38 research outputs found

    Hipertensão arterial como fator de risco para doenças ateroscleróticas

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    ABSTRACT Hypertension is a chronic, slowly evolving, silent disease. The pathology generates a dysfunction in arterial endothelial tissue, causing significant physiological and morphological changes in the vascular system. Hypertension is considered one of the main risk factors for the development of atherosclerotic diseases such as acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease, pathologies with high mortality rates and sequelae. The aim of this work was to identify the influence of hypertension on the development of these three atherosclerotic pathologies. Data analysis was performed using the chi-square method. The study included 137,211 patients with atherosclerotic disease, with a history of hypertension or not. Statistical analysis indicated that 65.8% of patients with ischemic stroke, 60.1% with acute myocardial infarction, and 57.7% with peripheral arterial disease had a history of hypertension. The work evidenced arterial hypertension as an important predictor risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic diseases, present in more than half of the analyzed patients. The results suggest that patients with arterial hypertension would have a higher propensity for the development of ischemic stroke.   Keywords hypertension. atherosclerosis. acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke. peripheral arterial disease.A hipertensão arterial é uma doença crônica, de evolução lenta e silenciosa. A patologia gera uma disfunção no tecido endotelial arterial, causando mudanças fisiológicas e morfológicas significativas no sistema vascular. A hipertensão arterial é considerada um dos principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças ateroscleróticas como infarto agudo no miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico e doença arterial periférica, patologias com altos índices de mortalidade e sequelas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a influência da hipertensão arterial no desenvolvimento dessas três patologias ateroscleróticas. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do método qui- quadrado. O estudo incluiu 137.211 pacientes com doença aterosclerótica, com histórico ou não de hipertensão arterial. A análise estatística indicou que 65,8% dos pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico, 60,1% com infarto agudo do miocárdio e 57,7% com doença arterial periférica, tinham histórico de hipertensão arterial. O trabalho evidenciou a hipertensão arterial como um importante fator de risco preditor para o desenvolvimento de doenças ateroscleróticas, presente em mais da metade dos pacientes analisados. Os resultados sugerem que pacientes com hipertensão arterial teriam uma propensão maior para o desenvolvimento de acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico.   Palavras-chave hipertensão arterial. aterosclerose. infarto agudo do miocárdio. acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. doença arterial periférica

    Interação entre cateter e sangue venoso

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    Abstract When human physiological needs are affected, some therapies to be achieved may require specific resources, such as the use of biomaterials. Thus, to support life, various devices have been developed over the years, such as probes/catheters for the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and vascular systems, among others. These medical devices differ from the constitution of the materials to the designs. In this universe, we chose to discuss venous catheters in terms of dimensions, durability, insertion, infection/biofilm, material, innovations, technological advances and adverse events. The study was carried out through a systematic literature review on pubmed, academic google and complementary materials were listed because they could make it possible to raise these criteria and contribute with fundamental information to the understanding of the interaction of the catheter with the blood. The relevance of the present study is due to the interdisciplinary overview focused on the venous catheter. It was noticed that the technological development of these medical devices took place over the years, however, conflicting traits about the catheter are still found in the literature, it is mentioned: the obstruction by blood clot related to the use of anticoagulant x saline solution as forms of solve the problem; different recommendations on the durability of the catheter linked to the material type. Therefore, it was concluded that the circumstances of the venous catheter are complex, as are the substrate/blood interface relationships and adverse events. It is noted that the events associated with the catheter have an interdisciplinary character, involving knowledge of biotechnology, pharmacology, nursing, engineering, etc.Quando as necessidades fisiológicas humanas são acometidas, algumas terapêuticas para serem alcançadas podem demandar recursos específicos, tais como o uso de biomateriais. Assim, para dar suporte à vida, desenvolveram-se ao longo dos anos diversos dispositivos, como sondas/cateteres para o sistema digestório, respiratório, urinário, vascular, entre outros. Esses dispositivos médicos diferem desde a constituição dos materiais a designs. Nesse universo, elegeu-se discorrer sobre os cateteres venosos quanto aos critérios de dimensões, durabilidade, inserção, infecção/biofilme, material, inovações, avanços tecnológicos e eventos adversos. O estudo realizou-se por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática na pubmed, google acadêmico e, materiais complementares foram elencados, porque poderiam possibilitar alçar esses critérios e contribuir com informações fundamentais ao entendimento da interação do cateter com o sangue. A relevância do presente estudo, deve-se ao overview de cunho interdisciplinar com foco sobre o cateter venoso. Percebeu-se, que ocorreu o desenvolvimento tecnológico desses dispositivos médicos ao longo dos anos, porém, ainda se encontra na literatura traços conflitantes acerca do cateter, cita-se: a obstrução por coágulo sanguíneo relacionado ao uso de anticoagulante x solução fisiológica como formas de resolver o problema; diferentes recomendações da durabilidade do cateter atrelado ao tipo material. Portanto, concluiu-se que são complexas as circunstâncias do cateter venoso, assim como as relações de interface substrato/sangue e eventos adversos. Nota-se, que os eventos associados ao cateter têm caráter interdisciplinar, envolvendo conhecimentos da biotecnologia, farmacologia, enfermagem, engenharia, etc.

