1,600 research outputs found

    Riches to Rags: Claude Francis Poullart des Places

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    Contents Introduction: A Role Model for Modern Youth (p. 5) Foreword: From Riches to Rags (p. 8) Chapter 1: Family Background and Early Years, Rennes (1679-1688) (p. 12) Chapter 2: High School Days, Rennes and Caen (1688-1695) (p. 17) Chapter 3: University Studies in Law, Nantes (1695-1701) (p. 27) Chapter 4: Choosing a Path Less Travelled, Rennes (1701) (p. 34) Chapter 5: Theological Studies, Paris (1701-1703) (p. 39) Chapter 6: The Long Road to the Priesthood, Paris (1702-1707) (p. 55) Chapter 7: Founder of a New Seminary, Paris (1702-1707) (p. 63) Chapter 8: Tragic Early Death of the Founder, Paris (1709) (p. 79) Epilogue: Tri-Centennial Reflections (p. 90) Appendices (p. 93)https://dsc.duq.edu/spiritan-books/1048/thumbnail.jp

    The route and timing of hydrogen sulfide therapy critically impacts intestinal recovery following ischemia and reperfusion injury

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    PURPOSE: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has many beneficial properties and may serve as a novel treatment in patients suffering from intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury (I/R). The purpose of this study was to examine the method of delivery and timing of administration of H2S for intestinal therapy during ischemic injury. We hypothesized that 1) route of administration of hydrogen sulfide would impact intestinal recovery following acute mesenteric ischemia and 2) preischemic H2S conditioning using the optimal mode of administration as determined above would provide superior protection compared to postischemic application. METHODS: Male C57BL/6J mice underwent intestinal ischemia by temporary occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery. Following ischemia, animals were treated according to one of the following (N=6 per group): intraperitoneal or intravenous injection of GYY4137 (H2S-releasing donor, 50mg/kg in PBS), vehicle, inhalation of oxygen only, inhalation of 80ppm hydrogen sulfide gas. Following 24-h recovery, perfusion was assessed via laser Doppler imaging, and animals were euthanized. Perfusion and histology data were assessed, and terminal ileum samples were analyzed for cytokine production following ischemia. Once the optimal route of administration was determined, preischemic conditioning with H2S was undertaken using that route of administration. All data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney. P-values <0.05 were significant. RESULTS: Mesenteric perfusion following intestinal I/R was superior in mice treated with intraperitoneal (IP) GYY4137 (IP vehicle: 25.6±6.0 vs. IP GYY4137: 79.7±15.1; p=0.02) or intravenous (IV) GYY4137 (IV vehicle: 36.3±5.9 vs. IV GYY4137: 100.7±34.0; p=0.03). This benefit was not observed with inhaled H2S gas (O2 vehicle: 66.6±11.4 vs. H2S gas: 81.8±6.0; p=0.31). However, histological architecture was only preserved with intraperitoneal administration of GYY4127 (IP vehicle: 3.4±0.4 vs. IP GYY4137: 2±0.3; p=0.02). Additionally, IP GYY4137 allowed for significant attenuation of inflammatory chemokine production of IL-6, IP-10 and MIP-2. We then analyzed whether there was a difference between pre- and postischemic administration of IP GYY4137. We found that preconditioning of animals with intraperitoneal GYY4137 only added minor improvements in outcomes compared to postischemic application. CONCLUSION: Therapeutic benefits of H2S are superior with intraperitoneal application of an H2S donor compared to other administration routes. Additionally, while intraperitoneal treatment in both the pre- and postischemic period is beneficial, preischemic application of an H2S donor was found to be slightly better. Further studies are needed to examine long term outcomes and further mechanisms of action prior to widespread clinical application. TYPE OF STUDY: Basic science. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: N/A

    Spatial patterns in host-associated and free-living bacterial communities across six temperate estuaries

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    A major goal of microbial ecology is to establish the importance of spatial and environmental factors in driving community variation. Their relative importance likely varies across spatial scales, but focus has primarily been on free-living communities within well-connected aquatic environments rather than less connected island-like habitats such as estuaries, and key host-associated communities within these systems. Here we sampled both free-living (seawater and sediment) and host-associated (estuarine fish hindgut microbiome, Pelates sexlineatus) communities across six temperate Australian estuaries spanning ∼500 km. We find that spatial and environmental factors have different influences on these communities, with seawater demonstrating strong distance-decay relationships (R = -0.69) and significant associations with a range of environmental variables. Distance-decay relationships were weak for sediment communities but became stronger over smaller spatial scales (within estuaries, R = -0.5), potentially reflecting environmental filtering across biogeochemical gradients or stochastic processes within estuary sediments. Finally, P. sexlineatus hindgut microbiome communities displayed weak distance-decay relationships (R = -0.36), and limited variation explained by environmental variables, indicating the significance of host-related factors in driving community variation. Our findings provide important ecological insights into the spatial distributions and driving forces of both free-living and host-associated bacterial patterns across temperate estuarine systems

