25 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y población en la frontera norte

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    Este libro se inscribe en el marco de los estudios sobre la región fronteriza norte de México. En el se trata de examinar aspectos relevantes de la dinámica de crecimiento económico, teniendo en cuenta sus relaciones recíprocas, en una ciudad de la frontera norte: Reynos

    Improvement of Inter-Professional Collaborative Work Abilities in Mexican Medical and Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study

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    Background: Inter-professional and interpersonal relationships in collaborative work environments can prove to be critical elements in healthcare practice. When implementers fail to understand the importance of a collaborative perspective, this can lead to communication problems which ultimately harm the users. Objectives: To improve the inter-professional collaborative work skills of Mexican students in their first year of medical and nursing degrees through the use of a training program geared toward development of interpersonal skills and interdisciplinary work. Results: The control group of medical students showed a deterioration in the development of collaborative work skills (p < 0.01), whereas in the experimental group this deterioration was not present. In the experimental group of nursing students, a significant increase in the development of collaborative work skills (p < 0.05) was observed. The differences were clearly due to the professional area of study (p < 0.001). Conclusion: There are differences in collaborative work skill development among different professional areas. These differences can be reduced through the implementation of a program aimed at developing collaborative work and interpersonal skills in the early stages of training.This study was supported by the Rioja Salud Foundation (FRS), Spain, and by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Pi16/01934), co-financed by Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER-La Rioja) in Spain (6FRS-ABC-012)

    Improvement of Inter-Professional Collaborative Work Abilities in Mexican Medical and Nursing Students: A Longitudinal Study

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    Background: Inter-professional and interpersonal relationships in collaborative work environments can prove to be critical elements in healthcare practice. When implementers fail to understand the importance of a collaborative perspective, this can lead to communication problems which ultimately harm the users.Objectives: To improve the inter-professional collaborative work skills of Mexican students in their first year of medical and nursing degrees through the use of a training program geared toward development of interpersonal skills and interdisciplinary work.Methods: The sample was composed of 162 students (62 males and 99 females) from the School of Healthcare Sciences of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico. The main measures used were the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE); the Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Inter-Professional Collaborative Work between Medical and Nursing Professionals (JSAPNC); and the Jefferson Scale of Lifelong Learning (JeffSPLL). The entire sample was divided into two groups (experimental and control groups). Both groups attended an extra-curricular program using a coaching methodology. In the first case the topic focused on attitudes toward inter-professional collaborative work. In the second case, the program focused on addiction. Both programs ran for 4 months. Psychometric instruments were applied at the beginning and at the end of both programs. After analyzing the reliability of the instruments, an ANOVA test was performed.Results: The control group of medical students showed a deterioration in the development of collaborative work skills (p &lt; 0.01), whereas in the experimental group this deterioration was not present. In the experimental group of nursing students, a significant increase in the development of collaborative work skills (p &lt; 0.05) was observed. The differences were clearly due to the professional area of study (p &lt; 0.001).Conclusion: There are differences in collaborative work skill development among different professional areas. These differences can be reduced through the implementation of a program aimed at developing collaborative work and interpersonal skills in the early stages of training

    Family Loneliness: Its Effects in the Development of Empathy, Teamwork and Lifelong Learning Abilities in Medical Students

