161 research outputs found

    Advancing Critical Care in the ICU: A Human-Centered Biomedical Data Visualization Systems

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    The purpose of this research is to provide medical clinicians with a new technology for interpreting large and diverse datasets to expedite critical care decision-making in the ICU. We refer to this technology as the medical information visualization assistant (MIVA). MIVA delivers multivariate biometric (bedside) data via a visualization display by transforming and organizing it into temporal resolutions that can provide contextual knowledge to clinicians. The result is a spatial organization of multiple datasets that allows rapid analysis and interpretation of trends. Findings from the usability study of the MIVA static prototype and heuristic inspection of the dynamic prototype suggest that using MIVA can yield faster and more accurate results. Furthermore, comments from the majority of the experimental group and the heuristic inspectors indicate that MIVA can facilitate clinical task flow in context-dependent health care settings

    Management of visual clutter in annotated 3D CAD models: A comparative study

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    The use of annotations in CAD models has been an active area of research because of their ability to connect design information to specific aspects of the model s geometry. The effectiveness of annotations is determined by the ability to clearly communicate information. However, annotations can quickly create clutter and confusion as they increase both in number and complexity. Consequently, efficient interaction and visualization mechanisms become crucial. Despite recent standardizations of procedures for the presentation of textual information in CAD models, no explicit guidelines are available as to how to make annotated models more readable and manageable. In this paper, we present the results of a comparative study of different mechanisms to manage visual clutter in annotated 3D CAD models and offer recommendations based on our findings. Our results show that even basic interaction mechanisms have a substantial impact on user s performanceCamba, J.; Contero, M.; Johnson, M. (2014). Management of visual clutter in annotated 3D CAD models: A comparative study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8518:405-416. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07626-3_37S4054168518Kajko-Mattsson, M.: The State of Documentation Practice within Corrective Maintenance. In: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, pp. 354–363. IEEE Press, New York (2001)Van De Vanter, M.L.: The Documentary Structure of Source Code. Information and Software Technology 44, 767–782 (2002)Haouari, D., Sahraoui, H., Langlais, P.: How Good is Your Comment? A Study of Comments in Java Programs. In: International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, pp. 137–146. IEEE Press, New York (2011)ASME Y14.41-2012 Digital Product Definition Data Practices. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York (2012)ISO 16792:2006 Technical Product Documentation – Digital Product Definition Data Practices. Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, GenĂšve, Suisse (2006)Boehm, B., Bayuk, J., Desmukh, A., Graybill, R., Lane, J.A., Levin, A., et al.: Systems 2020 Strategic Initiative. DoD Systems Engineering Research Center. Technical Report, SERC-2010-TR-009 (2010)Quintana, V., Rivest, L., Pellerin, R.: Measuring and Improving the Process of Engineering Change Orders in a Model-Based Definition Context. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 6(2), 138–160 (2012)Alducin-Quintero, G., Rojo, A., Plata, F., HernĂĄndez, A., Contero, M.: 3D Model Annotation as a Tool for Improving Design Intent Communication: A Case Study on its Impact in the Engineering Change Process. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 349–356. ASME, New York (2012)Dorribo-Camba, J., Alducin-Quintero, G., Perona, P., Contero, M.: Enhancing Model Reuse through 3D Annotations: A Theoretical Proposal for an Annotation-Centered Design Intent and Design Rationale Communication. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. ASME, New York (2013)Ding, L., Davies, D., McMahon, C.: Sharing Information throughout a Product Lifecycle via Markup of Product Models. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 1267–1275. ASME, New York (2008)Ding, L., Ball, A., Patel, M., Matthews, J., Mullineux, G.: Strategies for the Collaborative Use of CAD Product Models. In: Proceedings of ICED 2009, 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, vol. 8, pp. 123–134 (2009)Ding, L., Davies, D., McMahon, C.A.: The Integration of Lightweight Representation and Annotation for Collaborative Design Representation. Research in Engineering Design 20(3), 185–200 (2009)Boujut, J.F., Dugdale, J.: Design of a 3D Annotation Tool for Supporting Evaluation Activities in Engineering Design. Cooperative Systems Design 6, 1–8 (2006)Bracewell, R.H., Wallace, K.M.: A Tool for Capturing Design Rationale. In: 14th International Conference on Engineering Design. Paper no. DS31_1437FPB (2003)Patel, M., Ball, A., Ding, L.: Curation and Preservation of CAD Engineering Models in Product Lifecycle Management. In: 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage, pp. 59–66 (2008)Li, C., McMahon, C., Newnes, L.: Annotation in Product Lifecycle Management: A Review of Approaches. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 797–806 (2009)Ahlberg, C., Shneiderman, B.: Visual Information Seeking: Tight Coupling of Dynamic Query Filters with Starfield Displays. In: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 313–317 (1994)Fishkin, K., Stone, M.C.: Enhanced Dynamic Queries via Movable Filters. In: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 415–420 (1995)Noyes, L.: The Positioning of Type on Maps: The Effect of Surrounding Material on Word Recognition Time. Human Factors 22(3), 353–360 (1980)Rosenholtz, R., Li, Y., Mansfield, J., Jin, Z.: Feature Congestion: A Measure of Display Clutter. In: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 761–770 (2005)Tufte, E.R.: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire (1983)Ellis, G., Dix, A.: A Taxonomy of Clutter Reduction for Information Visualisation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), 1216–1223 (2007)Wolfe, J.M.: Guided Search 2.0: A Revised Model of Visual Search. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 1(2), 202–238 (1994)Palmer, J.: Set-size Effects in Visual Search: the Effect of Attention is Independent of the Stimulus for Simple Tasks. Vision Research 34, 1703–1721 (1994)Rosenholtz, R.: Search asymmetries? What search asymmetries? Perception & Psychophysics 63(3), 476–489 (2001)Woodruff, A., Landay, J., Stonebraker, M.: Constant Information Density in Zoomable Interfaces. In: Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pp. 57–65 (1998)Ellis, G., Bertini, E., Dix, A.: The Sampling Lens: Making Sense of Saturated Visualisations. In: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1351–1354 (2005)Ellis, G., Dix, A.: Enabling Automatic Clutter Reduction in Parallel Coordinate Plots. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12(5), 717–723 (2006)Frank, A.U., Timpf, S.: Multiple Representations for Cartographic Objects in a Multi-scale Tree – An Intelligent Graphical Zoom. Computers & Graphics 18(6), 823–829 (1994)Cipriano, G., Gleicher, M.: Text Scaffolds for Effective Surface Labeling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(6), 1675–1682 (2008)Stein, T., DĂ©coret, X.: Dynamic Label Placement for Improved Interactive Exploration. In: 6th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, pp. 15–21 (2008)Ali, K., Hartmann, K., Strothotte, T.: Label Layout for Interactive 3D Illustrations. Journal of WSCG 13(1), 1–8 (2005)Götzelmann, T., Hartmann, K., Strothotte, T.: Agent-Based Annotation of Interactive 3D Visualizations. In: Butz, A., Fisher, B., KrĂŒger, A., Olivier, P. (eds.) SG 2006. LNCS, vol. 4073, pp. 24–35. Springer, Heidelberg (2006

