1,081 research outputs found

    A New Contributor to Chemical Evolution in High-Redshift Galaxies

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    The recent discovery of a new population of stars exhibiting unusual elemental abundance patterns characterized by enhanced Ti to Ga elements and low alpha and n-capture elements suggests the contribution of a new class of supernovae, probably a kind of Type Ia supernovae associated with close binary evolution. The role of these supernovae in chemical evolution is negligible in normal galaxies that undergo moderate star formation such as our own. Thus, while the frequency of occurrence would be too low to detect in low-redshift galaxies, it may represent a prominent population in high-redshift objects such as early epoch massive elliptical galaxies and QSOs. The chemical contributor of this proposed type of supernovae in combination with recognized supernovae is shown to be compatible with the recent observational features in the distant universe, successfully reproducing the Type II supernovae-like abundance pattern with enhancement of Ga and Ge in the gas of newborn massive galaxies and high iron abundances in QSOs even at redshifts of around 6.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, To appear in ApJ Letter

    NLTE determination of the aluminium abundance in a homogeneous sample of extremely metal-poor stars

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    Aims: Aluminium is a key element to constrain the models of the chemical enrichment and the yields of the first supernovae. But obtaining precise Al abundances in extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars requires that the non-LTE effects be carefully taken into account. Methods: The NLTE profiles of the blue resonance aluminium lines have been computed in a sample of 53 extremely metal-poor stars with a modified version of the program MULTI applied to an atomic model of the Al atom with 78 levels of Al I and 13 levels of Al II, and compared to the observations. Results: With these new determinations, all the stars of the sample show a ratio Al/Fe close to the solar value: [Al/Fe] =-0.06 +- 0.10 with a very small scatter. These results are compared to the models of the chemical evolution of the halo using different models of SN II and are compatible with recent computations. The sodium-rich giants are not found to be also aluminium-rich and thus, as expected, the convection in these giants only brings to the surface the products of the Ne-Na cycle.Comment: To be published on A&

    Dense, Fe-rich Ejecta in Supernova Remnants DEM L238 and DEM L249: A New Class of Type Ia Supernova?

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    We present observations of two LMC supernova remnants (SNRs), DEM L238 and DEM L249, with the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray satellites. Bright central emission, surrounded by a faint shell, is present in both remnants. The central emission has an entirely thermal spectrum dominated by strong Fe L-shell lines, with the deduced Fe abundance in excess of solar and not consistent with the LMC abundance. This Fe overabundance leads to the conclusion that DEM L238 and DEM L249 are remnants of thermonuclear (Type Ia) explosions. The shell emission originates in gas swept up and heated by the blast wave. A standard Sedov analysis implies about 50 solar masses in both swept-up shells, SNR ages between 10,000 and 15,000 yr, low (< 0.05 cm^-3) preshock densities, and subluminous explosions with energies of 3x10^50 ergs. The central Fe-rich supernova ejecta are close to collisional ionization equilibrium. Their presence is unexpected, because standard Type Ia SNR models predict faint ejecta emission with short ionization ages. Both SNRs belong to a previously unrecognized class of Type Ia SNRs characterized by bright interior emission. Denser than expected ejecta and/or a dense circumstellar medium around the progenitors are required to explain the presence of Fe-rich ejecta in these SNRs. Substantial amounts of circumstellar gas are more likely to be present in explosions of more massive Type Ia progenitors. DEM L238, DEM L249, and similar SNRs could be remnants of ``prompt'' Type Ia explosions with young (~100 Myr old) progenitors.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Lambda-Cold Dark Matter, Stellar Feedback, and the Galactic Halo Abundance Pattern

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    (Abridged) The hierarchical formation scenario for the stellar halo requires the accretion and disruption of dwarf galaxies, yet low-metallicity halo stars are enriched in alpha-elements compared to similar, low-metallicity stars in dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. We address this primary challenge for the hierarchical formation scenario for the stellar halo by combining chemical evolution modelling with cosmologically-motivated mass accretion histories for the Milky Way dark halo and its satellites. We demonstrate that stellar halo and dwarf galaxy abundance patterns can be explained naturally within the LCDM framework. Our solution relies fundamentally on the LCDM model prediction that the majority of the stars in the stellar halo were formed within a few relatively massive, ~5 x 10^10 Msun, dwarf irregular (dIrr)-size dark matter halos, which were accreted and destroyed ~10 Gyr in the past. These systems necessarily have short-lived, rapid star formation histories, are enriched primarily by Type II supernovae, and host stars with enhanced [a/Fe] abundances. In contrast, dwarf spheroidal galaxies exist within low-mass dark matter hosts of ~10^9 Msun, where supernovae winds are important in setting the intermediate [a/Fe] ratios observed. Our model includes enrichment from Type Ia and Type II supernovae as well as stellar winds, and includes a physically-motivated supernovae feedback prescription calibrated to reproduce the local dwarf galaxy stellar mass - metallicity relation. We use representative examples of the type of dark matter halos we expect to host a destroyed ``stellar halo progenitor'' dwarf, a surviving dIrr, and a surviving dSph galaxy, and show that their derived abundance patterns, stellar masses, and gas masses are consistent with those observed for each type of system.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by Ap

    Innovations in the Analysis of Chandra-ACIS Observations

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    As members of the instrument team for the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and as Chandra General Observers, we have developed a wide variety of data analysis methods that we believe are useful to the Chandra community, and have constructed a significant body of publicly-available software (the ACIS Extract package) addressing important ACIS data and science analysis tasks. This paper seeks to describe these data analysis methods for two purposes: to document the data analysis work performed in our own science projects, and to help other ACIS observers judge whether these methods may be useful in their own projects (regardless of what tools and procedures they choose to implement those methods). The ACIS data analysis recommendations we offer here address much of the workflow in a typical ACIS project, including data preparation, point source detection via both wavelet decomposition and image reconstruction, masking point sources, identification of diffuse structures, event extraction for both point and diffuse sources, merging extractions from multiple observations, nonparametric broad-band photometry, analysis of low-count spectra, and automation of these tasks. Many of the innovations presented here arise from several, often interwoven, complications that are found in many Chandra projects: large numbers of point sources (hundreds to several thousand), faint point sources, misaligned multiple observations of an astronomical field, point source crowding, and scientifically relevant diffuse emission.Comment: Accepted by the ApJ, 2010 Mar 10 (\#343576) 39 pages, 16 figure

    Casorati Determinant Form of Dark Soliton Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    It is shown that the NN-dark soliton solutions of the integrable discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger (IDNLS) equation are given in terms of the Casorati determinant. The conditions for reduction, complex conjugacy and regularity for the Casorati determinant solution are also given explicitly. The relationship between the IDNLS and the relativistic Toda lattice is discussed.Comment: First version was uploaded in 23 Jun 2005. Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan in May, 200

    Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Protoplanetary Disks II. Effects of X-ray Irradiation and Dust Evolution

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    Detailed models for the density and temperature profiles of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks are constructed by taking into account X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation from a central T Tauri star, as well as dust size growth and settling toward the disk midplane. The spatial and size distributions of dust grains in the disks are numerically computed by solving the coagulation equation for settling dust particles. The level populations and line emission of molecular hydrogen are calculated using the derived physical structure of the disks. X-ray irradiation is the dominant heating source of the gas in the inner disk region and in the surface layer, while the far UV heating dominates otherwise. If the central star has strong X-ray and weak UV radiation, the H2 level populations are controlled by X-ray pumping, and the X-ray induced transition lines could be observable. If the UV irradiation is strong, the level populations are controlled by thermal collisions or UV pumping, depending on the properties of the dust grains in the disks. As the dust particles evolve in the disks, the gas temperature at the disk surface drops because the grain photoelectric heating becomes less efficient, while the UV radiation fields become stronger due to the decrease of grain opacity. This makes the H2 level populations change from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) to non-LTE distributions, which results in changes to the line ratios of H2 emission. Our results suggest that dust evolution in protoplanetary disks could be observable through the H2 line ratios. The emission lines are strong from disks irradiated by strong UV and X-rays and possessing small dust grains; such disks will be good targets in which to observe H2 emission.Comment: 33 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Where Are the Baryons? III: Non-Equilibrium Effects and Observables

