14 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Pemasaran Makanan Berbahan Baku Ketela Untuk Mendukung Wisata Kuliner Di Yogyakarta

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    Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without good marketing tourists will not know that souvenirs become an alternative for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Souvenirs in the form of snacks made from cassava into alternative tourists who visit Yogyakarta other than gudeg, bakpia, geplak and soon. Nowdays, the marketing of souvenir products produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has not been done maximally, just merely dititipkan on certain stalls. The problem has been resolved with the existence of community service programs that have a commitment to fix the marketing of products. By going through the creation of a beautiful cake packaging product design processed products from Mrs. Diah Dharma Astuti and Mrs. Dwi Retnani can attract more buyers. Besides, by giving a sign on the house of both mothers will make it easier for buyers to visit the location. For prospective buyers who from outside the city also menyipakan interesting brochures that contain product specifications and prices. Management assistance activities have also been conducted regu-larly every week. The results of community service activities bring benefits to both MSMEs. By marketing through the website that provides comprehensive information about product specifications through www.jualcakejogja.com page for Dyah Dharma Astuti’s and www.jualkuekeringjogja.com page for Dwi Retnani’s can increase market share and simultaneously increase sales turnover. Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without good marketing tourists will not know that souvenirs become an alternative for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Souvenirs in the form of snacks made from cassava into alternative tourists who visit Yogyakarta other than gudeg, bakpia, geplak and so on. Nowdays, the marketing of souvenir products produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has not been done maximally, just merely dititipkan on certain stalls. The problem has been resolved with the existence of community service programs that have a commitment to fix the marketing of products. By going through the creation of a beautiful cake packaging product design processed products from Mrs. Diah Dharma Astuti and Mrs. Dwi Retnani can attract more buyers. Besides, by giving a sign on the house of both mothers will make it easier for buyers to visit the location. For prospective buyers who from outside the city also menyipakan interesting brochures that contain product specifications and prices. Management assistance activities have also been conducted regu- larly every week. The results of community service activities bring benefits to both MSMEs. By marketing through the website that provides comprehensive information about product specifications through www.jualcakejogja.com page for Dyah Dharma Astuti’s and www.jualkuekeringjogja.com page for Dwi Retnani’s can increase market share and simultaneously increase sales turnover. Keywords: marketing, culinary tour, Yogyakarta

    E-Voting Inclusivity: The Accessibility of Elderly Voters in the 2021 Village Head Election in Sleman Regency

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    The Village Head Election (Pilkades) is a forum for the community to use their voting rights to elect leaders at the village level. It utilizes technology as a tool to accelerate and influence the technicalities of village head elections from conventional to digital through electronic voting (e-voting). This research aims to analyze the accessibility of elderly voters in the Village Head Election in Sleman Regency, Special Region Province of Yogyakarta (DIY). This research was examined using Thomas and Penchansky's theory which consists of indicators of availability, accessibility and accommodation. This research was a qualitative type of research with data collection techniques using primary data, obtained from interviews, and secondary data, obtained from journal articles and other literature studies in the form of research-related documents. The results of this research show that the Sleman Regency’s Community Empowerment Service and the Village Government were the parties that provide facilities and infrastructure to the community in the village head election in Sleman Regency. In accommodating this, initially, the political dynamics in Sleman Regency were more apathetic and traditional for the elderly people due to the change of the era. However, after researching, the problems that arose during the election were more related to the technical aspects of e-voting rather than the community or elderly people. Several obstacles occurred during e-voting, making the voters annoyed. Then, the elderly voters were given the same services as the other voters, except for the elderly with limitations. In this case, indicators such as availability, accessibility, and accommodation are considered appropriate and sufficient for the needs of elderly people. Regarding these needs, the TTU (the main technical team) and TTL (the field technical team) try their best to fulfill whatever it is without discrimination

    Image Recovery Pariwisata-Bencana di Lereng Merapi Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi

