94 research outputs found

    Early Ontogeny of the Japanese Common Squid Todarodes pacificus (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) with Special Reference to its Characteristic Morphology and Ecological Significance

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    Early ontogeny of the Japanese Common Squid Todarodes pacificus was described for artificially inseminated and collected specimens to present new criteria for developmental stages in relation to its ecological adaptation. For the purpose, details for formation of the following organs and tissues were observed with special attention: cilia on the integument, mouth part, shell sac and stellate ganglia, visceral mass, funnel-collar complex, statocysts, eye parts, and ventral photosensitive vesicles. At the embryonic stage (i.e., pre-hatching), various types of epidermal cilia that seem to work as the embryonic rotation were detected. At the early postembryonic stage (i.e., post-hatching), the epidermal lines were characteristically arranged at the scattered condition on arms, tentacles, head, and funnel. Novel strong muscle fibers were distinct in the base of tentacles and funnel retractor muscles at the early postembryonic stage, which is clearly related to the head withdrawal behavior of the paralarvae. The lip cilia and toothed beak developed at the early postembryonic stage, but disappeared later; these apparatus were considered to be related with a change of unique feeding mode in the paralarval life. Based on such morphological features, four distinct stages, namely, paralarval stage 1, 2, 3, and juvenile stage are proposed. The present observations are discussed in relation to survival strategy at early life of T. pacificus and they are compared with those in other cephalopods

    Application of a Heat- and Steam-Generating Sheet Increases Peripheral Blood Flow and Induces Parasympathetic Predominance

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    To promote the practical application of a Japanese traditional medical treatment, such as hot compresses, we developed a plaster-type warming device consisting of a heat- and steam-generating sheet (HSG sheet). First, we tested its effects when applied to the anterior abdominal wall or lumbar region of women complaining of a tendency towards constipation. Application of the sheet to either region produced a feeling of comfort in the abdomen, as assessed by a survey of the subjects. The significant increases in the total hemoglobin observed in these regions suggested an increase in peripheral blood flow, and significant increases in the HF component on ECG and in the amplitude of gastric motility suggested parasympathetic predominance. We concluded that application of the HSG sheet improves the peripheral hemodynamics and autonomic regulation, induces a feeling of comfort in the abdomen, and provides a beneficial environment for the improvement of gastrointestinal movements

    Akt2 phosphorylates Synip to regulate docking and fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles

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    We have identified an unusual potential dual Akt/protein kinase B consensus phosphorylation motif in the protein Synip (RxKxRS97xS99). Surprisingly, serine 97 is not appreciably phosphorylated, whereas serine 99 is only a specific substrate for Akt2 but not Akt1 or Akt3. Although wild-type Synip (WT-Synip) undergoes an insulin-stimulated dissociation from Syntaxin4, the Synip serine 99 to phenylalanine mutant (S99F-Synip) is resistant to Akt2 phosphorylation and fails to display insulin-stimulated Syntaxin4 dissociation. Furthermore, overexpression of WT-Synip in 3T3L1 adipocytes had no effect on insulin-stimulated recruitment of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane, whereas overexpression of S99F-Synip functioned in a dominant-interfering manner by preventing insulin-stimulated GLUT4 recruitment and plasma membrane fusion. These data demonstrate that insulin activation of Akt2 specifically regulates the docking/fusion step of GLUT4-containing vesicles at the plasma membrane through the regulation of Synip phosphorylation and Synip–Syntaxin4 interaction

    Identification of nesfatin-1 as a satiety molecule in the hypothalamus

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    The brain hypothalamus contains certain secreted molecules that are important in regulating feeding behaviour. Here we show that nesfatin, corresponding to NEFA/nucleobindin2 (NUCB2), a secreted protein of unknown function, is expressed in the appetite-control hypothalamic nuclei in rats. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of NUCB2 reduces feeding. Rat cerebrospinal fluid contains nesfatin-1, an amino-terminal fragment derived from NUCB2, and its expression is decreased in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus under starved conditions. I.c.v. injection of nesfatin-1 decreases food intake in a dose-dependent manner, whereas injection of an antibody neutralizing nesfatin-1 stimulates appetite. In contrast, i.c.v. injection of other possible fragments processed from NUCB2 does not promote satiety, and conversion of NUCB2 to nesfatin-1 is necessary to induce feeding suppression. Chronic i.c.v. injection of nesfatin-1 reduces body weight, whereas rats gain body weight after chronic i.c.v. injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotide against the gene encoding NUCB2. Nesfatin-1-induced anorexia occurs in Zucker rats with a leptin receptor mutation, and an anti-nesfatin-1 antibody does not block leptin-induced anorexia. In contrast, central injection of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone elevates NUCB2 gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus, and satiety by nesfatin-1 is abolished by an antagonist of the melanocortin-3/4 receptor. We identify nesfatin-1 as a satiety molecule that is associated with melanocortin signalling in the hypothalamus

    Keratinocyte Growth Factor Gene Electroporation into Skeletal Muscle as a Novel Gene Therapeutic Approach for Elastase-Induced Pulmonary Emphysema in Mice

