2,071 research outputs found
In this study, the effects of E.F. in 10 and 40 minutes periods every day, in midday
and normal room conditions to the plant Cactus suculent was investigated. The E.F. was
applied by two plates that are charged by negative and positive charges. After the E.F.
application, the plants are carried into chilling colds (-17 ⁰C, 15/21 light/dark), other plants
carried to normal conditions . Both plant groups are marked with numbers. All plant groups
were exposed to cold 40 minutes after E.F. application. All trials( ten times) are repeated and
their results are analysed statistically.
This experiment is carried in June-July-August-September months for 105 days in
10 minutes of E.F. has no differences with the control group in normal conditions but
it was observed that they have more lifetime. However, it was observed that 40 minutes of
E.F. has inhibitory effects
Concurrent Model Transformations with Linda
Nowadays, model transformations languages and engines use a sequential execution model. This is, only one execution thread deals with the whole transformation. However, model transformations dealing with very large models, such as those used in biology or aerospace applications, require concurrent solutions in order to speed up their performance. In this ongoing work we explore the
use of Linda for implementing a set of basic mechanisms to enable concurrent model transformations, and present our initial results.Proyectos TIN2011-23795, TIN2011-15497-E y Andalucía Tech Campus de Excelencia
New virtually scaling free adaptive CORDIC rotator
In this article we propose a novel CORDIC rotator algorithm that eliminates the problems of scale factor compensation and limited range of convergence associated with the classical CORDIC algorithm. In our scheme, depending on the target angle or the initial coordinate of the vector, a scaling by 1 or 1/?2 is needed that can be realised with minimal hardware. The proposed CORDIC rotator adaptively selects appropriate iteration steps and converges to the final result by executing 50% less number of iterations on an average compared to that required for the classical CORDIC. Unlike classical CORDIC, the final value of the scale factor is completely independent of number of executed iterations. Based on the proposed algorithm, a 16-bit pipelined CORDIC rotator implementation has been described. The silicon area of the fabricated pipelined CORDIC rotator core is 2.73 mm2. This is equivalent to 38 k inverter gates in IHP in-house 0.25 ?m BiCMOS technology. The average dynamic power consumption of the fabricated CORDIC rotator is 17 mW @ 2.5 V supply and 20Msps throughput. Currently, this CORDIC rotator is used as a part of the baseband processor for a project that aims to design a single-chip wireless modem compliant with IEEE 802.11a and Hiperlan/2
Constitutive activation of the Fas/FasL and CD28/CTLA-4 pathways in scurfy mice: implications for peripheral tolerance
Scurfy is an X-linked recessive disorder in mice characterized by the accumulation of activated lymphocytes in the peripheral lymphoid organs, culminating in early lethality due to severe wasting and cytokine toxicity. The gene(s) responsible for the scurfy phenotype are unknown, but the massive lymphoproliferation implies a loss of immune tolerance. Although a defect in thymic selection has not been excluded, the phenotype is more consistent with a polyclonal activation of the peripheral immune system. We have examined two pathways that have been documented to maintain peripheral lymphocyte homeostasis, the Fas-FasL pathway and the CD28/CTLA-4/B7 pathway. The Fas pathway is responsible for the activation-induced cell death (AICD) of lymphocytes at the termination of an immune response. It plays a critical role in restoring lymphocyte homeostasis and limiting the potentially deleterious effects of prolonged cytokine secretion. Mice with defects in the Fas-FasL pathway exhibit severe lymphoproliferation and autoimmune disease. In addition to the apoptotic pathway mediated by Fas-FasL, signalling through the CTLA-4 T cell receptor provides a negative regulatory signal to T cells, blocking cell cycle progression. In the absence of CTLA-4, the peripheral immune system is massively activated, leading to a lymphoproliferative phenotype very similar to scurfy. Our data suggest that both the Fas-FasL and CD28/CTLA-4/B7 pathways are activated in scurfy mice. Although scurfy lymphocytes demonstrate evidence of previous and recent activation, have upregulated Fas mRNA, Fas cell surface expression, and FasL mRNA, we detect negligible levels of apoptosis in freshly isolated scurfy lymphocytes. It is unclear why activated lymphocytes that are phenotypically primed for apoptosis are accumulating in scurfy peripheral lymphoid organs. However, our data excludes an intrinsic defect in the Fas apoptotic pathway. If provided with an exogenous signal through the Fas receptor, scurfy lymphocytes rapidly and spontaneously undergo apoptosis
A CORDIC like processor for computation of arctangent and absolute magnitude of a vector
In this paper, we propose a CORDIC like algorithm for computing absolute magnitude of a vector and its corresponding phase angle. It eliminates scale factor compensation step as well as the addition/subtraction operation along the z datapath. The synthesis result shows that the proposed processor is hardware economic and suitable for low power applications
Baseband processor for IEEE 802.11a standard with embedded BIST
In this paper results of an IEEE 802.11a compliant low-power baseband processor implementation are presented. The detailed structure of the baseband processor and its constituent blocks is given. A design for testability strategy based on Built-In Self-Test (BIST) is proposed. Finally implementational results and power estimation are reported
A 16-bit CORDIC rotator for high-performance wireless LAN
In this paper we propose a novel 16-bit low power CORDIC rotator that is used for high-speed wireless LAN. The algorithm converges to the final target angle by adaptively selecting appropriate iteration steps while keeping the scale factor virtually constant. The VLSI architecture of the proposed design eliminates the entire arithmetic hardware in the angle approximation datapath and reduces the number of iterations by 50% on an average. The cell area of the processor is 0.7 mm2 and it dissipates 7 mW power at 20 MHz frequency
OFDM synchronizer implementation for an IEEE 802.11(a) compliant modem
In OFDM transmissions, synchronization arises to be one of the most critical operations. The reason for that is the preservation of orthogonality: timing offsets and frequency offsets destroy easily this orthogonality, leading to Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) as well as Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI). This paper is focused on the implementation of a synchronizer for the IEEE 802.11a standard, which is based on the OFDM transmission scheme. Furthermore, during this year the first chips compliant with the standard are to be deployed, for that reason we also present a comparison of our solution, which is based on the one presented in with two other ones proposed
Avances en el uso del plasma rico en factores de crecimiento en la regeneración periodontal.
