423 research outputs found


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    Tingginya angka kelahiran (TFR) merupakan salah satu masalah besar dan memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam penanganannya dengan melaksanakan pembangunan keluarga berencana secara komprehensif. Peran suami dalam keluarga sangat dominan dan memegang kekuasaan dalam pengambilan keputusan di rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik suami dan peran suami dalam penggunaan alat kontasepsi IUD puskesmas Glugur Darat kota Medan tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode penelitian kuantitatif jenis penelitain Cross Sectional dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Glugur Darat mulai bulan januari-agustus 2020 dengan jumlah sampel 80 orang. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan (p=0,026), umur (p=0,018) dan jumlah anak (p=0,002) dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi IUD istri , sedangkan pekerjaan (p=0,090) tidak memiliki hubungan. Variable yang paling dominan yaitu variable jumlah anak dengan nilai Exp.B 3,105. Disarankan kepada Puskesmas glugur darat untuk meningkatkan informasi dan promosi kesehatan mengenai alat kontrasepsi jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai alat kontrasepsi. kader-kader kesehatan yang ada disetiap RT agar dapat memberikan untuk meningkatkan informasi tentang alat kontrasepsi IUD kepada Wanita Usia Subur dan  Diharapkan Masyarakat dapat menggunakan kontrasepsi yang efektif


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    Tingginya angka kelahiran (TFR) merupakan salah satu masalah besar dan memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam penanganannya dengan melaksanakan pembangunan keluarga berencana secara komprehensif. Peran suami dalam keluarga sangat dominan dan memegang kekuasaan dalam pengambilan keputusan di rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik suami dan peran suami dalam penggunaan alat kontasepsi IUD puskesmas Glugur Darat kota Medan tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode penelitian kuantitatif jenis penelitain Cross Sectional dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Glugur Darat mulai bulan januari-agustus 2020 dengan jumlah sampel 80 orang. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan (p=0,026), umur (p=0,018) dan jumlah anak (p=0,002) dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi IUD istri , sedangkan pekerjaan (p=0,090) tidak memiliki hubungan. Variable yang paling dominan yaitu variable jumlah anak dengan nilai Exp.B 3,105. Disarankan kepada Puskesmas glugur darat untuk meningkatkan informasi dan promosi kesehatan mengenai alat kontrasepsi jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai alat kontrasepsi. kader-kader kesehatan yang ada disetiap RT agar dapat memberikan untuk meningkatkan informasi tentang alat kontrasepsi IUD kepada Wanita Usia Subur dan  Diharapkan Masyarakat dapat menggunakan kontrasepsi yang efektif

    Identifikasi Kerusakan Barrel Lifting Device Dan Barrel Double Lid Hotcell 001/102 Di Irm

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    IDENTIFIKASI KERUSAKAN BARREL LIFTING DEVICE DAN BARREL DOUBLE LID HOTCELL 001/102 DI IRM. Telah dilakukan identifikasi dengan melakukan analisis terhadap kerusakan barrel lifting device dan barrel double lid hotcell 001/102 di Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM). Survei lapangan dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan barrel lifting device dan barrel double lid hotcell 001/102 serta gambar wiring diagram digunakan untuk menganalisa dan mengidentifikasi kerusakan. Tujuan dari identifikasi kerusakan alat ini untuk menetapkan ruang lingkup pekerjaan perbaikan dan penggantian suku cadang. Hasil identifikasi kerusakan diketahui bahwa: Sistem Program Logic Control (PLC), sistem interlock, sistem pompa hidrolik tidak berfungsi, saklar darurat (saklar emergency) rusak dan selang compressed air (udara tekan) untuk barrel double lid hancur (rusak). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk memfungsikan kembali alat ini maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan dan penggantian komponen/suku cadang yang sesuai seperti: sistem modul PLC, sistem interlock, sistem pompa hidrolik dan saklar emergency serta selang udara tekan, karena sistem dan komponen-komponen tersebut telah rusak

