the Uunimaki gabbro (UGB) in south-western Finland to improve the understanding of i) the early Svecofennian (1.92-1.89 Ga) crustal evolution of the central Fennoscandian Shield, ii) the potential role of rift-related magmatism for the build-up of the Paleoproterozoic accretionary orogens and iii) evaluate, which geological features provide the primary control over the localization of an orogenic gold mineralisation. The zircon U-Pb geochronology defines an age of 1891 +/- 5 Ma for the UGB, which is slightly older than most mafic intrusions in south-western Finland. The obtained chondritic initial zircon eHf values with E-MORB type geochemical affinity suggest a sub continental lithospheric mantle source for the UGB. The overall geochemistry indicates that the UGB magma as well as other E-MORB type rocks in the Pirkanmaa and Hame belts were formed in a rift-related environment in a fore-arc region at 1.89 Ga, predated by arc-type magmatism at similar to ~1.90 Ga and back-arc magmatism at similar to ~1.92 Ga in the Tampere belt. Slab retreat due to roll-back is suggested to cause the extension and related magmatism in the forearc region. Moreover, the timing and compositional and isotopic changes of early-orogenic magmatism are broadly compatible with intervals of extension and contraction, i.e., a tectonic switching model, and may provide a perspective to rapid build-up of Paleoproterozoic crust. Structural characterisation provides a framework where gold mineralisations are preferentially located within the high-strain north-eastern domain of the UGB, within fracture networks adjoining the high-strain zones. Our results indicate that neither the geochemical composition nor age of the intermediate-mafic intrusive host rocks play a major role in controlling the formation of gold mineralisation. By contrast, the localization of orogenic gold is controlled by localised structures (shear zones, fractures), and the variation in lithological composition of the intrusive host may contribute to the style of the mineralisation.</p

    Laulut ja kirjoitukset: Suullinen ja kirjallinen kulttuuri uuden ajan alun Suomessa

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    "Songs and writings: oral and literary cultures in early-modern Finland renews the understanding of exchange between the learned culture of clergymen and the culture of commoners, or “folk”. What happened when the Reformation changed the position of the oral vernacular language to literary and ecclesiastical, and when folk beliefs seem to have become an object for more intensive surveillance and correction? How did clergymen understand and use the versatile labels of popular belief, paganism, superstition and Catholic fermentation? Why did they choose particular song languages, poetic modes and melodies for their Lutheran hymns and literary poems, and why did they avoid oral poetics in certain contexts while accentuating it in others? How were the hagiographical traditions representing the international medieval literary or “great” tradition adapted to “small” folk traditions, and how did they persist and change after the Reformation? What happened to the cult of the Virgin Mary in local oral traditions? The first Finnish 16th-century reformers admired the new Germanic models of Lutheran congregational hymns and avoided the Finnic vernacular Kalevala-metre idiom, while their successors picked up many vernacular traits, most notably alliteration, in their ecclesiastical poetry and hymns. Over the following centuries, the new features introduced via new Lutheran hymns such as accentual metres, end-rhymes and strophic structures were infusing into oral folk poetry, although this took place also via secular oral and literary routes. On the other hand, seventeenth-century scholars cultivated a new academic interest in what they understood as “ancient Finnish poetry”. The book has an extensive English Summary for the international readership.


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    The Uunimäki gabbro was studied by zircon U-Pb geochronology which yielded an age of ~1.89 Ga, making it one of the oldest plutonic rocks in the Häme Belt. Geochemical analysis of the gabbro reveals that it lacks several characteristics for typical subduction zone rocks: (i) it does not have a negative Ta-Nb anomaly compared to average NMORB-composition, (ii) it shows a rather unfractionated REE pattern, (iii) it lacks clear enrichment of fluid-mobile elements (e.g. Ba, Rb, Th, Pb). Structurally, the Uunimäki gabbro is located at the intersection of several regional features: (i) steep NE-plunging folds, (ii) a ENE-WSW-trending deformation zone immediately to the north and (iii) a large N-S-trending deformation zone to the west. The gabbro itself has been deformed under both brittle and ductile conditions by primarily NW-SE-trending faults and shears.</p


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    Field work was conducted in the Kullaa area in SW Finland to study the tectonic evolution and structural setting of the gold mineralisations in the area. Our structural data and interpretation recognises the structural complexity associated with the mineralised zone. We suggest that the NE-SW trending faults in association with the second-order structures related to the NW-SE trending Kynsikangas shear zone have controlled the precipitation of the gold-bearing fluids.</p