    Science camera calibration for extreme adaptive optics

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    The nascent field of planet detection has yielded a host of extra-solar planet detections. To date, these detections have been the result of indirect techniques: the planet is inferred by precisely measuring its effect on the host star. Direct observation of extra-solar planets remains a challenging yet compelling goal. In this vein, the Center for Adaptive Optics has proposed a ground-based, high-actuator density extreme AO system (XAOPI), for a large (~10 m) telescope whose ultimate goal is to directly evidence a specific class of these objects: young and massive planets. Detailed system wave-front error budgets suggest that this system is a feasible, if not an ambitious, proposition. One key element in this error budget is the calibration and maintenance of the science camera wave front with respect to the wave-front sensor which currently has an allowable contribution of ~ 5 nanometers rms. This talk first summarizes the current status of calibration on existing ground-based AO systems, the magnitude of this effect in the system error budget and current techniques for mitigation. Subsequently, we will explore the nature of this calibration error term, it’s source in the non-commonality between the science camera and wave front sensor, and the effect of the temporal evolution of non-commonality. Finally, we will describe preliminary plans for sensing and controlling this error term. The sensing techniques include phase retrieval, phase contrast and external metrology. To conclude, a calibration scenario that meets the stringent requirement for XAOPI will be discussed

    The Extent of Seasonally Suitable Habitats May Limit Forage Fish Production in a Temperate Estuary

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    The sustained production of sufficient forage is critical to advancing ecosystem-based management, yet factors that affect local abundances and habitat conditions necessary to support aggregate forage production remain largely unexplored. We quantified suitable habitat in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries for four key forage fishes: juvenile spotted hake Urophycis regia, juvenile spot Leiostomus xanthurus, juvenile weakfish Cynoscion regalis, and bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli. We used information from monthly fisheries surveys from 2000 to 2016 coupled with hindcasts from a spatially interpolated model of dissolved oxygen and a 3-D hydrodynamic model of the Chesapeake Bay to identify influential covariates and construct habitat suitability models for each species. Suitable habitat conditions resulted from a complex interplay between water quality and geophysical properties of the environment and varied among species. Habitat suitability indices ranging between 0 (poor) and 1 (superior) were used to estimate seasonal and annual extents of suitable habitats. Seasonal variations in suitable habitat extents in Chesapeake Bay, which were more pronounced than annual variations during 2000–2016, reflected the phenology of estuarine use by these species. Areas near shorelines served as suitable habitats in spring for juvenile spot and in summer for juvenile weakfish, indicating the importance of these shallow areas for production. Tributaries were more suitable for bay anchovy in spring than during other seasons. The relative baywide abundances of juvenile spot and bay anchovy were significantly related to the extent of suitable habitats in summer and winter, respectively, indicating that Chesapeake Bay habitats may be limiting for these species. In contrast, the relative baywide abundances of juvenile weakfish and juvenile spotted hake varied independently of the spatial extent of suitable habitats. In an ecosystem-based approach, areas that persistently provide suitable conditions for forage species such as shoreline and tributary habitats may be targeted for protection or restoration, thereby promoting sufficient production of forage for predators. Further, quantitative habitat targets or spatial thresholds may be developed for habitat-limited species using estimates of the minimum habitat area required to produce a desired abundance or biomass; such targets or thresholds may serve as spatial reference points for management

    Umbilical mesenchymal stromal cells provide intestinal protection through nitric oxide dependent pathways

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    Background Umbilical-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (USCs) have shown promise in the protection of ischemic organs. We hypothesized that USCs would improve mesenteric perfusion, preserve intestinal histological architecture, and limit inflammation by nitric oxide–dependent mechanisms following intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. Methods Adult wild-type C57BL/6J (WT) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase knock out (eNOS KO) mice were used: (1) WT IR + vehicle, (2) WT IR + USC, (3) eNOS KO IR + vehicle, and (4) eNOS KO IR + USC. Mice were anesthetized, and a midline laparotomy was performed. The superior mesenteric artery was clamped with a nonoccluding clamp for 60-min. Following IR, mice were treated with an injection of 250 μL phosphate buffered saline or 2 × 106 USCs suspended in 250-μL phosphate buffered saline solution. Mesenteric perfusion images were acquired using laser Doppler imaging. Perfusion was analyzed as a percentage of baseline. At 24 h, mice were euthanized, and intestines were harvested. Intestines were evaluated for injury, and data were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney or Kruskal–Wallis tests. Results Intestinal mesenteric perfusion was significantly improved in WT mice treated with USC therapy compared with eNOS KOs. Intestinal histological architecture was preserved with USC therapy in WT mice. However, in eNOS KO mice, this benefit was abolished. Finally, the presence of several cytokines and growth factors were significantly improved in WT mice compared with eNOS KO mice treated with USCs. Conclusions The benefits of USC-mediated therapy following intestinal IR injury likely occur via nitric oxide–dependent pathways. Further studies are required to define the molecular mechanisms by which USCs activate endothelial nitric oxide synthase to bring about their protective effects
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