    Lasten paikka Pietarsaaressa:kaksikielisen kotikaupungin kokeminen kielikylpykoululaisten näkökulmasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkin Pietarsaaren Kielikylpykoulun oppilaiden kokemuksia kaksikielisestä kotikaupungistaan ja kaupungin toisesta kieliryhmästä. Selvitän, kuinka vahvasti toinen kotimainen kieli — on se sitten suomi tai ruotsi — on osa lasten jokapäiväistä elämää. Pyrin selvittämään, kokevatko lapset Pietarsaaren suomenkieliseksi, ruotsinkieliseksi vai kaksikieliseksi kaupungiksi, ja kumpaa kieltä he kuulevat enemmän vapaa-ajallaan. Pohdin oppilaiden ajatuksia kotikaupungistaan myös heidän suosikkipaikkojensa kautta. Teoreettisena lähtökohtana avaan joitain maantieteen avainkäsitteitä, kuten paikkaa, identiteettiä ja kulttuuria, ja niiden lisäksi kielikylpypedagogiikkaa, kaksikielisyyttä ja suomenruotsalaisuutta. Pääasiallisena tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän kyselyä, johon vastasi Pietarsaaren Kielikylpykoulun molempien kieliryhmien 3.-5. luokkien oppilaat. Kyselyssä tiedusteltiin lasten kielitottumuksia, asenteita toista kieliryhmää kohtaan, paikan tuntua sekä lempipaikkoja Pietarsaaressa. Lisäksi tuon omakohtaista näkökulmaa tuloksiin Pietarsaaren keskustasta keräämieni havaintojen avulla, joilla pyrin saamaan vahvistusta lasten huomioille kotikaupunkinsa kielellisestä jakaumasta. Osaltaan tuloksiin vaikuttaa myös aiemmat kokemukseni entisenä pietarsaarelaisena ja oma suhteeni kaupunkiin. Kyselyn vastauksista käy ilmi, että Pietarsaaren Kielikylpykoulu saavuttaa kielikylpypedagogiikan tärkeimmän tavoitteen: lasten toiminnallisen kaksikielisyyden. Toinen kotimainen kieli on vahvasti osana kielikylpykoululaisten arkea ja vapaa-aikaa, ja kielen käyttöön on valmiudet, vaikka toisinaan kielitaidon käyttö jääkin kuuntelun ja ymmärtämisen asteelle. Suhtautuminen toiseen kieliryhmään on myönteistä. Monet oppilaat mieltävät Pietarsaaren enemmän ruotsin- kuin suomenkieliseksi kaupungiksi, mikä selittyy osittain Pietarsaaren väestön kielellisellä jakaumalla. Muutamien oppilaiden mielestä — ja omien havaintojeni perusteella Pietarsaarta tulisi kutsua pikemminkin kaksikieliseksi kaupungiksi, sillä paitsi että Pietarsaari määritelmän mukaan on kaksikielinen, se myös tuntuu siltä. Lempipaikoikseen lapset mainitsevat äidinkielestään riippumatta kodin, ystävät ja harrastukset. Vastausten perusteella koti on kielikylpykoululaisille ”kullan kallis”, mutta myös muita tärkeitä paikkoja tuntuu Pietarsaaresta löytyvän. Vastausten perusteella näyttää siltä, että Kielikylpykoulun lapset ovat löytäneet paikkansa Pietarsaaressa


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    Breast milk is the ideal nutrition for babies which contains nutrients that are best suited to the needs of babies as well as protective substances to fight disease. The success of exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by many factors. The aim of the research is to find out the factors related to exclusive breastfeeding at Buhit Samosir Health Center in 2023. Quantitative research method with a cross sectional approach. The research was carried out at the Buhit Samosir Health Center in November 2022-July 2023. The study population was 30 people, the total sampling technique was 30 people. Bivariate analysis of chi-square test and multivariate multiple logistic regression test. The results of the study showed that 10 people (33.3%) who gave exclusive breastfeeding were mostly 25-35 years old and 17 people (56.7%) who did not exclusively breastfeed were 25-35 years old. The majority of breastfeeding mothers have good knowledge (score 23-30) of 24 people (80%), the majority of mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding have good knowledge (score 23-30) of 8 people (26.7%) and the majority of mothers who do not give exclusive breastfeeding good knowledge (score 23-30) as many as 16 people (53.3%). The majority of breastfeeding mothers have a fairly good attitude (score 49-55) as many as 15 people (50%), the majority of mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding have a good attitude (score 56-75) as many as 5 people (16.7%) and the majority of mothers who do not exclusively breastfeed attitude is quite good (score 49-55) as many as 12 people (40%). The majority of breastfeeding mothers had no history of illness as many as 22 people (73.3%), the majority of mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding had no history of illness as many as 11 people (36.7%) and mothers who were not exclusively breastfed the majority had no history of disease as many as 11 people ( 36.7%). The majority of breastfeeding mothers with first parity gave birth or parity > 4 as many as 18 people (60%), the majority of mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding with first parity gave birth or parity > 4 as many as 7 people (23.3%) and mothers who were not exclusively breastfed the majority with first parity gave birth or parity> 4 as many as 11 people (36.7%). The dominant factor in exclusive breastfeeding is the attitude factor with a significance value of 0.001 <0.005.  Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, age, knowledge, attitudes, medical history, parit


