3 research outputs found

    Ensemble modelling, uncertainty and robust predictions of organic carbon in long-term bare-fallow soils

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by the project “C and N models inter-comparison and improvement to assess management options for GHG mitigation in agro-systems worldwide” (CN-MIP, 2014- 2017), which received funding by a multi-partner call on agricultural greenhouse gas research of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘FACCE’ through national financing bodies. S. Recous, R. Farina, L. Brilli, G. Bellocchi and L. Bechini received mobility funding by way of the French Italian GALILEO programme (CLIMSOC project). The authors acknowledge particularly the data holders for the Long Term Bare-Fallows, who made their data available and provided additional information on the sites: V. Romanenkov, B.T. Christensen, T. KĂ€tterer, S. Houot, F. van Oort, A. Mc Donald, as well as P. BarrĂ©. The input of B. Guenet and C. Chenu contributes to the ANR “Investissements d’avenir” programme with the reference CLAND ANR-16-CONV-0003. The input of P. Smith and C. Chenu contributes to the CIRCASA project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 774378 and the projects: DEVIL (NE/M021327/1) and Soils‐R‐GRREAT (NE/P019455/1). The input of B. Grant and W. Smith was funded by Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, under the scope of project J-001793. The input of A. Taghizadeh-Toosi was funded by Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark as part of the SINKS2 project. The input of M. Abdalla contributes to the SUPER-G project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 774124.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Status, threads and legal protection possibilities of peatlands in Russia using the example of the peatland Ozero Čistoe, region Lipeck

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    Abstract: The aim of these investigations was the presentation of the current legal situation for the protection of peatlands in Russia. In parallel, an exemplary investigation of the peatland Ozero Čistoe was performed to analyse the status and the level of risk from the perspective of current nature protection rules in the Oblast Lipeck. Therefore vegetation was described by dominant principles and sorted by vegetation types according KOSKA (2001). They were used as an indicator for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (COUWENBERG et al. 2008). In addition, soil samples were taken, in order to determine the peatland’s carbon content. The peatland Ozero Čistoe is part of the protected area „Lipeckij Zakasnik“. It emits about 3.4 to 10.2 t ha-1 of CO2 equivalents per year. The peats of this peatland have a high level of Corg up to 46.5%. During examinating the legislation it occurred that the federal laws for environmental protection (2002) and protected areas (1995) as well as the Water Code (2006) are very important for the protection of peatlands in Russia.Zusammenfassung: Ein Ziel der Untersuchungen war die Darstellung rechtlicher Schutzmöglichkeiten der Moore in Russland. Parallel dazu fand eine exemplarische Untersuchung des Moores Ozero Čistoe im Oblast Lipeck statt, um den Zustand sowie den GefĂ€hrdungsgrad aus Sicht aktueller Naturschutzbestimmungen zu analysieren. Dazu wurde die Vegetation des Moores nach Dominanten beschrieben und den Vegetationsformen nach KOSKA (2001) zugeordnet. Sie dienten als Indikator zur Berechnung der Treibhausgasemissionen nach COUWENBERG et al. (2008). Zudem wurden dem Moor Bodenproben zur Kohlenstoffbestimmung entnommen. Das Moor Ozero Čistoe gehört zum Schutzgebiet „Lipeckij Zakasnik“. Insgesamt emittiert es pro Jahr durchschnittlich zwischen 3,4 und 10,2 t CO2-Äquivalente ha-1. Die Torfe dieses Moores weisen hohe Gehalte bis zu 46,5 % Corg auf. Bei der Recherche zur Gesetzgebung zeigte sich, dass in Russland die föderalen Gesetze zum Naturschutz (2002), zu den Naturschutzgebieten (1995) sowie das Wassergesetzbuch (2006) eine besondere Relevanz zum Schutz der Moore haben.DFG, SUB Göttingen, DGMTresearc

    C-MIP: An international model inter-comparison simulating organic carbon dynamics in bare fallow soils

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    IntroductionC sequestration in agricultural soils contributes to the achievement of the climate objectives (e.g. COP-21"s "4per 1000" initiative). Reliable methodologies are needed to assess the soil C sequestration potential of agricultural lands in different management, soil and climate conditions. Simulation models extrapolate C dynamics from current knowledge in both time and space. This is difficult when soil is covered by vegetation,for the continuous input of plant residues and root exudates, and the influence of plants on soil water and temperature dynamics. Long-term bare fallow (LTBF) experiments offer ideal conditions to test models simulating soil organic C dynamics