2,154 research outputs found

    Dispersion interactions from a local polarizability model

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    A local approximation for dynamic polarizability leads to a nonlocal functional for the long-range dispersion interaction energy via an imaginary-frequency integral. We analyze several local polarizability approximations and argue that the form underlying the construction of our recent van der Waals functional [O. A. Vydrov and T. Van Voorhis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063004 (2009)] is particularly well physically justified. Using this improved formula, we compute dynamic dipole polarizabilities and van der Waals C_6 coefficients for a set of atoms and molecules. Good agreement with the benchmark values is obtained in most cases

    K-12 And Beyond: Tennessees Businesses Evaluate The States Educational System

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    A survey of Tennessee’s business leaders was conducted to determine their perceptions of the state’s educational system. Respondents indicated that lower grades were performing average or above, other grades and institutions must improve

    A Self-Consistent Microscopic Theory of Surface Superconductivity

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    The electronic structure of the superconducting surface sheath in a type-II superconductor in magnetic fields Hc2<H<Hc3H_{c2}<H<H_{c3} is calculated self-consistently using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. We find that the pair potential Δ(x)\Delta(x) exhibits pronounced Friedel oscillations near the surface, in marked contrast with the results of Ginzburg-Landau theory. The role of magnetic edge states is emphasized. The local density of states near the surface shows a significant depletion near the Fermi energy due to the development of local superconducting order. We suggest that this structure could be unveiled by scanning-tunneling microscopy studies performed near the edge of a superconducting sample.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex 3.0, 3 postscript figures appende

    Palomar adaptive optics project: status and performance

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    We describe the current performance of the Palomar 200 inch (5 m) adaptive optics system, which in December of 1998 achieved its first high order (241 actuators) lock on a natural guide star. In the K band (2.2 micrometer), the system has achieved Strehl ratios as high as 50% in the presence of 1.0 arcsecond seeing (0.5 micrometer). Predictions of the system's performance based on the analysis of real-time wavefront sensor telemetry data and an analysis based on a fitted Kolmogorov atmospheric model are shown to both agree with the observed science image performance. Performance predictions for various seeing conditions are presented and an analysis of the error budget is used to show which subsystems limit the performance of the AO system under various atmospheric conditions

    Elevated estuary water temperature drives fish gut dysbiosis and increased loads of pathogenic vibrionaceae

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    Marine water temperatures are increasing globally, with eastern Australian estuaries warming faster than predicted. There is growing evidence that this rapid warming of coastal waters is increasing the abundance and virulence of pathogenic members of the Vibrionaceae, posing a significant health risk to both humans and aquatic organisms. Fish disease, notably outbreaks of emerging pathogens in response to environmental perturbations such as heatwaves, have been recognised in aquaculture settings. Considerably less is known about how rising sea surface temperatures will impact the microbiology of wild fish populations, particularly those within estuarine systems that are more vulnerable to warming. We used a combination of Vibrio-specific quantitative PCR and amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA and hsp60 genes to examine seawater and fish (Pelates sexlineatus) gut microbial communities across a quasi-natural experimental system, where thermal pollution from coal-fired power stations creates a temperature gradient of up to 6 °C, compatible with future predicted temperature increases. At the warmest site, fish hindgut microbial communities were in a state of dysbiosis characterised by shifts in beta diversity and a proliferation (71.5% relative abundance) of the potential fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae. Comparable patterns were not identified in the surrounding seawater, indicating opportunistic proliferation within estuarine fish guts under thermal stress. A subsequent evaluation of predicted future warming-related risk due to pathogenic Vibrionaceae in temperate estuarine fish demonstrated that warming is likely to drive opportunistic pathogen increases in the upper latitudinal range of this estuarine fish, potentially impacting adaptations to future warming. These findings represent a breakthrough in our understanding of the dynamics of emerging pathogens in populations of wild aquatic organisms within environments likely to experience rapid warming under future climate change

    Behcet disease (BD) and BD-like clinical phenotypes : NF-kappa B pathway in mucosal ulcerating diseases

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    Behcet's disease (BD) is a heterogeneous multi-organ disorder in search of a unified pathophysiological theory and classification. The disease frequently has overlapping features resembling other disease clusters, such as vasculitides, spondyloarthritides and thrombophilias with similar genetic risk variants, namelyHLA-B*51,ERAP1,IL-10,IL-23R. Many of the BD manifestations, such as unprovoked recurrent episodes of inflammation and increased expression of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF alpha, overlap with those of the hereditary monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes, positioning BD at the crossroads between autoimmune and autoinflammatory syndromes. BD-like disease associates with various inborn errors of immunity, including familial Mediterranean fever, conditions related to dysregulated NF-kappa B activation (egTNFAIP3,NFKB1,OTULIN,RELA,IKBKG) and either constitutional trisomy 8 or acquired trisomy 8 in myelodysplastic syndromes. We review here the recent advances in the immunopathology of BD, BD-like diseases and the NF-kappa B pathway suggesting new elements in the elusive BD etiopathogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Legacy metal contamination is reflected in the fish gut microbiome in an urbanised estuary

