86 research outputs found

    Health outcomes of continuous positive airway pressure versus mandibular advancement device for the treatment of severe obstructive sleep apnea:an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Study Objectives: The impact of therapy with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and mandibular advancement device (MAD) has not been directly compared in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The purpose of this individual participant data meta-analysis was to compare the treatment effects of CPAP and titratable MAD on sleepiness, quality of life, sleep-disordered breathing severity, and sleep structure in patients with severe OSA. Methods: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that included severe OSA patients were identified in order to compare the impact of the two treatments. Individual data from severe OSA patients were extracted from the databases and pooled for analysis. Results: Of the seven studies identified, three crossover RCT and one parallel-group RCT corresponding to 151 patients and 249 observations (125 in the CPAP treatment arm and 124 in the MAD treatment arm) were included in the analysis. Titratable MAD had a similar impact to CPAP on major patient-centered outcomes (sleepiness and quality of life). CPAP was more effective in reducing AHI and ODI. However, the two treatments had a similar impact on sleep structure with an increase of N3 and REM sleep. Finally, treatment adherence and preference were largely in favor of MAD. Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that MAD represents an effective alternative treatment in severe OSA patients intolerant to CPAP or who prefer alternate therapy

    Heterogeneity of Melanoma Cell Responses to Sleep Apnea-Derived Plasma Exosomes and to Intermittent Hypoxia

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with increased cutaneous melanoma incidence and adverse outcomes. Exosomes are secreted by most cells, and play a role in OSA-associated tumor progression and metastasis. We aimed to study the effects of plasma exosomes from OSA patients before and after adherent treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on melanoma cells lines, and also to identify exosomal miRNAs from melanoma cells exposed to intermittent hypoxia (IH) or normoxia. Plasma-derived exosomes were isolated from moderate-tosevere OSA patients before (V1) and after (V2) adherent CPAP treatment for one year. Exosomes were co-incubated with three3 different melanoma cell lines (CRL 1424; CRL 1619; CRL 1675) that are characterized by genotypes involving different mutations in BRAF, STK11, CDKN2A, and PTEN genes to assess the effect of exosomes on cell proliferation and migration, as well as on pAMK activity in the presence or absence of a chemical activator. Subsequently, CRL-1424 and CRL-1675 cells were exposed to intermittent hypoxia (IH) and normoxia, and exosomal miRNAs were identified followed by GO and KEG pathways and gene networks. The exosomes from these IH-exposed melanoma cells were also administered to THP1 macrophages to examine changes in M1 and M2 polarity markers. Plasma exosomes from V1 increased CRL-1424 melanoma cell proliferation and migration compared to V2, but not the other two cell lines. Exposure to CRL-1424 exosomes reduced pAMPK/tAMPK in V1 compared to V2, and treatment with AMPK activator reversed the effects. Unique exosomal miRNAs profiles were identified for CRL-1424 and CRL-1675 in IH compared to normoxia, with six miRNAs being regulated and several KEGG pathways were identified. Two M1 markers (CXCL10 and IL6) were significantly increased in monocytes when treated with exosomes from IH-exposed CRL-1424 and CRL-1625 cells. Our findings suggest that exosomes from untreated OSA patients increase CRL-1424 melanoma malignant properties, an effect that is not observed in two other melanoma cell lines. Exosomal cargo from CRL-1424 cells showed a unique miRNA signature compared to CRL-1675 cells after IH exposures, suggesting that melanoma cells are differentially susceptible to IH, even if they retain similar effects on immune cell polarity. It is postulated that mutations in STK-11 gene encoding for the serine/threonine kinase family that acts as a tumor suppressor may underlie susceptibility to IH-induced metabolic dysfunction, as illustrated by CRL1424 cells

    Circulating exosomes potentiate tumor malignant properties in a mouse model of chronic sleep fragmentation

