20 research outputs found

    Demographic change and operationalization of the landscape in tourism planning: Landscape perceptions of the Generation Z

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    This study focuses on Generation Z, which is one of the most intriguing groups in terms of the future of tourism. The research questions of this study focus on what the landscape components that attract the attention of Generation Z in a tourism destination embrace, and how this interest can be operationalized in the tourism planning of that destination. The research was designed with an interpretive approach as the perceptions regarding landscape will differ according to the social location of the tourists. On-site observation studies were conducted with volunteer members from Generation Z, data being collected, and then analyzed with content analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: Generation Z members enjoy interacting with local residents at a destination; they find traditional architecture and everyday-life interesting; and morphology, one of the natural environmental characteristics, is fascinating to Generation Z. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Becoming a part of the destination: a model for teaching tourism landscape

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    This paper seeks to explore the role of the experiential learning method in teaching tourism landscape. A model has been developed to teach tourism landscape through analysis on the basis of Kolb's experiential learning theory. The sample group consists of sixty-five high school students aged 14-18 years. The proposed model was designed in three parts using a mixed research design; fieldwork, qualitative analysis, and thematic mapping as the components of experiential learning. The results show that the experiential learning method is effective in teaching tourism landscape. Students understood the concept of the landscape. It has been proven that the teaching model developed to interpret the landscape and its three-dimensional components on maps are suitable. This study is important as it suggests a new approach that can be used in tourism education

    The intrinsically disordered TSSC4 protein acts as a helicase inhibitor, placeholder and multi-interaction coordinator during snRNP assembly and recycling

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    Biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and their recycling after splicing require numerous assembly/recycling factors whose modes of action are often poorly understood. The intrinsically disordered TSSC4 protein has been identified as a nuclear-localized U5 snRNP and U4/U6-U5 tri-snRNP assembly/recycling factor, but how TSSC4’s intrinsic disorder supports TSSC4 functions remains unknown. Using diverse interaction assays and cryogenic electron microscopy-based structural analysis, we show that TSSC4 employs four conserved, non-contiguous regions to bind the PRPF8 Jab1/MPN domain and the SNRNP200 helicase at functionally important sites. It thereby inhibits SNRNP200 helicase activity, spatially aligns the proteins, coordinates formation of a U5 sub-module and transiently blocks premature interaction of SNRNP200 with at least three other spliceosomal factors. Guided by the structure, we designed a TSSC4 variant that lacks stable binding to the PRPF8 Jab1/MPN domain or SNRNP200 in vitro. Comparative immunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry from HEK293 nuclear extract revealed distinct interaction profiles of wild type TSSC4 and the variant deficient in PRPF8/SNRNP200 binding with snRNP proteins, other spliceosomal proteins as well as snRNP assembly/recycling factors and chaperones. Our findings elucidate molecular strategies employed by an intrinsically disordered protein to promote snRNP assembly, and suggest multiple TSSC4-dependent stages during snRNP assembly/recycling

    A multi-factor trafficking site on the spliceosome remodeling enzyme BRR2 recruits C9ORF78 to regulate alternative splicing

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    The intrinsically unstructured C9ORF78 protein was detected in spliceosomes but its role in splicing is presently unclear. We find that C9ORF78 tightly interacts with the spliceosome remodeling factor, BRR2, in vitro. Affinity purification/mass spectrometry and RNA UV-crosslinking analyses identify additional C9ORF78 interactors in spliceosomes. Cryogenic electron microscopy structures reveal how C9ORF78 and the spliceosomal B complex protein, FBP21, wrap around the C-terminal helicase cassette of BRR2 in a mutually exclusive manner. Knock-down of C9ORF78 leads to alternative NAGNAG 3′-splice site usage and exon skipping, the latter dependent on BRR2. Inspection of spliceosome structures shows that C9ORF78 could contact several detected spliceosome interactors when bound to BRR2, including the suggested 3′-splice site regulating helicase, PRPF22. Together, our data establish C9ORF78 as a late-stage splicing regulatory protein that takes advantage of a multi-factor trafficking site on BRR2, providing one explanation for suggested roles of BRR2 during splicing catalysis and alternative splicing