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    Context: Family offers an important source of social support where individuals acquire social abilities that are necessary to create positive human relationships. This influence has been discussed by different sociological and psychological theories along the life span of individuals. In medicine, empathy, teamwork, and lifelong learning have been described as specific elements of professionalism that have special importance in the interaction with patients and in physicians’ well-being at the workplace. This study was performed with the aim of demonstrating the following hypothesis: In the absence of specific training in empathy and teamwork and lifelong learning abilities, their development in medical students is associated with the students’ perception of loneliness from their family environment. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in the only two medical schools of Cusco (Peru), one private and the other public. Jefferson Scales of Empathy, Teamwork, and Lifelong Learning were used as the main measures. Mother–son and father–son relationships and family loneliness were measured to characterize the family environment. In addition, information related to sex, medical school, academic achievements, and place of origin were collected to control possible biases. Comparative, correlation, and multiple regression analyses were performed among the variables studied. Results: In a sample of 818 medical students, differences by school appeared in empathy, teamwork, lifelong learning, and family loneliness. In addition, family loneliness showed an inverse correlation with empathy, teamwork, and learning measures. While having a positive relationship with the mother was associated with a greater development of empathy and learning abilities in the entire sample, a similar effect was observed in father–son relationships, but only in the private medical school group. Finally, in the public medical group, a multiple regression model explained 43% of the variability of empathy based on a lineal relationship with teamwork (p < 0.001), lifelong learning (p < 0.001), and family loneliness (p < 0.001). Conclusion: These findings confirm how family loneliness is detrimental to the development of medical professionalism. Also, they support the important role that the family, and especially parents, plays in the development of empathy, teamwork, and abilities in medical students. Finally, these findings highlighted important differences among students enrolled in public and private medical schools.National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC)National University San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) E041-2017-UNSAAC-0

    Factors Related to the Differential Development of Inter-Professional Collaboration Abilities in Medicine and Nursing Students

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    Introduction: For physicians and nurses, teamwork involves a set of communication and social skills, and specific training in interdisciplinary work in order to be able to work together cooperatively, sharing responsibilities, solving problems, and making decisions to carry out actions centered on patients’ care. Recent studies demonstrate that in the absence of targeted interdisciplinary educational programs, the development of teamwork abilities is sensitive to the influence of the dominant work environment. The purpose of this study was to characterize the role that environmental and individual factors play in the development of teamwork in environments with a dominant hierarchical work model. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to 1,880 undergraduate students (980 medicine students and 900 nursing students) from three universities of Cusco city (Peru). The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician–Nurse Collaboration was used as the main variable. The Jefferson Scales of Empathy and Lifelong Learning, the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults, the Scale of Life Satisfaction, sex, discipline, age, and academic semester were used as explanatory variables. After calculating internal reliability and normality of the main measures, descriptive, comparative, and correlation analyses were performed to determine variables influencing the teamwork score. Results: A total of 1,518 (81%) surveys were returned fully completed. Adequate reliability was confirmed in all instruments. In the sample, nursing students showed greater inter-professional collaborative abilities than medicine students (p < 0.001). This attitudinal gap was higher in advanced semesters. A three-way ANOVA indicated differences in teamwork were associated with discipline (p < 0.001), sex (p < 0.01), and university (p < 0.001). However, main effects were associated only with discipline (ηp 2 = 0.14). Teamwork showed an inverse correlation with loneliness (ρ = −0.28; p < 0.001) and a positive correlation with empathy (ρ = + 0.49; p < 0.001) and lifelong earning (ρ = + 0.48; p < 0.001). Teamwork positively correlated with life satisfaction only in the medicine student group (ρ = + 0.15; p < 0.001). Conclusion: These findings bring new evidence to support the main effect that social environments, in the absence of targeted interdisciplinary educational programs, play in the development of teamwork.Peru by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC)Peru by the National University San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) E041-2017-UNSAAC-02Spain by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) PI16/01934Spain by the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER-LARIOJA) 6FRS-ABC-01

    Empathy Enhancement Based on a Semiotics Training Program: A Longitudinal Study in Peruvian Medical Students

