32 research outputs found

    Variations on Some Pennate Diatoms from Antarctica

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    Variations on Some Pennate Diatoms from Antarctica

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    The results of the investigation on the variation of the 10 taxon of the diatoms are reported in the sections 2-11 in detail. This is the summary. Form of shells is classified into 3 taxon such as those which vary strongly, those which do not vary so strongly, and those which scarcely vary. The taxon which strongly varied were Achnanthes brevipes var. arctica, Achnanthes lanceolata var. lanceolata f. dubia, Cymbella cistula, Hantzschia amphioxys var. recta, Navicula muticopsis var. muticopsis f. capitata, N. m. var. m. f. murrayi, etc. The taxon which were not so varied were Achnanthes brevipes var. intermedia, Pinnularia subcapitata var. subcapitata, etc. The taxon scarcely varied was Navicula cryptocephala and N. molesta. However, this Navicula cryptocephala was varied strongly at the central striae which were long and short alternately or not alternately, although not so strong variation was observed in the outer shape of shells. Thus, variation is sometimes very strong on a certain characteristic, but scarcely found on the other characteristics. And sometimes variation is not found on all the characteristics at a time. For example, Cymbella cistula which was collected from Oze situated in the central part of Japan was not so varied in shell shape, but the same species that was collected from South Georgia of the Antarctic strongly varied in shell shape. It seems from this fact that according to the difference of the growing circumstances or strains, even the same species strongly vary in some cases, and may not vary so strongly in other. Therefore, the writer thinks that it is not enough to examine the materials from only one place in order to study variation. However, in order to assertain the characteristics for standards of classification, like the purpose of this work or to re-arrange the taxon which are classified into many species on the basis of the variable materials at a place, the writer has found that the study of the materials collected from a particular place is fairly effective. The outer shape of shells, especially that of the ends, is often expressed by "not so extended", or "extended in rostral shape", or "extended in capitate shape" and so on. But actually, there are many intermediate individuals which are very difficult to be distinguished. There are many individuals consisting of shells of capitate ends or individuals of larger size which are remarkably extended at the ends, but in the same taxa, smaller individuals are generally slightly extended at ends (cf. Achnanthes lanceolata var. lanceolata f. dubia, Navicula muticcopsis var. muticopsis f. capitata, N. m. var. m. f. murrayi). On the other hand, constriction of extremely large size of individuals becomes slighter (cf. Navicula muticopsis var. muticopsis f. murrayi). The smaller the individuals become, the slighter becomes the constriction of shells, because in most cases the shells get shorter but they do not become narrower. The outer shapes of these smaller individuals of short length are simple too. It is generally considered that individuals are connected with many intermediate ones, except when margins of shells are remarkably parallel, penetrated, extended, constricted or expanded (cf. Pinnularia subcapitata var. subcapitata). When shells are extremely large or small, and when the ratio of shell length and width is variable, the individuals are often classified into different varieties (cf. Cymbella cistula, etc.). However, as these individuals are almost always connected, it is proper to classify them into species, and not into varieties, even though the size is seen to be far larger than the existing records. But when the size is different and other characteristics, such as distance of striae, are also variable, the above principle should not be applied. It is necessary to take note that the shape of the ends or the margins varied with the size of the shells as mentioned above. The arrangement of striae of the central part of shells, such as long and short alternately or not alternately, is sometimes considered as a characteristic of varieties, and sometimes as that of species. Much importance is given to this characteristic, as some species (cf. Navicula cryptocephala) possess variation in this characteristic. Distance between the striae is almost always uniform, but sometimes varies remarkably. Therefore, if this characteristic is used as a basis of classification of taxon (cf. Pinnularia subcapitata var. subcapitata), much care should be taken. Mention of the direction of striae is generally made except of the central part, but sometimes it is not made at all (Navicula moresta). In some cases, individuals are classified by the shape of width of axial areas, but this characteristic also varies remarkably (cf. Pinnularia subcapitata var. subcapitata, etc.). From the above examination, the writer found that the characteristics used as standards of taxonomy vary strongly in some taxon. Therefore, it is necessary for description of new taxa to examine materials as much as possible to ascertain the variation range of the taxa. During the examination, the writer found many different taxa such as that which is re-arranged to be a different species, that which was a variety of different species (Achnanthes brevipes var. arctica, Navicula muticopsis var. muticopsis f. murrayi) that which was the taxon which is re-arranged to be a species from a variety (Achnanthes lanceolata var. lanceolata f. dubia, etc.) and also many synonyms. The writer arranged the confused species which were called by many different names (Navicula muticopsis var. muticopsis f. capitata, N. m. var. m. f. murrayi), and corrected the incomplete descriptions made by many investigators up till now (Navicula muticopsis var. muticopsis f. capitata, N. m. var. m. f. murrayi, Tropidoneis laevissima), and discovered many larger and smaller individuals which were not recorded in the literatures


