20,788 research outputs found

    Phonon-mediated tuning of instabilities in the Hubbard model at half-filling

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    We obtain the phase diagram of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice in the presence of Einstein phonons. We find that the interplay between the instantaneous electron-electron repulsion and electron-phonon interaction leads to new phases. In particular, a dx2y2_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconducting phase emerges when both anisotropic phonons and repulsive Hubbard interaction are present. For large electron-phonon couplings, charge-density-wave and s-wave superconducting regions also appear in the phase diagram, and the widths of these regions are strongly dependent on the phonon frequency, indicating that retardation effects play an important role. Since at half-filling the Fermi surface is nested, spin-density-wave is recovered when the repulsive interaction dominates. We employ a functional multiscale renormalization-group method that includes both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, and take retardation effects fully into account.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Eigenstructure Assignment Based Controllers Applied to Flexible Spacecraft

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the behaviour of a controller designed using a parametric Eigenstructure Assignment method and to evaluate its suitability for use in flexible spacecraft. The challenge of this objective lies in obtaining a suitable controller that is specifically designated to alleviate the deflections and vibrations suffered by external appendages in flexible spacecraft while performing attitude manoeuvres. One of the main problems in these vehicles is the mechanical cross-coupling that exists between the rigid and flexible parts of the spacecraft. Spacecraft with fine attitude pointing requirements need precise control of the mechanical coupling to avoid undesired attitude misalignment. In designing an attitude controller, it is necessary to consider the possible vibration of the solar panels and how it may influence the performance of the rest of the vehicle. The nonlinear mathematical model of a flexible spacecraft is considered a close approximation to the real system. During the process of controller evaluation, the design process has also been taken into account as a factor in assessing the robustness of the system

    Exotic Superconducting Phases of Ultracold Atom Mixtures on Triangular Lattices

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    We study the phase diagram of two-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures of ultracold atoms on a triangular optical lattice, in the limit when the velocity of bosonic condensate fluctuations is much larger than the Fermi velocity. We contrast this work with our previous results for a square lattice system in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 97}, 030601 (2006). Using functional renormalization group techniques we show that the phase diagrams for a triangular lattice contain exotic superconducting phases. For spin-1/2 fermions on an isotropic lattice we find a competition of ss-, pp-, extended dd-, and ff-wave symmetry, as well as antiferromagnetic order. For an anisotropic lattice, we further find an extended p-wave phase. A Bose-Fermi mixture with spinless fermions on an isotropic lattice shows a competition between pp- and ff-wave symmetry. These phases can be traced back to the geometric shapes of the Fermi surfaces in various regimes, as well as the intrinsic frustration of a triangular lattice.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, extended version, slight modification

    Unconventional Spin Density Waves in Dipolar Fermi Gases

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    The conventional spin density wave (SDW) phase (Overhauser, 1962), as found in antiferromagnetic metal for example (Fawcett 1988), can be described as a condensate of particle-hole pairs with zero angular momentum, =0\ell=0, analogous to a condensate of particle-particle pairs in conventional superconductors. While many unconventional superconductors with Cooper pairs of finite \ell have been discovered, their counterparts, density waves with non-zero angular momenta, have only been hypothesized in two-dimensional electron systems (Nayak, 2000). Using an unbiased functional renormalization group analysis, we here show that spin-triplet particle-hole condensates with =1\ell=1 emerge generically in dipolar Fermi gases of atoms (Lu, Burdick, and Lev, 2012) or molecules (Ospelkaus et al., 2008; Wu et al.) on optical lattice. The order parameter of these exotic SDWs is a vector quantity in spin space, and, moreover, is defined on lattice bonds rather than on lattice sites. We determine the rich quantum phase diagram of dipolar fermions at half-filling as a function of the dipolar orientation, and discuss how these SDWs arise amidst competition with superfluid and charge density wave phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Relaxation Times of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We have measured temperature (TT)- and power-dependent electron spin resonance in bulk single-wall carbon nanotubes to determine both the spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times, T1T_1 and T2T_2. We observe that T11T_1^{-1} increases linearly with TT from 4 to 100 K, whereas T21T_2^{-1} {\em decreases} by over a factor of two when TT is increased from 3 to 300 K. We interpret the T11TT_1^{-1} \propto T trend as spin-lattice relaxation via interaction with conduction electrons (Korringa law) and the decreasing TT dependence of T21T_2^{-1} as motional narrowing. By analyzing the latter, we find the spin hopping frequency to be 285 GHz. Last, we show that the Dysonian lineshape asymmetry follows a three-dimensional variable-range hopping behavior from 3 to 20 K; from this scaling relation, we extract a localization length of the hopping spins to be \sim100 nm.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Broken time-reversal symmetry in Josephson junction involving two-band superconductors

