390 research outputs found

    Kinematics of Tidal Debris from Omega Centauri's Progenitor Galaxy

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    We present the kinematic properties of a tidally disrupted dwarf galaxy in the Milky Way, based on the hypothesis that its central part once contained the most massive Galactic globular cluster, omega Cen. Dynamical evolution of a self-gravitating progenitor galaxy that follows the present-day and likely past orbits of omega Cen is calculated numerically and the kinematic nature of their tidal debris is analyzed, combined with randomly generated stars comprising spheroidal halo and flat disk components. We show that the retrograde rotation of the debris stars at 100\sim -100 km/s accords with a recently discovered, large radial velocity stream at 300\sim 300 km/s towards the Galactic longitude of 270\sim 270^\circ. These stars also contribute, only in part, to a reported retrograde motion of the outer halo at the North Galactic Pole. The prospects for future debris searches and the implications for the early evolution of the Galaxy are briefly presented.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Star-forming Cloud Complexes in the Central Molecular Zone of NGC 253

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    We report 350 and 230 GHz observations of molecular gas and dust in the starburst nucleus of NGC 253 at 20-40 pc (1"-2") resolution. The data contain CO(3-2), HCN(4-3), CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1), C18O(2-1), and continuum at 0.87 mm and 1.3 mm toward the central kiloparsec. The CO(2-1) size of the galaxy's central molecular zone (CMZ) is measured to be about 300 pc x 100 pc at the half maximum of intensity. Five clumps of dense and warm gas stand out in the CMZ at arcsecond resolution, and they are associated with compact radio sources due to recent massive star formation. They contribute one third of the CO emission in the central 300 pc and have 12CO peak brightness temperatures around 50 K, molecular gas column densities on the order of 10^{4} Msun pc^{-2}, gas masses on the order of 10^{7} Msun in the size scale of 20 pc, volume-averaged gas densities of n(H2) ~ 4000 cm^{-3}, and high HCN-to-CO ratios suggestive of higher fractions of dense gas than in the surrounding environment. It is suggested that these are natal molecular cloud complexes of massive star formation. The CMZ of NGC 253 is also compared with that of our Galaxy in CO(2-1) at the same 20 pc resolution. Their overall gas distributions are strikingly similar. The five molecular cloud complexes appear to be akin to such molecular complexes as Sgr A, Sgr B2, Sgr C, and the l=1.3deg cloud in the Galactic center. On the other hand, the starburst CMZ in NGC 253 has higher temperatures and higher surface (and presumably volume) densities than its non-starburst cousin.Comment: ApJ in press, 18 page

    Three-dimensional live imaging of Atoh1 reveals the dynamics of hair cell induction and organization in the developing cochlea

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    During cochlear development, hair cells (HCs) and supporting cells differentiate in the prosensory domain to form the organ of Corti, but how one row of inner HCs (IHCs) and three rows of outer HCs (OHCs) are organized is not well understood. Here, we investigated the process of HC induction by monitoring Atoh1 expression in cochlear explants of Atoh1-EGFP knock-in mouse embryos and showed that only the cells that express Atoh1 over a certain threshold are selected for HC fate determination. HC induction initially occurs at the medial edge of the prosensory domain to form IHCs and subsequently at the lateral edge to form OHCs, while Hedgehog signaling maintains a space between IHCs and OHCs, leading to formation of the tunnel of Corti. These results reveal dynamic Atoh1 expression in HC fate control and suggest that multi-directional signals regulate OHC induction, thereby organizing the prototype of the organ of Corti

    Star formation efficiency in the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 4303

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    We present new 12^{12}CO(J=1-0) observations of the barred galaxy NGC 4303 using the Nobeyama 45m telescope (NRO45) and the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). The Hα\alpha images of barred spiral galaxies often show active star formation in spiral arms, but less so in bars. We quantify the difference by measuring star formation rate and efficiency at a scale where local star formation is spatially resolved. Our CO map covers the central 2\farcm3 region of the galaxy; the combination of NRO45 and CARMA provides a high fidelity image, enabling accurate measurements of molecular gas surface density. We find that star formation rate and efficiency are twice as high in the spiral arms as in the bar. We discuss this difference in the context of the Kennicutt-Schimidt (KS) law, which indicates a constant star formation rate at a given gas surface density. The KS law breaks down at our native resolution (\sim 250 pc), and substantial smoothing (to 500 pc) is necessary to reproduce the KS law, although with greater scatter.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, published by ApJ; http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...721..383

    ASTE CO(3-2) Mapping toward the Whole Optical Disk of M 83: Properties of Inter-arm GMAs

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    We present a new on-the-fly (OTF) mapping of CO(J=3-2) line emission with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) toward the 8' x 8' (or 10.5 x 10.5 kpc at the distance of 4.5 Mpc) region of the nearby barred spiral galaxy M 83 at an effective resolution of 25''. Due to its very high sensitivity, our CO(J=3-2) map can depict not only spiral arm structures but also spur-like substructures extended in inter-arm regions. This spur-like substructures in CO(J=3-2) emission are well coincident with the distribution of massive star forming regions traced by Halpha luminosity and Spitzer/IRAC 8 um emission. We have identified 54 CO(J=3-2) clumps as Giant Molecular-cloud Associations (GMAs) employing the CLUMPFIND algorithm, and have obtained their sizes, velocity dispersions, virial masses, and CO luminosity masses. We found that the virial parameter alpha, which is defined as the ratio of the virial mass to the CO luminosity mass, is almost unity for GMAs in spiral arms, whereas there exist some GMAs whose alpha are 3 -- 10 in the inter-arm region. We found that GMAs with higher α\alpha tend not to be associated with massive star forming regions, while other virialized GMAs are. Since alpha mainly depends on velocity dispersion of the GMA, we suppose the onset of star formation in these unvirialized GMAs with higher alpha are suppressed by an increase in internal velocity dispersions of Giant Molecular Clouds within these GMAs due to shear motion.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, ApJ in press, version with high resolution figures is available via http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~kmuraoka/m83paper/m83aste-otf.pd

    Narrow band imaging accentuates differences in contrast between cartilage and perichondrium in the elevation of the muco-perichondrium flap during septoplasty and open septorhinoplasty

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    鼻中隔矯正術において区別が難しい軟骨と軟骨膜を白色光(White light; WL)と狭帯域光観察(Narrow band imaging; NBI)で観察した.軟骨と軟骨膜の間の輝度の差はWLよりNBIで有意に大きかった.得られた画像を赤・緑・青に分光すると,赤では有意に輝度の差がみられた.以上からNBIを用いると軟骨と軟骨膜の間のコントラストが強調されることが示された.また,このコントラストの強調はNBIの赤色の処理によることが示された