31 research outputs found
Comprehensive characterization of the neurogenic and neuroprotective action of a novel TrkB agonist using mouse and human stem cell models of Alzheimer’s disease
Background: Neural stem cell (NSC) proliferation and differentiation in the mammalian brain decreases to minimal levels postnatally. Nevertheless, neurogenic niches persist in the adult cortex and hippocampus in rodents, primates and humans, with adult NSC differentiation sharing key regulatory mechanisms with development. Adult neurogenesis impairments have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology. Addressing these impairments by using neurotrophic factors is a promising new avenue for therapeutic intervention based on neurogenesis. However, this possibility has been hindered by technical difficulties of using in-vivo models to conduct screens, including working with scarce NSCs in the adult brain and differences between human and mouse models or ethical limitations. Methods: Here, we use a combination of mouse and human stem cell models for comprehensive in-vitro characterization of a novel neurogenic compound, focusing on the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) pathway. The ability of ENT-A011, a steroidal dehydroepiandrosterone derivative, to activate the tyrosine receptor kinase B (TrkB) receptor was tested through western blotting in NIH-3T3 cells and its neurogenic and neuroprotective action were assessed through proliferation, cell death and Amyloid-β (Aβ) toxicity assays in mouse primary adult hippocampal NSCs, mouse embryonic cortical NSCs and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) differentiated from three human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from healthy and AD donors. RNA-seq profiling was used to assess if the compound acts through the same gene network as BDNF in human NPCs. Results: ENT-A011 was able to increase proliferation of mouse primary adult hippocampal NSCs and embryonic cortical NSCs, in the absence of EGF/FGF, while reducing Aβ-induced cell death, acting selectively through TrkB activation. The compound was able to increase astrocytic gene markers involved in NSC maintenance, protect hippocampal neurons from Αβ toxicity and prevent synapse loss after Aβ treatment. ENT-A011 successfully induces proliferation and prevents cell death after Aβ toxicity in human NPCs, acting through a core gene network shared with BDNF as shown through RNA-seq. Conclusions: Our work characterizes a novel BDNF mimetic with preferable pharmacological properties and neurogenic and neuroprotective actions in Alzheimer’s disease via stem cell-based screening, demonstrating the promise of stem cell systems for short-listing competitive candidates for further testing
System and market integration of wind power in Denmark
Denmark has more than 10 years’ of experience with a wind share of approximately 20 per cent. During these 10 years, electricity markets have been subject to developments with a key focus on integrating wind power as well as trading electricity with neighbouring countries. This article introduces a methodology to analyse and understand the current market integration of wind power and concludes that the majority of Danish wind power in the period 2004–2008 was used to meet the domestic demand. Based on a physical analysis, at least 63 per cent of Danish wind power was used domestically in 2008. To analyse the remaining 37 per cent, we must apply a market model to identify cause–effect relationships. The Danish case does not illustrate any upper limit for wind power integration, as also illustrated by Danish political targets to integrate 50 per cent by 2020. In recent years, Danish wind power has been financed solely by the electricity consumers, while maintaining production prices below the EU average. The net influence from wind power has been as low as 1–3 per cent of the consumer price. Keywords: Wind power, Wind power integration, Wind power cost, Energy system analysis, Electricity market
A community effort in SARS-CoV-2 drug discovery.
peer reviewedThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a substantial threat to human lives and is likely to do so for years to come. Despite the availability of vaccines, searching for efficient small-molecule drugs that are widely available, including in low- and middle-income countries, is an ongoing challenge. In this work, we report the results of an open science community effort, the "Billion molecules against Covid-19 challenge", to identify small-molecule inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 or relevant human receptors. Participating teams used a wide variety of computational methods to screen a minimum of 1 billion virtual molecules against 6 protein targets. Overall, 31 teams participated, and they suggested a total of 639,024 molecules, which were subsequently ranked to find 'consensus compounds'. The organizing team coordinated with various contract research organizations (CROs) and collaborating institutions to synthesize and test 878 compounds for biological activity against proteases (Nsp5, Nsp3, TMPRSS2), nucleocapsid N, RdRP (only the Nsp12 domain), and (alpha) spike protein S. Overall, 27 compounds with weak inhibition/binding were experimentally identified by binding-, cleavage-, and/or viral suppression assays and are presented here. Open science approaches such as the one presented here contribute to the knowledge base of future drug discovery efforts in finding better SARS-CoV-2 treatments.R-AGR-3826 - COVID19-14715687-CovScreen (01/06/2020 - 31/01/2021) - GLAAB Enric
FEPrepare: A Web-Based Tool for Automating the Setup of Relative Binding Free Energy Calculations
Relative binding free energy calculations in drug design are becoming a useful tool in facilitating lead binding affinity optimization in a cost- and time-efficient manner. However, they have been limited by technical challenges such as the manual creation of large numbers of input files to set up, run, and analyze free energy simulations. In this Application Note, we describe FEPrepare, a novel web-based tool, which automates the setup procedure for relative binding FEP calculations for the dual-topology scheme of NAMD, one of the major MD engines, using OPLS-AA force field topology and parameter files. FEPrepare provides the user with all necessary files needed to run a FEP/MD simulation with NAMD. FEPrepare can be accessed and used at https://feprepare.vi-seem.eu/