7 research outputs found

    Identifying 5G system enhancements: enabling technologies for multi-service networks

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    Proceeding of: 2018 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)The fifth generation (5G) of mobile and wireless communications networks aims at addressing a diverse set of use cases, services, and applications with a particular focus on enabling new business cases via network slicing. The development of 5G has thus advanced quickly with research projects and standardization efforts resulting in the 5G baseline architecture. Nevertheless, for the realization of native end-to-end (E2E) network slicing, further features and optimizations shall still be introduced. In this paper, we provide a gap analysis of current 5G system (5GS) with respect to some specific enhancements and detail our insights on the enabling innovations that can fill the identified gaps. We will then discuss the essential building blocks and design principles of an evolved 5G baseline architecture capitalizing on the innovations that are being developed.This work has been performed in the framework of the H2020 project 5G-MoNArch co-funded by the EU

    Towards continuously programmable networks

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    While programmability has been a feature of network devices for a long time, the past decade has seen significant enhancement of programming capability for network functions and nodes, spearheaded by the ongoing trend towards softwarization and cloudification. In his context, new design principles and technology enablers are introduced (Section 7.2) which reside at: (i) service/application provisioning level, (ii) network and resource management level, as well as (iii) network deployment and connectivity level

    The 6G Architecture Landscape:European Perspective

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    Χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση φάσματος σε ετερογενή ασύρματα δίκτυα: διαχείριση παρεμβολών και έλεγχος πρόσβασης

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    The scope of this thesis is to deal with challenges arising from the introduction of femtocells and D2D communications in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks. More specifically, for the case of femtocells, the interference management problem is studied, while for the D2D communications the radio resource management and the spectrum access challenges are addressed. First, a comprehensive description of the physical layer and architecture of the LTE/LTE-A networks is provided, and the current standardization efforts for the introduction of femtocells and D2D communications are described. Subsequently, different control channel interference management schemes for femtocell-overlaid LTE/LTE-A networks are studied, while an innovative power control scheme for the femtocell downlink transmissions is proposed, utilizing the end user’s quality of experience. This work brings to the surface new research challenges, where the end user’s satisfaction level plays an active role in network management and service provisioning. However, the further investigation of these challenges is out of this thesis’ scope. Considering the much more dynamic environment defined by the D2D communications in a cellular network, the major research effort is then shifted to the resource and interference management problem for D2D communications. Assuming a predefined set of D2D pairs in a cellular network, an interference information collection mechanism and a D2D resource allocation scheme, based on the graph-coloring theory, are proposed. Evaluation results showed that even high spatial spectrum reuse levels can be achieved, the interference collection and processing problem is quite complex, while additional signaling is needed. Taking this into account, a contention-based approach is proposed. Performance analysis shows that the efficiency of the proposed scheme depends on the number of competing devices. Towards restricting the number of competing devices, only to those that are in proximity and, thus, in valid positions for D2D communication, the device discovery problem is studied. Enhancements in the 3GPP standardized access network are proposed, enabling a resource request / allocation procedure for device discovery transmissions. In parallel, a spatial spectrum reuse scheme is designed and evaluated, as an effort to reduce the consumption of radio resources for discovery transmissions. Analytical and simulation results show that, under certain conditions for the network density, a number of discovery transmissions can be enabled in a multi-cellular network even if no interference information is available.Σκοπός της διατριβής είναι να μελετηθούν και να αντιμετωπιστούν οι προκλήσεις που προκύπτουν από την εισαγωγή φεμτοκυψελών και την υιοθέτηση επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή σε κυψελωτά Long Term Evolution - LTE και LTE-Advanced - LTE-A δίκτυα με φεμτοκυψέλες και με επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε-συσκευή. Αρχικά μελετήθηκαν τα LTE/LTE-A κυψελωτά δίκτυα ως προς το φυσικό επίπεδο, την αρχιτεκτονική και τις παρεμβολές, αποτυπώνοντας και την τρέχουσα κατάσταση στο τομέα της προτυποποίησης των φεμτοκυψελών και των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή. Ακολούθησε μια συγκριτική μελέτη μηχανισμών διαχείρισης παρεμβολών σε κανάλια ελέγχου ενός LTE/LTE-A δικτύου με φεμτοκυψέλες και ένας καινοτόμος μηχανισμός ελέγχου ισχύος για μεταδόσεις φεμτοκυψελών, βασισμένος στην ποιότητα εμπειρίας στο τελικό χρήστη. Η δουλειά αυτή άνοιξε νέους ερευνητικούς ορίζοντες, όπου το επίπεδο ικανοποίησης του τελικού χρήστη παίζει ενεργό ρόλο στη διαχείριση του δικτύου. Στην συνέχεια, το κύριο βάρος της μελέτης μεταφέρθηκε στο πρόβλημα της διαχείρισης του φάσματος και των παρεμβολών στο πολύ πιο δυναμικό περιβάλλον ενός κυψελωτού δικτύου όπου επιτρέπονται οι επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε-συσκευή. Σε πρώτη φάση, θεωρήθηκε ένα σύνολο από ζεύγη συσκευών που επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους με επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε-συσκευή και προτάθηκε ένας μηχανισμός συλλογής πληροφορίας παρεμβολών και ένα σχήμα ανάθεσης πόρων βασισμένο στη θεωρία γράφων. Το κύριο αποτέλεσμα της μελέτης αυτής ήταν πως αν και υψηλά επίπεδα χωρικής επαναχρησιμοποίησης μπορούν να επιτευχθούν, η συλλογή και η επεξεργασία πληροφορίας παρεμβολών είναι ένα πολύπλοκο πρόβλημα το οποίο απαιτεί και επιπλέον πόρους σηματοδοσίας. Έτσι, προτάθηκε και αναλύθηκε μίας λύση βασισμένη στον ανταγωνισμό. Μαθηματική ανάλυση του σχήματος έδειξε ισχυρή εξάρτηση των επιδόσεων από το πλήθος των χρηστών που ανταγωνίζονται για το φάσμα. Σε μια προσπάθεια περιορισμού του πλήθους των ανταγωνιζόμενων χρηστών μόνο σε αυτούς που βρίσκονται σε γειτνίαση, μελετήθηκε το πρόβλημα της ανίχνευσης γειτονικής συσκευής. Προτάθηκαν βελτιώσεις στο LTE/LTE-A δίκτυο πρόσβασης ώστε να επιτρέπεται η ανάθεση φάσματος για μεταδόσεις ανίχνευσης γειτονικών συσκευών. Παράλληλα, δεδομένου ότι και για τις μεταδόσεις αυτές απαιτείται η κατανάλωση φάσματος, σχεδιάστηκε και αξιολογήθηκε λύση βασισμένη στη χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση φάσματος. Το βασικό συμπέρασμα ήταν ότι λόγω των χαμηλών απαιτήσεων ποιότητας των μηνυμάτων ανίχνευσης, μπορεί να επιτραπεί η χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση του κυψελωτού φάσματος για μεταδόσεις ανίχνευσης συσκευής

