141 research outputs found

    Regression with respect to sensing actions and partial states

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    In this paper, we present a state-based regression function for planning domains where an agent does not have complete information and may have sensing actions. We consider binary domains and employ the 0-approximation [Son & Baral 2001] to define the regression function. In binary domains, the use of 0-approximation means using 3-valued states. Although planning using this approach is incomplete with respect to the full semantics, we adopt it to have a lower complexity. We prove the soundness and completeness of our regression formulation with respect to the definition of progression. More specifically, we show that (i) a plan obtained through regression for a planning problem is indeed a progression solution of that planning problem, and that (ii) for each plan found through progression, using regression one obtains that plan or an equivalent one. We then develop a conditional planner that utilizes our regression function. We prove the soundness and completeness of our planning algorithm and present experimental results with respect to several well known planning problems in the literature.Comment: 38 page

    Effect of knowledge representation on model based planning : experiments using logic programming encodings

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    Abstract In this paper we implement planning using answer set programming. We consider the action language A and its extensions. We show that when the domain is described using richer features such as qualification, ramification and conditional effects not only the encoding is smaller, but also it takes less time to find a plan. We also show that encoding of Bacchus and Kabanza's style temporal constraints is fairly straightforward in answer set planning. Finally, unlike other model enumeration planning encodings, in our encoding we can just give an upper bound of the length of the plan, instead of the exact length. We illustrate the above features using the blocks world example from the AIPS planning contests

    A case study by using Khan Academy, an open-source environment

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the flipped-classroom approach in teaching mathematics using Khan Academy, an open-source learning platform, and to examine students’ views about their experiences. The experiment was evaluated in both qualitative and quantitative ways. After introducing Khan Academy environment to a group of students at a private school in Hanoi, we organized several high school mathematics teaching units. The students were then observed as they learned the material in the flipped-classroom format. The different types of assessment such as formative and summative assessment designed and integrated within the environment were analyzed in light of competency-based assessment approach. The research found that the flipped-classroom approach using Khan Academy boosted student achievement in mathematics while the diverse tests such as QCM, open-end question on the platform played a vital role in the learning process. We also found that teachers need to design additional teaching resources to better integrate Khan Academy environment into the Vietnamese classroom


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    Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta have an essential position and role in implementing the Party's guidelines and guidelines, policies, and laws of the State to present with the people and directly manage society to achieve order, stability, and development. Cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people are the bridge between the Party, State, and the people, reflecting the people's legitimate thoughts and aspirations for the Party and State. Based on the method of document research, and secondary data, the paper outlines the characteristics of the Khmer people in the Mekong Delta; viewpoints and lines of the Party, policies, and laws of the State on training and retraining policies for cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people; On the basis of the actual situation of the policy, the thesis has proposed a number of solutions to improve the effectiveness of the policy on training and fostering cadres and civil servants who are ethnic Khmer people in the Mekong Delta.  Article visualizations

    Corporate Social Responsibility, Board of Directors’ Affect Financial Performance: Evidence in Vietnam

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The study aims to explore corporate social responsibility and corporate governance issues such as the board of directors’ characteristics that affect the financial performance of the manufacturing listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: The study is based on the agency theory, stakeholder theory and the fundamental corporate social responsibility to clarify its role and the importance of information disclosure to interested parties when making economic decisions.   Methodology: Using pooled Ordinary least squares causes biased results because of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, thus the authors conduct Feasible Generalized Least Squares to increase the reliability of findings.   Findings: The research results show that there are four statistically significant factors that affect financial performance: corporate social responsibility, board gender diversity, ownership concentration, and government ownership.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The obtained results highlight the direct relationship between corporate social responisibility and financial performance, implying that these listed companies can improve their firm value based on the mentioned factors.   Originality/value: by examing the significant relationship between CSR and performance, the author emphasizes the role of managers in disclosing information relevant to their responsibilies to the environment and community. The problem is still a limited concern by corporates in the emerging market as Vietnam

    Approximate formula for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in incompressible orthotropic half-spaces coated by a thin elastic layer

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    This paper is concerned with the propagation of Rayleigh waves in an incompressible orthotropic elastic half-space coated with a thin incompressible orthotropic elastic layer. The main purpose of the paper is to establish an approximate formula for the Rayleigh wave H/V ratio (the ratio between the amplitudes of the horizontal and vertical displacements of Rayleigh waves at the traction-free surface of the layer). First, the relations between the traction amplitude vector and the displacement amplitude vector of Rayleigh waves at two sides of the interface between the layer and the half-space are created using the Stroh formalism and the effective boundary condition method. Then, an approximate formula for the Rayleigh wave H/V ratio of third-order in terms of dimensionless thickness of the layer has been derived by using these relations along with the Taylor expansion of the displacement amplitude vector of the thin layer at its traction-free surface. It is shown numerically that the obtained formula is a good approximate one. It can be used for extracting mechanical properties of thin films from measured values of the  Rayleigh wave H/V ratio

    Survey on Vietnamese teachers’ perspectives and perceived support during COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to the educational system worldwide. Besides the measurable economic impacts in the short-term and long-term, there is intangible destruction within educational institutions. In particular, teachers – the most critical intellectual resources of any schools – have to face various types of financial, physical, and mental struggles due to COVID-19. To capture the current context of more than one million Vietnamese teachers during COVID-19, we distributed an e- survey to more than 2,500 randomly selected teachers from two major teacher communities on Facebook from 6th to 11th April 2020. From over 373 responses, we excluded the observations which violated our cross-check questions and retained 294 observations for further analysis. This dataset includes: (i) Demographics of participants; (ii) Teachers' perspectives regarding the operation of teaching activities during the pandemic; (iii) Teachers' received support from their schools, government bodies, other stakeholders such as teacher unions, and parents' associations; and (iv) teachers' evaluation of school readiness toward digital transformation. Further, the dataset was supplemented with an additional question on the teachers' primary source of professional development activities during the pandemic

    Coot Bird Behavior-Based Optimization Algorithm For Optimal Placement Of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator Devices In Transmission Power Networks

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    This study presents the new application of Coot bird behavior-based optimization algorithm (COOTBA) for optimal placement of Thyristor Con- trolled Series Compensator (TCSC) devices in an IEEE 30-node transmission power network with three single objectives, including fuel cost, power loss, and voltage deviation. COOTBA is implemented for the system with one case without TCSC devices and three others with TCSC. COOTBA can reach smaller cost and loss than previous algorithms by from 0.04% to 3.78%, and from 6.7% to 40.3% in the first case with- out TCSC. In the second case with TCSC, COOTBA can reach smaller cost than others by from 0.008% to 0.66%. In addition, the comparisons of results from COOTBA in the three cases with TCSC indicate that TCSC should be optimized for both location and reac- tance, and the limitation of TCSC devices should be high enough. Thus, COOTBA is an effective algorithm for optimizing TCSC devices on transmission power systems


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    Citizen satisfaction is one of the essential factors reflecting the quality of public administrative services provided by state administrative agencies. The study aims to assess citizens' satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Research data were collected from survey results using questionnaires from 792 survey samples in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Research results have shown that citizens are satisfied with the quality of public administrative services in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. At the same time, there are six factors affecting citizens' satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services, including (1) Reliability; (2) Service capacity of staff; (3) Service attitude of staff; (4) The service level of staff; (5) Infrastructure; (6) Administrative procedures. Research results show no difference in citizen satisfaction in gender, age and education groups. Besides, the survey area group has a difference in citizen satisfaction. The research results have theoretical and practical significance for public administration in Vietnam. From the research results, several contents are discussed and proposed to improve citizens' satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam