78 research outputs found

    Observational constraints on braneworld inflation: the effect of a Gauss-Bonnet term

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    High-energy modifications to general relativity introduce changes to the perturbations generated during inflation, and the latest high-precision cosmological data can be used to place constraints on such modified inflation models. Recently it was shown that Randall-Sundrum type braneworld inflation leads to tighter constraints on quadratic and quartic potentials than in general relativity. We investigate how this changes with a Gauss-Bonnet correction term, which can be motivated by string theory. Randall-Sundrum models preserve the standard consistency relation between the tensor spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The Gauss-Bonnet term breaks this relation, and also modifies the dynamics and perturbation amplitudes at high energies. We find that the Gauss-Bonnet term tends to soften the Randall-Sundrum constraints. The observational compatibility of the quadratic potential is strongly improved. For a broad range of energy scales, the quartic potential is rescued from marginal rejection. Steep inflation driven by an exponential potential is excluded in the Randall-Sundrum case, but the Gauss-Bonnet term leads to marginal compatibility for sufficient e-folds.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Avoidance of future singularities in loop quantum cosmology

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    We consider the fate of future singularities in the effective dynamics of loop quantum cosmology. Non-perturbative quantum geometric effects which lead to ρ2\rho^2 modification of the Friedmann equation at high energies result in generic resolution of singularities whenever energy density ρ\rho diverges at future singularities of Friedmann dynamics. Such quantum effects lead to the avoidance of a Big Rip, which is followed by a recollapsing universe stable against perturbations. Resolution of sudden singularity, the case when pressure diverges but energy density approaches a finite value depends on the ratio of the latter to a critical energy density of the order of Planck. If the value of this ratio is greater than unity, the universe escapes the sudden future singularity and becomes oscillatory.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    A symmetry for vanishing cosmological constant

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    Two different realizations of a symmetry principle that impose a zero cosmological constant in an extra-dimensional set-up are studied. The symmetry is identified by multiplication of the metric by minus one. In the first realization of the symmetry this is provided by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the coordinates by the imaginary number i. In the second realization this is accomplished by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the metric tensor by minus one. In both realizations of the symmetry the requirement of the invariance of the gravitational action under the symmetry selects out the dimensions given by D = 2(2n+1), n=0,1,2,... and forbids a bulk cosmological constant. Another attractive aspect of the symmetry is that it seems to be more promising for quantization when compared to the usual scale symmetry. The second realization of the symmetry is more attractive in that it is posible to make a possible brane cosmological constant zero in a simple way by using the same symmetry, and the symmetry may be identified by reflection symmetry in extra dimensions.Comment: Talk in the conference IRGAC 2006, 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelon

    String-inspired cosmology: Late time transition from scaling matter era to dark energy universe caused by a Gauss-Bonnet coupling

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    The Gauss-Bonnet (GB) curvature invariant coupled to a scalar field ϕ\phi can lead to an exit from a scaling matter-dominated epoch to a late-time accelerated expansion, which is attractive to alleviate the coincident problem of dark energy. We derive the condition for the existence of cosmological scaling solutions in the presence of the GB coupling for a general scalar-field Lagrangian density p(ϕ,X)p(\phi, X), where X=(1/2)(ϕ)2X=-(1/2)(\nabla \phi)^2 is a kinematic term of the scalar field. The GB coupling and the Lagrangian density are restricted to be in the form f(ϕ)eλϕf(\phi) \propto e^{\lambda \phi} and p=Xg(Xeλϕ)p=Xg (Xe^{\lambda \phi}), respectively, where λ\lambda is a constant and gg is an arbitrary function. We also derive fixed points for such a scaling Lagrangian with a GB coupling f(ϕ)eμϕf(\phi) \propto e^{\mu \phi} and clarify the conditions under which the scaling matter era is followed by a de-Sitter solution which can appear in the presence of the GB coupling. Among scaling models proposed in the current literature, we find that the models which allow such a cosmological evolution are an ordinary scalar field with an exponential potential and a tachyon field with an inverse square potential, although the latter requires a coupling between dark energy and dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in JCA

    Cosmological constraints from Gauss-Bonnet braneworld with large-field potentials

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    We calculate the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio for patch inflation defined by H2βq2VqH^2\approx \beta^2_q V^q and ϕ˙V/3H\dot{\phi}\approx -V'/3H, using the slow-roll expansion. The patch cosmology arisen from the Gauss-Bonnet braneworld consists of Gauss-Bonnet (GB), Randall-Sundrum (RS), and 4D general relativistic (GR) cosmological models. In this work, we choose large-field potentials of V=V0ϕpV=V_0\phi^p to compare with the observational data. Since second-order corrections are rather small in the slow-roll limit, the leading-order calculation is sufficient to compare with the data. Finally, we show that it is easier to discriminate between quadratic potential and quartic potential in the GB cosmological model rather than the GR or RS cosmological models.Comment: 13 pages, title changed, version to appear in JCA