    Data-Driven AI Models within a User-Defined Optimization Objective Function in Cement Production

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    This paper explores the energy-intensive cement industry, focusing on a plant in Greece and its mill and kiln unit. The data utilized include manipulated, non-manipulated, and uncontrolled variables. The non-manipulated variables are computed based on the machine learning (ML) models and selected by the minimum value of the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) across nine (9) methods. In case the distribution of the data displayed in the user interface changes, the user should trigger the retrain of the AI models to ensure their accuracy and robustness. To form the objective function, the expert user should define the desired weight for each manipulated or non-manipulated variable through the user interface (UI), along with its corresponding constraints or target value. The user selects the variables involved in the objective function based on the optimization strategy, and the evaluation is based on the comparison of the optimized and the active value of the objective function. The differential evolution (DE) method optimizes the objective function that is formed by the linear combination of the selected variables. The results indicate that using DE improves the operation of both the cement mill and kiln, yielding a lower objective function value compared to the current values

    Towards continuously programmable networks

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    <p>While programmability has been a feature of network devices for a long time, the past decade has seen significant enhancement of programming capability for network functions and nodes, spearheaded by the ongoing trend towards softwarization and cloudification. In his context, new design principles and technology enablers are introduced (Section 7.2) which reside2 at: (i) service/application provisioning level, (ii) network and resource management level, as well as (iii) network deployment and connectivity level.</p&gt

    Innovation Trends in I4.0 enabled by 5G and Beyond Networks

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    <p>The Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept revolutionizes how processes like quality, productivity, customization, and safety are managed in manufacturing. It has developed alongside 5G technology, and the two influence each other significantly. 5G supports the communication needs of I4.0, while I4.0 is a major sector for 5G growth. This whitepaper offers a comprehensive view of I4.0 design principles, driven by collaboration between I4.0 leaders and contributors to 5G development. It also assesses the applicability of 5G for short and mid-term I4.0 challenges based on input from stakeholders. The report touches on evolving 5G technologies, like Deterministic Networking and Digital Twining, and explores the future of ecosystem dynamics, regulation, and sustainability. Ultimately, it provides valuable insights into the synergy between I4.0 and 5G, drawing from leading 5G-PPP Phase III projects.</p&gt