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    The image recovery on post-disaster tourism is an important activity to restore tourism business back to normal. Unfortunately tourism actors do not have appropriate capacity to deal with and strategy to implement to. Mount Merapi eruption in 2010 resulting lodging business-owners in its slope areas hit by the drastic decline of tourist arrivals rate. Despite the recovery image activities are still conducted by the local government but those have not penetrated all the affected areas. Lodging owners have created their own efforts by creating web blog and producing related printing materials, yet those have not resulted in satisfying results since the involved information technology was still modest and has not been designed in interactive format yet. Moreover, the design of printed materials was too common. Based on these issues it is necessary to conduct community service activities to accelerate the image recovery efforts based on information technology. Those activities succeeded in enabling the business owners to create more interactive internet domain and eye-catching sign boards. To improve the competence of the manager or owner of lodge business, training has also been carried out in order to take into account the tourism risk and hospitality issues. Keyword: disaster-tourism, recovery image, information technolog


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik Nahdlatul Wathan terhadap perilaku politik masyarakat Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan atau disingkat NW merupakan organisasi sosial keagamaan terbesar di Lombok yang berpusat di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan didirikan oleh Tuan Guru Hajji (TGH) Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid pada tahun 1953. Nahdlatul Wathan bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan dakwah, sehingga NW mempunyai kontribusi besar dalam pembangunan dan pemerintahan. Pasca meninggalnya TGH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid tahun 1997, Nahdlatul Wathan terpecah kedalam dua kubu, yakni kubu Rauhun (R1) yang berpusat di desa Pancor dan kubu Raihanun (R2) yang berpusat di desa Anjani. Pecahnya Nahdlatul Wathan sebagai organisasi terbesar di Lombok Timur tentu membawa dampak bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan demikian menarik untuk melakukan penelitian terkait dengan pengaruh konflik Nahdaltul Wathan terhadap Perilaku Politik Masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah penelitian kuantitaif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data melalui kuisioner dan studi pustaka, sedangkan teknik analisisa data menggunkan analisa statistic dengan memanfaatkan softwere SPSS


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    Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by Acehnese coffee shop drinkers in supporting and criticizing local Acehnese politics, particularly those in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this research examines the role of informal movements and clubs involved in decision-making related issues of Acehnese living in Yogyakarta. Methodology:This is a critical qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation over several months. Participatory observation was conducted through immersive participation in Acehnese coffee shops as public spaces and in-depth interviews with coffee shop managers, community leaders, and regular customers. Findings: The Acehnese unique cultural and social culture of coffee drinking plays a dynamic role with Acehnese community’s relationship with politics. This culture facilitates the existence of Acehnese identity in Yogyakarta and intensifies political participation through informal discussion. Acehnese coffee shops are free and autonomous public spaces, which are collectively owned and persevered by the community. Implication: Informal politics and local identity expressed through far political distances are interesting in Indonesia to examine social cohesion and capital nationwide. Out study also develops a model contributes to political science in Indonesian by explaining the relationship between informal and formal politics. It helps explain differences of different cultural and ethnic groups in Indonesia. Originality: Our paper investigates the perspective of local politics within Indonesian politics. Furthermore, most contemporary political research focuses on formal and official politics, while this paper uncovers long distance informal politics embedded in unique Acehnese social culture in coffee shops. The civic contribution of Acehnese coffee shops as a public place in Indonesian democracy is convincingly established in this paper

    Konsolidasi Internal Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan dalam Pemenangan Pilkada Pasca Konflik Internal Partai

