7 research outputs found

    Inhabiting warm microhabitats and risk-spreading as strategies for survival of a phytophagous insect living in common pastures in the Pyrenees

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    [EN] The breakdown of the transhumant grazing system in the Spanish Pyrenees has led to a severe decline in the area of pastures. However, in the high mountain zone there are still large areas of species-rich grasslands. The aim of this study was to assess the oviposition preferences of the shrub-feeding Blue-spot hairstreak, Satyrium spini (Denis & SchiffermÃller, 1775), in montane common pastures in the Spanish Pyrenees and recommend a way of managing these grasslands that favours this species. Our study showed that females of S. spini laid their eggs on Dwarf buckthorn (Rhamnus pumila Turra) and Alpine buckthorn (R. alpina L.), which are novel host plant records for Spain. A warm microclimate was of crucial importance for egg-laying. Occupied plants grew mostly at sparsely vegetated grassland sites where there were large patches of bare rocks, stones or gravel. Most egg batches were laid close to the ground and 75% consisted of only one egg. The number of batches per R. pumila plant was higher on east-, southand west-facing slopes than on north-facing slopes. Presence of eggs and the number of egg batches per R. pumila plant were best explained by a long sunshine duration. At high altitudes particularly warm microhabitats seem to be more important for S. spini than at lower altitudes in Central Europe. We assume that the preference for unusually warm microhabitats is explained by the cold climatic conditions near the altitudinal range limit of the species. That most of the eggs were laid singly and not in small batches as in Central Europe might be a risk-spreading strategy to cope with the harsh climatic conditions and the high inter-annual variation in weather conditions in the high mountain zone in the Pyrenees. The best way to maintain open grasslands for S. spini and other thermophilous grassland species in the high mountain zone of the Pyrenees is to use the traditional combination of sheep and cattle grazing.Peer Reviewe

    Laser in Bone Surgery

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    During the past half-century, laser osteotomy has been studied for a broad range of lasers, which almost covers the entire range of available laser systems in the market, from early unsuccessful experiments with CW lasers to newly developed ultrashort pulse lasers. Although a large variety of laser parameters including wavelength, pulse energy, pulse duration, and repetition rate have been investigated to find an optimum laser system as an alternative osteotomy tool, there is not a universal agreement on a specific type of laser to replace conventional mechanical saws. The only universal agreement is on the speed of cutting (ablation rate) which went to long-pulse Er:YAG and CO 2 lasers. Microsecond pulse Er:YAG and CO 2 lasers perform osteotomy by inducing efficient photothermal effect to the bone with the help of high absorption peak of water in the bone. However, having a speedy cut is not the only effective parameter to pave the way for transferring lasers to the operating room. Other parameters including cutting with the lowest thermal damage, ability for deep cutting, and compatibility with integrating sensors are among the other determinant parameters. Moreover, being able to be delivered through the fiber optic and as a consequence fit inside the endoscope channel could extend their application from the open surgery to minimally invasive ones. This chapter besides proving the necessary information on the physics behind the laser-bone interaction provides a short review on the history of bone surgery with laser and state-of-the-art studies in this field

    Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences No. 3/2015

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    Annals of the 'Constantin Brrncuui' University of Targu Jiu: Letters and Social Sciences Series No. 3/2014 (Analele Universitatii 'Constantin Brancusi' Din Targu-Jiu: Seria Litere Si Stiinte Sociale, Nr. 3/2014)

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