51 research outputs found


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    The article describes the role of geomechanics for forecasting the development of geosystems and ensuring the safety of mining operations during the transition to a new technological paradigm. The state and prospects of development of the mineral resource base, including the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, are considered. The directions of technological breakthroughs and the possibility of transforming industrial production based on «cross-cutting» technology and the digital economy are presented. The analysis of geomechanical problems was carried out considering advanced technological changes and the rapid growth of requirements for the preservation of the Earth’s interior and natural landscapes. The concept of the development of geomechanics and geodynamics to ensure rational subsoil use in terms of the use of «breakthrough» technology is proposed, and the need to integrate scientific and industry collaboration into the system of engineering and professional education is shown

    Effective Processing of the Iron Ores

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    The article suggests the method for forecast of surface deformation during excavation operations in restraint urban conditions using the slurry trench technique based on FEM simulation. The results of numerical simulation of the construction of a semi-underground structure with slurry trench technique are given. The regularities of the change in the stress-strain state are determined depending on the trench parameters and the physical-mechanical properties of the soils. The work presents the troughs of surface subsidence during the construction of an excavation using the slurry trench technique, the diagrams of bending moments, transverse and longitudinal forces arising in the trench. Numerical experiments in Plaxis 2D and 3D were performed to estimate the discrepancy between modeling results in a plane and volumetric formulation of the problem

    Ensuring the Safety of Construction Works During the Erection of Buildings and Structures

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    When constructing buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes, it is important to ensure safe working conditions for the tower crane operator and contractors of construction and installation works on the construction site, since these conditions largely determine the performance of the tower crane and the pace of construction in general. Accidents associated with the use of lifting equipment in construction often lead not only to injuries and death within the construction industry, but also affect passers-by who find themselves in the danger zone due to the non- compliance of the construction organization project with the requirements of existing codes of rules containing requirements for labor protection and industrial safety in construction. The article analyzes the causes of accidents in construction that result from the operation of tower cranes, as well as ways to ensure their reliable and safeoperation. The theoretical substantiation and engineering and technical solutions of safety during construction and installation works during the construction of objects due to the improvement of the design of the tower crane cabin and its equipment are offered. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of sensorimotor activity of the operator of the construction machine, which are the basis for engineering solutions developed at the level of inventions of tower cranes cabins of increased visibility and their equipment, are presented

    Исследование биоэквивалентности лекарственных средств Флутриксан и Нексавар

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    А replicate designed open-label, randomized, crossover single-dose bioequivalence study using three periods and three sequences was conducted to assess the comparative bioavailability of the sorafenib-containing medicinal products Flutrixan (200 mg tablet, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of NAS of Belarus, Belarus) and Nexavar (200 mg tablet, Bayer Pharma AG, Germany), in healthy volunteers under fasting conditions. It was shown that all criteria used to assess the bioequivalence of compared medicinal products were fulfilled. The Test/Reference geometric mean ratios obtained for the pharmacokinetic parameters Cmax and AUC0-72 and the corresponding 90 % confidence intervals were within the acceptance range of 80.0-125.0 %. Both sorafenib products were well tolerated and had a favorable safety profile. Therefore, it can be concluded that the generic medicinal product Flutrixan is bioequivalent to the reference medicinal product Nexavar.Открытое рандомизированное перекрестное с репликативным дизайном (3 периода, 3 последовательности) биоэквивалентное исследование было проведено с целью оценки сравнительной биодоступности сорафенибсо-держащих лекарственных средств Флутриксан (таблетки, покрытые пленочной оболочкой, 200 мг, производство Института биоорганической химии НАН Беларуси, Республика Беларусь) и Нексавар (таблетки, покрытые пленочной оболочкой, 200 мг, производство Bayer Pharma AG, Германия) в условиях однократного приема дозы натощак у здоровых добровольцев. Показано, что для сравниваемых лекарственных средств выполняются все критерии, использованные для установления их биоэквивалентности. Отношения геометрических средних исследуемых фармакокинетических параметров AUC0-72,T / AUC0-72,R и Cmax,T / Cmax,R и соответствующие 90 %-ные доверительные интервалы укладываются в допустимые границы интервала приемлемости (80,0-125,0 %). Оба лекарственных средства хорошо переносятся и имеют приемлемый профиль безопасности. С учетом этих данных можно заключить, что воспроизведенное лекарственное средство Флутриксан биоэквивалентно оригинальному лекарственному средству Нексавар

    Cell division: control of the chromosomal passenger complex in time and space

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    The performance of a legal profession (the Bar) in the Czech Republic and in Belorus

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    RESUMÉ THE PERFORMANCE OF A LEGAL PROFESSION (THE BAR) IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND IN BELARUS The aim of this thesis is to characterize the practice of law in the Czech Republic and Belarus. This theme was chosen because of the comparison of advocacy in both countries and also because of the limited number of literature sources about law practices and advocacy organization in Belarus, to at least briefly cover the operation of this Institute from the very beginning. Czech Republic and Belarus are democratic countries. Czech Republic is a parliamentary form of government. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (1994) it is a presidential republic, with strong centralization of legislative, executive and judicial power in the hands of the president, as evidenced by presidential decrees, which significantly affects the advocacy activities and organization in Belarus. A common feature of both countries is the nature of the mission of advocacy - providing skilled and professional legal assistance in accordance with the law; serving the principles of legality and justice. This thesis is systematically divided into individual chapters. The first chapter defines the key terms related to the Advocacy Institute and the right to legal assistance in general. The second chapter is devoted to the..