302 research outputs found

    Selecting among alternative production functions, effect of lime cost on optimal nitrogen levels and vertical integration in the West African cotton sector

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    Scope and Method of Study:This dissertation consists of three essays: The first essay determines the optimal level of N fertilizer for rye-ryegrass pasture using yield functions estimated with different functional forms that assume parameters are either nonstochastic or stochastic. Three yield functions were estimated: linear response plateau, quadratic, and Spillman-Mitscherlich.The second paper determines the effect of considering the cost of lime on recommendations about optimal levels of N. Yield response and soil pH change functions were estimated and used to determine the optimal levels of N and lime. The study also developed a new version of a linear response plateau function that allows the yield plateau to vary by year with respect to nitrogen but not soil pH.The third paper provides an economic explanation of the existence of parastatal vertical integration market structures in the cotton sector of West Africa, and contrasts it with other market structure alternatives in terms of welfare and sector efficiency.Findings and Conclusions:In the first essay, nonstochastic models are rejected in favor of stochastic parameter models. The stochastic models lead to smaller recommended levels of N, but the economic benefits of using fully stochastic models are small since expected profit functions are relatively flat for the stochastic models.In the second essay, considering the cost of lime reduced the optimal level of N by as much as 11.3%. Acidification potential due to N fertilizer increased nonlinearly as N rate increased. N acidification appears to be more severe with N application rates above consumptive potential of the crop than with N that is used by the plant.In the third essay, due to credit and or factor market constraints, vertical integrated cotton parastatals increase sector welfare and efficiency by supplying inputs to overcome credit constraints. Surplus sharing between the grower and the integrator is significantly shifted towards the cotton company. Removing the integrated cotton parastatals in favor of a free market structures would result in little cotton being produced

    Surgical Mortality at a Mission Hospital in Western Uganda

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    Background: Audit of Surgical mortality seeks to focus on improvement in the process of surgical care and not on individual surgical ability. Audit of surgical mortality was conducted to establish the factors associated with the surgical deaths in Virika Hospital to propose ways of improvement.Methods: The study was conducted in Virika Mission Hospital in Western Uganda, a 155 bed capacity hospital with a surgical bed capacity of 32 located in rural Uganda.Individual case file review of the fourty three surgical deaths from 1st July 2008 to 31st June 2009 was conducted. Additional data was retrieved from hospital admission register, operation registers, and death certificate books.Results: The operation death rate was 1.3%, all were emergencies, and 82.6% were done under general anaesthesia and17.4% died on table. The laparotomy death rate was 12.5%, Herniorrhaphy 0.9%, drainage of pus 1.4% and wound suture 0.4%. Surgery was delayed due to lack of blood in only one case but there was no record of lack of any resource for delaying surgery. Surgical conditions were: Injuries 39.5%, Intestinal perforations 30.2%, Intestinal obstruction 20.9% and others 9.3%. The hospital had no high dependency unit and no intensive care unit. No postmortem was conducted in all cases.Conclusion: Overall the Audit identified client, provider, administrative and community-related factors that need to be addressed collectively to reduce surgical mortality in Virika hospital.Audit of surgical mortality should be part of the health workers’ general approach to making more information available in a meaningful way for continuous improvement of surgical services

    Investigating child sexual violence among secondary school learners in Wakiso District, Uganda

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    Child Sexual Violence (CSV) is a global challenge, and its prevalence is not well studied in Ugandan schools. This study used a cross-sectional design to investigate CSV prevalence and its relationship with parental care and learners' characteristics among secondary school learners in the Wakiso District. The sample comprised 274 learners from five schools: rural, peri-urban, and urban. A 4-Likert questionnaire comprising parental care, learners' characteristics, and CSV was used to collect data. Data were analysed using means, standard deviation, Chi-square, and Analysis of Variance–ANOVA. The results show high CSV prevalence among learners with low parental care and low personal characteristics, where sexual harassment, defilement, and rape accounted for 60.10%, 55.11%, and 51.10%, respectively. There were no significant differences in CSV prevalence among rural, peri-urban and urban schools (ANOVA, p = .25). Implications for schools to minimise CSV in schools are discusse

