43 research outputs found

    Advanced morphology of vipers galaxies

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    We calculated morphological parameters for a test sample of 4659 galaxies from VIPERS (spectroscopic galaxy survey performed on VIMOS spectroscope at VLT). These parameters include Gini, M20_{20}, Concentration, Asymmetry, and Smoothness, also known as CAS parameters. The results correlate with the distribution of these parameters for other simulated and observed samples. We also studied the dependence of these parameters with the Sersic power index of the radial distribution of the surface brightness of the galaxy image. Our aim was to find a clear division of VIPERS galaxies into elliptical and spiral. This is necessary for testing the method of the Sersic index (ns) calculation in the statmorph program. To find such bimodality, we use B-V color index from VIPERS database. To perform the error analysis of morphological parameters, we simulated galaxy images with a random background of different magnitudes and estimated the errors as the dispersion of the parameters. We also found asymptotic values of errors of morphological parameters by increasing the numbers of mock images. To analyse the possible variation of each morphological parameter during the convolution of close galactic images, we have simulated them to research. As a result of this investigation, we have analysed the dependence of every morphological parameter from CAS and Gini-M20_{20} statistics, from the distance between galactic centers.The differences between our results for VIPERS and Gini-M20_{20} distribution for PanStarrs galaxies at z 0.5 which corresponds to VIPERS sample. Also we concluded that galaxy mergers were more frequent in the early Universe

    Advanced morphology of vipers galaxies

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    We calculated morphological parameters for a test sample of 4659 galaxies from VIPERS (spectroscopic galaxy survey performed on VIMOS spectroscope at VLT). These parameters include Gini, M20_{20}, Concentration, Asymmetry, and Smoothness, also known as CAS parameters. The results correlate with the distribution of these parameters for other simulated and observed samples. We also studied the dependence of these parameters with the Sersic power index of the radial distribution of the surface brightness of the galaxy image. Our aim was to find a clear division of VIPERS galaxies into elliptical and spiral. This is necessary for testing the method of the Sersic index (ns) calculation in the statmorph program. To find such bimodality, we use B-V color index from VIPERS database. To perform the error analysis of morphological parameters, we simulated galaxy images with a random background of different magnitudes and estimated the errors as the dispersion of the parameters. We also found asymptotic values of errors of morphological parameters by increasing the numbers of mock images. To analyse the possible variation of each morphological parameter during the convolution of close galactic images, we have simulated them to research. As a result of this investigation, we have analysed the dependence of every morphological parameter from CAS and Gini-M20_{20} statistics, from the distance between galactic centers.The differences between our results for VIPERS and Gini-M20_{20} distribution for PanStarrs galaxies at z 0.5 which corresponds to VIPERS sample. Also we concluded that galaxy mergers were more frequent in the early Universe

    Календарне планування в сучасних умовах

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    The article describes the implementation of schedules in real terms, taking into account the variability of the production environment and the impact of various factors on the action plan. The author concludes that the use of fuzzy logic in the process of formation schedules and their adjustment is effective from the viewpoint of simplifying the process for their preparation and to save time.У статті описані проблеми реалізації календарних планів в реальних умовах з урахуванням мінливості виробничої середовища і впливу різних факторів на дії, передбачені планом. Автор робить висновки, що застосування основ нечіткої логіки у процесі побудови календарних планів та їх коригуванні є ефективним з точки зору спрощення процедури їх складання та економії часу

    Управління інвестиційно-будівельними проектами на основі ЕРС/М контрактів

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    The article reveals the content and importance of applying EPC/M contracts for the implementation of construction projects, which are the most common forms of engineering contracts in the practice of the world market. The main characteristics of the contracts are described, their main differences are revealed, the positive aspects of using each of these contracts are determined. The article analyzes the problem of Ukraine’s lagging behind the developed countries in executing by domestic engineering companies EРС(M)-contracts on the implementation of construction projects.Стаття розкриває зміст і важливість застосування EPC/M-контрактів на здійснення інвестиційно-будівельних проектів, які є поширеними формами інжинірингових контрактів в практиці світового ринку. Описується основні характеристики розглянутих контрактів, виявляється їх основні відмінності, визначається позитивні сторони використання кожного з цих контрактів. Аналізується проблема відставання України від розвинених країн в частині виконання вітчизняними інжиніринговими компаніями ЕРС/М-контрактів щодо реалізації інвестиційно-будівельних проектів

    X-ray galaxies selected from HyperLEDA database

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    We cross-matched the 4XMM-DR10 catalog with the HyperLEDA database and obtained a new sample of galaxies that contain X-ray sources. Excluding duplicate observations and false matches, we present a total of 7759 galaxies with X-ray sources. In the current work, we present general properties of the sample: namely the distribution in equatorial coordinates, radial velocity distribution, morphological type, and X-ray fluxes. The sample includes morphological classification for 5241 galaxies with X-ray emission, almost half of which, 42% are elliptical (E, E-S0). Most galaxies in the sample have nuclear X-ray emission (6313 or 81%), and the remaining 1443 (19%) present X-ray emission from the host galaxy. This sample can be used for future deep studies of multi-wavelengths properties of the galaxies with X-ray emission

    Analysis of genetic variation among accessions of critically endangered Rhaponticoides iconiensis and Rhaponticoides mykalea based on RAPD and SDSPAGE markers