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    Numerical simulations of the intergalactic medium have shown that at the present epoch a significant fraction (40-50%) of the baryonic component should be found in the (T~10^6K) Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) - with several recent observational lines of evidence indicating the validity of the prediction. We here recompute the evolution of the WHIM with the following major improvements: (1) galactic superwind feedback processes from galaxy/star formation are explicitly included; (2) major metal species (O V to O IX) are computed explicitly in a non-equilibrium way; (3) mass and spatial dynamic ranges are larger by a factor of 8 and 2, respectively, than in our previous simulations. We find: (1) non-equilibrium calculations produce significantly different results from ionization equilibrium calculations. (2) The abundance of O VI absorption lines based on non-equilibrium simulations with galactic superwinds is in remarkably good agreement with latest observations, implying the validity of our model, while the predicted abundances for O VII and O VIII absorption lines appear to be lower than observed but the observational errorbars are currently very large. The expected abundances for O VI (as well as Lyman alpha), O VII and O VIII absorption systems are in the range 50-100 per unit redshift at EW=1km/s decreasing to 10-20 per unit redshift at EW=10km/s. The number of O VI absorption lines with EW>100km/s is very small, while there are about 1-3 lines per unit redshift for O VII and O VIII absorption lines at EW=100km/s. (3) Emission lines, primarily O VI and \lya in the UV and O VII and O VIII in the soft X-rays are potentially observable by future missions. The number of emission lines per unit redshift that may be detectable by planned UV and soft X-ray missions are in the order of 0.1-1.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 52 pages, 27 figures, high res version at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~cen/baryonIII.ps.g

    Chandra Study of the Cepheus B Star Forming Region: Stellar Populations and the Initial Mass Function

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    Cepheus B (Cep B) molecular cloud and a portion of the nearby Cep OB3b OB association, one of the most active regions of star formation within 1 kpc, has been observed with the ACIS detector on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detect 431 X-ray sources, of which 89% are confidently identified as clustered pre-main sequence stars. Two main results are obtained. First, we provide the best census to date for the stellar population of the region. We identify many members of two rich stellar clusters: the lightly obscured Cep OB3b association, and the deeply embedded cluster in Cep B whose existence was previously traced only by a handful of radio sources and T Tauri stars. Second, we find a discrepancy between the X-ray Luminosity Functions of the Cep OB3b and the Orion Nebula Cluster. This may be due to different Initial Mass Functions of two regions (excess of ~0.3 solar mass stars), or different age distributions. Several other results are obtained. A diffuse X-ray component seen in the field is attributed to the integrated emission of unresolved low mass PMS stars. The X-ray emission from HD 217086 (O7n), the principle ionizing source of the region, follows the standard model involving many small shocks in an unmagnetized radiatively accelerated wind. The X-ray source #294 joins a number of similar superflare PMS stars where long magnetic structures may connect the protoplanetary disk to the stellar surface.Comment: 72 pages, 31 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Thermal and Non-thermal X-Rays from the LMC Super Bubble 30 Dor C

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    We report on the discovery of thermal and non-thermal X-rays from the shells of the super bubble (SB) 30 Dor C in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The X-ray morphology is a nearly circular shell with a radius of about 40 pc, which is bright on the northern and western sides. The spectra of the shells are different from region to region. The southern shell shows clear emission lines, and is well fitted with a model of a thin-thermal plasma (kT = 0.21keV) in non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) plus a power-law component. This thermal plasma is located inside of the H alpha emission, which is the outer edge of the shell of the SB. The northern and western sides of the SB are dim in H alpha emission, but are bright in non-thermal (power-law) X-rays with a photon index of 2.1-2.9. The non-thermal X-ray shell traces the outer boundary of the radio shell. These features of thin-thermal and non-thermal X-rays are similar to those of SN 1006, a prototype of synchrotron X-ray shell, but the non-thermal component of 30 Dor C is about ten-times brighter than that of SN 1006. 30 Dor C is the first candidate of an extragalactic SB, in which energetic electrons are accelerating in the shell. The age is much older than that of SN 1006, and hence the particle acceleration time in this SB may be longer than those in normal shell-like SNRs. We found point-like sources associated with some of tight star clusters. The X-ray luminosity and spectrum are consistent with those of young clusters of massive stars. Point-like sources with non-thermal spectra are also found in the SB. These may be background objects (AGNs) or stellar remnants (neutron stars or black holes).Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, the paper with full resolution images in http://www-cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/bamba/Paper/30DorC.pd
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