    Aerobic Bacterial Causes of Secondary Peritonitis and Their Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns among HIV Negative Patients with Non-traumatic Small Bowel Perforations in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital

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    Back ground: Intra-abdominal infections are commonly encountered in surgical practice and represent a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The most common aetiology is contamination of the peritoneal space by endogenous micro-flora among patients with gastro intestinal perforations. Inappropriate antibiotic therapy of secondary peritonitis may result in poor patient outcomes. The selection of an appropriate empirical antibiotic agent can be challenging amidst limited laboratory infrastructure and the emerging resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics. This study was aimed at determining the aerobic bacterial causes of secondary peritonitis and their antibiotic sensitivity patterns among HIV negative patients with non-traumatic small bowel perforations in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital so as to guide initial empirical treatment.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 87 consenting patients with non-traumatic small bowel perforation confirmed at laparotomy, on the emergency ward of Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital were enrolled consecutively from September 2011 to May 2012. HIV testing and peritoneal fluid analysis was done for all patients enrolled into the study.Results: Majority of patients had either Klebsiella spp (37.9%) or Escherichia coli (26.4%) on peritoneal fluid culture, while 12 (13.8%) had no growth at all. Four patients (4.6%) had more than one organism cultured. Most of the organisms were susceptible to Ceftriaxone followed by Ciprofloxacin and Gentamycin. Peritoneal fluid gram stain showed gram negative bacilli in 79.3% of the cases while peritoneal fluid ZN stain did not demonstrate any AAFBs. All patients tested HIV negative.Conclusions: The results indicated that secondary peritonitis among HIV negative patients with non-traumatic small bowel perforation at MRRH was mainly due to Klebsiella spp and E. coli which were mainly sensitive to cephalosporins, quinolones and aminoglycosides.Key words: Aerobic, Bacteria, Secondary, Peritonitis. Antibiotic. Sensitivity, HIV negative, Bowel,Perforatio

    The Law of the Minimum and Sources of Nonzero Skewness for Crop Yield Distributions

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    Crop yields are not commonly found to be normally distributed, but the cause of the non-normal distribution is unclear. The non-normality might be due to weather variables and/or an underlying von Liebig law of the minimum (LoM) production function. Our objective is to determine the degree to which an underlying linear response stochastic plateau production function can explain the skewness of Oklahoma wheat yields at varied nitrogen rates. We use farm-level wheat data from a long-term experiment in Oklahoma, which is a unique data set to the literature. The Tembo et al. (2008) production function provides negative skewness at all levels of nitrogen with skewness near zero for both very high and very low levels of nitrogen. Observed skewness for wheat yields, however, is positive. The variation in the plateau by year shows positive skewness. Skewness in yield potential related to weather should be considered as a possible explanation of skewness.linear plateau model, non-normal distributions, skewness, wheat, yield distribution, Production Economics, Risk and Uncertainty, Q10,

    Verneområder og lokalbefolkning i Uganda : nytte, kostnader, livsvilkår og narrativer rundt Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