293 p.El envejecimiento global de la población está aumentando de manera acelerada. Estos cambios demográficos conllevan un aumento en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas relacionadas con la edad y asociadas a un incremento en la ingesta de medicamentos. En la medida en que las necesidades sociales y sanitarias de la sociedad varían, la presión por desarrollar nuevas alternativas aumenta. En los últimos años, el creciente conocimiento de los procesos biológicos implicados en la regeneración tisular ha favorecido el camino para desarrollar nuevas terapias con el objetivo final de promover y acelerar dicha regeneración. En este contexto, la medicina personalizada está emergiendo como una opción terapéutica prometedora que se basa en la compleja singularidad de cada paciente ofreciendo tratamientos a medida.La compleja estructura del periodonto y la interacción estructural de múltiples tejidos blandos y duros convierte a la regeneración periodontal en un proceso único. Las enfermedades periodontales se caracterizan por afectar a la composición e integridad de todas esas estructuras involucradas en el periodonto cuyo funcionamiento sólo se alcanza mediante la integración estructural de todos sus componentes. La periodontitis está considerada como la condición inflamatoria crónica más común en los humanos, cuya prevalencia aumenta con la edad. La carga mundial como consecuencia de la morbilidad, costes e impacto socioeconómico es notoriamente elevada. Por el contrario, la patología de la osteonecrosis de los maxilares inducida por bifosfonatos (BRONJ) es relativamente poco común, sin embargo, presenta importantes repercusiones tanto para la calidad de vida del paciente como para los recursos médicos. El tratamiento terapéutico para estas patologías sigue siendo controvertido y aún no se ha establecido una terapia estándar para estas enfermedades. Teniendo en cuenta las actuales limitaciones de los enfoques terapéuticos disponibles, los esfuerzos en investigación se están dirigiendo hacia la ingeniería de tejidos. Este enfoque alternativo, se centra en superar las deficiencias de las modalidades de tratamiento convencionales para restaurar la arquitectura y funcionalidad originales. El uso efectivo y pertinente de la ingeniería de tejidos requiere la integración de tres componentes esenciales: una población de células progenitoras multipotentes, moléculas de señalización y matrices biocompatibles[8]. En este sentido, la terapia con células madre representa una herramienta emergente y prometedora por su gran potencial terapéutico en la medicina regenerativa. Las células madre de pulpa dental se obtienen mediante métodos de aislamiento no invasivos, representando así una fuente valiosa de fácil acceso y con propiedades biológicas especiales de células madre mesenquimales y células madre de la cresta neural. Dado que la cantidad de células madre presentes en un determinado tejido es reducida, se requiere una expansión ex vivo para producir una dosis adecuada con el fin de lograr resultados terapéuticos. El suero bovino fetal se ha utilizado durante mucho tiempo como un suplemento de cultivo celular estándar ampliamente aceptado tanto para investigación como para uso clínico. Sin embargo, cuestiones como la limitada disponibilidad, el riesgo de contaminación por patógenos, los problemas éticos relacionados con el bienestar animal o la inducción de reacciones inmunológicas en el huésped, han llevado a explorar otras alternativas para proporcionar productos de terapia celular seguros, regulados y efectivos para los pacientes. Actualmente, se están explorando numerosos productos autólogos derivados de la sangre humana como posibles alternativas al uso del suero bovino fetal.En los últimos años, los derivados plaquetarios han surgido como nuevas herramientas para ser utilizadas por sus propiedades en la reparación tisular. En este sentido, la tecnología del plasma rico en factores de crecimiento (PRGF) es pionera en el uso autólogo de factores de crecimiento, proteínas y biomateriales derivados del plasma y de las plaquetas con fines curativos. La versatilidad de esta tecnología le ha permitido ser aplicada con seguridad y eficacia en diferentes campos de la biomedicina (ortopedia, oftalmología, cirugía oral y maxilofacial y dermatología), así como alternativa al uso de productos xenogénicos en la expansión celular ex vivo.Por todo ello, mediante esta tesis se pretende realizar un trabajo de investigación que evalúe in vitro el potencial terapéutico de la tecnología autóloga PRGF en el tratamiento de dos patologías orales: periodontitis y BRONJ, y su aplicabilidad en terapias celulares, con objeto de estimular la regeneración tisular.Uirmi:University Institute for Regenerative Medecine and Oral Implantolog
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