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    Background: Chronic sleep fragmentation (SF) increases cancer aggressiveness in mice. Exosomes exhibit pleiotropic biological functions, including immune regulatory functions, antigen presentation, intracellular communication and inter-cellular transfer of RNA and proteins. We hypothesized that SF-induced alterations in biosynthesis and cargo of plasma exosomes may affect tumor cell properties. Results: SF-derived exosomes increased tumor cell proliferation (~13%), migration (~2.3-fold) and extravasation (~10%) when compared to exosomes from SC-exposed mice. Similarly, Pre exosomes from OSA patients significantly enhanced proliferation and migration of human adenocarcinoma cells compared to Post. SF-exosomal cargo revealed 3 discrete differentially expressed miRNAs, and exploration of potential mRNA targets in TC1 tumor cells uncovered 132 differentially expressed genes that encode for multiple cancer-related pathways. Methods: Plasma-derived exosomes from C57/B6 mice exposed to 6 wks of SF or sleep control (SC), and from adult human patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) before (Pre) and after adherent treatment for 6 wks (Post) were co-cultured with mouse lung TC1 or human adenocarcinoma tumor cell lines, respectively. Proliferation, migration, invasion, endothelial barrier integrity and extravasation assays of tumor cells were performed. Plasma mouse exosomal miRNAs were profiled with arrays, and transcriptomic assessments of TC1 cells exposed to SF or SC exosomes were conducted to identify gene targets. Conclusions: Chronic SF induces alterations in exosomal miRNA cargo that alter the biological properties of TC1 lung tumor cells to enhance their proliferative, migratory and extravasation properties, and similar findings occur in OSA patients, in whom SF is a constitutive component of their sleep disorder. Thus, exosomes could participate, at least in part, in the adverse cancer outcomes observed in OSA

    Impact vasculaire et métabolique de l'hypoxie intermittente et de l'obésité dans un modèle murin

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    Decades increases the prevalence of many overweigh tassociated diseases including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Both OSA and obesity are considered as independent cardio-vascular and metabolic risk factors.The frequent association of OSA and obesity in clinical setting makes difficult to investigate their independent contribution to metabolic and vascular diseases. In the present thesis, we aimed to evaluate the impact of a short term intermittent hypoxia (IH), (animal model of OSA), of a high fat diet (HFD), and of both experimental conditions together (IH and HFD) on the vascular and metabolic outcomes. Short term IH alone had no impact on glucose and lipids levels and mitochondrial and vascular function. Animals fed with HFD presented dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis, mitochondrial and endothelial dysfunction. Interestingly, when short term IH was applied to HFD fed mice, insulin level was increased, restored endothelial function and mitochondrial activity was restored and limited liver lipid accumulation was limited.Those data underline the polymorphic effects of IH that might target beneficial outcomes when applied for a short term in obesity, which contrast with the deleterious long term outcomes observed in OSA.L’augmentation constante de l’obésité dans les populations occidentales accroit la prévalence de nombreuses maladies liées au surpoids parmi lesquelles le syndrome d’apnées hypopnées du sommeil (SAHOS). Le SAHOS et l’obésité représentent deux facteurs de risque indépendants du développement de maladie cardiovasculaires (CV) et métaboliques. Etant souvent associés en pratique clinique, l’étude de leurs effets vasculaires et métaboliques spécifiques est difficile. Pour nous affranchir de cette problématique, nous avons étudié chez la souris, les effets respectifs et combinés d'un régime riche en graisse et/ou de 15 jours d'exposition à des conditions d'hypoxie intermittente (HI) mimant le SAHOS, sur les paramètres vasculaires et métaboliques. L’HI seule n'avait aucun impact sur le bilan-glucido lipidique, la fonction mitochondriale hépatique et la fonction vasculaire des animaux. Les animaux soumis au RRG présentaient une dyslipidémie,une stéatose hépatique, une dysfonction mitochondriale ainsi qu'une une dysfonction endothéliale. Lorsque l’HI était appliquée aux animaux recevant le RRG, l’ensemble de ces dysfonctions vasculaires, hépatiques et mitochondriales était prévenu mais une hyperinslinémie marquée était notée. Ce travail illustre les effets polymorphes de l’HI qui, pour des durées d’exposition courtes, pourrait présenter des effets bénéfiques sur les altérations associées à l’obésité qui contrastent avec les effets délétères à plus long terme décrits dans le SAHOS

    Vascular and metabolic impact of short-term intermittent hypoxia and obesity in mice