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    This thesis contributes to a current debate on how to balance conservation and development goals. Globally, land set aside for the protection of biodiversity has increased exponentially over the last 30 years. Despite contemporary efforts to share protected area (PA) benefits with the local people in proximity to the PAs, in particular tourism revenues, the social impacts of establishing and maintaining these areas remain a contentious issue. It is in this context that this study was conducted at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. The specific research questions of the study were: i. To what extent does tourism revenue-sharing promote conservation and poverty reduction? ii. What is the nature of benefits derived and costs incurred by communities adjacent to the PA? iii. How are the benefits and costs distributed, and how does this affect people‟s attitudes towards the PA? iv. How do local people describe their situation as neighbours of a PA? These questions have been addressed in four separate, but interrelated studies. Data were collected using a mixed methods approach. Secondary data in the form of written sources on Bwindi was used in addition to primary data gathered through a combination of participant observations, interviews with key informants, structured interviews, semistructured interviews, and unstructured interviews. The findings reveal serious inadequacies in the tourism revenue-sharing arrangement that severely constrain the potential for poverty reduction. This also reduces its potential local support effect for the conservation. Whereas an average household reports an annual total income of US1038,theaveragebenefitfromrevenuesharingisonlyUS1038, the average benefit from revenue sharing is only US12 (or 1.2%). Any positive effect from this contribution is further reduced by problems in the allocation-making processes and associated nepotism; this is because the revenues are planned for and distributed by inept local institutions under complex institutional arrangements that lack real local participation and involvement. In addition to the direct sharing of tourism revenues there are a number of other activities that could fall under a general framework of “Development Through Conservation” (e.g. support to private tree planting). Another activity is park-related employment. Each of these two sources contributes about 2% to an average household‟s annual income. Costs include the traditional costs of physical evictions. However, the scope of this thesis is limited to the recurrent costs associated with restrictions on access to resources and damage caused by wildlife. A household bordering on the park foregoes on average about 6% of its annual income because of these restrictions on access to forest resources and on average loses another 10% of its annual income as a result of damage caused by wildlife. For some households, losses from wildlife damage can approach as much as 26% of the household income. What emerges is a situation where local people largely subsidise conservation through the high local costs. The estimated reported average local income is US$ 0.5/ per adult equivalent unit/day. Moreover, because of the problems in decision-making and the associated nepotism, tourism revenues often do not accrue to cost victims. In practice, PA benefits are often subject to local elite capture. This increases local inequality and compromises the ability of the PA to contribute to poverty reduction and improve state local people relations. In spite of this, there seems to be improved attitudes among local people towards the park, with 78 percent of our respondents believing that Bwindi‟s conversion to a national park was a good thing, and despite the lack of individual benefits. People seem to be concerned about nature and the forest regardless of possible monetary transfers. Local perceptions furthermore seem to be characterised by an ambivalence that significantly deviates from the win-win narrative frequently presented by external actors. Local actors or households do regard the present situation as unsatisfactory (a perception which is well-grounded and generally supported by the socio-economic studies in this thesis). However there is some prospect of an improved situation in the future, particularly with regard to tourism because there are promises of improvements in the amount of revenues set aside for local people. Social, political and economic issues relating to PAs are presented and discussed in this thesis. Wider implications and representivity of the findings for other protected area policies in Uganda and elsewhere are several. It is observed that the eventual successes of PAs for the future will depend not only on the overall benefits and costs that eventually reach local communities but also on the distribution of costs and benefits, the implications for damage compensation, and impact on local inequality and the compatibility of present management with local social values, and norms and perceptions of rights and duties Local narratives form important insights in this context and need to be taken much more seriously in endeavours for