80 research outputs found

    The role of home and foreign prices on tradables and nontradables in RER fluctuations in Russia

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the factors responsible for RER appreciation in 2000—2006 years in Russia. Particularly, this study empirically evaluates how closely real exchange rate movements are related to movements in the relative price of nontraded to traded goods and to changes in the relative prices of tradable goods across countries in the data. The paper investigates the quarterly sample on Russian data in the period of RER appreciation: 2000.Q1- 2006.Q4. The macro data on price indices, GDP, RER etc. are taken from the official Goskomstat statistics. The central tool of analysis is the variance decomposition. The main hypothesis that is tested is the violation of the law of one price. The analytical papers of Ariel Burstein, Martin Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo and also the papers of Caroline Betts and Timothy Kehoe are considered as a basis for research approach in this study.Real Exchange Rate, Russia

    Teaching Biostatistics to Medical Students of the Altai State Medical University

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    The current research presents some principles and settings in teaching biostatistics. The purpose of study is to enhance the teaching of biostatistics in Russian medical schools and overcome some problems by applying new approaches and innovation techniques. The research included the questionnaire of students, teachers and postgraduates of the Altai State Medical University. There were applied different approaches and studying by means of learning system MOODLЕ with differentiated courses in biostatistics. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-square test and a P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The findings showed some new approaches and methods in education to improve the biostatistical competence of medical students. The changing in content of biostatistical course would increase students’ motivation if it were maximum approximated to the real medical cases. The analysis of the results proved that some approaches are more effective for teaching biostatistics. They allow students to study according to their personal educational goals and paths

    The role of home and foreign prices on tradables and nontradables in RER fluctuations in Russia

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the factors responsible for RER appreciation in 2000—2006 years in Russia. Particularly, this study empirically evaluates how closely real exchange rate movements are related to movements in the relative price of nontraded to traded goods and to changes in the relative prices of tradable goods across countries in the data. The paper investigates the quarterly sample on Russian data in the period of RER appreciation: 2000.Q1- 2006.Q4. The macro data on price indices, GDP, RER etc. are taken from the official Goskomstat statistics. The central tool of analysis is the variance decomposition. The main hypothesis that is tested is the violation of the law of one price. The analytical papers of Ariel Burstein, Martin Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo and also the papers of Caroline Betts and Timothy Kehoe are considered as a basis for research approach in this study

    Magnetic Resonance (MR) rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms

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    Purpose was the assessment of diagnostic efficiency of MR-rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms. 12 patients with polyps and small tumors of a rectum are examined, the size of detected neoplasms varied in the range 3-18 mm. Native MRI and MRI with retrograde contrasting by ultrasonic gel was carried out. Results of MRI are compared with results of videocolonoscopy. Sensitivity of native MRT was 24%, MR- rectography was 88%. MR-rectography can be used in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms


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    Aim. To compare in vitro the aerodynamic particle size distributions of original and generic inhalers, which contain both fluticasone (FP) and salmeterol (SM).Material and methods. The Next Generation Impactor (NGI; Copley Ltd., UK) was used to assess the particle size distribution and aerosol quality of two products to determine the equivalence in the aerosol released from the device. The first formulation was Seretide (SM/FP) 25/250 μg, an original SM/FP fixed combination developed by GlaxoSmithKline. The second formulation tested was Tevacomb 25/250 μg (SM/FP), the generic SM/FP fixed combination produced by Cipla. The mass of FP and SM recovered from each stage of impactor was quantified via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The impactor results were statistically evaluated by log transformation of the single data NGI. Results. Statistically significant differences were seen between the deposition profile of Seretide and Tevacomb obtained using the NGI. Evaluating the single stages results in estimation of nonequivalence for all stages except stage 5 (FP) since their confidence intervals (CI) were out of the range of the tight conventional bioequivalence limits of Ѓ} 15 % (0,85–1,18). Also differences were observed by number of parameters, including the fine particle dose (FPD), emitted dose (ED), mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), and geometric standard deviation (GSD) of SM and FP. Conclusion. These in vitro findings suggest that the particle size distributions of the generic formulation Tevacomb is not equivalent to that of the original product Seretide. Тест на аэродинамическое распределение частиц моделирует in vitro процессы, происходящие при вдыхании пациентом дозы аэрозольного препарата. Цель. Сравнить in vitro эквивалентность воспроизведенного (Тевакомб) и оригинального (Серетид) дозированных аэрозольных ингаляторов, содержащих флутиказона пропионат и салметерола ксинафоат по показателю «аэродинамическое распределение частиц». Материалы и методы. Исследуемые дозированные аэрозольные ингаляторы: Серетид, 25/250 (салметерола ксинафоат/флутиказона пропионат) мкг/доза, производство ГлаксоСмитКляйн Фармасьютикалсз, Польша, и Тевакомб, 25/250 (салметерола ксинафоат/флутиказона пропионат) мкг/доза, производство Ципла Лтд, Индия. В исследовании изучали по 6 образцов каждого из наименований ингалятора. Для моделирования in vitro вдоха пациента использовали 7-ступенчатый каскадный импактор нового поколения. Скорость потока воздуха через импактор составляла 30 Ѓ} 1 л/мин. Время ввода дозы аэрозоля — 8 с. К фракции мелкодисперсных частиц относили частицы с диаметром < 5 мкм. Количественный анализ частиц флутиказона пропионата и салметерола ксинафоата, собранных на ступенях импактора, проводили в соответствии с методами, описанными в Европейской фармакопее 6-го изд. Результаты. Результаты изучения аэродинамического распределения частиц на единичных ступенях показали статистически достоверное отличие между оригинальным и воспроизведенным дозированными аэрозольными ингаляторами. На всех ступенях, за исключением 5-й (для флутиказона пропионата), 90% доверительные интервалы не укладывались в нормируемый диапазон Ѓ} 15% (0,85–1,18). Различия подтвердились при определении таких статистически значимых параметров, как массмедианный аэродинамический диаметр частиц и геометрическое стандартное отклонение от массмедианного аэродинамического диаметра, а также значений фракции мелкодисперсных частиц (ФМЧ) и величины выпущенной дозы. Для салметерола ксинафоата величины ФМЧ составляли 42,06% (оригинальный ингалятор) и 35,53% (воспроизведенный ингалятор), для флутиказона пропионата — 42,94 и 35,44%, соответственно. Заключение. Результаты теста на аэродинамическое распределение частиц показали неэквивалентность обоих дозированных аэрозольных ингаляторов, что может обусловливать различия в фармакологических эффектах данных препаратов

    Анализ эффективности тромбопрофилактики у беременных с мезенхимальной дисплазией

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    the analysis of the effectiveness of thromboprophylaxis among pregnant women with mesenchymal dysplasia was carried out. It was concluded that it reduces the risk of thrombohemorrhagic complications and accordingly the economic costs of medical care.проведен анализ эффективности тромбопрофилактики у беременных с мезенхимальной дисплазией, при использовании которой во время беременности у таких пациенток снижается риск возникновения тромбогеморрагических осложнений и, следовательно, уменьшаются финансовые затраты

    Thrombolysis for massive pulmonary embolism in pregnancy: a case report

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    Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) in pregnancy might be related to challenges in targeting the right population for prevention. Such targeting could help ensure that the correct diagnosis is suspected and adequately investigated, and allow the initiation of the timely and best possible treatment of this disease. In the literature to date only 18 case reports of thrombolysis in pregnant women with PE have been reported, and showed beneficial effects for both mother and fetus in terms of mortality and complications with acceptable bleeding risks. We present here the case of a pregnant patient with massive PE who underwent successful thrombolysis. A 26-year-old pregnant (at 24 weeks) woman was admitted 4 h after onset of sudden acute dyspnea and chest pain. An immediate electrocardiogram showed a typical S1-Q3-T3 pattern. The echocardiogram showed a distended right ventricle with free-wall hypokinesia and displacement of the interventricular septum toward the left ventricle. Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase 10 mg bolus, then 90 mg over 2 h) was administered. Pelvic examination and ultrasound showed regular fetal heart beat, and regular placental and liquid presence. No problems developed for the mother or fetus in the subsequent days or at discharge. In conclusion, in pregnant patients with life-threatening massive PE, thrombolytic therapy can be administered, and the use of echocardiographic, laboratory, and clinical data can be useful tools to achieve a rapid diagnosis and make a therapeutic decision, but additional studies need to be performed to further define its use


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    A rare clinical case of synchronous cervical adenocarcinoma and primary squamous cell ovarian carcinoma has been presented. Epidemiological and treatment aspects have been analyzed.Представлен редкий клинический случай сочетания аденокарциномы шейки матки и первичного плоскоклеточного рака яичников, рассмотрены вопросы эпидемиологии данных нозологий, тактика лечения