    Quintessential Inflation on the Brane and the Relic Gravity Wave Background

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    Quintessential inflation describes a scenario in which both inflation and dark energy (quintessence) are described by the same scalar field. In conventional braneworld models of quintessential inflation gravitational particle production is used to reheat the universe. This reheating mechanism is very inefficient and results in an excessive production of gravity waves which violate nucleosynthesis constraints and invalidate the model. We describe a new method of realizing quintessential inflation on the brane in which inflation is followed by `instant preheating' (Felder, Kofman & Linde 1999). The larger reheating temperature in this model results in a smaller amplitude of relic gravity waves which is consistent with nucleosynthesis bounds. The relic gravity wave background has a `blue' spectrum at high frequencies and is a generic byproduct of successful quintessential inflation on the brane.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps figures. Discussion and one eps figure summarizing the GB correction to steep brane world inflation added, typos corrected and references added; final version to appear in PR

    On compatibility of string effective action with an accelerating universe

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    In this paper, we fully investigate the cosmological effects of the moduli dependent one-loop corrections to the gravitational couplings of the string effective action to explain the cosmic acceleration problem in early (and/or late) universe. These corrections comprise a Gauss-Bonnet (GB) invariant multiplied by universal non-trivial functions of the common modulus σ\sigma and the dilaton ϕ\phi. The model exhibits several features of cosmological interest, including the transition between deceleration and acceleration phases. By considering some phenomenologically motivated ansatzs for one of the scalars and/or the scale factor (of the universe), we also construct a number of interesting inflationary potentials. In all examples under consideration, we find that the model leads only to a standard inflation (w1w \geq -1) when the numerical coefficient δ\delta associated with modulus-GB coupling is positive, while the model can lead also to a non-standard inflation (w<1w<-1), if δ\delta is negative. In the absence of (or trivial) coupling between the GB term and the scalars, there is no crossing between the w1w -1 phases, while this is possible with non-trivial GB couplings, even for constant dilaton phase of the standard picture. Within our model, after a sufficient amount of e-folds of expansion, the rolling of both fields ϕ\phi and σ\sigma can be small. In turn, any possible violation of equivalence principle or deviations from the standard general relativity may be small enough to easily satisfy all astrophysical and cosmological constraints.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; v2 significant changes in notations, appendix and refs added; v3 significant revisions, refs added; v4 appendix extended, new refs, published versio

    Dark energy generated from a (super)string effective action with higher order curvature corrections and a dynamical dilaton

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    We investigate the possibility of a dark energy universe emerging from an action with higher-order string loop corrections to Einstein gravity in the presence of a massless dilaton. These curvature corrections (up to R4R^4 order) are different depending upon the type of (super)string model which is considered. We find in fact that Type II, heterotic, and bosonic strings respond differently to dark energy. A dark energy solution is shown to exist in the case of the bosonic string, while the other two theories do not lead to realistic dark energy universes. Detailed analysis of the dynamical stability of the de-Sitter solution is presented for the case of a bosonic string. A general prescription for the construction of a de-Sitter solution for the low-energy (super)string effective action is also indicated. Beyond the low-energy (super)string effective action, when the higher-curvature correction coefficients depend on the dilaton, the reconstruction of the theory from the universe expansion history is done with a corresponding prescription for the scalar potentials.Comment: 15 pages, 7 eps figures, minor corrections, published versio

    The thawing dark energy dynamics: Can we detect it?

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    We consider different classes of scalar field models including quintessence, and tachyon scalar fields with a variety of generic potential belonging to thawing type. Assuming the scalar field is initially frozen at w=1w=-1, we evolve the system until the present time. We focus on observational quantities like Hubble parameter, luminosity distance as well as quantities related to the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurement. Our study shows that with present state of observations, one can not distinguish amongst various models which in turn can not be distinguished from cosmological constant. This lead us to a conclusion that there is a thin chance to observe the dark energy metamorphosis in near future.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex Style, 6 eps figures, replaced with revised version, some figures are modified, minor changes, conclusions remain the same, Accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Aspects of Scalar Field Dynamics in Gauss-Bonnet Brane Worlds

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    The Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations projected from the bulk to brane lead to a complicated Friedmann equation which simplifies to H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q in the asymptotic regimes. The Randall-Sundrum (RS) scenario corresponds to q=2q=2 whereas q=2/3q=2/3 & q=1q=1 give rise to high energy Gauss-Bonnet (GB) regime and the standard GR respectively. Amazingly, while evolving from RS regime to high energy GB limit, one passes through a GR like region which has important implications for brane world inflation. For tachyon GB inflation with potentials V(ϕ)ϕpV(\phi) \sim \phi^p investigated in this paper, the scalar to tensor ratio of perturbations RR is maximum around the RS region and is generally suppressed in the high energy regime for the positive values of pp. The ratio is very low for p>0p>0 at all energy scales relative to GB inflation with ordinary scalar field. The models based upon tachyon inflation with polynomial type of potentials with generic positive values of pp turn out to be in the 1σ1 \sigma observational contour bound at all energy scales varying from GR to high energy GB limit. The spectral index nSn_S improves for the lower values of pp and approaches its scale invariant limit for p=2p=-2 in the high energy GB regime. The ratio RR also remains small for large negative values of pp, however, difference arises for models close to scale invariance limit. In this case, the tensor to scale ratio is large in the GB regime whereas it is suppressed in the intermediate region between RS and GB. Within the frame work of patch cosmologies governed by H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q, the behavior of ordinary scalar field near cosmological singularity and the nature of scaling solutions are distinguished for the values of q1q 1.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figures; appendix on various scales in GB brane world included and references updated; final version to appear in PR