rights-based development, local involvement and real participation. The local narratives should thus inform policy and practice, and act as a possible counter to the narratives produced by powerful external actors.Denne avhandlingen bidrar til en pågående debatt om naturvern og utvikling. Verdens verneområder for biologisk mangfold har økt eksponensielt de siste 30 årene. Det har vært mange forsøk på å dele inntekter fra turisme i verneområder med lokalbefolkningen. Likevel er fortsatt de sosiale kostnadene ved verneområder et omstridt spørsmål. Dette er bakgrunnen for studien av Bwindi Impenetrable National Park i Uganda. Studiens problemstillinger har vært: i. I hvilken grad bidrar lokalbefolkningens tilgang til inntekter fra turisme til naturvern og reduksjon av fattigdom? ii. Hvilke goder og kostnader av verneområdet får de nærmeste lokalsamfunnene? iii. Hvordan er goder og kostnader fordelt, og hvordan påvirker dette folks holdninger til verneområdet? iv. Hvordan beskriver folk som er naboer til verneområdet sin egen situasjon og sitt forhold til parken? Disse spørsmålene har blitt besvart i fire ulike delstudier. Data ble innsamlet ved hjelp av ulike metoder. Sekundærdata som skriftlige kilder om Bwindi ble brukt i tillegg til primærdata innsamlet ved en kombinasjon av deltakende observasjon, intervjuer med nøkkelinformanter og strukturerte og ustrukturerte intervjuer. Funnene avslører alvorlig begrensninger i fordelingen av inntekter fra turisme, noe som i betydelig grad begrenser potensialet for reduksjon av fattigdom. Dette begrenser også mulighetene for å få lokal støtte for naturvernet. Mens et gjennomsnittlig hushold oppgir en årsinntekt på 1038 USD er gjennomsnittlig inntekt fra den naturbaserte turismen på bare 12 USD i året (eller 1.2% av samlede inntekter). Positive effekter av dette bidraget reduseres ytterligere av problemer med selve fordelingsprosessen knyttet blant annet til nepotisme. Dette skyldes til dels at inntektsfordelingen er planlagt for og distribuert gjennom svake lokale institusjoner med komplekse institusjonelle arrangementer og der lokal deltakelse i stor grad er fraværende. I tillegg til direkte fordeling av inntekter fra turisme, er det også en rekke andre aktiviteter som kunne falle inn under ”naturvernbasert utvikling” (for eksempel støtte til privat treplanting). En annen aktivitet er arbeidsplasser generert av nasjonalparken. Hver av disse to kildene bidrar gjennomsnittlig med 2% av husholdets årlige inntekt i følge våre undersøkelser. Avhandlingen konsentrerer seg om kostnader forbundet med begrensninger på tilgang til ressurser og skader forårsaket av vilt. Et hushold i nærheten av nasjonalparken gir i gjennomsnitt fra seg 6 % av dets årlige inntekt på grunn av førstnevnte begrensninger og 10% mistes i form av skader på avling og husdyr forårsaket av parkens ville dyr. For noen hushold vil slike viltskader kunne beløpe seg til 26% av husholdets inntekter. Resultatet er at lokalbefolkningen ender opp med å subsidiere naturvernet gjennom å bli påført høye lokale kostnader. Den estimerte gjennomsnittlige lokale inntekten er 0.5 USD pr voksen pr dag. På grunn av de nevnte problemene med forvaltningen tilfaller sjelden turistinntekter de som bærer de direkte kostnadene. Det er i praksis lokale eliter som tilriver seg mesteparten av inntektene fra nasjonalparken. Dette øker lokal ulikhet og begrenser mulighetene for naturvernet til å bidra til å redusere fattigdom og å forbedre forholdet mellom staten og lokalbefolkningen. På tross av dette, virker det som holdningene blant lokalbefolkningen til parken i seg selv har bedret seg. Blant våre respondenter var 78 % positive til at Bwindi er en nasjonalpark, til tross for mangelen på individuelle nyttevirkninger fra parken. Folk virker opptatt av vern av naturen og skogen uavhengig av pengeoverføringer. Lokale betraktninger er videre karakterisert av en ambivalens som avviker fra et vinnvinn- narrativ som ofte presenteres av eksterne aktører. Lokalbefolkningen ser ikke på den aktuelle situasjonen som tilfredsstillende. Det kan imidlertid være håp om forbedringer, fordi det er løfter om at en større andel av inntektene fra turisme skal tilfalle lokalbefolkningen. Sosiale, politiske og økonomiske sider ved vern av nasjonalparker blir presentert og diskutert i denne avhandlingen. Det er flere implikasjoner av disse funnene for andre verneområder i Uganda og andre steder. Mulighetene for at verneområder skal lykkes i fremtiden er ikke bare avhengig av generelle inntekter og kostnader, men også av fordelingen av disse inntektene og kostnadene, kompensasjon for skader forårsaket av vilt, konsekvenser for lokal ulikhet og hvordan forvaltningen forholder seg til lokale sosiale verdier, normer, rettigheter og plikter. Lokale narrativer representerer viktige innsikter i denne sammenheng og de må tas mye mer alvorlig i nye forsøk på en rettighetsbasert utvikling som innebærer reell lokal deltakelse. Politikkutforming og praksis bør derfor basere seg på slike lokale mot-narrativer som ofte står i motsetning til narrativer produsert av mektige eksterne aktører.Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (NAI) ; Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA