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    Pulmonary emphysema is a progressive disease with airspace destruction and an effective therapy is needed. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) promotes pulmonary epithelial proliferation and has the potential to induce lung regeneration. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using KGF gene therapy for treatment of a mouse emphysema model induced by porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE). Eight-week-old BALB/c male mice treated with intra-tracheal PPE administration were transfected with 80 μg of a recombinant human KGF (rhKGF)-expressing FLAG-CMV14 plasmid (pKGF-FLAG gene), or with the pFLAG gene expressing plasmid as a control, into the quadriceps muscle by electroporation. In the lung, the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was augmented, and surfactant protein A (SP-A) and KGF receptor (KGFR) were co-expressed in PCNA-positive cells. Moreover, endogenous KGF and KGFR gene expression increased significantly by pKGF-FLAG gene transfection. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed that the PaO2 level was not significantly reduced on day 14 after PPE instillation with pKGF-FLAG gene transfection compared to that of normal mice. These results indicated that KGF gene therapy with electroporation stimulated lung epithelial proliferation and protected depression of pulmonary function in a mouse emphysema model, suggesting a possible method of treating pulmonary emphysema

    Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation ground-based very high energy gamma-ray observatory. The Large-Sized Telescope (LST) of CTA targets 20 GeV -- 1 TeV gamma rays and has 1855 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) installed in the focal plane camera. With the 23 m mirror dish, the night sky background (NSB) rate amounts to several hundreds MHz per pixel. In order to record clean images of gamma-ray showers with minimal NSB contamination, a fast sampling of the signal waveform is required so that the signal integration time can be as short as the Cherenkov light flash duration (a few ns). We have developed a readout board which samples waveforms of seven PMTs per board at a GHz rate. Since a GHz FADC has a high power consumption, leading to large heat dissipation, we adopted the analog memory ASIC "DRS4". The sampler has 1024 capacitors per channel and can sample the waveform at a GHz rate. Four channels of a chip are cascaded to obtain deeper sampling depth with 4096 capacitors. After a trigger is generated in a mezzanine on the board, the waveform stored in the capacitor array is subsequently digitized with a low speed (33 MHz) ADC and transferred via the FPGA-based Gigabit Ethernet to a data acquisition system. Both a low power consumption (2.64 W per channel) and high speed sampling with a bandwidth of >>300 MHz have been achieved. In addition, in order to increase the dynamic range of the readout we adopted a two gain system achieving from 0.2 up to 2000 photoelectrons in total. We finalized the board design for the first LST and proceeded to mass production. Performance of produced boards are being checked with a series of quality control (QC) tests. We report the readout board specifications and QC results.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Protective effect of photodegradation product of nifedipine against tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced oxidative stress in human glomerular endothelial cells

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    Recently, increasing evidence suggests that the antihypertensive drug nifedipine acts as a protective agent for endothelial cells, and that the activity is unrelated to its calcium channel blocking. Nitrosonifedipine (NO-NIF) is metabolically and photochemically produced from nifedipine, and NO-NIF has been recognized as a contaminant of nifedipine because it has no antihypertensive effect. Treatment of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) suppressed the cell viability and facilitated the expression of Inter-Cellular Adhesion Molecule 1(ICAM-1) in human glomerular endothelial cells (HGECs) though, pretreatment of NO-NIF significantly recovered the TNF-α-induced cell damage to the same extent as Trolox-C did, and suppressed the ICAM-1 expression in a concentration dependent manner. In addition, NO-NIF inhibited the cell toxicity induced by cumene hydroperoxide, which hampers the integrity of cell membrane through oxidative stress, as effective as Trolox-c. These data suggest that NO-NIF is a candidate for a new class of antioxidative drug that protect cells against oxidative stress in glomerular endothelial cells

    Overexpression of the adiponectin gene mimics the metabolic and stress resistance effects of calorie restriction, but not the anti-tumor effect

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    Adiponectin (Adipoq), a peptide hormone secreted from the white adipose tissue, may play a role in the anti-aging and/or anti-tumor effects of calorie restriction (CR). We analyzed metabolic traits in Adipoq gene-overexpressing mice fed ad libitum with a regular diet (RD) or a high-fat diet (HFD), or fed 30% CR of RD initiated at 12. weeks of age. Adipoq-RD and -HFD mice at 6. months of age showed reduced blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and thus increased insulin sensitivity, compared with WT mice fed a RD or a HFD. In the epididymal white adipose tissue in Adipoq mice, senescence-like changes such as upregulation of p53 protein and of biomarkers of inflammation, Cd68 and Ccl2 mRNA, were ameliorated compared with WT-RD and WT-HFD mouse tissues. Resistance to stress induced by lipopolysaccharide was also strengthened in Adipoq mice compared with WT mice. These metabolic changes and stress resistance were also noted in the WT-CR mice, suggesting that Adipoq plays a part in the effect of CR. In contrast, in an allograft tumor growth model, tumor growth was not inhibited in Adipoq mice. The present findings suggest that Adipoq plays a part in the anti-aging, but not in the anti-tumor, effects of CR