    A multidisciplinary approach to address climate-resilience, conservation and comfort in traditional architecture: The PROT3CT example

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    Traditional dwellings despite their environmental credentials, due to age, previous damage, and residents unable to afford even the limited maintenance allowed by restrictive legal framework, may offer poor thermal performance, which is expected to be further exacerbated by changing climate. More than 70% of Turkey’s built heritage stock is composed of traditional dwellings, which makes this stock able to create a major impact nationally on the building-related energy use, carbon emissions and population wellbeing. This research aims to develop an evidence-based multidisciplinary methodology for cost-effective retrofit of the traditional dwellings in Turkey, to improve energy performance, satisfy user expectations of comfort, and protect heritage value

    Folk medicine practices in Artvin central villages(compi̇lati̇on,review, classification)

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    Artvin ve merkez köyleri kapsamında yapmış olduğumuz tezimiz bölgede uygulanan inanç ve pratikleri içermektedir. Giriş kısmında çalışmanın konusu, amacı ve yöntemi hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde araştırma yapılan alan, Artvin’in tarihi, coğrafi, beşeri ve ekonomik yapıları hakkında genel bilgilendirme yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise araştırmanın kavramsal çerçevesi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise insan, hayvan ve bitki hastalıklarına karşı yapılan tedaviler hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir Dördüncü ve son bölümde ise; kullanılan malzemeler bitkisel, hayvansal, madensel ve diğer kullanılan malzemeler kendi içlerinde sınıflandırılarak hangi hastalıklarda kullanıldıkları yazılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda Artvin’de yapılan uygulamaların unutulmasını engellemek ve çalışmanın halkbilimi ve halk edebiyatı alanında çalışma yapacak kişilere yararlı olması amaçlanmıştır.Our thesis, which we made with in the context of Artvin and its central villages, includes belief sand practices in the region. In the introduction part of the study, the subject, purpose and method are given. In the first part, the general information about the historical, geographical, human and economic structure of Artvin, which is our research area, has been given. In the second part, the conceptual framework of our research is given. In the third section, information about treatment of human, animal and plant diseases is given. In the fourth and last section; The materials used are vegetable, animal, mineral and other used materials are classified in their own and which diseases are used. The result of this study is top revent the forgetting of the applications in Artvin and to make the study useful to the people who will work in folklore and folk literature

    Derin kazı sonlu elemanlar analizi: örnek olay incelemesi.

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    The optimum use of safety and economy in deep excavation design is possible with the selection of the appropriate system, and modelling of the selected system and soil properties properly. Therefore, soil parameters selection has a crucial effect in deep excavation analyses. The realistic estimation of the displacements with the finite element software is only possible by using the realistic deformation modulus values during analyses. However, in stiff clays for which undisturbed sampling is very difficult, displacements calculated with laboratory deformation modulus parameters may be higher than the measured values. Objective of this study is to determine the constant that shows linear relationship between SPT-N and deformation modulus parameter of Ankara clay by using three constitutive soil model of Plaxis-2D, namely Mohr-Coulomb (MC), hardening soil model (HS) and hardening soil model with small strain stiffness (HSsmall). For this purpose, back analysis of a 25 m deep excavation was performed by using inclinometer measurement results. To be more precise in numerical analysis, instead of using the idealized soil profile the soil is divided into layers according to SPT-N60 measurements. Additionally, each displacement measured by the inclinometer along the depth is compared with the analysis results to minimize the error. In case trial-error method is used in the study, time loss and the possibility of not reaching the correct result were taken into consideration; therefore, the analysis was done by writing a Python code. As a result of analyses, the soil models were compared with each other and it is concluded that displacements curves obtained from the MC model could not converge to the real displacements. HSsmall model results are closest to the real displacements. Moreover, displacement curves obtained from HS and HSsmall models are very close to each other, and the linear correlation formula is determined as E50ref=780xN60 kPa for this excavation of the case study in Ankara clay.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Civil Engineering