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    Rhaponticoides iconiensis (Hub.-Mor.) M.V.Agab and Greuter is a rare and endangered endemic species of the Konya region of Turkey. One related taxon, Rhaponticoides mykalea (Hub.-Mor.) M.V.Agab andGreuter, is morphologically similar but occurs in different geographical locations. This study has been conducted on the biology of this threatened plant in order to understand better the factors that shouldbe included in the development of conservation practices. The genetic variations were studied using RAPD markers and SDS-PAGE profiles of total seed proteins for three R. iconiensis populations and two R. mykalea populations. The analyzed R. iconiensis populations belonged to different soil types (calcareous and volcanic). The analyzed R. iconiensis and R. mykalea populations belonged to different bioclimatic zones. A genetic diversity within populations was detected both by SDS-PAGE and RAPD for R. iconiensis populations. The level of variation did not differ with respect to soil type for the species studied. Populations collected from the same soil types carried more polymorphisms than those grown in different zones. The genetic diversity was revealed more clearly for all populations byRAPD than through analyzing proteins. Differentiation between ecological groups was higher than that revealed within groups. Conservation programs should take into account the level of genetic diversity within population revealed by these markers according to soil types

    The study of x-ray spectrum of the Coma cluster

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    The X-ray spectrum of the Coma galaxy cluster was studied using the data from the XMM-Newton observatory. We combined 7 observations performed with the MOS camera of XMM-Newton in the 40'x 40' region centered at the Coma cluster. The analyzed observations were performed in 2000-2005 and have a total duration of 196 ksec. We focus on the analysis of the MOS camera spectra due to their lower affection by strong instrumental line-like background. The obtained spectrum was fitted with a model including contributions from the Solar system/Milky Way hot plasma and a power law X-ray background. The contribution of the instrumental background was modeled as a power law (not convolved with the effective area) and a number of Gaussian lines. The contribution from the Coma cluster was modeled with a single-temperature hot plasma emission. In addition, we searched for possible non-thermal radiation present in the vicinity of the center of the Coma cluster, originating e.g. from synchrotron emission of relativistic electrons on a turbulent magnetic field. We compared the results with previous works by other authors and spectra obtained from other instruments that operate in the similar energy range of 1-10 keV. Careful and detailed spectrum analysis shall be a necessary contribution to our future work - searching for axion-like particles' manifestations in the Coma cluster.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Передумови і шляхи впровадження БІМ-концепції в будівельній галузі

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    The article is aimed at considering the content of information modeling of construction and investment projects through the joint application of BIM-technologies (Building Information Modeling - information modeling of buildings) for the full life cycle of construction objects. The use of this approach in the implementation of investment and construction projects makes it possible to detail the project in order to make timely decisions at every stage of the project life cycle, from the concept of a future facility to its operation.Building information modeling technologies make it possible to determine and increase the level of interaction between project participants and improve the organization of collaboration between all construction participants. This requires quantitative and qualitative transformations, including the transition to information modeling and in areas related to construction, which contribute to a more efficient allocation of investments and the formation of the optimal project cost, solving the problems of increasing construction volumes and implementing large-scale infrastructure projects in optimal terms at the state level. Determining the prerequisites and ways of implementing the BIM concept with the optimization of business processes is relevant and requires scientific substantiation and implementation of the study of information modeling technology in the educational process for a high-quality and professional approach to construction projects in practice.Стаття спрямована на розгляд змісту інформаційного моделювання будівельно-інвестиційних проектів шляхом сумісного застосування BIM-технологій (Building Information Modeling – Інформаційне Моделювання Будівель) для повного життєвого циклу об’єктів будівництва. Використання даного підходу при реалізації інвестиційно-будівельних проектів дає можливість деталізувати проект для прийняття своєчасних рішень на кожному з етапів життєвого циклу проекту, від концепції майбутнього об’єкту до його експлуатації.Технології інформаційного моделювання будівельних об’єктів дають можливість визначити і підвищити рівень взаємодії між учасниками проекту та удосконалити організацію спільної роботи між усіма учасниками будівництва. Для цього необхідні кількісні і якісні перетворення, в тому числі перехід до інформаційного моделювання і в пов’язаних з будівництвом напрямках, які сприяють більш ефективному розподілу інвестицій та формуванню оптимальної вартості проекту, вирішенню завдань нарощування обсягів будівництва та реалізації масштабних інфраструктурних проектів в оптимальних строках на державному рівні. Визначення передумов і шляхів реалізації БІМ–концепції з оптимізацією бізнес процесів є актуальним і потребує наукового обґрунтування та впровадження вивчення технології інформаційного моделювання у навчальному процесі для якісного і професійного підходу до будівельних проектів на практиці


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    In the present study the distribution of long-lived radionuclides between the drug product, recovered water [ 18O]H2 O and solid phase extraction cartridges was studied in [18F]fluorocholine production process. Isotopic composition for long-lived nuclides (half-lives = 10–312 days) was determined, the mechanisms of their formation and accumulation on cartridges are considered. It was shown that in the batches of pharmaceutical produced the content of long-lived nuclides is by 5 orders of magnitude lower than the limit value specified by the appropriate 07/2016:2793 European Pharmacopoeia article. The results obtained are of vital importance for optimization of the procedures for radioactive waste management in the production of [18F]fluorocholine using IBA Cyclone 18/9 HC cyclotron and, consequently, for minimization of radiation exposure of personnel.Исследовано распределение долгоживущих радионуклидов между готовой лекарственной формой, регенерированной водой [18O]H2 O и картриджами сорбционной очистки в процессе производства [18F]фторхолина. Определен изотопный состав долгоживущих радионуклидов (t 1/2 = 10–312 сут), рассмотрены механизмы их образования и накопления на картриджах. Показано, что в произведенных партиях радиофармпрепарата содержание долгоживущих радионуклидов на 5 порядков ниже предельных значений, задаваемых соответствующей статьей 07/2016:2793 Европейской фармакопеи. Полученные результаты имеют важное значение для оптимизации методов обращения с радиоактивными отходами при производстве [ 18F]фторхолина с использованием циклотрона IBA Cyclone 18/9 HC и, как следствие, минимизации дозовых нагрузок персонала