9 research outputs found

    Defining a new 21st century skill-computational thinking: concepts and trends

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    Computational Thinking is a skill that guides the 21th century individual in the problems experienced during daily life and it has an ever-increasing significance. Multifarious definitions were attempted to explain the concept of Computational Thinking. However, it was determined that there was no consensus on this matter in the literature and several different concepts were mentioned in the definitions found in the literature. It was considered that this fact made it difficult to understand the concept of Computational Thinking. To establish a more comprehensive approach, the present study aimed to identify the concepts that are included in the Computational Thinking definitions that were presented in previous studies. It also aimed to reveal trends in the identified concepts throughout the years. As a result of the search, a total of 59 definitions were identified and a content analysis was conducted on these definitions. Analysis results demonstrated that Computational Thinking was defined based on several concepts such as problem solving, technology, thinking, individual and social qualities. Furthermore, it was determined that statements on thinking were prominent before 2006, and today, emphasis on problem solving and technology became more significant. It was considered that the present study would contribute to a better understanding of the Computational Thinking concept. At the end of the study, certain suggestions were presented for further research

    Publication trends over 10 years of computational thinking research

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    The current study aimed to review studies on computational thinking (CT) indexed in Web of Science (WOS) and ERIC databases. A thorough search in electronic databases revealed 96 studies on computational thinking which were published between 2006 and 2016. Studies were exposed to a quantitative content analysis through using an article control form developed by the researchers. Studies were summarized under several themes including the research purpose, design, methodology, sampling characteristics, data analysis, and main findings. The findings were reported using descriptive statistics to see the trends. It was observed that there was an increase in the number of CT studies in recent years, and these were mainly conducted in the field of computer sciences. In addition, CT studies were mostly published in journals in the field of Education and Instructional Technologies. Theoretical paradigm and literature review design were preferred more in previous studies. The most commonly used sampling method was the purposive sampling. It was also revealed that samples of previous CT studies were generally pre-college students. Written data collection tools and quantitative analysis were mostly used in reviewed papers. Findings mainly focused on CT skills. Based on current findings, recommendations and implications for further researches were provided

    Çevrimiçi ortamlarda araştırma toplulukları: Öğretim üyeleri i̇çin bir yol haritası

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    Çevrimiçi öğrenme uygulamalarının artan bir ivmeyle eğitim ortamlarında kullanılması; çevrimiçi öğrenme ortamlarına yönelik bir teorik çerçevenin geliştirilmesi gereksinimini doğurmuştur. Garrison, Anderson ve Archer’ın (2000) buna yönelik olarak geliştirmiş olduğu Araştırma Topluluğu Modeli son yıllarda, çevrimiçi öğrenmeye yönelen araştırmacıların ve uygulayıcıların dikkatini çekmiştir (Garrison ve Arbaugh, 2007). Türkiye’de de çevrimiçi öğrenme uygulamaları formal ve formal olmayan biçimlerde eğitim hayatımıza girmiş; birçok üniversite, uzaktan eğitim programları, çeşitli sertifika programları ve kitlesel çevrimiçi açık dersler (MOOCs) geliştirmiş ve uygulamaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de çevrimiçi öğrenme uygulamaları gerçekleştiren ve gerçekleştirmeyi düşünen öğretim üyeleri için Araştırma Topluluğu Modeli temelinde bir yol haritası önermektir. Bu yol haritası, Araştırma Topluluğu Modeli’nde yer alan göstergeler kullanılarak, güncel iletişim teknolojileri ile desteklenmiş ve çevrimiçi öğrenme ortamlarında karşılaşılan güncel sorunlar bağlamında yapılandırılmıştır. Öğretim üyelerinin sahip olması gereken ön koşullar ve yeterliklere değinen bu çalışmanın sonunda alana ilişkin öneriler yer almaktadır

    Adaptation of Cyberchondria Severity Scale Short Form to Turkish, and Pre-Service Teachers’ Excessive Online Information-Seeking Behaviors