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    L’augmentation constante de l’obésité dans les populations occidentales accroit la prévalence de nombreuses maladies liées au surpoids parmi lesquelles le syndrome d’apnées hypopnées du sommeil (SAHOS). Le SAHOS et l’obésité représentent deux facteurs de risque indépendants du développement de maladie cardiovasculaires (CV) et métaboliques. Etant souvent associés en pratique clinique, l’étude de leurs effets vasculaires et métaboliques spécifiques est difficile. Pour nous affranchir de cette problématique, nous avons étudié chez la souris, les effets respectifs et combinés d'un régime riche en graisse et/ou de 15 jours d'exposition à des conditions d'hypoxie intermittente (HI) mimant le SAHOS, sur les paramètres vasculaires et métaboliques. L’HI seule n'avait aucun impact sur le bilan-glucido lipidique, la fonction mitochondriale hépatique et la fonction vasculaire des animaux. Les animaux soumis au RRG présentaient une dyslipidémie,une stéatose hépatique, une dysfonction mitochondriale ainsi qu'une une dysfonction endothéliale. Lorsque l’HI était appliquée aux animaux recevant le RRG, l’ensemble de ces dysfonctions vasculaires, hépatiques et mitochondriales était prévenu mais une hyperinslinémie marquée était notée. Ce travail illustre les effets polymorphes de l’HI qui, pour des durées d’exposition courtes, pourrait présenter des effets bénéfiques sur les altérations associées à l’obésité qui contrastent avec les effets délétères à plus long terme décrits dans le SAHOS.Decades increases the prevalence of many overweigh tassociated diseases including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Both OSA and obesity are considered as independent cardio-vascular and metabolic risk factors.The frequent association of OSA and obesity in clinical setting makes difficult to investigate their independent contribution to metabolic and vascular diseases. In the present thesis, we aimed to evaluate the impact of a short term intermittent hypoxia (IH), (animal model of OSA), of a high fat diet (HFD), and of both experimental conditions together (IH and HFD) on the vascular and metabolic outcomes. Short term IH alone had no impact on glucose and lipids levels and mitochondrial and vascular function. Animals fed with HFD presented dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis, mitochondrial and endothelial dysfunction. Interestingly, when short term IH was applied to HFD fed mice, insulin level was increased, restored endothelial function and mitochondrial activity was restored and limited liver lipid accumulation was limited.Those data underline the polymorphic effects of IH that might target beneficial outcomes when applied for a short term in obesity, which contrast with the deleterious long term outcomes observed in OSA

    Overuse of Short-Acting Beta-2 Agonists (SABAs) in Elite Athletes: Hypotheses to Explain It

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    The use of short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABAs) is more common in elite athletes than in the general population, especially in endurance sports. The World Anti-Doping Code places some restrictions on prescribing inhaled β2-agonists. These drugs are used in respiratory diseases (such as asthma) that might reduce athletes’ performances. Recently, studies based on the results of the Olympic Games revealed that athletes with confirmed asthma/airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) outperformed their non-asthmatic rivals. This overuse of SABA by high-level athletes, therefore, raises some questions, and many explanatory hypotheses are proposed. Asthma and EIB have a high prevalence in elite athletes, especially within endurance sports. It appears that many years of intensive endurance training can provoke airway injury, EIB, and asthma in athletes without any past history of respiratory diseases. Some sports lead to a higher risk of asthma than others due to the hyperventilation required over long periods of time and/or the high environmental exposure while performing the sport (for example swimming and the associated chlorine exposure). Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) have a low efficacy in the treatment of asthma and EIB in elite athletes, leading to a much greater use of SABAs. A significant proportion of these high-level athletes suffer from non-allergic asthma, involving the th1-th17 pathway

    Assessment of the status of knowledge of proffessional soldiers about principles for granting first aid in conditions of battlefield

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    Medycyna pola walki różni się od postępowania ratowniczego w warunkach cywilnych. Schemat opieki nad poszkodowanym określają wytyczne TCCC, których znajomość pozwala żołnierzom ratować poszkodowanego, chronić jego zdrowie i życie oraz wykonać zadanie. Cel pracy obejmował ocenę stanu wiedzy żołnierzy zawodowych na temat zasad udzielania pierwszej pomocy w warunkach pola walki, a także analizę znajomości wytycznych TCCC. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone wśród 226 żołnierzy zawodowych za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza anonimowej ankiety internetowej.The medicine of the battlefield differs from the rescue procedures in civil conditions. The scheme of care of the wounded is defined by the quidelines of TCCC of which the acquaintance lets soldiers save the victim, to protect his health and life and to perform a task. The aim of this work included the assessment of the status of knowledge of professionals soldiers about principles for granting first aid in conditions of battlefield and analysis of knowledge quidelines TCCC. The research was conducted among 226 professionals soldiers by means of author's questionnaire of anonymous online survey