761 research outputs found

    The Effect of Storage Temperature on the Quality of Honey

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    Honey is natural liquid produced by honey bees. In reality, the quality can be reduced if the storage is not done properly. Diastase enzyme activity is one of the important honey quality parameters. The purpose of this research was to determine the quality of honey that was influenced by storage temperature on the activity of the diastase enzyme using Spectrophotometry method. Samples were obtained from the beekeeping area of East Jakarta. The results showed that, storage temperature greatly affects the quality of honey. Diastase enzyme activity was significantly different in each treatment at storage temeprature (P-Value < 0,05). Honey's best storage temperature was at room temperature (26oC) compared to hot (50oC) and cold (±5oC) temperatures

    Development of Physical Practicum Guidelines with Mentorship Approach Using Problem Based Learning Model

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    The purpose of this study was to produce a basic physics practicum product for microscope tools using a problem-based learning model. This research is a development research adapted from the Thiagarajan model. The samples taken consisted of 3 student groups each group of 5 people and 1 large class group of 20 people. In the pilot trials in small groups using a mentoring approach. Data analysis techniques were carried out descriptively which departed from observations of the completeness of guidelines and implementation of guidelines through the stages of the problem-based learning model. The results of the study related to the guideline design based on the completeness of the elements in the practicum guide showed that the percentage of completeness of the guidelines after revision 1 was 37.5%, after review 2 it was 70.83% and in review 3 it was 95.83%. . The results of field tests for students taking basic physics 2 as many as 20 people who were asked for opinions on the use of guidelines and practicum implementation showed that 62.5% of students gave a choice of Strongly Agree category, 36.25% of students gave the option of Agree and there were 1.25 % for the option of Disagreeable category and no student gives a choice of the category "Disagree". Based on this data shows that there are 98.75% of the number of students who respond positively to the use of practicum guides.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that a basic physics practicum guide product has been produced for the microscope tool using a problem-based learning model with a mentoring approach with excellent and decent qualifications. Through this research, students as prospective teachers have experience developing guidelines to carry out science processes to build interaction and communication and class management. Keywords: Practical Guide, Research and Development, Microscope, Problem Based Learning. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-22-07 Publication date: August 31st 201


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    Background : Vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide. About 1 billion people worldwide from all ethnicities and age groups, have a vitamin D deficiency. This pandemic of hypovitaminosis D closely related to to lifestyle (such as less of outdoor activities) and environmental (such as air pollution) factors that reduce exposure to sunlight, which is required for ultraviolet-B (UVB)-induced vitamin D production in the skin. High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency is an important public health issue because hypovitaminosis D is an independent risk factor for total mortality in the general population. Last studies suggest that we may need more vitamin D to prevent chronic disease. As few foods contain vitamin D, guidelines recommended supplementation at suggested daily intake and tolerable upper limit levels. It is also suggested to take a measurement of  the 25-hydroxyvitamin D level serum as the initial diagnostic test in patients at risk for deficiency. Treatment with either vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is recommended for deficient patients. Subjects and Method : This study was an experimental study with one group design pretest and postest. Target population was employee of Prof dr R Soeharso Orthopaedic hospital with deficiency or insuficiency of vitamin D level. Total of 40 subjects has been measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. The result found that 1 sample is normal and excluded from the study, and 39 others are included in the study. All of them have been treated with vitamin D3 suplement 50.000 IU per week for eight weeks then measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level post treatment. All the result was analized with Wilcoxon test respectively Results : All samples undergoing treatment with vitamin D3 suplement had a significant improvement on the result of Vitamin D level. Wilcoxon rank test shows the value of p = <0.001 (p <0.05) which means that there is a significant improvement of  vitamin D serum levels before and after treatment.Conclusion : Normalization of hypovitaminosis D level with cholecalciferol (D3) treatment significantly reduces the severity of fatigue symptoms in person who has complain about fatigue conditions

