11 research outputs found

    Construction of PAI Learning Model Based on Knowledge Society at UIN Satu Tulungagung and IAIN Kediri, Indonesia

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    This article aims to explore the construction of knowledge society-based PAI learning models in Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKI). This article was compiled based on qualitative research with a case study type. The locus of this research is UIN SATU Tulungagung and IAIN Kediri. Data collection methods used by researchers are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study is descriptive-analysis and content analysis. The flow used in interpreting this research is a qualitative data analysis technique with an interactive model proposed by Miles-Huberman, including the stages of data collection, reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. This article concludes that the competence of lecturers in the use of IT and the various competencies of students are still the biggest obstacles faced by UIN SATU Tulungagung and IAIN Kediri in implementing knowledge society-based PAI learning. In addition, the academic culture on both campuses has not run optimally. The two campuses have the same construction of the knowledge society-based Islamic education learning model, especially in terms of enforcing academic freedom in the lecture process, routinely discussing Islamic religious education lecturers to equalize perceptions in providing inclusive PAI material within the moderation frame, and optimizing the use of IT for Islamic Islamic education lectures. What makes the difference is that UIN SATU Tulungagung implements knowledge society-based PAI learning by applying a collaborative learning model to the lecture process. Meanwhile, IAIN Kediri focuses on implementing the cooperative learning model to optimize PAI learning in the classroom

    Evaluasi kesiapan lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam dalam menghadapi era digital

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    This article discusses the readiness of Islamic tertiary institutions in facing the digital era. This article is written based on field research with a qualitative method of evaluating gap models. The Kediri State Islamic Institute (IAIN) and the Kediri Tribakti Islamic Institute (IAIT) were selected as research locations. The results of this study indicate that the readiness of IAIN Kediri in facing the digital era is still not optimal. Likewise, with the readiness of IAIT, where the leadership's support in facing the digital era is hampered by limited abilities. The competence of the IAIN Kediri lecturers in delivering lectures online is quite good. Likewise, the competence of IAIT Kediri lecturers in delivering lectures online is still relatively low. Infrastructure readiness at IAIN Kediri to support education in the Digital Age is good, but not yet fully available. Meanwhile the infrastructure readiness at IAIT Kediri is also quite good, but needs various improvements. It takes synergy and collaboration from all elements of Higher Education in facing the demands of the digital age.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas kesiapan lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam dalam menghadapi era digital. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif model evaluasi ketimpangan. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri dan Institut Agama Islam Tribakti (IAIT) Kediri dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan IAIN Kediri dalam menghadapi era digital masih belum optimal. Begitu pula dengan kesiapan IAIT, di mana dukungan pimpinan dalam menghadapi era digital terbentur dengan keterbatasan kemampuan. Kompetensi para dosen IAIN Kediri dalam menyampaikan perkuliahan secara online (daring) terbilang cukup bagus. Begitu juga dengan kompetensi para dosen IAIT Kediri dalam menyampaikan perkuliahan secara online masih tergolong rendah. Kesiapan infrastruktur di IAIN Kediri untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan di Era Digital sudah bagus, namun belum sepenuhnya tersedia. Sementara itu kesiapan infrastruktur di IAIT Kediri juga cukup bagus, namun perlu berbagai perbaikan. Dibutuhkan sinergi dan kolaborasi dari seluruh elemen Perguruan Tinggi dalam menghadapi tuntutan era digital

    Management System of Education: Conceptual Similarity (Integration) between Japanese Learning System and Islamic Learning System in Indonesia

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    The changing times that followed the development of technology made the education system management must be updated to suit the needs and conditions of the environment. In this article, we look for information about the education system in two different countries, namely Japan and Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out the integration between the two countries that have different education management systems. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. In this research also, the research method is based on the philosophy of postpositivism, using natural conditions or objects. The instrument used to find out information on the education system in each school uses 10 questions and looks for curriculum information data in general in each country. The findings in this study found that, although the management of the education systems of the two countries was slightly different, Indonesian students could compete to continue their tertiary education to developed countries. Besides, the education system in Japan does not make students from Indonesia experience difficulties

    Model Evaluasi Aspek Afektif pada Pendidikan Agama Islam di Madrasah Aliyah dan Pondok Pesantren.

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model evaluasi aspek afektif pada pendidikan agama Islam di madrasah aliyah dan pondok pesantren. Model ini bermanfaat untuk mengadakan perbaikan pengembangan aspek afektif dalam proses pendidikan agama Islam di Madrasah Aliyah dan Pondok Pesantren. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Cennamo & Kalk (2005), yang tersebut terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu: 1) tahap pra-pengembangan model, 2) tahap pengembangan model konseptual, dan 3) tahap penerapan model. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan penilaian diri dengan responden 670 orang peserta didik di empat lembaga pendidikan yang terdiri atas dua madrasah aliyah dan dua pondok pesantren di wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota Kediri. Validasi instrumen menggunakan Content Validity melalui FGD dan validasi konstruk menggunakan Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) dan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Estimasi reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan formula Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Model Evaluasi Aspek Afektif pada Pendidikan Agama Islam (EAPAI) dapat memberikan informasi yang tepat, akurat, dan komprehensif, serta bermanfaat secara optimal bagi Pendidikan Agama Islam. 2) Komponen model EAPAI terdiri atas Input, Process, dan Output. 3) Model EAPAI memiliki kecocokan yang baik (good fit), karena p value = 0,3207; Nilai GFI = 0,94; Nilai RMSEA = 0,019; AGFI = 0,91; NFI = 0,96; dan nilai CFI =1.00. 4) Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen angket secara gabungan adalah reliabel, dengan koefisien Alpha (0.827) > 0.7. 5) Model EAPAI cukup efektif untuk madrasah aliyah dan pondok pesantren dengan rerata skor 3.6. dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 4. 6) Panduan penggunaan model EAPAI masuk dalam kategori baik dengan rerata skor 3.6. dalam skala 1 sampai dengan 4

    To serve and to protect

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    Evaluation of the Application of Blended Learning in PAI Subjects at SMAN 1 Prambon, Nganjuk

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    This article aims to evaluate the application of blended learning in the eyes of Islamic Education at SMA Negeri 1 Prambon, Nganjuk. This article is prepared based on qualitative approach field research with the type of evaluative research. Researchers use Stufflebeam's CIPP theory which includes aspects of context, input, process, and product. Data was collected through interviews, observation, documentation, and questionnaires. Then, the data is analyzed interactively as Miles-Huberman theory, which includes data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. This article concludes: 1) Context: the application of blended learning is designed by the school to provide reinforcement to students after previously learning was carried out fully online. 2) Inputs: schools provide adequate infrastructure, encourage collaboration between teachers and computer laboratory operators in managing blended learning, and allocate funding proportionally from the government to each student. 3) Process: face-to-face learning is used as a reinforcement of online learning (via Youtube) that has been implemented. Attendance is done through the school website. Formative assessment is carried out through google form.  Learning montoring is carried out online and periodically to minimize obstacles in learning, such as student attendance, IT mastery, internet connection, and device storage. 4) Product: assessment of learning outcomes on students' spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge, and skills is carried out through questionnaires. In general, student learning outcomes fall into the good category in all aspects