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    Navicula muticopsis collected from Bybog Osane, the Antarctic continent, were mounted with pleurax for making permanent preparation, after being treated with acid. Then 389 individuals were selected at random and microphotographs were taken. Each microphotograph was enlarged 2,000 times in order to investigate the shells of this species. Among these materials, the most numerous were the species of which both ends of the shells were capitate and the center of the shell margins were convex (which is hitherto called Navicula gloviceps var. amphicephala). There were some which had linear shells and were convex at the center (which is hitherto called Navicula gloveiceps var. elongata or Navicula murrayi according to its protrusion), and some which had shells with rostal ends (which is hitherto called Navicula murrayi var. elegans). These varieties were connected by many intermediate links and therefore, they should be identified as wandering varieties of the same species, although these are devided into many species or varieties having many specific names. Some individuals, which had shells with rostal capitate ends, were found. These individuals could be classified as Navicula muticopsis but the number of individuals found is so few that the writer likes to identify it as a variety of Navicula muticopsis. The name is given as "Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis f. murrayi comb. nov.". The shapes of this variety are numerous and the shape and width of axial area are numerous, such as narrow linear, linear lanceolate, narrow lanceolate. The measurement of the shell of this variety: Length of shell : 14-58μ Width of shell : 7-13μ Number of striae in 10μ : 12-1


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    Microphotographs of 365 individuals of Cymbella leptoceros collected in Mauritius were examined to determine their variations. They have been hitherto classified as var. elongata, forma curta, in variety, or form respectively, having been distinguished by the degree of protuberance on their venters, which belong to the taxon described from the type species. A considerable number of them are found impossible to be classified. These two varieties and the form should be defined as a synonym of their type species. Those having the shell protruded at rear end are usually called var. rostrata; however, intermediate shapes between var. rostrata and the typical species were discovered, which were apparently derived from the typical species, and accordingly should be defined as a synonym of the typical species. Those having a long shell (55μ in length) were formerly described as forma major, but, since observation by MEISTER (1912) had been made on individuals having a 50μ to 60μ long shelle, it is no longer necessary to classify them, and they should be defined as synonym of their typical species. Although those narrow individuals (i.e. 5μ to 10μ), have been described as var. angusta, I do not see any reason for classifying them. Materials that were obtained in Mauritius were measured to reveal the length 18.5μ to 32μ, the breadth 7μ to 9.5μ, ventral striae 8 to 12, and dorsal striae 8 to 11 in 10μ


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    The 321 individuals of Hantzschia amphioxys were collected from the Ongul Islands of the Antarctic in January, 1959. Microphotographs of them were taken to investigate their variations. Many varieties were found. For example, some had shells with straight ventral and dorsal margins; some with straight ventral margin and convex dorsal margin, or vice versa; some with concave ventral margin and convex dorsal margin. In any case, these varieties were linked with many intermediate forms. Therefore, Hantzschia amphioxys of East Ongul Island should be identified as var. recta. There were some individuals which seemed to have some similarities with forma capitate among the collected materials. Generally, var. capitate is a little smaller than var. recta. The measurement of Hantzschia amphioxys of East Ongul Island is: Length of shell : 60-120μ Width of shell : 8-11μ Number of keels in 10μ : 4-10 Number of striae in 10μ : 18-23 The materials of East Ongul Island were larger in size that the materials recorded in the past; however, the number of their keels and striae were less. The specific name of Hantzschia amphioxys f. capitate 0. Muller (not Pantocsek) was corrected to Hantzschia amphioxys var. amphioxys f. mulleri