    Starch-based orodispersible film for diclofenac release

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    The form of drug administration affects the success of treatment, since it can influence adherence of the patient to the therapy. The use of orodispersible films has emerged as a way to overcome some drawbacks of conventional methods of drug delivery, especially for patients experiencing difficulty in swallowing. These films are prepared using a matrix that incorporates the drug and contains other substances that confer the properties of the system. The present work describes the use of thermoplastic starch as a carrier for the model drug diclofenac, including film preparation and testing of its orodispersible potential. Preparation of the film employed a microwave oven to gelatinize and plasticize corn starch, with incorporation of the model drug, followed by solvent-casting. The samples were characterized using mechanical tests, analyses of water uptake and water content, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results indicated that the film presented promising properties as an alternative system for oral drug administration, with good incorporation and distribution of the drug in the matrix. The material displayed satisfactory mechanical properties, which are crucial for this type of material, due to the need for oral administration and handling before use

    Development of luminescent bioactive glass for multimodal diagnostic imaging: Abstract

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    Bioglasss is glass-ceramic biocompatible material that contains silica, calcium, sodium, and phosphate, as main ingredients. It has excellent bioactivity and is widely used for scaffolds, implant devices and for repair of bone defects, among others. Current research aims to develop luminescence bioglass, which will comprise different rare earth (RE) elements and open possibilities for its use in multimodal imaging diagnostics

    Study of the properties of oxidized cellulose plus bioglass as a new bioink for application in regenerative medicine

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    There are numerous researches on biomaterials, with the association of some natural and synthetic polymers and ceramic materials, for the development of hydrogels and bioinks, in an attempt to develop a biomaterial that is resistant, biocompatible and bioactive, which forms a bond with the host tissues and promotes tissue regeneration. The purpose of this work is to produce a bioink based on a hydrogel of chemically oxidized cellulose and bioglass (58S) for application in regenerative medicine. In this study, the chemically oxidized cellulose gel was obtained from a natural source of sugar cane bagasse, the material was washed, bleached, chemically treated with the TEMPO reagent and sonicated to obtain a viscous gel. Tertiary bioglass (58S) obtained by the sol-gel method was used because it showed better viability and cell proliferation. Chemically oxidized cellulose and bioglass (58S) were combined to form the composite. The results obtained were promising for characterizing the composite as a bioink. In this way, the rheological tests characterized the composite as a hydrogel. Subsequently, to form the bioink, bone cells (MG-63) were inserted inside the hydrogel. The results of the cell tests showed that after ten days the cells were still viable, as well as DAPI showing that the cells were inserted inside the material, characterizing it as a bioink and the Alizarin Red test showing the ability to form a mineralized matrix

    Hydroxyapatite grafting with alanine amino acid - efficiency of different methods

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) attracts great attention due to application in reconstructive medicine for hard tissues, mostly bones and teeth, where it is declared to be highly biocompatible material. Its grafting with amino acids further increases biocompatibility and has crucial importance for acceptance of body implants. In this work different methods of grafting were investigated: simple mixing, thermal treatment induction and in situ synthesis/grafting reactions. Two amino acid precursors were separately tested in grafting procedures: pure alanine and alanine methyl ester hydrochloride. The efficiency of grafting was determined based on X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermal analyses (DSC, TG/DTA) of obtained powders, while complementary UV-VIS spectroscopy of supernatants was additionally performed for quantitative determination of non-grafted nitrogen using ninhydrin standardized procedure

    Hydroxyapatite grafting with alanine amino acid - efficiency of different methods