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    anemonThe main goal of the current research is to adapt the short form of the Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS-12) by McElroy et al., (2019) to Turkish. The CSS-12 is a valid and reliable scale in a 5-point Likert structure consisting of 12-items and 4-factors (“Excessiveness”, Distress”, “Reassurance”, and “Compulsion”). The ethical clearance numbered 05/07/2021-E.61623 were granted and approved by the Inonu University Institutional Review Board of Social and Human Studies, on July 5, 2021 for this research. The forward translation and the original form of the scale was applied to bilingual participants, and statistically significant high-level correlation was found between both measurements (r> 0.70; p<.001). The Turkish form of the scale was applied via MERUZEM’s Online Learning Management System to a total of 314 participants in the Faculty of Education. According to the results achieved from Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), it was revealed that each items in the scale had statistically significant load values under related subscale, and the model goodness of fit indices (??2=100.88; df=46; ??2/df=2.193; RMSEA=0.06; SRMR=0.06; IFI=0.97; NFI=0.95; NNFI=0.96; CFI=0.97; GFI=0.94) were at excellent or acceptable degrees. The t and R2 results were presented for each subscale. Besides, the model fit indices of the Turkish form and the original form were directly compared. Cronbach’s Alpha (?) results were scrutinized for reliability analysis. As a result, the original scale’s structure consisting of 4-factors and 12-items in a 5-point Likert form was verified, a valid and reliable scale was achieved and proposals for further research were presented and the limitations of the current study were discussed.Bu araştırmanın amacı, McElroy vd. (2019) tarafından geliştirilen Cyberchondria Severity Scale-12 (CSS-12)’nin Kısa Formunu Türkçeye uyarlamaktır. CSS-12, 12 madde ve 4 faktörden (“Zorlama”, “Sıkıntı”, “Aşırılık” ve “Güven Arayışı”) oluşan 5’li Likert yapıda geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracıdır. Bu araştırma için 05/07/2021-E.61623 numaralı etik izin 5 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Beşerî Bilimler Bilimsel Araştırma Etik Kurulu tarafından onaylanmıştır. Ölçeğin Türkçeye çevirisi ve orijinal formu her iki dile hâkim bir çalışma grubuna uygulanmış ve her iki ölçüm arasında yüksek düzeyde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir (r> 0.70; p<.001). Dil eşdeğerliğine ulaşan ölçek, MERUZEM’in Çevrim İçi Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemine katılan toplam 314 Eğitim Fakültesi öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA)’nden elde edilen sonuçlar; ölçekte yer alan her bir maddenin ilgili faktör altında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yük değerlerine sahip olduğunu, model uyum indekslerine ait istatistiksel değerlerin (??2=100.88; sd=46; ??2/sd=2.193; RMSEA=0.06; SRMR=0.06; IFI=0.97; NFI=0.95; NNFI=0.96; CFI=0.97; GFI=0.94) mükemmel veya kabul edilebilir düzeylerde olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ölçeğin her bir faktörü için t ve R2 değerleri sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, uyarlanan ölçek ve orijinal ölçeğe ait model uyum indeks değerleri kıyaslanmıştır. Güvenirlik analizi için Cronbach’s Alpha (?) değerleri incelenmiştir. Ölçeğin uyarlanma süreci sonucunda, orijinal ölçekte sunulan 5’li Likert formda, 4 faktör ve 12 maddeden oluşan yapı doğrulanmış, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı elde edilmiş ve ileri araştırmalar için birtakım öneriler sunularak mevcut araştırmanın sınırlılık durumları tartışılmıştır.96325

    Associations Between Fear of Missing Out, Problematic Smartphone Use, and Social Networking Services Fatigue Among Young Adults

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    In this study, we aimed to adapt the Information and communication technology (ICT) Overload and social networking service (SNS) Fatigue Scale to measure the overload and SNSs fatigue experienced by individuals while using ICTs in the Turkish language and analyze the adapted scale based on various variables. The scale adaptation procedure was conducted by surveying 225 undergraduate-level university students. In addition to discriminant and convergent reliability, the general fitness index parameters were compared with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and the model results were found in accordance with the acceptable fitness index criteria, with clarification as a complete model in all sub-dimensions. The relationships between fear of missing out (FoMO), problematic smartphone use (PSU), and SNSs Fatigue levels of the participants were also investigated. The adapted scale was then applied to 469 participants. The findings demonstrated that there was a significant difference between PSU and SNS Fatigue levels of participants based on gender, favoring females. It was also revealed that the variables of interest FoMO and SNS Fatigue together predicted the PSU