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    Shear zones of various ages and orientations are common in Southern Finland. In the study area, E-W and N-S trending shear zones are the dominant structural feature. Mylonitic foliations were identified from the most intensely sheared rocks. Ductile shearing has mainly been of dip-slip type. Structural mapping revealed several larger map-scale folds, which appear to be relatively continuous across the study area from SE to NW. In the central area, folding interfered with the shear zones causing a complex crustal structure such as associated with the Uunimäki mineralization. Aeromagnetic and lithological maps, field observations, stereographic projections and oriented thin sections were used to determine the structural features of the study area.</p

    Terveydenhuollon palveluvalikoiman priorisointi

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    Selvityksen tavoitteena on terveydenhuollon priorisoinnin kansallinen kehittäminen. Priorisoinnilla tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä kaikkia niitä toimintoja, jotka pyrkivät terveydenhuollon resurssien kohdentamiseen. Selvityksessä on kuvattu terveydenhuollon priorisoinnin oikeudellisia reunaehtoja sekä haettu tietoa eri maiden priorisoinnin kehittämisestä ja niiden vaikutuksista. Hankkeessa tehtiin myös kyselyjä ja työpajoja eri sidosryhmille. Suomessa toivotaan kansallisia avoimia ja läpinäkyviä periaatteita priorisoinnin tueksi. Tällä hetkellä kansalaiset ja ammattilaiset eivät hahmota terveyspalvelujen kokonaisuutta ja todellisia kustannuksia. Jotta priorisoinnista tulisi hyväksyttyä, on 1) alettava toteuttaa systemaattista viestintästrategiaa osallistamisen mahdollistamiseksi ja 2) osallistettava eri sidosryhmiä priorisoinnin periaatteiden kehittämiseen. Tämä vaatii myös 3) kansallisten rakenteiden ja prosessien luomista periaatteiden muodostamiseen sekä niiden jalostamiseksi kriteereiksi ja menetelmiksi sekä 4) lainsäädännön kehittämistä. Perustuslain tulkinnassa on painotettu yksilön oikeuksia. Perustuslaki jättää kuitenkin liikkumavaraa kehittää priorisoinnin oikeudellista ohjausta myös väestöterveyden ja yhteiskunnan taloudelliset voimavarat nykyistä selvemmin huomioon ottavaan suuntaan.Sivua 18 on päivitetty 29.8.2022 ja aineisto korvaa aikaisemmin, 24.8.2022 julkaistun version. Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Geochemistry, age and structural character of the Au-hosting Uunimäki gabbro, SW Finland

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    The western Häme Belt hosts several gold deposits, including the Uunimäki deposit, which is hosted by a gabbro. There are three main goals in this study: (i) age determination of the Uunimäki gabbro, (ii) geochemical classification of the gabbro, as well as comparison to other gold-hosting rocks in the western Häme Belt, (iii) structural characterisation of the Uunimäki area and its surroundings. The age determination was performed with zircon U-Pb geochronology and yielded a concordia age of 1891 ± 5 Ma. This makes the Uunimäki gabbro one of the oldest plutonic rocks in the Häme Belt. Geochemically, the Uunimäki gabbro is more mafic when compared to the two other gold-hosting intrusions in the area, the Jokisivu and Palokallio diorites. Major element geochemistry suggests that the Uunimäki gabbro is simply less fractionated. However, trace element geochemistry reveals that the gabbro has not formed during arc-type magmatism as other plutonic rocks in the Häme Belt. The gabbro has several characteristics atypical for arc-type rocks: (i) it lacks the typical negative Ta-Nb anomaly compared to N-MORB compositions, (ii) it is not enriched in large ion lithophile elements, (iii) the REE-pattern is relatively unfractionated. New field observations and structural measurements were collected from the western Häme Belt, and were used with geophysical maps to divide the study area into structural domains. The Uunimäki gabbro is located at the junction of three of these structural domains: (i) steep NE-plunging folds immediately to the south and northwest, (ii) an ENE-WSW-trending shear zone immediately to the north and northeast, (iii) a large N-S-trending shear zone to the west. The gabbro displays three distinct structural orientations, and has undergone deformation in several stages in both ductile and brittle regimes. The NW-SE-trending structures that are dominant in the Uunimäki gabbro are interpreted to have formed during re-activation of weakness zones caused by shearing along the ENE-WSW-trending shear zones. The Uunimäki gabbro is interpreted to represent the primitive arc that formed in the early stages of the development of the Häme Belt, based on the age determination and geochemical signatures indicative of primitive magmatism with respect to its surroundings. The gabbro underwent deformation in several stages, including opening of NW-SE-trending fractures into which gold was precipitated. The fractures were later re-activated as shear zones that can be observed on the surface today

    Artificial flaw detection with ultrasound in austenitic stainless steels

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