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) attracts great attention due to application in reconstructive medicine for hard tissues, mostly bones and teeth, where it is declared to be highly biocompatible material. Its grafting with amino acids further increases biocompatibility and has crucial importance for acceptance of body implants. In this work different methods of grafting were investigated: simple mixing, thermal treatment induction and in situ synthesis/grafting reactions. Two amino acid precursors were separately tested in grafting procedures: pure alanine and alanine methyl ester hydrochloride. The efficiency of grafting was determined based on X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermal analyses (DSC, TG/DTA) of obtained powders, while complementary UV-VIS spectroscopy of supernatants was additionally performed for quantitative determination of non-grafted nitrogen using ninhydrin standardized procedure

    Guava: phytochemical composition of a potential source of antioxidants for cosmetic and/or dermatological applications

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    Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a native fruit of the American tropics with commercial applications for its taste, flavor and aroma. Numerous pharmacological uses have been described for it, such as the antiseptic effect of its leaves, the use of the fresh fruit and tea from its leaves for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes mellitus, and others. However, considering its rich composition, the guava also is a potential source of antioxidants to be used in the development of new formulations for cosmetic and/or dermatological applications, the main focus of this research. Herein, we describe the study of the phytochemical composition and the antioxidant activity of a guava extract prepared with non-toxic solvents aiming its use at biological applications. High performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry were employed to identify the major components, while thermoanalytical measurements and hot stage microscopy were used to assess the chemical stability of guava fruit extract. The antioxidant activity was also evaluated assessing the SOD-like activity and ABTS free radical scavenger. The results show that the extract is a rich source of phenolic compounds, such as quercetin, kaempferol, schottenol, among many others. All of the components found in guava extract exhibit biological effects according to the literature data, mainly antioxidant properties


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    O novo modelo no mercado de alimentos requer novas políticas e estratégias para atender a uma demandaexigente em qualidade com sustentabilidade. No Brasil, têm-se visto nos últimos anos avanços importantesna afirmação das Indicações Geográficas (IG) como uma opção de padrão de qualidade e de valorizaçãodas atividades do campo. Até hoje, no Brasil, o maior avanço das IGs tem sido nas regiões e nos produtosassociados com o modelo europeu de agricultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o processo deobtenção da IG para o café do Planalto de Vitória da Conquista, na busca de valorização, reconhecimento eproteção do produto. A região do Planalto de Vitória da Conquista apresenta a maior área plantada de cafédo Nordeste brasileiro, tradicionalmente produz um dos melhores cafés do Brasil, com grande notoriedade ereputação no mercado, tanto pelo seu aspecto, quanto pela sua bebida de alta qualidade. A área da indicaçãogeográfica são aquelas com altitude acima de 700 metros, onde os efeitos do clima somados ao saber fazerdos produtores rurais promovem resultado de um produto de qualidade, que é o café despolpado, o qualapresenta uma bebida de alto padrão e única, consagrada pelos vários prêmios obtidos nos concursos de café,tanto nacional como estadual. A obtenção da IG com Denominação de Origem protege a proveniência ereconhece o produto pelas suas características, melhorando sua comercialização e valorização, contribuindoassim para o desenvolvimento regional de forma sustentável

    Transparent bionanocomposites with improved properties prepared from acetylated bacterial cellulose and poly(lactic acid) through a simple approach

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    The preparation and characterization of biocomposite materials with improved properties based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and bacterial cellulose, and, for comparative purposes, vegetal cellulose fibers, both in their pristine form or after acetylation, is reported. The composite materials were obtained through the simple and green mechanical compounding of a PLA matrix and bacterial cellulose nanofibrils (or vegetable fibers), and were characterized by TGA, DSC, tensile assays, DMA, SEM and water uptake. The bionanocomposites obtained from PLA and acetylated bacterial cellulose were particularly interesting, given the considerable improvement in thermal and mechanical properties, as evidenced by the significant increase in both elastic and Young moduli, and in the tensile strength (increments of about 100, 40 and 25%, respectively) at very low nanofiller loadings (up to 6%). These nanocomposites also showed low hygroscopicity and considerable transparency, features reported here for the first time.FCT - PTDC/QUI/68472/2006FCT - SFRH/BPD/63250/2009FCT - L. C. T/ E. T.FCT-CAPES 2009FCT - National Program for Scientific Re-equipmentRede/1509/RME/2005REEQ/515/CTM/200