661 research outputs found

    Seasonal prices for meat animals

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    "Seasonal price changes are important to consider when developing or making adjustments in a livestock production program. The following charts present the average monthly price variations for several classes of livestock for 1976-85."--First page.Glenn Grimes, Ron Plain and Joe Trujillo (Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture)Revised 8/86/7

    Detecting fine-grained population codes in human prefrontal cortex

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    In this project, we will develop techniques for improving our measurement resolution so that we can gain access to prefrontal population codes. We will combine high-field fMRI with pattern analysis techniques to unlock population coding in the prefrontal cortex. This is essential for understanding how the brain supports higher-order cognition, and ultimately, for treating dysfunctions of cognitive flexibility in the clinic.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/brainscanprojectsummaries/1043/thumbnail.jp

    Efecto de la melaza y carbón molido en la estabilización de subrasante en vía no pavimentada, distrito de Laredo, Trujillo

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    Gran porcentaje de los caminos vecinales en nuestro país están a nivel de trocha o a nivel de afirmado. Así se evidencia un camino vecinal que esta ubicado en el distrito de Laredo, provincia de Trujillo, departamento de la Libertad. Una vía de aproximadamente 1 km que une el pueblo de la Galindo con la vía principal que una la sierra liberteña. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal, determiner el efecto del carbón molido y melaza de caña en la estabilización de suelos subrasante en via no pavimentada, distrito de Laredo, Trujillo, y para eso en esta investigación se están realizando ensayos con melaza de caña y carbón molido mineral ya que estos 2 elementos abundan en la zona, y con cuál de estos 2 elementos podemos llegar a una dosificación adecuada para lograr una buena estabilización del suelo. Los porcentajes que se han utilizado en melaza son del 3%, 6% y 9% en peso del afirmado seco y carbón molido mineral 3%, 6% y 9% en peso del afirmado seco. Mediante un cuadro comparativo se muestra las dosificaciones optimas y resultados para cada producto en los porcentajes aplicados en los ensayos de acuerdo a las normas que consigna el ministerio de transporte y comunicaciones. Despues de realizar los 104 ensayos en las muestras tomadas en el distrito de Laredo vemos que el major estabilizante para el suelo viene a ser la melaza ya que mejorar en los todos los porcentajes añadidos en las muestras patron

    FAPRI 2000 World Agricultural Outlook

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    The Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) prepares a preliminary agricultural outlook on world agricultural production, consumption, and trade every fall. This is followed by an outside review, re-evaluation of projections, and completion of the final baseline in January. The FAPRI 2000 World Agricultural Outlook presents these final projections for world agricultural markets. A companion volume, the FAPRI 2000 U.S. Agricultural Outlook, presents the U.S. component of the baseline. FAPRI projections assume average weather patterns worldwide, existing policy, and policy commitments under current trade agreements. FAPRI projections do not include conjectures on potential policy changes, such as those resulting from the likely eastward enlargement of the European Union (EU). The baseline predicts recovery of world agricultural production, consumption, and trade, but with remaining price weakness for crops. Stock-to-use ratios in world crop markets remain high despite the strong recovery of Asian and Latin American economies. Above-average yields kept world production high relative to demand in 1999. In contrast, pork and beef prices are increasing significantly above their 1999 level. The physical volume of U.S. agricultural exports is projected to reverse the downward trend of fiscal year (FY) 1999, whereas the value of agricultural exports continue to decline for one more year before recovering because of low crop prices in 2000/01. World crop trade is projected to increase by 55 million metric tons (mmt) in the coming decade, with the United States capturing 49 percent of the expanded market, but still unable to increase its market share by a large percentage. Following this expansion of the market, grain prices increase by 35 percent in the projection period, but still stay well below the peak of 1995/96. The increase in world crop trade reflects the increasing specialization occurring in world agriculture. Increased market access and land scarcity in many Asian economies induce them to import grains and oilseeds to meet their feed demand. Developing Asia remains the fastest growing market for corn in the next decade. With implementation of Agenda 2000 reforms, the EU will reduce its wheat domestic price relative to the world price and will export wheat without subsidies after 2004, constraining gains in market shares for the United States. EU barley exports will expand significantly in the coming years but are likely to be constrained by General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) commitments on export subsidies after 2004. World meat trade will increase by 31 percent over the next decade. The United States has become a competitive producer and exporter of meat products. In the coming decade, the United States will experience the largest meat export growth rates among major exporters of beef, pork, and broilers. U.S. exporters capture more than 70 percent of the growth in trade, increasing their share of the combined meat markets from 23 percent in 1999 to 37 percent in 2009. Meat imports are recovering and expanding rapidly in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. In Japan, the share of imports in consumption increases from 38 percent in the 1990s to 49 percent at the end of the next decade. Taiwan meat imports will triple from 1990-1999 levels to 2000-2009 levels, driven by imports of beef, non muscle pork products, and the opening of the poultry market. Recovery of Asian food demand will prompt dairy prices to grow by about 1 percent per year over the next decade. Total milk production is projected to increase, with particularly strong growth in the United States, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. Most of the growth occurs through yield increases. Per capita cheese consumption is expected to grow by 1 to 2 percent a year in most countries.Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries,

    From Galaxy Clusters to Ultra-Faint Dwarf Spheroidals: A Fundamental Curve Connecting Dispersion-supported Galaxies to Their Dark Matter Halos

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    We examine scaling relations of dispersion-supported galaxies over more than eight orders of magnitude in luminosity by transforming standard fundamental plane parameters into a space of mass (M1/2), radius (r1/2), and luminosity (L1/2). We find that from ultra-faint dwarf spheroidals to giant cluster spheroids, dispersion-supported galaxies scatter about a one-dimensional "fundamental curve" through this MRL space. The weakness of the M1/2-L1/2 slope on the faint end may imply that potential well depth limits galaxy formation in small galaxies, while the stronger dependence on L1/2 on the bright end suggests that baryonic physics limits galaxy formation in massive galaxies. The mass-radius projection of this curve can be compared to median dark matter halo mass profiles of LCDM halos in order to construct a virial mass-luminosity relationship (Mvir-L) for galaxies that spans seven orders of magnitude in Mvir. Independent of any global abundance or clustering information, we find that (spheroidal) galaxy formation needs to be most efficient in halos of Mvir ~ 10^12 Msun and to become inefficient above and below this scale. Moreover, this profile matching technique is most accurate at the high and low luminosity extremes (where dark matter fractions are highest) and is therefore quite complementary to statistical approaches that rely on having a well-sampled luminosity function. We also consider the significance and utility of the scatter about this relation, and find that in the dSph regime observational errors are almost at the point where we can explore the intrinsic scatter in the luminosity-virial mass relation. Finally, we note that purely stellar systems like Globular Clusters and Ultra Compact Dwarfs do not follow the fundamental curve relation. This allows them to be easily distinguished from dark-matter dominated dSph galaxies in MRL space. (abridged)Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, ApJ accepted. High-res movies of 3D figures are available at http://www.physics.uci.edu/~bullock/fcurve/movies.htm

    FAPRI 2000 World Agricultural Outlook

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    The Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) prepares a preliminary agricultural outlook on world agricultural production, consumption, and trade every fall. This is followed by an outside review, re-evaluation of projections, and completion of the final baseline in January. The FAPRI 2000 World Agricultural Outlook presents these final projections for world agricultural markets. A companion volume, the FAPRI 2000 U.S. Agricultural Outlook, presents the U.S. component of the baseline