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    The author investigated the variation of Navicula muticopsis van Heurck on 365 microphotographs which were collected by HIROSHI FUKUSHIMA (Assistant Professor of Botany, Yokohama Municipal University) from the East Ongul Island (in the Antarctic) on the Feb. 3, 1959. Comparatively, there are distinct differences in forms between Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson and other varieties, but it is very difficult to distinguish between Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. mutscopsis forma evoluta W. & G. S. West and forma reducta W. & G. S. West because of their typical serial forms, and so they must be regarded as an identical variation. In all varieties and forma one typical character is noticed (Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata form), that is, the striae on one side is absent in the central part of schale, hence Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata Heiden and Kolbe which is known for this important character should be considered a synonym of this variety. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson is slightly larger than the typical species and the structure is more rough, and so it is much diffecult to distinguish it by such a feature. Consequently, they are arranged as follows: 1. Navicula, muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma muticopsis Synonym-Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma reducta W. & G. S. West, Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma evoluta W. & G. S. West 2. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson 3. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe Synonym-Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata Heiden and Kolb

    カナダ ホッキョクケン エンガン ノ リクスイイイキ デ エタ ケイソウ Navicula sensu lato ノ ブンルイガクテキ ケントウ

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    1997年7-8月に,アムンゼンが航海した北西航路の逆コースの航海に参加した.その時に寄港したHerschel Isl.,Smoking Hills,Holman,Byron BayおよびCambridge Bayで採集した珪藻サンプルを基に,Navicula sensu latoに属す35 taxaを同定した.その内訳は Navicula 20 taxa,Chamaepinnularia 4 taxa,Craticula,Placoneis各2 taxa,Aneumatus,Caloneis,Fallacia,Naviculadicta,Parlibellus,Pinnuavis,Sellaphora各1 taxonである.これらの珪藻には分布上,広汎性種とされている種,北方性・山岳性種とされている種と,この地域の固有種が混在している.また,今回調査したのはすべて陸水域であるにもかかわらず,淡水性種,汽水性種,海産種が混在している.上記の混在率は緯度,地形,陸水域の位置などによって異なる.陸水域であるにもかかわらず汽水性種,海洋性種が見られるのは,風送塩による陸水域の鹹水(かんすい)化が原因と推察できる.今回,次に示す七つの新組み合わせを行う.Chamaepinnularia soeherensis (Krasske) Lange-Bert. & Krammer var. hassiaca (Krasske) H. Fukush. et al.Chamaepinnularia soeherensis (Krasske) Lange-Bert. & Krammer var. inflata (Krasske) H. Fukush. et al.Chamaepinnularia soeherensis (Krasske) Lange-Bert. & Krammer var. linearis (Krasske) H. Fukush. et al.Chamaepinnularia soeherensis (Krasske) Lange-Bert. & Krammer var. muscicola (J.B. Petersen) H. Fukush. et al.Placoneis amphibola (Cleve) E.J. Cox var. amphibola f. alaskensis (Foged) H. Fukush. et al.Placoneis amphibola (Cleve) E.J. Cox var. amphibola f. rectangularis (Foged) H. Fukush. et al.Placoneis amphibola (Cleve) E.J. Cox var. arctica (R.Patrick & Frese) H. Fukush. et al.We identified 35 taxa of Navicula sensu lato in materials from inland waters at Herschel lsland, Smoking Hills, Holman, Byron Bay and Cambridge Bay while sailing across the reverse course of the Northwest Passage in July and August 1997. We found 20 taxa of Navicula, 4 of Chamaepinnularia, 2 each of Craticula and Placoneis, and 1 each taxon of Aneumatus, Caloneis, Fallacia, Naviculadicta, Parlibellus, Pinnuavis, and Sellaphora. The materials contain cosmopolitan species intermingled with subalpine or mountain species and endemic species (Table 1). Although samples were collected from inland waters, brackish or marine species (see Table 1) were mixed with fresh-water species similar to those reported from Antarctica. The occurrence of brackish-water and marine species is though to be made possible by the eolian transport of salt to inland water bodies. We propose the following seven new combinations: Chamaepinnularia soeherensis var. hassiaca, Chamaepinnularia soeherensis var. inflata, Chamaepinnularia soeherensis var. linearis, Chamaepinnularia soeherensis var. muscicola, Placoneis amphibola var. amphibola f. alaskaensis, Placoneis amphibola var. amphibola f. rectangularis, and Placoneis amphibola var. arctica