    Osteokondroma Raksasa Pada Rami Pubis: Laporan Kasus

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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Osteokondroma adalah tumor tulang jinak yang paling umum. Osteokondroma merupakan malformasi perkembangan daripada neoplasma sejati.Osteokondroma biasanya mempengaruhi tulang yang berkembang oleh osifikasi endokondral dan jarang berasal dari tulang yang berkembang secara osifikasi intramembran seperti tulang rami pubis, skapula, klavikula, dan tulang rusuk. Objektif Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk menyajikan kasus osteokondroma pubis yang jarang terjadi dan mengevaluasi hasil setelah eksisi luas. Kasus Seorang pria 34 tahun dengan benjolan di daerah selangkangan kanan mengeluh selama 10 tahun. Di RSO Prof Soeharso, pasien menjalani eksisi lebar ramus pubis kanan, di mana banyak struktur berbahaya yang harus dihindari. Kami mendapatkan seluruh jaringan tumor dengan diameter 12 sentimeter. Menurut Konferensi Klinikopatologi tumor disimpulkan sebagai osteokondroma. Lokasi tumor dan presentasi klinis jarang terjadi. Tumor ini tidak memiliki keterlibatan viseral atau vaskular meskipun lesi tersebut sangat dekat dengan banyak struktur vital pada ramus pubis superior. Hasil Setelah 1 tahun evaluasi, kondisi klinis pasien baik. Pasien tidak merasakan keluhan apapun, tidak ada tanda-tanda kambuh, dan tidak ada komplikasi pada luka operasi.     Kesimpulan Kami telah melakukan eksisi ekstensif tumor di ramus pubis pria berusia 34 tahun. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi sesuai dengan gambaran osteokondroma. Osteokondroma yang muncul dari panggul adalah presentasi yang tidak biasa yang harus diingat sebagai diagnosis banding saat mengevaluasi pasien dengan massa di panggul

    Menghalangi Penyidikan dan Penuntutan untuk Kepentingan Orang Lain Menurut Pasal 221 Ayat (1) Kuhpidana

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Penyebab Terjadinya Suatu Kejahatanyang ditutupi untuk mempersulit proses penyidikan dan penuntutan dan bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap orang-orang yang menghalangi proses penyidikan dan penuntutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif sehingga dapat disimpulkan: 1. Orang yang disembunyikan itu adalah seseorang yang melakukan kejahatan atau dituntut karena kejahatan, maka pasal ini tidak dapat diterapkan terhadapnya. Memberikan pertolongan kepadanya untuk menghindari penyidikan atau penahanan oleh pejabat kehakiman atau kepolisian, atau oleh orang lain yang menurut ketentuan undang-undang terus menerus atau untuk sementara waktu diserahi menjalankan jabatan kepolisian. 2. Pasal 221 ayat (2) KUHPidana merupakan suatu alasan penghapus pidana yang bersifat sebagai alasan penghapus pidana khusus, artinya hanya berlaku untuk tindak pidana yang tertentu saja, dalam hal ini tindak pidana yang dirumuskan dalam Pasal 221 ayat (1) KUHPidana dalam unsur ini disebutkan tentang memberikan pertolongan untuk menghindarkan diri dari penyidikan atau penahanan dengan maksud menutupi, menghalangi atau mempersukar penyidikan atau penuntutan suatu kejahatan, telah menghancurkan, menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan barang bukti atau menariknya dari pemeriksaan Jaksa,Polisi atau pejabat pemeriksa lainnya

    Validasi Metode Analisis Untuk Penetapan Kadar Parasetamol Dalam Sediaan Tablet Secara Spektrofotometri Ultraviolet

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    VALIDASI METODE ANALISIS UNTUK PENETAPAN KADAR PARASETAMOL DALAM SEDIAAN TABLET SECARA SPEKTROFOTOMETRI ULTRAVIOLET Grace Pricilia Tulandi1), Sri Sudewi1), Widya Astuty Lolo1) Prodi Farmasi, FMIPA, UNSRAT, Manado ABSTRACT Now a days, many people in society prefer to use branded medicine compare to generic ones. They think that branded medicine is more efficacious the generic medicine. The lack of knowledge in the society about the equality of effectiveness between generic medicine and branded medicine with the same active material, cause them to choose branded medicine. This research aiming to determine the paracetamol content in tablet preparations and the validation test using ultraviolet spectrophotometer analysis. From the analysis validation result , precision and accuration method were obtained, that qualitied the analysis validation requirements, that is 0,0595 for standard deviation (SD) value, 0,0048 fr variation coefficient value, and 99,0795 % for accuration method. r = 0,9982 were obtained as linearity value with 1,4684 ppm as detection limit and 4,8985 as quantity limit. The average result from the paracetamol content determination from generic and branded medicine successively are 3,034 ± 0,294 ppm; 3,049 ± 0,070 ppm; 3,019 ± 0,199 ppm; 3,079 ± 0,139 ppm. Keyword : Paracetamol, Validation, Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer. ABSTRAK Saat ini banyak masyarakat yang lebih memilih menggunakan obat merek dagang dibandingkan obat generik. Mereka menganggap bahwa obat merek dagang lebih berkhasiat dibanding obat generik. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang efektifitas yang sama antara obat generik dengan obat merek dagang yang memiliki bahan aktif yang sama, menyebabkan mereka lebih memilih menggunakan obat dengan merek dagang. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan kadar parasetamol dalam sediaan tablet dan uji validasinya menggunakan metode analisis spektrofotometri ultraviolet. Hasil validasi analisis yang dilakukan didapat presisi dan akurasi metode yang memenuhi persyaratan validasi analisis, yaitu untuk nilai standar deviasi (SD) sebesar 0,0595; koefisien variasi (KV) sebesar 0,0048 dan akurasi metode sebesar 99,0795%. Diperoleh nilai linearitas sebesar r = 0,9982 dengan batas deteksi 1,4684 ppm dan batas kuantitasi 4,8945 ppm. Hasil rata-rata penetapan kadar parasetamol generik dan merek dagang secara berturut-turut adalah 3,034 ± 0,294 ppm; 3,049 ± 0,070 ppm; 3,019 ± 0,199 ppm; 3,079 ± 0,139 ppm