    Finite Element Analysis of a Deep Excavation: A Case Study

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    world popı_ılation increases clay by day. In order to meet this increasingpoprılation,s basic needs srıch as slreltering, transportatıon aıd sociai actjvities,necessityforundergroı-ındstrrıctı-ıresgracluallyincrease.Asarestılt,deel-ıexcava.tions becr)me more in1portanı eaclr passing day while excavations deepen. ln orderto design the optimum iystem which ensrıres tlre safety of environment, roads, strrıc_trıres and the excavation, the excavation properties shoııtd be modelled so that itreflects the actual geometry andboı_urdary conditions. The ground paraıneters, wl,ıichhave cnıcial etl,ect on the solution, should also be determiı]ed precisely. In this study,adeepexcavationwithadepthof33.0mperforıneclonover.consolidatedAnkaraclay is investigatec]. The excavation system was designed to be consisted of dolıblc_row of piies supported by mı"ıltilevel anclrors. Inclinoııeter and load cell installa_tions on the shoring elements have been made for tlıe inspection of tlre pile walldisplacements arıd anchor forces. Back analysis is ınade in order to obtain tlre idealground parameters which give the measrıred clisplaceıneırts and anchor forces. Thisanalysis is conductec] by a series of plaxis analysis in rvlrich ground pararrreters arechanged iteratively in order to 1ind their values tlrat give the measrıred displace_ments and forces. For these Plaxis analyses, three difl'erent models naınely; Hard_ening soil, Hs small and Mohr coulonrb are used and grolıııc,l paraıneters are deter_mined. Finally, groı.ınd paıameters obtalned by back aı-ıalvsis for ditferent soi1models and the parameters determined from fieid tests are coııpared ancl a correla_tion is proposecl to Simulate the belravior of over cons..ılidated Ankara clay


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    Otopark ihtiyacı ve yüksek arazi bedelleri nedeniyle şehir içinde yapılan temel kazılarında derinlikler her geçen gün artmaktadır. İnşaat mühendisliği tasarımının iki ana kuralı olan emniyet ve ekonominin derin kazı tasarımında optimum seviyede kullanılması; uygun sistem seçimi, seçilen sistemin ve özellikle zemin koşullarının gerçeğe yakın şekilde modellenmesi ile mümkün olmaktadır. Bu durumda derin kazı analizlerinde zemin parametrelerinin seçimi kritik önem taşımaktadır. Plaxis programı ile aşırı sert killer içerisindeki derin kazıların analizlerinde, deplasmanların daha gerçekçi tahmin edilebilmesi için sertleşen zemin modelinin(HS) kullanılması önerilmektedir. Ancak sertleşen zemin modeli kullanılsa bile, Plaxis gibi temeli sonlu elemanlar metoduna dayalı yazılımlarla deplasmanların gerçeğe yakın olarak tahmini ancak analizlerde gerçekçi deformasyon modülü değerlerinin kullanılması ile mümkündür. Öte yandan örselenmemiş numune alımının oldukça zor olduğu sert killerde, laboratuvar deneyleri ile belirlenen deformasyon parametrelerinin kullanılması sonucunda elde edilen deplasman değerleri yerinde gerçekleşen değerlerin üzerinde kalabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Ankara kilinde gerçekleştirilen, derinliği 18.5m’yi bulan bir kazı geri analiz yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Aralıklı kazıklar ile tutulan sistem ankrajlarla desteklenmiş olup, oluşan deplasmanlar inklinometre ölçümleri ile kayıt altına alınmıştır. Kazının geri analizleri, plaxis programının 3 temel modeli olan MC, HS ve HSsmall modelleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Geri analizlerde belirlenen deformasyon modülünün SPT-N değerleri ile korelasyonu saptanarak Ankara kilinin davranışı tahmin edilmeye çalışılmıştır