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    A novel time-reversal symmetry breaking state is found theoretically in the Josephson junction between the two-gap superconductor and the conventional s-wave superconductor. This occurs due to the frustration between the three order parameters analogous to the two antiferromagnetically coupled XY-spins put under a magnetic field. This leads to the interface states with the energies inside the superconducting gap. Possible experimental observations of this state with broken time-reversal symmetry are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Orbital symmetry fingerprints for magnetic adatoms in graphene

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    In this paper, we describe the formation of local resonances in graphene in the presence of magnetic adatoms containing localized orbitals of arbitrary symmetry, corresponding to any given angular momentum state. We show that quantum interference effects which are naturally inbuilt in the honeycomb lattice in combination with the specific orbital symmetry of the localized state lead to the formation of fingerprints in differential conductance curves. In the presence of Jahn-Teller distortion effects, which lift the orbital degeneracy of the adatoms, the orbital symmetries can lead to distinctive signatures in the local density of states. We show that those effects allow scanning tunneling probes to characterize adatoms and defects in graphene.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Added discussion about the multi-orbital case and the validity of the single orbital picture. Published versio

    Thermalization and its Breakdown for a Large Nonlinear Spin

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    By developing a semi-classical analysis based on the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, we determine the long time behavior of a large spin evolving with a nonlinear Hamiltonian. Despite integrable classical dynamics, we find the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis for the diagonal matrix elements of observables is satisfied in the majority of eigenstates, and thermalization of long time averaged observables is generic. The exception is a novel mechanism for the breakdown of thermalization based on an unstable fixed point in the classical dynamics. Using the semi-classical analysis we derive how the equilibrium values of observables encode properties of the initial state. This analysis shows an unusual memory effect in which the remembered initial state property is not conserved in the integrable classical dynamics. We conclude with a discussion of relevant experiments and the potential generality of this mechanism for long time memory and the breakdown of thermalization.Comment: 10 page

    Weak dipole moment of τ\tau in e+ee^+e^- collisions with longitudinally polarized electrons

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    It is pointed out that certain CP-odd momentum correlations in the production and subsequent decay of tau pairs in e+ee^+e^- collisions get enhanced when the ee^- is longitudinally polarized. Analytic expressions for these correlations are obtained for the single-pion decay mode of τ\tau when τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- have a ``weak" dipole form factor (WDFF) coupling to ZZ . For e+ee^+e^- collisions at the ZZ peak, a sensitivity of about 1-5×1017\times 10^{-17}\mbox{ee cm} for the τ\tau WDFF can be reached using a {\em single} τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- decay channel, with 106Z10^6\, Z's likely to be available at the SLC at Stanford with ee^- polarization of 62\%-75\%.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, PRL-TH-93/17 (Revised

    Stable directions for small nonlinear Dirac standing waves

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    We prove that for a Dirac operator with no resonance at thresholds nor eigenvalue at thresholds the propagator satisfies propagation and dispersive estimates. When this linear operator has only two simple eigenvalues close enough, we study an associated class of nonlinear Dirac equations which have stationary solutions. As an application of our decay estimates, we show that these solutions have stable directions which are tangent to the subspaces associated with the continuous spectrum of the Dirac operator. This result is the analogue, in the Dirac case, of a theorem by Tsai and Yau about the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. To our knowledge, the present work is the first mathematical study of the stability problem for a nonlinear Dirac equation.Comment: 62 page