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Penyebab Terjadinya Suatu Kejahatanyang ditutupi untuk mempersulit proses penyidikan dan penuntutan dan bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap orang-orang yang menghalangi proses penyidikan dan penuntutan.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif sehingga dapat disimpulkan: 1. Orang yang disembunyikan itu adalah seseorang yang melakukan kejahatan atau dituntut karena kejahatan, maka pasal ini tidak dapat diterapkan terhadapnya. Memberikan pertolongan kepadanya untuk menghindari penyidikan atau penahanan oleh pejabat kehakiman atau kepolisian, atau oleh orang lain yang menurut ketentuan undang-undang terus menerus atau untuk sementara waktu diserahi menjalankan jabatan kepolisian. 2. Pasal 221 ayat (2) KUHPidana merupakan suatu alasan penghapus pidana yang bersifat sebagai alasan penghapus pidana khusus, artinya hanya berlaku untuk tindak pidana yang tertentu saja, dalam hal ini tindak pidana yang dirumuskan dalam Pasal 221 ayat (1) KUHPidana dalam unsur ini disebutkan tentang memberikan pertolongan untuk menghindarkan diri dari penyidikan atau penahanan dengan maksud menutupi, menghalangi atau mempersukar penyidikan atau penuntutan suatu kejahatan, telah menghancurkan, menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan barang bukti atau menariknya dari pemeriksaan Jaksa,Polisi atau pejabat pemeriksa lainnya. Kata kunci: Menghalangi penyidikan, penuntutan, kepentingan orang lai


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    ABSTRACT   Background: When pain, deformity and instability compromise wrist function, wrist stabilization by means of fusion is a procedure of recognized validity. The goal of wrist arthrodesis is to provide the patient with a stable wrist for power grip and the predictable relief of pain while sacrificing wrist motion. The radioscapholunate (RSL) fusion is one of salvage procedure indicated in the case of traumatic or degenerative osteoarthritis of the radiocarpal joint, involving the lunate facet of the radius. RSL-fusion reduced total wrist motion (3 MC/Rad) in the F/E axis to an average of 49% of F/E in the unfused wrist but  preserves midcarpal joint motion while alleviating pain. Case Report: We report a 43-year-old male patient with pain on his left wrist. 10 months before admission, he felt down from stairs with his left hand bear his body weight. He broke his wrist and got surgery at that time. Because still feel pain and his index finger can’t fully extensed, he brought to Soeharso orthopaedic hospital. Here, we have done RSL-fusion using cross pinning K-Wire to reduce pain, distal scapoid excision to optimizing radial angulation and release superficial flexor tendon index finger of left hand. Discussion: With Secondary OA of left wrist post traumatic with neglected radiocarpal dislocation and superficial flexor tendon contracture due to entrapment index finger of left hand post RSL-fusion, distal scapoid excision and release contracture can reduce pain at radiocarpal joint and improve range of movement. Conclusion: The goal of Radioscapholunate (RSL) fusion is to optimizing wrist motion and strength while minimizing or eliminating pain   Keywords: Radioscapholunate fusion, partial wrist arthrodesis, limited wrist fusion, reduce pai

    Legal Protection of the Traditional Market on the Basis of the Economic Constitution of Indonesia

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    Strict competition between modern markets has had an impact on the sustainability of traditional markets in Indonesia, the further exclusion of traditional markets is a fact that can not be denied, therefore traditional markets must be protected. Legal protection of the traditional market refers to the Constitution of the Indonesian economy, economic policy must refer to and should not be contrary to the constitution is very important, because often or usually, the economic policy makers do not feel the need to base themselves on the provisions of the constitution in formulating various economic policies of a country. Legal protection for traditional markets will be developed from the principle of efficiency of justice as set out in the Indonesian economic Constitution. Legal protection for traditional markets is done by granting the rights and limiting the interests of modern markets, the granting of rights to traditional markets is done by empowerment and for limiting the interests of modern markets is done by structuring, thus the notion of structuring here does not mean rejecting the existence of modern markets but the notion of structuring here is directed to Arranging for traditional markets and modern modern markets to move forward and grow togethe
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