    Partisan Views of the Economy

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    In this paper it is argued that political parties may have incentives to adopt a partisan view on the working of the economic system. Our approach is based on a dynamical spatial voting model in which political parties are policy oriented. This model revolves around two interrelated issues x and y. The policy maker sets x directly. There exist two views on the relationship between x and y. Model uncertainty confronts policy makers with the problem of the selection of a model to base their actions on. We show that if voters have imperfect information about the working of the economic system that model selection contains a strategic element. Policy makers are inclined to adopt a view on the working of the economic system which fits in with their preferences. There is no inherent logic that places monetarists to the right of New Economists. They have different models of economic mechanism, but they need not have different political values. A conservative can be a Keynesian and a liberal a monetarist. These combinations are in fact surprisingly rare. James Tobin, 1974,The New Economics One Decade Older, p. 62. I am greatly indebted to Peter Broer, Ben Heydra, Jos Jansen and Wilko Letterie for many helpful suggestions. Furthermore, I would like to thank an anonymous referee for his comments

    Interviewing objects: Including educational technologies as qualitative research participants

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    This article argues the importance of including significant technologies-in-use askey qualitative research participants when studying today’s digitally enhancedlearning environments. We gather a set of eight heuristics to assist qualitativeresearchers in ‘interviewing’ technologies-in-use (or other relevant objects),drawing on concrete examples from our own qualitative research projects. Ourdiscussion is informed by Actor-Network Theory and hermeneuticphenomenology, as well as by the literatures of techno-science, media ecology,and the philosophy of technology

    Government Spending Cycles: Ideological or Opportunistic?

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    ands. The time series analysis, covering the period 1953–1993, allows for different types of government spending. In general, spending is inspired by ideological and opportunistic motives: all government expenditure categories show an upward drift during election times and the partisan motives behind government spending are clearly revealed: left-wing cabinets attach greater importance to social security and health care than right-wing cabinets and right-wing cabinets value expenditure on infrastructure and defense more than left-wing parties. Constructive comments by Frans van Winden, Wilko Letterie, Peter Cornelisse, Arie Ros, AndrĂ© de Moor, Harry ter Rele and an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged

    Statistical strategies for avoiding false discoveries in metabolomics and related experiments

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