    シュウホクセイ ケイソウ Navicula streckerae Lange-Bert. & Witk. トクニ テンモン ニ ツイテ

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    Navicula streckeraeはドイツ北部の2地点と北極海で記録されている種であるが,今回フブスグル(Khovsgol)湖(モンゴル)とカムチャッカで見出した(図1).本種はユーラシア大陸の北緯50度以北に分布する周北性珪藻である.また,本種はその形態より北極海型,Weser川型,Kinzig川型に3区分できる.ヨーロッパとカムチャッカの三つの型について形態と計測値の比較を行う. 条線を構成する点紋の密度は1980年代に入ってから種を区分する特徴の一つとして重要視されてきた.しかし,珪殻の部位による点紋密度の変化の調査はどの種についても行われていないようである.今回ヨーロッパとカムチャッカ産の試料で詳しく調査を行った結果,中心域を形成する短い条線と先端部,Voigtの欠落付近の点紋密度の変化は大きく,その他では比較的安定していることが判明した.点紋密度の計測はこの部分で行うべきである.Navicula streckerae was recorded in two locations of northern Germany and the Arctic Ocean. According to the findings of this taxon from Lake Khovsgol (Mongolia) and Kamchatka (Russia) by our investigations, this taxon distributed northward from latitude 50°N. on the Eurassian Continent and is considered to be a circumboreal diatom. This taxon is divided into three types, namely the Arctic Ocean type, the Weser River type and the Kinzig River type according to the valve morphology. In this study we compare these three types in the samples from Europe and Kamchatka focusing on the valve form and sizes. Though the density of lineolae composing striae is one of the important characteristics to classify the species, there are few records of this point. We investigate this point in detail in the specimens from Europe and Kamchatka. Consequentry the two extreme values, short striae forming the cental area and the area including Voigt discontinuities, should be excluded when measuring the density of lineolae to obtain a stable value


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    Navicula muticopsis collected from Bybog Osane, the Antarctic continent, were mounted with pleurax for making permanent preparation, after being treated with acid. Then 389 individuals were selected at random and microphotographs were taken. Each microphotograph was enlarged 2,000 times in order to investigate the shells of this species. Among these materials, the most numerous were the species of which both ends of the shells were capitate and the center of the shell margins were convex (which is hitherto called Navicula gloviceps var. amphicephala). There were some which had linear shells and were convex at the center (which is hitherto called Navicula gloveiceps var. elongata or Navicula murrayi according to its protrusion), and some which had shells with rostal ends (which is hitherto called Navicula murrayi var. elegans). These varieties were connected by many intermediate links and therefore, they should be identified as wandering varieties of the same species, although these are devided into many species or varieties having many specific names. Some individuals, which had shells with rostal capitate ends, were found. These individuals could be classified as Navicula muticopsis but the number of individuals found is so few that the writer likes to identify it as a variety of Navicula muticopsis. The name is given as "Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis f. murrayi comb. nov.". The shapes of this variety are numerous and the shape and width of axial area are numerous, such as narrow linear, linear lanceolate, narrow lanceolate. The measurement of the shell of this variety: Length of shell : 14-58μ Width of shell : 7-13μ Number of striae in 10μ : 12-1


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    The author investigated the variation of Navicula muticopsis van Heurck on 365 microphotographs which were collected by HIROSHI FUKUSHIMA (Assistant Professor of Botany, Yokohama Municipal University) from the East Ongul Island (in the Antarctic) on the Feb. 3, 1959. Comparatively, there are distinct differences in forms between Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson and other varieties, but it is very difficult to distinguish between Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. mutscopsis forma evoluta W. & G. S. West and forma reducta W. & G. S. West because of their typical serial forms, and so they must be regarded as an identical variation. In all varieties and forma one typical character is noticed (Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata form), that is, the striae on one side is absent in the central part of schale, hence Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata Heiden and Kolbe which is known for this important character should be considered a synonym of this variety. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson is slightly larger than the typical species and the structure is more rough, and so it is much diffecult to distinguish it by such a feature. Consequently, they are arranged as follows: 1. Navicula, muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma muticopsis Synonym-Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma reducta W. & G. S. West, Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma evoluta W. & G. S. West 2. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. muticopsis forma capitata Carlson 3. Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe Synonym-Navicula muticopsis van Heurck var. gausii Heiden and Kolbe forma semicruciata Heiden and Kolb