    Ileosigmoid Knotting in Pregnancy: A case Report Seen in Uganda

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    The Cost of Coexistence between Bt Maize and Open Pollinated Maize Varieties in Lowland Coastal Kenya

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    Kenya is currently in the process of introducing genetically modified maize (Bt maize). A major concern is that the Bt gene might cross into local varieties through cross pollination. Current regulatory strategies to ensure coexistence of the two cropping systems at the farm level rely on spatial isolation measures-separation distances and/or buffer zones. However, the interaction of practical measures and costs of spatial isolation with the farmer’s economic incentive to plant a Bt maize crop have not been studied in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of the implementation of spatial coexistence measures. Using spatial geo-referenced data from the actual agricultural landscape in lowland coastal Kenya, the study finds that flexible separation distances hold the possibility of ensuring coexistence in the region, but will be difficult to implement. Rigid buffer strips on the other hand are not consistent with the producers’ economic incentive to plant a Bt maize crop.Coexistence, Regulatory, Spatial, Agro-ecological zone, GM crops, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization and Liming on Rye-Ryegrass Yield and Soil pH Dynamics

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    Using ammonium based nitrogen fertilizers in crop production has been shown to acidify soils. Lime used to correct soil pH is an important cost to producers. Recommendations of the optimal level of nitrogen to apply typically ignore the cost of lime created by nitrogen fertilization. This study was aimed to estimate soil pH change in response to nitrogen and lime application, and determine the effect of considering the cost of lime on recommendations about the optimal level of nitrogen. Yield response and pH functions were estimated and used to determine optimal levels of inputs. The effect of the cost of lime on recommendations about the optimal level of nitrogen was found to be marginal. Nitrogen acidification was found to be more severe with nitrogen application amounts above recommended rates than with nitrogen that is used by the plant.Lime, Nitrogen, Soil pH, Rye-ryegrass, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics,

    Influence of previous participation in physical activity on its perceptions among tertiary institution students

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    Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of the major non-communicable diseases, which contribute substantially to the global burden of diseases, death and disability. The burden of mortality, morbidity and disability attributable to non-communicable diseases is currently greatest and is continually growing in the developing countries. Most declines in physical activity (PA) occur during the transition period when a person goes from high school to College or University. The objectives of this study were to identify perceived benefits of and barriers to PA and determine whether previous participation in PA does have an influence on these perceptions. A cross- sectional and descriptive study with quantitative design was conducted. Five hundred (500) tertiary institution students were randomly sampled from purposively selected departments and classes at each of the five government educational tertiary institutions in Rwanda. A pre-coded self-administered questionnaire with a small number of open-ended questions was administered to the students. A response rate of 425 (85%) was obtained. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data, by means of SAS version 8 software. Frequencies and percentages for mean score values with standard deviations for each perception variable were descriptively obtained. False Discovery Rate (FDR) at 5% for multiple test adjustment and Spearman’s correlation (r) tests were used to identify the significant influence of previous participation on perceptions. More than 70% students were not participating in PA at tertiary level. Psychological benefits of PA were some of the most important perceived benefits cited by the students. Most of the important barriers cited concerned equipment and time constraints to exercising. Associations were found between previous participation and the current perceptions of PA. The findings of this study demonstrate that previous participation can influence perceptions of PA among the students. Physical activity promotion programmes should consider the role of these factors which should be emphasised from childhood