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    Penyakit Tb merupakan penyakit yang paling mematikan bagi penderitanya, karena jika tidak segera ditangani dengan cepat akan menimbulkan komplikasi yang parah seperti pleurutis, efusi pleura, empyema dan lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui “pengaruh penyuluhan dengan metode ceramah terhadap peningkatan perilaku pengobatan pasien tuberkulosis. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasy experiment. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah non randomized pretest-posttest tanpa control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pasien Tbyang sedang menjalani pengobatan di Puskesmas Lotu  Kabupaten Nias Utara Tahun 2023 sebanyak 29 pasien. Besar sampel dijadikan sebagai total sampling. Pengumpulan data berupa pembagian kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan dengan metode ceramah. Analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas data dan Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian melaporkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan responden tentang pengobatan TB di Puskesmas Lotu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan metode ceramah (p= <0,001). Diharapkan kepada keluarga pasien untuk dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsi perawatan keluarga khususnya penderita Tb dalam memberikan motivasi, dukungan, serta pengawasan perilaku pengobatan Tb

    Kriteria Planet Layak Huni sebagai Analisis Keberadaan Doppelganger Bumi

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    The discovery of extrasolar planets has reached rapid development. Until now, various earth-sized planets called terrestrial planets around their parent stars have been discovered . It is well known that some of these planets orbit their parent stars in habitable zone around their parent stars in class G-M. Some parameters have been determined to re-categorize these planets whether as habitable planets or as Earth's doppelganger, so that various fundamental parameters assumptions to re-categorize the planets appear. We have studied 300 extrasolar planets- located in habitable zone - data by using our calculations to determine the fundamental parameters which determine the position of these planets whether as habitable or as Earth's doppelganger. Earth's doppelganger must be able to maintain water in liquid form and must have fingerprints which are exactly same like Earth does. Therefore, we determine four fundamental parameters, the physical condition of the planet, the surface temperature of the planet, the parent star parameters, and the location of the habitable zone. We set the Earth's doppelganger to have the standard parameter of ±1 and assume all of Earth parameters as the standard values. After carrying out four analysis processes, we have foundonly two Earth's doppelganger candidates


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    To analyze the preparedness of officers to face disasters based on the administration of prevention and preparedness and HR preparedness at BPBD, a qualitative study was conducted at BPBD North Nias district, in January-June 2020. The informant of this study was snowball sampling which is part of nonprobability sampling. The objects observed or interviewed were the existing resources in the field of prevention and preparedness, namely 6 people, 1 Head of BPBD, 1 Head of Prevention and Preparedness, 1 Head of Prevention Section, 1 Head of Preparedness Section and 3 members. The data collection process will use interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results showed that the Prevention and Preparedness Policy in pre-disaster was not yet available. Coordination between related agencies was not well implemented, because there was no MOU. BPBD has not carried out monev and reporting, because there are no programmed preparedness activities, it is still limited to monitoring, evaluation and reporting when a disaster is reported per disaster event. The number of BPBD officers is adequate, but in terms of quality it is still not good, because all BPBD officers do not have a disaster education background and the lack of officers has received disaster training. BPBD has not maximally planned the Prevention and Preparedness activity program in disaster management. There needs to be formal coordination between related sectors during pre-disaster times, so that the activities of each agency during a disaster do not overlap in the field. BPBD needs to collaborate with related agencies, such as conducting joint training activities so that disaster management can run effectively and efficiently. SOPs need to be made starting from building organizational structures involved in disaster mitigation, compiling alternative plans by identifying potential obstacles, and ensuring the deadline for implementing the system with existing standards. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting are needed to assess the results obtained as a basis for future decisions. Officers Need to be provided with disaster education and training on an ongoing basis, in the context of developing and enhancing the skills and abilities of officers in carrying out disaster management efforts quickly and precisely. BPBD needs to make good planning and organization included in the BPBD budget, so that all activities that have been set out in the plan can run according to procedures so that all objectives can be achieved

    Adaptable data management for systems biology investigations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Within research each experiment is different, the focus changes and the data is generated from a continually evolving barrage of technologies. There is a continual introduction of new techniques whose usage ranges from in-house protocols through to high-throughput instrumentation. To support these requirements data management systems are needed that can be rapidly built and readily adapted for new usage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The adaptable data management system discussed is designed to support the seamless mining and analysis of biological experiment data that is commonly used in systems biology (e.g. ChIP-chip, gene expression, proteomics, imaging, flow cytometry). We use different content graphs to represent different views upon the data. These views are designed for different roles: equipment specific views are used to gather instrumentation information; data processing oriented views are provided to enable the rapid development of analysis applications; and research project specific views are used to organize information for individual research experiments. This management system allows for both the rapid introduction of new types of information and the evolution of the knowledge it represents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data management is an important aspect of any research enterprise. It is the foundation on which most applications are built, and must be easily extended to serve new functionality for new scientific areas. We have found that adopting a three-tier architecture for data management, built around distributed standardized content repositories, allows us to rapidly develop new applications to support a diverse user community.</p