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    Perebutan restu dari Ketua Umum Partai dalam pencalonan, serta sikap partai dalam mengatasi konflik internal dan berhasil membuahkan kemenangan menjadi ketertarikan untuk dibahas. PDI-Perjuangan sebagai salah satu partai pengusul calon menerapkan jalan panjang dalam proses kandidasi calon. Selama proses kandidasi, DPC Partai telah mengirimkan 4 nama calon untuk diseleksi. Hasil seleksi oleh DPP Partai dalam Surat Rekomendasi memunculkan nama yang berbeda dari daftar yang telah diserahkan. Ketidaksesuaian tersebut memicu timbulnya konflik internal, bahkan terjadi pengalihan dukungan oleh kadernya. Namun, hal tersebut berhasil diatasi oleh DPC Partai dan membuahkan kemenangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penyelesaian konflik atas Rekomendasi DPP Partai dan konsolidasi internal untuk pemenangan Pilkada 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan data primer berupa wawancara langsung dan dokumentasi serta data sekunder yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, dan publikasi yang relevan. Adapun teknis analisis data yang digunakan ada dengan cara reduksi data, pemaparan data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DPC Partai dalam menyelesaikan konflik internal melakukan komunikasi politik dan mekanisme penyelesaian konflik sesuai dengan ketentuan partai. Sedangkan dalam pemenangan Pilkada 2020, DPC Partai melakukan konsolidasi internal berupa konsolidasi struktural dan konsolidasi agenda politik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa DPC PDI-Perjuangan Kabupaten Pekalongan telah berhasil dalam mengatasi konflik internal dan memenangkan Pilkada 2020. Namun, dari beberapa upaya tersebut masih belum optimal dan masih terdapat campur tangan dari pusat partai yang cukup kuat. Selain itu, dominasi peranan Pimpinan Pusat Partai menjadikan sistem sentralisasi dirasa masih kuat daripada sistem demokrasi yang semestinya diterapkan dengan baik untuk menciptakan demokrasi partai yang sesungguhnya serta kesolidan politik di tingkat lokal

    The Problem of Neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the 2020 Regional Head Election

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    This article will discuss the neutrality of bureaucracy in Indonesia with the perspective of data collection from online media. Where the purpose of this paper is to find out the involvement of ASN in the power struggle in the implementation of regional head elections. If we look at the many cases of neutrality violations that occurred in the 2020 regional head elections, this is also justified by the State Civil Affairs Commission which records cases of violations of bureaucratic neutrality. The implementation of regional head elections conducted in 2020 is indeed full of pros and cons, besides that almost every regional head election always arises the issue of bureaucratic neutrality. In 2020, there were 694 ASNs who committed violations and have been reported to the State Civil Apparatus Commission. This shows that the implementation of regional head elections is one of the momentums for candidates for regional heads and ASNs to conduct patron-client practices. In addition, the implementation of regional head elections is also carried out during the covid-19 pandemic so that it is possible to have ASN involvement in the implementation of campaigns and so on. Because in 2020 there is a lot of involvement of civil apparatus that shows open support to one of the candidates

    The Perception of Young Voters Towards the Integrity of the 2014 Election1 a Survey in Special Region of YOGYAKARTA

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    The research examines the perception of youngvoters regarding the quality of theimplementation the 2014 election. There are sixindicators to measure the integrity: 1) theelection law, 2) the electoral procedure, 3) thevoter registration, 4) the political party and itscandidate registration, 5) the role of massmedia, and 5) the candidate campaign. Theresearch findings revealed that, in general,young voters have an adequate perceptionconcerning the electoral integrity. Morespecifically, the good perception is only to twothings namely political party and its candidateregistration and the electoral procedure. Therest is adequate perception. In addition, theresearch portrayed that young people havehighest trust merely to the CorruptionEradication Commision (KPK). On the otherhand, they have lowest trust into twoinstitutions: political party and parliament


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    This study aims to describe the issue of money politics in elections in Indonesia. The method used in this study is qualitative, using a literature review. The research data is sourced from the Scopus database in July 2023, using the keywords politics elections, and money. Data analysis used Bibliometric Biblio Shiny R 4.3.1 and Scopus data analysis. The research results show many issues in studying money politics in Indonesia from various perspectives. Aspects of power, money, and elections are three keywords that influence the practice of money politics in Indonesia. Then in terms of actors, money politics in Indonesia is driven by political parties and candidates driven by the capitalist elite network. Some of the significant issues above the opportunities for money politics can be examined in the future through various fundamental perspectives. The relationship between patrons and clients and networks between election participants and elite financier networks (konglongmerat) is a challenge for further research. This research contributes to providing space and new perspectives in studying the practice of money politics in Indonesia