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    Background: Empathy, as a core element of medical professionalism, is part of leadership in medicine. This attribute, predominantly cognitive, involves understanding and communication capacity. Empathy can be enhanced with courses on medical semiotics. It appears adequate to apply this enhancement in the early stages of professional training. Based on this, this study was performed with the purpose of demonstrating the positive effect that an academic course on medical semiotics has on the development of empathy in medical students. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in one School of Medicine in Peru, where medical students had to attend a 17-week course on medical semiotics as part of their regular training. The sample, composed by 269 students, included two cohorts of third-year medical students. As main measures, the Jefferson Scales of Empathy (JSE), inter-professional collaboration (JSAPNC), and lifelong learning (JeffSPLL), were used. In addition, students’ scores evaluating theoretical and practical aspects of the course were collected once the course was finished. Pre- and posttests were administered in week 1 and in week 17. Analyses compared measures in both moments and in time. Inter-professional collaboration and lifelong learning scores and empathy scores were used as discriminant and convergent validity measures of students’ course scores, respectively. Results: Gender differences on empathy appeared, but only at the beginning. In the entire sample, empathy enhancement was confirmed in time (p < 0.001), with a large effect size (r = 0.45). This effect was also observed in both gender groups, separately. On the contrary, no changes appeared in inter-professional collaboration and in lifelong learning abilities in time. In addition, a positive correlation was observed among empathy, inter-professional collaboration and lifelong learning abilities at the beginning and at the end, confirming that the improvement observed was specific for empathy and explained by the educational intervention assessed. Conclusion: These findings bring empiric evidence supporting the positive effect that training in medical semiotics has on empathy. In addition, these findings highlight some gender differences in the development of empathy in medical students.Fundacion Rioja Salud, in SpainUniversidad Privada Antenor Orrego, in Per

    Estrategias familiares de vida en época de crisis: el caso de México

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    El estudio reune un conjunto de evidencias en torno a las estrategias familiares de vida implementadas en México en el contexto de la crisis económica. La primera parte se centra en el marco macroeconómico, en el que se distinguen y analizan 3 etapas claramente diferenciadas: la etapa del desarrollo estabilizador o de crecimiento económico; la década de los 70 caracterizada por un período de recesión y uno de repunte económico; la profunda crisis económica de los 80. La segunda parte aborda la naturaleza y efectividad de las estrategias desplegadas por los hogares de medianos y bajos ingresos. Estas se ordenan, según la clasificación de Cornia, en: a) estrategias destinadas a la generación de recursos; b) estrategias para mejorar la eficacia de los recursos existentes; c) estrategias que inciden en la estructura, composición y organización de la familia

    Importancia de la Redes Nacionales de Educación e Investigación para la SEP

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    Uno de los retos a enfrentar en los próximos años por las instituciones de educación superior, es atender la creciente demanda, así como ampliar la cobertura, calidad y equidad. El Programa Sectorial de Educación 2007 - 2012 señala entre otros puntos lo siguiente: Objetivo - Impulsar el desarrollo y utilización de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el sistema educativo para apoyar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, ampliar sus competencias para la vida y favorecer su inserción en la sociedad del conocimiento.Importancia del trabajo de las Redes Nacionales de Educación e Investigación para las instancias de Educación Superior en la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP). Promoción de proyectos y desarrollo de alternativas para la educación superior a distancia nacional.05_CPV10_RedEducacion_TuiranR_SEP.mov/fl

    Transición demográfica, trayectorias de vida y desigualdad social en México: lecciones y opciones

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    This work explores some important links between the process of demographic transition and the transformations in the life course. It holds that the advance of the demographictransition —under early transition, full transition and advanced fertility transition conditions— has led, in interaction with other processes, to changes in the content, organization, and structure of the life course of mexican women. It argues that the advance of the demographic transition has multiplied the events, dependencies and social and individual relationships associated with family life. The article attempts to show that such changes have taken place among all the social groups in Mexico, although those who live in poverty lag behind. The article also examines some changes in the educational, work, and retirement trajectories of mexican men and women, which interact in complex and varied forms with mortality, nuptiality and fertility.En este trabajo se exploran algunos importantes vínculos entre la transición demográfica y las transformaciones en el curso de vida de las personas. Se sostiene que el avance de la transición demográfica —bajo condiciones de transición temprana, transición plena y transición avanzada de la fecundidad— ha conducido, en interacción con otros muchos procesos, a profundos cambios en el contenido, organización y estructura del curso de vida de las mujeres mexicanas, así como a la multiplicación de eventos, dependencias y relaciones individuales y sociales asociados a la vida familiar. El artículo busca mostrar que dichas transformaciones han tenido lugar en todos los grupos sociales del país, aunque con cierto rezago entre quienes viven en situación de pobreza en México; también examina algunas transformaciones en las trayectorias educativa, laboral y del retiro de hombres y mujeres, las cuales interactúan de maneras complejas y variadas con la mortalidad, la nupcialidad y la fecundidad