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    Estuaries are critical habitats subject to a range of stressors requiring effective management. Microbes are gaining recognition as effective environmental indicators, however, the response of host associated communities to stressors remains poorly understood. We examined microbial communities from seawater, sediments and the estuarine fish Pelates sexlineatus, in Australia\u27s largest urbanised estuary, and hypothesised that anthropogenic contamination would be reflected in the microbiology of these sample types. The human faecal markers Lachno3 and HF183 were not detected, indicating negligible influence of sewage, but a gradient in copy numbers of the class 1 integron (intI-1), which is often used as a marker for anthropogenic contamination, was observed in sediments and positively correlated with metal concentrations. While seawater communities were not strongly driven by metal contamination, shifts in the diversity and composition of the fish gut microbiome were observed, with statistical links to levels of metal contamination (F2, 21 = 1.536, p \u3c 0.01). Within the fish gut microbiome, we further report increased relative abundance of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs; single inferred DNA sequences obtained in sequencing) identified as metal resistant and potentially pathogenic genera, as well as those that may have roles in inflammation. These results demonstrate that microbial communities from distinct habitats within estuarine systems have unique response to stressors, and alterations of the fish gut microbiome may have implications for the adaptation of estuarine fish to legacy metal contamination

    Why Wait?: Early Enteral Feeding After Pediatric Gastrostomy Tube Placement

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    Purpose Early initiation of feedings after gastrostomy tube (GT) placement may reduce associated hospital costs, but many surgeons fear complications could result from earlier feeds. We hypothesized that, irrespective of placement method, starting feedings within the first 6 h following GT placement would not result in a greater number of post-operative complications. Methods An IRB-approved retrospective review of all GTs placed between January 2012 and December 2014 at three academic institutions was undertaken. Data was stratified by placement method and whether the patient was initiated on feeds at less than 6 h or after. Baseline demographics, operative variables, post-operative management and complications were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were used and P-values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results One thousand and forty-eight patients met inclusion criteria. GTs were inserted endoscopically (48.9%), laparoscopically (44.9%), or via an open approach (6.2%). Demographics were similar in early and late fed groups. When controlling for method of placement, those patients who were fed within the first 6 h after gastrostomy placement had shorter lengths of stay compared to those fed greater than 6 h after placement (P < 0.05). Total post-operative outcomes were equivalent between feeding groups for all methods of placement (laparoscopic (P = 0.87), PEG (P = 0.94), open (P = 0.81)). Conclusions Early initiation of feedings following GT placement was not associated with an increase in complications. Feeds initiated earlier may shorten hospital stays and decrease overall hospital costs

    Solar system science with subarcsecond slit spectroscopy

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    During its first year of shared-risk observations, the PALAO/PHARO adaptive optics system has been employed to obtain near-infrared R approximately 1000 spectra of solar system targets at spectroscopic slit widths of 0.5 and 0.1 arcsec, and corresponding spatial resolution along the slit as fine as 0.08 arcsec. Phenomena undergoing initial investigation include condensate formation in the atmospheres of Neptune, and the Saturnian moon, Titan. We present the results of this AO spectroscopy campaign and discuss AO specific considerations in the reduction and interpretation of this data

    Ice supersaturations exceeding 100% at the cold tropical tropopause: implications for cirrus formation and dehydration

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    International audienceRecent in situ measurements at tropical tropopause temperatures as low as 187 K indicate supersaturations with respect to ice exceeding 100% with little or no ice present. In contrast, models used to simulate cloud formation near the tropopause assume a supersaturation threshold for ice nucleation of about 65% based on laboratory measurements of sulfate aerosol freezing. The high supersaturations reported here, along with cloud simulations assuming a plausible range of temperature histories in the sampled air mass, indicate that the vast majority of aerosols in the air sampled on this flight must have had supersaturation thresholds for ice nucleation exceeding 100% (i.e. near liquid water saturation at these temperatures). Possible explanations for this high threshold are that (1) the expressions used for calculating vapor pressure over supercooled water at low temperatures give values at least 20% too low, (2) most of the available aerosols had a composition that makes them much more resistant to ice nucleation than aerosols used in laboratory experiments, and (3) organic films on the aerosol surfaces reduce their accommodation coefficient for uptake of water, resulting in aerosols with more concentrated solutions when moderate-rapid cooling occurs and correspondingly inhibited homogeneous freezing. Simulations of in situ cloud formation in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) throughout the tropics indicate that if these decreased accommodation coefficients and resulting high thresholds for ice nucleation prevailed throughout the tropics, then the calculated occurrence frequency and areal coverage of TTL cirrus would be significantly suppressed. However, the simulations also show that even if in situ TTL cirrus form only over a very small fraction of the tropics in the western Pacific, enough air passes through them due to rapid horizontal transport such that they can still effectively freeze-dry air entering the stratosphere
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